Record number: H163675 Device: D/T6889 Model: M Hit count: UHC00000 Success count: USC0000 Publication code: PC50 Tip key: Date created: O98/05/13 Date last altered: A98/05/13 Owning B.U.: USA Abstract: INCORRECT RTC OVERVIEW HELP FOR DUTCH NEDERLANDS SYMPTOM: After selecting Dutch (Nederlands) when preparing to install applications from the Ready-To-Configure (RTC) CDROM, the following entry under "Read the Overview" incorrectly states that OS/2 and DOS/Windows 3.x help files and device drivers are included on the RTC CDROM: Softwarebeschrijvingen Het hulpprogramma Ready-to-Configure biedt ondersteunende software voor OS2, Windows 95, Windows NT en DOS/Windows. Toepassingen en stuurprogramma's voor OS/2 Toepassingen en stuurprogramma's voor Windows 95 Toepassingen en stuurprogramma's voor Windows NT Toepassingen en stuurprogramma's voor DOS met Windows PROBLEM ISOLATION AIDS: This tip applies to Ready-To-Configure CDROM's supplied with IBM IntelliStation M-Pro Series 6889 systems. FIX: None. Device drivers for OS/2 and DOS/Windows 3.x operating systems are not included on the RTC CDROM. Availability of device drivers for these operating systems may be found at the following Internet URL: Windows, Windows95, and WindowsNT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. SAS KEYWORDS: CDT CDTMISC CDTOPER PWS PWSMISC PWSOPER D/T6889 6889 UNCLASSIFIED 93525