![]() |
Opcodes |
The first operand byte is called alpha, and the second is called beta. In the case of subdivided bytes, the nibbles are called alpha.left and alpha.right (or beta-left and beta-right). If two operand bytes are considered as a sixteen-bit quantity, it is called alphabeta and is equal to alpha*256 + beta. Sign-extended operand bytes are sxalpha and sxbeta. The high and low bytes of sixteen-bit data are called data.high and data.low.
L is the address of the current local frame; G is the address of the current global frame; Cis the address of the current code segment. L and G are sixteen-bit MDS relative pointers.
In the unobvious cases, stack content at the beginning of the instruction
will be given as "Stack has x, y, z." in bottom to top order. 32-bit quantities
are stored in the stack with the least significant word on the bottom;
in memory the least significant word is stored in the lower address.
Neumonic | Instruction | Description |
LLn | Load Local n (n = 0..11) | Load from location L + n |
LLB | Load Local Byte | Load from location L + alpha. |
LLDn | Load Local Double n (n = 0.8, 10) | Load from locations L + n and L + n + 1. |
LLDB | Load Local Double Byte | Load from locations L + alpha and L + alpha + 1. |
SLn | Store Local n (n = 0..10) | Store into L + n. |
SLB | Store Local Byte | Store into L + alpha. |
SLDn | Store Local Double n (n = 0..6,8) | Store into L+ n+1 and L+n. |
PLn | Put Local n (n = 0..3) | Stack has data. Store data into L + n; leave data on stack. |
PLB | Put Local Byte | Stack has data. Store data into L + alpha; leave data on stack. |
PLDn | Put Local Double n (n = 0) | Stack has 32-bit data. Store data into locations L i- n and L-i-n + 1; leave data on stack. |
PLDB | Put Local Double Byte | Stack has 32-bit data. Store data into locations L-t-alpha and Li-alpha-i- 1; leave data on stack. |
LGn | Load Global n (n = 0..2) | Load from G i- n. |
LGB | Load Global Byte | Load from G+ alpha. |
LGDn | Load Global Double n (n = 0,2) | Load from locations G + n and G- I - n + 1~ |
LGDB | Load Global Double Byte | Load from locations G+alpha and Gi-alpha+ 1. |
SGB | Store Global Byte | Store into G+ alpha. |
BNDCK | Bounds Check | Stack has value, limit. IF value "IN [O..limit) THEN trap ELSE discard limit. |
BRK | Breakpoint | IF resuming from debugger THEN execute broken opcode ELSE trap. |
Rn | Read n (n = O..l) | Stack has pointer. Load from pointer + n. |
RB | Read Byte | Stack has pointer. Load from pointer + alpha. |
RLn | Read Long n (n = 01 | Stack has 32-bit pointer. Load from pointer + n. |
RLB | Read Long Byte | Stack has 32-bit pointer. Load from pointer + alpha. |
RDn | Read Double n (n = 01 | Stack has pointer. Load from pointer + n and pointer + n + 1. |
RDB | Read Double Byte | Stack has pointer. Load from locations pointer + alpha and pointer + alpha + 1. |
RDLn | Read Double Long n (n = 01 | Stack has 32-bit pointer. Load from pointer + n and pointer + n + 1. |
RDLB | Read Double Long Byte | Stack has 32-bit pointer. Load from pointer + alpha and pointer + alpha + 1. |
Wfl | Write n (n = 01 | Stack has data, pointer. Store data into pointer + n. |
WB | Write Byte | Stack has data, pointer Store data into pointer + alpha. |
PSB | Put Swapped Byte | Stack has pointer, data Store data into pointer i- alpha; leave pointer on stack (but not data). |
WLB | Write Long Byte | Stack has data, 32-bit pointer. Store data into pointer + alpha. |
PSLB | Put Swapped Long Byte | Stack has 32-bit pointer, data. Store data into pointer+alpha; leave pointer on stack (but not data). |
