THIS IS A 50%-PREVIEW VERSION of ABYSS' CAPTAIN FUTURE - STARTRAIL TO GLORY MEKKA&SYMPOSIUM98 PC-DEMO #2 CODE: BARTMAN 3D: WINTERMUTE MUSIC: PINK SOME GFX: CYCLONE first try: abyss-hi.exe (not with WinNT) if that hangs try: abyss-lo.exe DOESN'T SEEM TO WORK QUITE WELL WITH WINDOWS NT... Req: Win95, some memory (64+ MB is cool, should work with 32MB too), ~~~~~ DirectX 3.0/5.0 Pentium 133 is cool enuff, 200 is better ----------------------------------------------------------- this is the missing readme.txt from ABYSS.ZIP ...oooOOO Passed through SKYNET.STACK.NL OOOooo... See you all at Takeover'98! -