Instructions for installing non-Toshiba CD-ROM Drives under OS/2 2.0 1) Check the \OS2 directory for the files CDROM.SYS and CDFS.IFS. If they are not present, run Selective Install and select ALL CD-ROM options. 2) Make a backup copy of the file CDROM.SYS 3) Edit the file CDROM.SYS with DEBUG, either from MS-DOS or a DOS Session under OS/2. Make sure to setup the version of MS-DOS reported to DEBUG if you are running a DOS session under OS/2 2.0. 4) Change to the \OS2 directory of your boot drive. 5) Type DEBUG CDROM.SYS 6) Type D 56A. You should see the string Toshiba starting at this location. If it is NOT there then type D 0 and repeatedly enter D to find the offset. 7) You must now change the "Toshiba" to match the manufacturers identification string. For example if you have an NEC drive you must enter NEC and pad the rest of the 8 characters with blanks (20H). The editing is done as follows : NEC CD-ROM --- E 56A 4E 45 43 20 20 20 20 20 SONY CD-ROM --- E 56A 53 4F 4E 59 20 20 20 20 8) Type D 56A and verify that the string matches the one for your manufacturer. It must be 8 characters long (including blanks) and then be followed by (00H). 9) If it is correct type W and the file will be saved in CDROM.SYS 10) Make sure the following lines are in your CONFIG.SYS BASEDEV= OS2SCSI.DMD DEVICE=C:\OS2\CDROM.SYS /N:4 DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VCDROM.SYS IFS=C:\OS2\CDFS.IFS 11) Reboot your machine and OS/2 should now be able to access your CD-ROM. Open the "Drives" folder and verify that a new icon is there. You should be able to read all data from the disk but AUDIO commands will NOT work. IBM is working on upgrading CD-ROM support but in the meantime non-Toshiba drives are limited to non-audio commands. P.S. For the audio support of the non-Toshiba CD-ROM, see the BETACD.ZIP currently in the OS2 LIB.