WDB | Write Double Byte | Stack has 32-bit data, pointer. Store data into pointer+alpha and pointer + alpha + 1. |
PSDn | Put Swapped Double n (n = 0) | Stack has pointer, 32-bit data. Store data into pointer + n and pointer-t n + 1;leave pointer on stack (but not data). |
PSDB | Put Swapped Double Byte | Stack has pointer, 32-bit data. Store data into pointer+alpha and pointer + alpha + 1; leave pointer on stack (but not data). |
WDLB | Write Double Long Byte | Stack has 32-bit pointer, 32-bit data. Store data into pointer+alpha and pointer + alpha + 1. |
PSDLB | Put Swapped Double Long Byte | Stack has 32-bit pointer, 32-bit data. Store data into pointer +alpha and pointer + alpha+ 1; leave pointer on stack (but not data). |
RLlOn | Read Local Indirect Zero n (n = 0..3) | Pointer is in L + 0. Load from pointer + n. |
RLIP | Read Local Indirect Pair | Pointer is in L +alpha.left. Load from pointer + alpha.right. |
RLILP | Read Local Indirect Long Pair | 32-bit pointer is in L+alpha.left and L+alpha.left+ 1. Load from pointer + alpha.right. |
RLDlOn | Read Local Double Indirect Zero n (n = 0) | 32-bit pointer is in L + 0 and L + 1. Load from pointer + n and pointer - I - n + 1. |
RLDIP | Read Local Double Indirect Pair | Pointer is in L + alpha.left. Load from pointer + alpha.right and L + alpha.right i- 1. |
RLDILP | Read Local Double Indirect Long Pair | 32-bit pointer is in L i- alpha.left and L. + alphaleft + I. Load from pointer+ alpha.right and L + alpharight i- 1. |
RGIP | Read Global Indirect Pair | Pointer is in G+ alpha-left. Load from pointer + alpharight. |
RGILP | Read Global Indirect Long Pair | 32-bit pointer is in G+alpha.left and G+alpha.lefti-I. Load from pointer + alpha.right. |
WLIP | Write Local Indirect Pair | Pointer is in L + alphaleft. Store into pointer + alpha.right. |
WLILP | Write Local Indirect Long Pair | 32-bit pointer is in L+alpha.left and L+alpha.left + 1. Store into pointer-t- alpha.right. |
WLDILP | WriteLocal Double Indirect Long Pair | Stack has 32-bit data. 32-bit pointer is in L+ alpha.left and L + alpha.left + f.Store data into pointer + alpha right and pointer + alpha.right f 1 |
RS | Read String | Stack has pointer, index. Fetch word from pointer f (index/2); IF index MOD 2 = 0 THEN push word/256 ELSE push word MOD 256. |
RLS | Read Long String | Stack has 32-bit pointer, index. Fetch word from pointer + (index/2); IF index MOD 2 = 0 THEN push word.high ELSE push wordlow. |
WS | Write String | Stack has data, pointer, index. Fetch word from pointer + (index/a); IF index MOD 2 = 0 THEN word.high c data ELSE word.low +-= data; Store word at pointer + (index/2). |
WLS | Write Long String | Stack has data, 32-bit pointer, index. Fetch word from pointer + (index/2); IF index MOD 2 = 0 THEN word-high c data ELSE wordlow +- data; Store word at pointer-i- (index/2). |
ROF | Read Zero Field | Stack has pointer. Fetch word from pointer i- 0; push subword described by alpha. |
RLOF | Read Long Zero Field | Stack has 32-bit pointer. Fetch word from pointer + 0; push subword described by alpha. |
RF | Read Field | Stack has pointer. Fetch word from pointer+alpha; push subword described by beta. |
RLF | Read Long Field | Stack has 32-bit pointer. Fetch word from pointer f alpha; push subword described by beta. |
RLFS | Read Long Field | Stack Stack has 32-bit pointer, fieldDesc. Fetch word from pointer + fieldDesc.high; push subword described by fieldDesc.low. |
RLIPF | Read Local Indirect Pair Field | Pointer is in L+alpha.left. Fetch word from pointer +alpha.right; push subword described by beta. |
