CPC Game Reviews


This page was last updated on the 4th May 2015.

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This is arguably one of the biggest selections of Amstrad CPC links on the World Wide Web! If any of them aren't working, or the site has moved, then please e-mail me at nich <AT> durge <DOT> org so I can fix the incorrect URL. If you have a website which is relevant to the Amstrad CPC and it is not listed here, then again, e-mail me.

Each website also has a rating out of five, shown using stars. Websites with five stars are well worth checking out, and those with only one star (or maybe two stars) are best left alone. I want to make this list of links as complete as possible, which is why nearly all the Amstrad CPC websites I know of are included here.

Finally, some websites may also have one or more flags next to them. This indicates that the website is Available in that language. Websites with no flag(s) next to them are written in English only.


FTP & Download Sites



NOTE: The ratings given for these emulators relate to the quality of their websites, and not to the emulators themselves. (Most people recommend CaPriCe32, CPCE and WinAPE as the best emulator(s).)


User Groups





Personal Pages
