This readme is only for Fasports with firmware less than 4.7.0 and is to be done as a serial upgrade only. For Fastports with existing firmware levels of 4.a.1 or 4.5 or better with the F-flash option in telnet monitor or through serial connection, download the 31fla46c.rel in binary form. The easiest way is to use the Windows Terminal program with a serial cable and null modem with with settings communication of 9600 baud, 8 data, 1 stop, no parity, no carrier, usually COM2 port, with emulation DEC - vt100 ANSI. With D1 and D2 dip switches down on the Fastport and by unplugging the power and plugging it back in you should get the AVAILABLE COMMANDS on the screen. Then choose the F-flash command and then 9600, and using Terminal Transfer send text file (31fla46c.rel). Lights should go 1,2,3,4 and 1,2,3,4, and near the end the lights will go 1-4, 2-3, 1-4, 2-3, and after about 12 minutes when its finished you should get the AVAILABLE COMMANDS prompt back and when you type D-display it should show the new firmware version 4.6.c. Any further questions, please contact the Technical Support Hotline at (408) 744 2751 or write