Subject: Programming the OS/2 Warp GPI ____________________________________ IBM Independent Vendor League IVL News Service New Book Explains OS/2 Graphics Interface ____________________________________ A new book from John Wiley & Sons addresses the Graphics Programming Interface (GPI) for OS/2 Warp, providing step-by-step instructions and accompanying coding examples. The book, written by Stephen Knight and Jeffrey Ryan, covers the full range of OS/2 GPI functions, including the latest additions to OS/2 Warp Version 3. Programming the OS/2 Warp Version 3 GPI includes: - Drawing primitives - Working in coordinate spaces - Character fonts, metrics, sizing and positioning - Metafiles - Transformations - Over 60 screen shots, drawings and tables - Accompanying disk includes: . Graphics editor application . Text browser file . Query printer information . Other utilities The book (416 pages, $39.95 U.S.) can be ordered as ISBN 0-471-10718-2 or through IBM as SR28-5681. Publisher's order line: (800) CALL-WILEY (800-225-5945). Fax: (908) 203-3200. For more information, e-mail: CompBks@JWiley.Com. John Wiley & Sons, a leading supplier of books about OS/2 and related products, is a member of IBM's Independent Vendor League (IVL). The IVL supports individuals and companies who develop and market books, newsletters, magazines, training videos, courseware and consulting services for OS/2 and other IBM personal software products. ____________________________________________________________________ This news release is from the IBM IVL News Service and may be freely copied and distributed. For information about the IVL, call (203) 452-7704, fax (203) 268-1075 or e-mail Send news and distribution changes to (OS/2 is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation.)