----- info -----
Original Driver ripped, finally.

The idea to patch the executable on the CD, so it doesn't start running the decompressed 
exe, hit me like a ton of bricks. When I was trying to get that decompressed exe, I 
originally grabbed it from a save state (and did with this one as well), while the game
was running.  This lead to problems, because much of the initialization routine was sort
of skipped over, thinking it was already initialized, even though it wasn't. The main
problem was SsVabTransCompleted never finished.  It does now.

----- Sound / Music Related credits -----
Sound Engineer
  Bill Staeck

Additional Music
  James Gabriel

Music Programmer
  Tsuyoshi Tanaka

Music Staff
  Sound Producer
    Isao Mizoguchi (two-five)
    Noriyuki Iwadare (two-five)

Sound Effects
  Minoru Yamada
  Yasuyuki Konno
  Sanae Kasahara

----- Technical Details -----
If your technically inclined to, look in the technical directory in this set.

----- Credits -----
Neill Corlet - PSF-o-Cycle
Audigy - Provider of game