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Projects and Infos

This is non-CP/M related, PC-/Windows-related stuff

Many of these projects are a bit outdated, but still useful. Feel free to copy the programs and/or the sourcecode.

A great software development tool: Delphi

Delphi is still a great software development tool from Codegear/Embarcadero (formerly Borland), even in the age of "Visual blabla" from Microsoft, the current (commercial) version is Delphi XE. Unfortunately a "free" version Turbo Delphi Explorer (derived from Delphi 2006) seems to be no more available <*>. May be a Delphi 7 PE included in a book will be an alternative way to get still a legal, free version (search for a book named "Delphi für Kids" from "BHV Verlag"). Or pay about 160 Euro for the Delphi XE Starter Edition (as an update from older IDEs), which can now install components, but have a crippled code editor :-(

Object Pascal is still very handy and it is easy to learn.
There are countless ready made Delphi components (see here), so Delphi is still the rapid development tool for a fast prototyping.

One useful utility to search executable program files which are compressed/scrambled by exepackers like UPX is written from me also in Delphi - see here.

Also there are some serious tipps now how to protect yourself against being spyed out - by all kind of programs (new: "Bundestrojaner").

<*> there is only 1 mirror left, (it offer also the turbo hotfix rollup package), and some single sites for Turbo Delphi and Turbo C++/Net Explorer. "" does not offer it anymore.


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