RLILPF | Read Local Indirect Long Pair Field | 32-bit pointer is in L+alpha.left. Fetch word from pointer f alpha.right; push subword described by beta. |
WOF | Write Zero Field = | Stack has data, pointer. Fetch word from pointer + 0; put data in subword described by alpha; store word to pointer + 0. |
WF | Write Field = | Stack has data, pointer. Fetch word from pointer+alpha; put data in subword described by beta; store word to pointer+ alpha. |
PSF | Put Swapped Field | Stack has pointer, data. Fetch word from pointer+alpha; put data in subword described by beta; store word to pointer+ alpha; leave pointer on stack (but not data). |
PSOF | Put Swapped Zero Field = | Stack has pointer, data. Fetch word from pointer + 0; put data in subword described by alpha; store word to pointer + 0; leave pointer on stack (but not data). |
WSOF | Write Swapped Zero Field | Stack has pointer, data. Fetch word from pointer + 0; put data in subword described by alpha; store word to pointer + 0. |
WLOF | Write Long Zero Field | Stack has data, 32-bit pointer. Fetch word from pointer+ 0; put data in subword described by alpha; store word to pointer + 0. |
WLF | Write Long Field | Stack has data, 32-bit pointer. Fetch word from pointer-i-alpha; put data in subword described by beta; store word to pointer + alpha. |
PSLF | Put Swapped Long Field | Stack has 32-bit pointer, data. Fetch word from pointer +alpha; put data in subword described by beta; store word to pointer + alpha; leave pointer on stack (but not data). |
WLFS | Write Long Field Stack | Stack has data, 32-bit pointer, fieldDesc. Fetch word from pointer + fieldDesc.high; put data in subword described by fieldDesc.low; store word to pointer + alpha. |
SLDB | Store Local Double Byte | Store into L + alpha. |
SGDB | Store Global Byte | Store into G + alpha. |
LLKB | Load Link Byte | Fetch from G-2 and test link location bit. 0 = > Load from G-6-(2*alpha) and G-6-(2*alpha) + 1 1 = > Load from C-2-(2*alpha) and C-2-(2*alpha) + 1. |
RKIB | Read Link Indirect Byte | Fetch 32-bit pointer as described in LLKB; load from pointer + 0. |
RKDIB | Read Link Double Indirect Byte | Fetch 32-bit pointer as described in LLKB; load from pointer + 0 and pointer + 1. |
LKB | Link Byte | Recover word from above the top of stack; store word-alpha in L + 0. |
SHIFT | Shift | Stack has data, count. Shift data by count bits; left if count is positive; right if count is negative. |
SHIFTS0 | Shift Signed Byte | Stack has data. Shift data by sign-extended alpha; left if positive; right if negative. |
CATCH | Catch | Two byte noop used by Mesa runtime system. |
Jn | Jump n (n = 2..8) | Unconditional jump. New PC is PC + n. |
JB | Jump Byte | Unconditional jump. New PC is PC + sxalpha. |
JW | Jump Word | Unconditional jump. New PC is PC + alphabeta. |
JEP | Jump Equal Pair | Stack has data. IF data = alpha.left THEN new PC is PC + alpha-right 9 2. |
JEB | Jump Equal Byte | Stack has datal, data2. IF data1 = data2 THEN new PC is PC + sxalpha. |
JEBB | Jump Equal Byte Byte | Stack has data. IF data = alpha THEN new PC is PC + sxbeta. |
JNEP | Jump Not Equal Pair | Stack has data. IF data # alpha.left THEN new PC is PC +alpha.right -t- 2. |
JNEB | Jump Not Equal Byte | Stack has datal, data2. IF data1 # data2 THEN new PC is PC + sxalpha. |
JNEBB | Jump Not Equal Byte Byte | Stack has data. IF data # alpha THEN new PC is PC + sxbeta. |
JLB | Jump Less Byte | Stack has datal, data2. IF data1 < data2 (signed) THEN new PC is PC -I- sxalpha. |
