VxWorks Reference Manual : Libraries
autopushLib - WindNet STREAMS autopush facility (STREAMS Option)
autopushAdd( ) - add a list of automatically pushed STREAMS modules (STREAMS Option)
autopushDelete( ) - delete autopush information for a device (STREAMS Option)
autopushGet( ) - get autopush information for a device (STREAMS Option)
This library consists of routines to support the autopush facility in VxWorks. Autopush is an SVR4 STREAMS feature that allows users to specify module names which are to be pushed onto a device when the device is opened.
autopushAdd( ) - add a list of automatically pushed STREAMS modules (STREAMS Option)
void autopushAdd ( char * arg /* autopush information to be added for device */ )
This routine sets up the autopush configuration for the device passed. The first parameter is the device name, and subsequent parameters are the modules to be pushed. If a clone device is given, the modules are pushed on all minor devices. Modules can be pushed on specific minor devices if a minor device is specified as the device parameter.
autopushDelete( ) - delete autopush information for a device (STREAMS Option)
void autopushDelete ( char * deviceName /* autopush information to be deleted for device */ )
This routine removes autopush configuration information for the device passed. If the device name passed is a clone device, then autopush information for all minor devices is removed. If the device name is a minor device, then autopush information is removed only for that specific minor device.
autopushGet( ) - get autopush information for a device (STREAMS Option)
void autopushGet ( char * deviceName /* device name to get autopush information */ )
This routine displays the autopush configuration information for the device. The device name can be a clone device or a minor device. If the device is a clone device, autopush information is displayed for all minor devices. If the device is a minor device, autopush information is displayed only for the specific minor device.