Patch Name: PHNE_28779 Patch Description: s700 10.20 HP Voice Link (Z7048A) A.03.0[678] patch Creation Date: 03/02/27 Post Date: 03/05/13 Hardware Platforms - OS Releases: s700: 10.20 Products: Z7048A A.03.06 A.03.07 A.03.08 Filesets: VoiceLink.VOICELINK-KRN,A.03.06,A.03.07,A.03.08 Automatic Reboot?: Yes Status: General Release Critical: Yes PHNE_28779: PANIC PHNE_23784: HANG PHNE_23167: PANIC PHNE_21726: PANIC PHNE_21201: PANIC PHNE_20373: PANIC Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700/10.X/PHNE_28779 Symptoms: PHNE_28779: System panic at sramsendcmd+0x58 PHNE_23784: Voice channel hangs. Incoming call rings with no answer. PHNE_23167: System panic at sr_putdata+0x80 PHNE_21726: System panic at sramsendcmd+0x4c PHNE_21201: System panic + 4K buffer memory leak PHNE_20373: System panic + 4K buffer memory leak Defect Description: PHNE_28779: Dereference of b_datap in STREAMS mblk. PHNE_23784: Driver times out while waiting PHNE_23167: Send queue corruption. PHNE_21726: Dereference of NULL data in STREAMS mblk. PHNE_21201: Previous patch did not include latest version of libvox.a with the fixes from the srpm.c and srcmd.c files. PHNE_20373: System panic due board's memory access before mapping. SR: 0000000000 Patch Files: /usr/conf/lib/libdlgn.a /usr/conf/lib/libdticcm.a /usr/conf/lib/libgp.a /usr/conf/lib/libsba.a /usr/conf/lib/libvox.a what(1) Output: /usr/conf/lib/libdlgn.a: A.03.09 $Header: cfd.c,v 1.2 97/11/25 18:20:04 carda yc Exp $ A.03.09 FILESET: DIALOGIC-VOICE Release: SR4.2 $ A.03.09 $Header: cfd_init.c,v 1.1 97/11/21 22:23:44 cardayc Exp $ A.03.09 $Header: dlgn.c,v 1.4 97/12/15 18:29:21 tsan gr Exp $ A.03.09 $Header: hpmisc.c,v 1.1 97/11/21 22:23:40 ca rdayc Exp $ A.03.09 $Header: dlgn_init.c,v 1.1 97/11/21 22:23:41 cardayc Exp $ A.03.09 $Header: dvbm.c,v 1.3 98/05/11 03:32:55 tsan gr Exp $ A.03.09 $Header: dvbm_init.c,v 1.1 97/11/21 22:23:43 cardayc Exp $ /usr/conf/lib/libdticcm.a: A.03.09 $Header: dti_init.c,v 1.1 97/11/21 22:22:57 cardayc Exp $ A.03.09 $Header: dtidrv.c,v 1.1 97/11/21 22:22:57 ca rdayc Exp $ /usr/conf/lib/libgp.a: A.03.09 $Header: gpiodrv.c,v 1.1 97/11/21 22:24:20 c ardayc Exp $ A.03.09 FILESET: DIALOGIC-VOICE Release: SR4.2 $ A.03.09 $Header: gpio_init.c,v 1.1 97/11/21 22:24:20 cardayc Exp $ /usr/conf/lib/libsba.a: A.03.09 $Header: sbapm.c,v 1.1 97/11/21 22:25:35 car dayc Exp $ A.03.09 $Header: sbaintr.c,v 1.1 97/11/21 22:25:32 c ardayc Exp $ A.03.09 $Header: sbamem.c,v 1.1 97/11/21 22:25:34 ca rdayc Exp $ A.03.09 $Header: sbafbam.c,v 1.1 97/11/21 22:25:31 c ardayc Exp $ A.03.09 $Header: sbamapin.c,v 1.1 97/11/21 22:25:33 cardayc Exp $ A.03.09 $Header: sbadebug.c,v 1.1 97/11/21 22:25:35 cardayc Exp $ A.03.09 $Header: sbasend.c,v 1.1 97/11/21 22:25:36 c ardayc Exp $ /usr/conf/lib/libvox.a: srpm.c: Check for NULL b_datap in mblk- manju A.03.09 $Header: srpm.c 1.8 PHNE_28799 2003/02/23 10 :00:05 manju Exp $ srcmd.c: PHNE_23784 Fix timeout waiting for board A.03.09 $Header: srcmd.c,v 1.4 2001/03/27 17:11:31 e ric Exp $ A.03.09 $Header: srintr.c,v 1.3 97/12/18 09:11:24 ca rdayc Exp $ A.03.09 $Header: srbulk.c,v 1.1 97/11/21 22:25:40 ca rdayc Exp $ srcmd.c: PHNE_23784 Fix timeout waiting for board A.03.09 $Header: srmisc.c,v 1.8 2001/03/27 17:12:58 eric Exp $ A.03.09 $Header: srmap.c,v 1.1 97/11/21 22:25:42 car dayc Exp $ A.03.09 $Header: srchk.c,v 1.1 97/11/21 22:25:41 car dayc Exp $ cksum(1) Output: 1089648086 78192 /usr/conf/lib/libdlgn.a 3132532721 33292 /usr/conf/lib/libdticcm.a 2176539489 15860 /usr/conf/lib/libgp.a 3221710212 42760 /usr/conf/lib/libsba.a 992914055 53300 /usr/conf/lib/libvox.a Patch Conflicts: None Patch Dependencies: None Hardware Dependencies: None Other Dependencies: None Supersedes: PHNE_23784 PHNE_23167 PHNE_21726 PHNE_21201 PHNE_20373 Equivalent Patches: None Patch Package Size: 280 KBytes Installation Instructions: Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms and conditions for precautions, scope of license, restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties, before installing this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Back up your system before installing a patch. 2. Login as root. 3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory. 4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch: cd /tmp sh PHNE_28779 5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the patch: swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \ -s /tmp/PHNE_28779.depot By default swinstall will archive the original software in /var/adm/sw/patch/PHNE_28779. If you do not wish to retain a copy of the original software, you can create an empty file named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE. WARNING: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the patch cannot be deinstalled. Please be careful when using this feature. It is recommended that you move the PHNE_28779.text file to /var/adm/sw/patch for future reference. To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the tape drive, use the command: dd if=/tmp/PHNE_28779.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k Special Installation Instructions: SUBSYSTEM_SHUT Before installing this patch shutdown the Voice Link product: use /usr/dialogic/bin/dlstop After the patch is installed and the system rebooted, restart the Voice Link product with the command: /usr/dialogic/bin/dlstart