JGEB | Jump Greater Equal Byte | Stack has datal, data2. IF data1 > = data2 (signed) THEN new PC is PC + sxalpha. |
JGB | Jump Greater Byte | Stack has datal, data2. IF data1 > data2 (signed) THEN new PC is PC i- sxalpha. |
JLEB | Jump Less Equal Byte | Stack has datal, data2. IF data1 < = data2 (signed) THEN new PC is PC + sxalpha. |
JULB | Jump Unsigned Less Byte | Stack has dataf, data2. IF data1 < data2 (unsigned) THEN new PC is PC + sxalpha. |
JUGEB | Jump Unsigned Greater Equal Byte | Stack has datal, data2. IF data1 > = data2 (unsigned) THEN new PC is PC + sxalpha. |
JUGB | Jump Unsigned Greater Byte | Stack has datal, data2. IF data1 > data2 (unsigned) THEN new PC is PC + sxalpha. |
JULEB | Jump Unsigned Less Equal Byte | Stack has datal, data2 IF data1 < = data2 (unsigned) THEN new PC is PC + sxalpha. |
JZn | Jump Zero n (n = 3..4) | Stack has data. IF data = 0 THEN new PC is PC + n. |
JZB | Jump Zero Byte | Stack has data. IF data = 0 THEN new PC is PC + sxalpha. |
JNZn | Jump Not Zero n (n = 3..4) | Stack has data. IF data # 0 THEN new PC is PC + n. |
JNZB | Jump Not Zero Byte | Stack has data. IF data # 0 THEN new PC is PC + sxalpha. |
JDEB | Jump Double Equal | Stack has 32-bit datal, 32-bit data2. IF data1 = data2 THEN new PC is PC + sxalpha. |
JDNEB | Jump Double Not Equal | Stack has 32-bit datal, 32-bit data2. IF data1 # data2 THEN new PC is PC + sxalpha. |
JIB | Jump Indexed Byte | Stack has index, limit. IF index < limit THEN { fetch disp from C+alphabeta+(index./d); new PC is PC + IF index MOD 2 = 0 THEN disp.high ELSE disp.low}. |
JIW | Jump Indexed Word | Stack has index, limit. IF index < limit THEN { fetch disp from C + alphabeta + index; new PC is PC + disp}. |
REC | Recover | Recover the value above the top of stack, i.e. increment the stack pointer without changing any stack values. |
REC2 | Recover 2 | Recover the two values above the top of stack, i.e. increment the stack pointer by two without changing any stack values. |
DIS | Discard | Discard the top value on the stack, i.e. decrement the stack pointer |
DIS2 | Discard 2 | Discard the top two values on the stack, i.e. decrement the stack pointer by two. |
EXCH | Exchange | Interchange the top two values on the stack. |
DEXCH | Double Exchange | Interchange the top two 32-bit values on the stack. |
DUP | Duplicate | Duplicate the top value on the stack. |
DDUP | Double Duplicate | Duplicate the top 32-bit value on the stack. |
EXDIS | Exchange Discard | Equivalent to the sequence EXCH; DIS. |
NEG | Negate | Stack has data. Push O-data. |
INC | Increment | Stack has data. Push data + 1. |
DEC | Decrement | Stack has data. Push data-l. |
DING | Double Increment | Stack has 32-bit data. Push data + 1 |
DBL | Double | Stack has data. Push data*2. |
DDBL | Double Double | Stack has 32-bit data. Push data*2. |
TRPL | Triple | Stack has data. Push data*3. |
AND | And | Stack has datal, data2. Push data1 AND data2. |
IOR | Inclusive Or | Stack has datal, data2. Push data1 OR data2. |
ADDSB | Add Signed Byte | Stack has data. Push data + sxalpha. |
ADD | Add | Stack has datal, datad. Push data1 + data2. |
SUB | Subtract | Stack has datal, data2. Push datal-data2 |
DADD | Double Add | Stack has 32-bit datal, 32-bit data2. Push data1 + data2. |
DSUB | Double Subtract | Stack has 32-bit datal, 32-bit data2. Push datal-data2. |
ADC | Add Double to Cardinal | Stack has 32-bit datal, 16-bit data2. Push data1 +data2. |
ACD | Add Cardinal to Double | Stack has 16-bit datal, 32-bit data2. Push data1 +data2. |
