DigiWARE Release Notes 93000170G for PORTSERVER Operating System Diskette P/N 40001080G EPROM P/N 40000992J EPROM P/N 40000993J Product Manual P/N 90028700B Version 3.4.10 8/3/96 Changes in version 3.4.10 ========================= Fixes to ensure that data is not lost at begining and end of TCP sessions (symptoms included truncated print jubs). ARP cache flushing was improved. A wild-pointer problem, introduced in 3.4.4, has been fixed, increasing reliability of the portserver. Another cause of "TCB allocation failure" messages, in this case caused by failed initation of a TCP conversation, has been eliminated Changes in version 3.4.4 ======================== Further change to the TCP "free the TCB" timer to propperly handle other failures in the closing of TCP sessions. Also includes a fix for a problem closing rsh connections (Symptom: packet war with AIX systems). The set users command now includes a range of ports which describes the ports available for each user, and the number of users has been expanded to 32. Added the set auth command which manages a table that shows the IP addresses allowed to do direct-port connections. Also, each IP address can be set to accept or decline a RealPort request for specific ports. Added 2 startup messages in set logins message that will appear on selected ports. An error in the way hunt groups worked with host ports was fixed. The hunt group sequence now skips over ports with port-type set to host if DCD is not present on that port. Errors in the Telnet do binary negotiations were fixed. (Corrects interaction with BSDI telnet). The following lists and explains the syntax of the new commands. Syntax for set logins: set logins [range=range] set logins message [range=range] If the command is entered with no options (or just a range or the keyword message), it prints the current login table (or a range of entries from the table). If message is included, it also prints the current startup messages. set logins message=message#:character_string [range=range] This command makes a new entry, or changes an existing entry. Set message# to the message number (1 or 2). If no character string is entered, only the range of ports the message will appear on (as set by range) will be modified. The message is displayed on the ports specified by range when beginning a connection. Syntax for set auth: set auth [range=range] If the set auth command is entered with no options (or just a range), it displays the current IP authorization table . set auth ip=IPaddr [mask=IPaddr] [logins=range] [realport=range] [unrestricted=range] This form of the command makes a new ip authorization entry, or changes an existing authorization entry. Set ip to the IP address of a connecting host. Use the mask to specify a range of addresses, like a subnet mask is used. If the requesting host needs a direct port connection, the ports available to that specific host for unrestricted use are set by unrestricted, and the ports needing login permissions are set by logins. If the requesting host needs a RealPort connection, the ports available to that specific host are set by realport. set auth rmip=IPaddress set auth rmrange=range These forms of the command are used for removing entries from the table. The first command removes the entry that refers to the IP address. The second form is used to remove a range of entries from the table by index numbers. Syntax for set users: set users name=username [ports=range] This form of the command makes a new user entry, or changes an existing user entry. Set username to the name of the user. If the name matches an existing entry, that entry will be modified by this command - otherwise a new table entry will be created. The parameter ports can be set to the specific ports the user may access. Changes in version 3.3.8 ======================== A security hole involving space characters when logging in was fixed. UDP packets sent to the portserver with an invalid destination port used to be ignored; now they will generate ICMP "bad port" messages. This means the popular traceroute program will see the portserver at the end of its trail. SNMP Support added. Use the snmp command to configure SNMP. Errors in the TCP code, which would cause the portserver to reboot have been fixed. Also, the timer that was supposed to free TCB's in the LAST ACK state is now fixed; this is related to "TCB allocation failure" errors. A send break request received via the telnet protocol will now successfully send a break out the serial port. Net C/X name changed to RealPort. An error that prevented the portserver from sending more than one ARP request for the boot server has been fixed. The cpconf (copy configuration) command was added. This allows saving and restoring of the configuration of the PortServer. In this version of the software, user's passwords are not saved and restored, and they will be lost upon reconfiguring. This is because we hesitate to place plaintext passwords in a publicly readable and writable file. Changes in version 3.2.8 ======================== Additions were made to the set altip command to allow deleting a range of addresses. A bug which caused 8-port Portservers to spontaneously reboot was fixed. Changes in version 3.2.4 ======================== The option newname has been added to the set users command. This allows changing any user's name. RealPort drivers are now prevented from setting baud rates higher than 57.6K. Ethernet receive overflows are now handled correctly. If the IP address has not been set, the PortServer will attempt to use RARP to determine its IP address. If this succeeds, the rest of the PortServer configuration may be completed by connecting to the PortServer using telnet. The set altip command was added to allow a user to telnet to a hunt group without placing a port number at the end of the telnet command line. The rlogin protocol's negotiation sequences are now handled properly. A problem found when communicating with systems that offer a TCP window size of 32K or greater has been fixed. Test 5 (Async External Test) of the user diagnostics has been changed such that each port loops back on itself . The required cable for the external loopback test has also changed. The cable should have a single RJ-45 connector with the pins wired as follows: Output Pins Input Pins PIN 3 (RTS) to PIN 1 (RI) and PIN 8 (CTS) PIN 5 (SOUT) to PIN 6 (SIN) PIN 9 (DTR) to PIN 2 (DSR) and PIN 10 (DCD) Changes in version 3.1.1 ======================== Miscellaneous user interface fixes. The command set config ntcp has been removed. The command set host ip= (without a corresponding name) no longer causes the PortServer to reboot. Changes to port state will not affect current RealPort connections. The kill command now releases software flow control. TCP/IP Fixes: TCP resets at unfortunate times will no longer cause ports to hang. The number of simultaneous TCP sessions has increased to 64. The PortServer software now supports full output cooking for RealPort drivers (this is mainly a concern for Unix systems); the "fastcook" option can be turned on if your driver has such an option.