Game Title
熱血親子 (SLPS 00006)
Nekketsu Oyako (SLPS 00006)

Hyakutarou Tsukumo

Track List
01. Opening
02. Character Select
03. World 1-1
04. World 1-2
05. World 1 Boss
06. World Clear
07. Game Over
08. World 2-1
09. World 2-2
10. World 2 Boss
11. Unknown
12. World 3-1
13. World 3-2
14. World 3 Boss
15. World 4-1
16. World 4-2
17. World 4 Boss
18. World 5-1
19. World 5-2
20. World 5 Boss
21. Last Boss
22. Ending 1
23. Ending 2

--- Credits ---
Neill Corlett - PSF format and tools.
CaitSith2/Mark Grass' - Generic PSF Driver and tutorial.
Tamogami - Pgconv(PlayStation BGM Converter) 
Squaresoft74 - Metal Slug X PSF and SeqRip v1.00.rar

--- Notes ---
This set uses CaitSith2/Mark Grass' Generic PSF Driver (January 19, 2007)