ALOIB | Add Local Zero Immediate Byte | Fetch data from L + 0; Push data+ alpha. |
MUL | Multiply | Stack has datal, data2. Push the 32-bit value datal*data2 then decrement the stack pointer. The effect is to leave the Is-bit product on the stack and the high 16 bits of the product above the stack. |
DCMP | Double Compare | Stack has 32-bit datal, 32-bit data2. Compare data1 and data2 (signed) and push -1 if data1 < data2; 0 if data1 = data2; + 1 if data1 > data2 |
UDCMP | Unsigned Double Compare | Stack has 32-bit datal, 32-bit data2. Compare data1 and data2 (unsigned) and push -1 if data1 <data2; 0 ifdatal =data2; + 1 if data1 >data2. |
Lln | Load Immediate n (n = O..lO) | Push n. |
LlN1 | Load Immediate Negative 1 | Push -1. |
LINI | Load Immediate Negative Infinity | Push -32768. |
LIB | Load Immediate Byte | Push alpha. |
LIW | Load Immediate Word | Push alphabeta. |
LINB | Load Immediate Negative Byte | Push alpha-256. (I.e. set the high byte to all ones). |
LIHB | Load Immediate High Byte | Push aIpha*256. |
LID0 | Load Immediate Double 0 | Push two words of zero. |
LAn | Local Address n (n = 0..3,6,8) | Push Is-bit value L + n (not the contents of). |
LAB | Local Address Byte | Push 16-bit value L i-alpha. |
LAW | Local Address Word | Push 16-bit value L + alphabeta |
GAn | Global Address n (n = O..l) | Push 16-bit value G+ n. |
GAB | Global Address Byte | Push 16-bit value G+ alpha. |
GAW | Global Address Word | Push 16-bit value G+ alphabeta. |
EFCn | External Function Call n (n = 0..12) | Fetch link n as described in LLKB and XFER to it. |
EFCB | External Function Call Byte | Fetch link alpha as described in LLKB and XFER to it. |
LFC | Local Function Call | Do the last half of XFER (frame allocation and set new PC) using alphabeta as the PC of the new procedure. |
SFC | Stack Function Call | Stack has 32-bit controllink. XFER to controllink. |
RET | Return | Fetch returnLink from L-l; XFER to returnLink with a source of zero. |
KFCB | Kernel Function Call Byte | Fetch link from SD[alpha] and XFER to it. |
ME | Monitor Enter | Stack has 32-bit pointer to monitor lock. IF the monitor is unlocked THEN lock it ELSE enqueue current process onmonitor queue and reschedule. |
MX | Monitor Exit | Stack has 32-bit pointer to monitor lock. Unlock the monitor; IF the queue is not empty, wake up the first waiting process and reschedule. |
BLT | Block Transfer | Stack has SourcePointer, count, destpointer. Transfer count words beginning at SourcePointer to locations beginning at destpointer. This instruction is interruptable; if interrupted it leaves updated values on the stack and the isntruction is restarted after the interrupt with this new data. |
BLTL | Block Transfer Long | Stack has 32-bit SourcePointer, 18bit count, 32-bit destpointer. See BLT for remainder of description. |
BLTC | Block Transfer Code | Stack has 16-bit offset, count, destpointer. SourcePointer is C +-offset; see BLT. |
BLTCL | Block Transfer Code Long | Stack has 16-bit offset, count, 32-bit destpointer. SourcePointer is C + offset; see BLT. |
LP | Lengthen Pointer | Stack has pointer. IF pointer = 0 THEN push 0 ELSE push MDS. |
ESC | Escape | Use alpha for a secondary opcode dispatch (see below). This instruction is always exactly two bytes long. Unimplemented instructions trap through the ESCTrapTable. |
ESCL | Escape Long | Like ESC except this instruction is always exactly three bytes long. |
RESRVD | Reserved | Opcodes 0 and 255 are reserved for implementation dependent uses, e.g. one implementation implemented interrupts by forcing the next opcode dispatch to go to opcode 0 and sorting out the state there. These codes are never generated by the compiler and should not be assigned any programmer accessible function. |
