VxWorks Reference Manual : Libraries
wvTmrLib - timer library (WindView)
wvTmrRegister( ) - register a timestamp timer (WindView)
This library allows a WindView timestamp timer to be registered. When this timer is enabled, events are tagged with a timestamp as they are logged.
Seven routines are required: a timestamp routine, a timestamp routine that guarantees interrupt lockout, a routine that enables the timer driver, a routine that disables the timer driver, a routine that specifies the routine to run when the timer hits a rollover, a routine that returns the period of the timer, and a routine that returns the frequency of the timer.
wvTmrLib, wvLib, WindView User's Guide
wvTmrRegister( ) - register a timestamp timer (WindView)
void wvTmrRegister ( UINTFUNCPTR wvTmrRtn, /* timestamp routine */ UINTFUNCPTR wvTmrLockRtn, /* locked timestamp routine */ FUNCPTR wvTmrEnable, /* enable timer routine */ FUNCPTR wvTmrDisable, /* disable timer routine */ FUNCPTR wvTmrConnect, /* connect to timer routine */ UINTFUNCPTR wvTmrPeriod, /* period of timer routine */ UINTFUNCPTR wvTmrFreq /* frequency of timer routine */ )
This routine registers a timestamp routine for each of the following:
- wvTmrRtn
- a timestamp routine, which returns a timestamp when called (must be called with interrupts locked).
- wvTmrLockRtn
- a timestamp routine, which returns a timestamp when called (locks interrupts).
- wvTmrEnable
- an enable-timer routine, which enables the timestamp timer.
- wvTmrDisable
- a disable-timer routine, which disables the timestamp timer.
- wvTmrConnect
- a connect-to-timer routine, which connects a handler to be run when the timer rolls over; this routine should return NULL if the system clock tick is to be used.
- wvTmrPeriod
- a period-of-timer routine, which returns the period of the timer.
- wvTmrFreq
- a frequency-of-timer routine, which returns the frequency of the timer.
If any of these routines is set to NULL, the behavior of instrumented code is undefined.