RFD: new newsgroup alt.binaries.pictures.amstrad.funny You've all seen the CPC6128 on Microsoft's download page (http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload, thanks Peter, ahenry@tinet.ie). Now, there's more. I've recently been to Munich and visited the famous "Deutsches Museum". In the section about cars and automobile technology ("Automobile II") you will find a pseudo assembly line of a car factory. The computers meant to control the process are ... CPC 6128. Strange .. :) (Ils sont fous ces Allemands !!!! :) I've put the scans in ftp://ftp.nvg.unit.no/pub/cpc/incoming to avoid getting flamed for binary posting in non-binaries groups. MUNICH1.JPG MUNICH2.JPG zenon@supernews.com