Escape opcode alpha bytes: There are two Escape opcodes, ESC
and ESCL. These decode their alpha bytes from a single eight-bit address
space. The sole purpose of having two different instructions is so that
all Mesa opcodes have one fixed length. This permits (relatively) simple
hardware to pre-fetch and pre-decode instructions based only on their first
byte. In the list below, codes beginning with "a" are used exclusively
with ESC to form a two-byte opcode. Codes beginning with "b" are used exclusively
with ESCL (and the following beta byte) to form a three-byte opcode.
Neumonic | Instruction | Description |
aMW | Monitor Wait | Stack has 32-bit monitorPointer, 32-bit ConditionPointer, 16-bit timeout. Unlock monitor (and wakeup waiting process if any); enqueue current process on condition with timeout value; reschedule. Exceptions: IF condition has wakeup waiting OR process has been aborted THEN current process continues to run. aMR Monitor Reenter Stack has 32-bit monitorpointer, 32-bit conditionpointer. IF monitor locked THEN enqueue on monitor queue and reschedule ELSE {test for aborting and trap if appropriate; lock monitor and proceed}. |
aNC | Notify Condition | Stack has 32-bit conditionpointer. Wakeup the first process on the condition queue and reschedule if awakened. |
aBC | Broadcast Condition | Wakeup all process on the condition queue and reschedule if any awakened. |
aREQ | Requeue | Stack has 32-bit queuepointerl, 32-bit queuePointer2, 16-bit process Dequeue process from queue1 and enqueue it on queue2. IF either queue was the ready list THEN reschedule. |
aSM | Set Map | Stack has 32-bit virtualpage, 32-bit realPage, flags. Set up the indicated virtual to real mapping. |
aSMF | Set Map Flags | Stack has 32-bit virtualpage, flags Set the flags in the indicated map entry. |
aGMF | Get Map Flags | Stack has 32-bit virtualpage. Push the flags of the indicated virtual page. |
aAF | Allocate Frame | Stack has index. Allocate a frame from the indicated list (as in a procedure call) and push the Is-bit address of the frame. |
aFF | Free Frame | Stack has pointer. Fetch index from pointer-3 and link the frame onto the indicated list. |
aPI | Port In | Recover source and portAddress from above stack. Store 32-bit zero at portAddress + 0; IF source # 0 THEN extend it with a high order zero and store at portAddress + 2 and portAddress + 3. |
aP0 | Port out | Stack has portAddress. Store L at portAddress + 0; fetch link from portAddress +- 2 and portAdress + 3 and XFER to it with a source of portAddress. |
aPOR | Port Out Responding | Identical to Port Out. The distinction between the two is used by a trap handler to decide how to recover from port faults. |
aSPP | Set Process Priority | Stack has priority. Dequeue current process from ready queue; change its priority; 1 enqueue process on ready queue and reschedule. |
aDI | Disable Interrupts | Increment the WakeupDisableCounter thus disabling any interrupt processing and process timeouts. Trap if the counter overflows. |
aEi | Enable Interrupts | Decrement the WakeupDisableCounter; if the new value is zero, interrupts are now enabled. Trap if the counter under-flows. |
aXOR | Exclusive Or | Stack has datal, data2. Push data1 XOR data2. |
aDAND | Double And | Stack has 32-bit datal, 32-bit data2. Push data1 AND data2. |
aDlOR | Double Inclusive Or | Stack has 32-bit datal, 32-bit data2. Push data1 OR data2. |
aDXOR | Double Exclusive Or | Stack has 32-bit datal, 32-bit data2. Push data1 XOR data2. |
aROTATE | Rotate | Stack has data, count. Rotate data by count MOD 16 bits; left if count is positive; right ifcount is negative. |
aDSHIFT | Double Shift | Stack has 32-bit data, count. Shift data by count bits; left if count is positive; right if count is negative. |
aLINT | Lengthen Integer | Stack has data. Sign extend data from 16 to 32 bits. |
aJS | Jump Stack | Stack has newpc. Unconditional jump to newpc (relative to C all pc values are). |
aRCFS | Read Code Field Stack | Stack has offset, BeldDesc. Fetch word from C + offset + fieldDesc. high; push subword described by freldDesc.low. |
bRC | Read Code | Stack has offset. Load from C + offset. |
aUDlV | Unsigned Divide | Stack has datal, data2. Push quotient and remainder from datalIdata2; decrement the stack pointer so as to leave the remainder above the stack. |
aLUDlV | Long Unsigned Divide | (should be Double, not Long) Stack has 32-bit datal, 16- bit data2. Push quotient and remainder from datal/data2; decrement the stack pointer so as to leave the remainder above the stack. Trap if the quotient will not fit in 16 bits. |
bROB | Read Overhead Byte | Stack has pointer. Load from pointer-beta. All access to local and global frame overhead is done through this instruction (and aWOB) so that the processor could cache this data. |
bWOB | Write Overhead Byte | Stack has data, pointer. Store data at pointer-beta. All access to local and global frame overhead is done through this instruction (and aROB) so that the processor could cache this data. |
bDSK | Dump Stack | Dump the evaluation stack and stack pointer starting at L+ beta. No more than two values above the top of stack need be stored. |
bXE | Xfer and Enable | XFER using destination stored at L + beta and L+ beta+ 1 and source stored at L+beta+2 and L+ beta+ 3; at the end of the XFER, decrement the WakeupDisableCounter. bXF Xfer and Free XFER using destination stored at L + beta and L + beta + 1 and source stored at L + beta + 2 and L + beta + 3; at the end of the XFER, free the current local frame. |
bLSK | Load Stack | Load the evaluation stack and stack pointer from locations starting at L + beta. No more than two values above the top of stack need be loaded. |
aBNDCKL | BoundsCheck Long | Stack has 32-bit value, 32-bit limit IF value -IN [O..limit) THEN trap ELSE discard limit. |
aNlLCK | NIL Check | Stack has pointer. IF pointer = 0 THEN trap ELSE leave pointer on stack. |
aNILCKL | NIL Check Long | Stack has 32-bit pointer. IF pointer = 0 THEN trap ELSE leave pointer on stack. |
aBLTLR | Block Transfer Long Reverse | Stack has 32-bit sourcePointer, Is-bit count, 32-bit destpointer. Working backwards through memory, transfer count words beginning at sourcePointer + count-l to locations beginning at destpointer + count-l. This instruction is interruptable; if interrupted it leaves updated values on the stack and the isntruction is restarted after the interrupt with this new data. |
aBLEL | Block Equal Long | Stack has 32-bit pointerl, 16-bit count, 32-bit pointer2. Compare count words beginning at pointer1 and pointer2; push 1 if all words are equal; 0 otherwise. This instruction is interruptable like BLT. |
aBLECL | Block Equal Code Long | Stack has 16-bit offset, Is-bit count, 32-bit pointer2. Like BLEL with pointer1 = C + offset. |
aCKSUM | Checksum | Computes the XNS protocol checksum of a block of words. Interruptable. |
aBlTBLT | Bit Block Transfer | Stack has pointer to parameters record. Performs many operations on rectangular areas in memory. Used mostly in conjunction with bitmap display data. Known in some quarters as RasterOp. |
aTXTBLT | Test Block Transfer | Stack has pointer to parameters record. Specialized code for measuring and displaying textual data in bitmapped display memory. |
aBYTBLT | Byte Block Transfer | Stack has 32-bit destpointer, destlndex, count, 32bit sourcepointer, sourceIndex. Like BLT except operates on byte sequences with potentially different alignments |
aBYTBLTR | Byte Block Transfer Reverse | Stack has 32-bit destpointer, destIndex, count, 32-bit sourcepointer, sourceIndex. Like BYTBLT except operates on byte sequences from high to low addresses. |
aVERSION | Version | Returns processor dependent data about the type of processor and the version of microcode. |
aDMUL | Double Multiply | Stack has 32-bit datal, 32-bit data2. Push 32-bit product dataf*data2; overflow is ignored. |
aSDlV | Signed Divide | Stack has 32-bit datal, 32-bit data2. Push quotient and remainder from datalJdata2; decrement the stack pointer so as to leave the remainder above the stack. |
aSDDlV | Signed Double Divide | Stack has 32-bit datal, 32-bit data2. Push quotient and remainder from datalldata2; decrement the stack pointer by 2 so as to leave the remainder above the stack. |
aUDDlV | Unsignedigned Double Divide | Stack has 32-bit datal, 32-bit data2. Push quotient and remainder from datalldata2; decrement the stack pointer by 2 so as to leave the remainder above the stack. -- Floating Point (IEEE standard format, 32-bit only) |
aFADD | Floating Add | |
aFSUB | Floating Subtract | |
aFMUL | Floating Multiply | |
aFDlV | Floating Divide | |
aFCOMP | Floating Compare | Returns -l,O, + 1 like DCMP. |
aFlX | Fix | Returns 32-bit integer |
aFLOAT | Float | Takes 32-bit integer. |
aFIXl | Fix to Integer | Returns Is-bit integer. |
aFIXC | Fix to Cardinal | Returns 16-bit unsigned number. |
aFSTlCKY | Floating Sticky Flags | Sets floating point sticky flags, returns old value. |
aFREM | Floating Remainder | Returns the fractional part of a quotient. |
aROUND | Round | Rounds operand to 32-bit integer. |
aROUNDI | Round to Integer | Rounds to Is-bit integer. |
aROUNDC | Round to cardinal | Rounds to 16-bit unsigned number. |
aFSQRT | Floating Square Root | |
aFSC | Floating Scale |
Read / Write Registers
aWRPSB | Write Register PSB | Set the id of the current process. |
aWRMDS | Write Register MDS | Set the current value of MDS. |
aWRWP | Write Register Wakeups Pending | Bit mask of interrupts not yet processed. |
aWRWDC | Write Register Wakeup Disable Counter | Controls the taking of interrupts. |
aWRPTC | Write Register Process Tick Counter | The counter which controls process timeouts. |
aWRIT | Write Register Interval Timer | The high resolution (l-100 microseconds). |
aWRXTS | Write Register Xfer Trap Status | Governs the taking of a trap on evry XFER. |
aWRMP | Write Register Maintenance Panel | Four digit decimal LED display. |
aRRPSB | ||
aRRMDS | ||
aRRWP | ||
aRRWDC | ||
aRRPTC | ||
aRRPTC | ||
aRRPTC | ||
aRRlT | ||
Processor Dependent Instructions
aINPUT | I/O Input | Stack has Is-bit I/O register number. Returns Is-bit data. aOUTPUT I/O output Stack has 16-bit I/O register number, 16-bit data. |
aLOADRAMJ | Load Control Store and Jump | Overwrite your own control store and execute the new code. |
Dandelion Instructions
aBANDBLT | Band Block Transfer | Specialized code for printers |
Cedar collector and allocator
al44 | ||
al46 | ||
a150 | ||
[last edited 11 March 1999]