CREDITS: CODE: PP GRAPHICS: PIC MUSIC: SNOOPY THIS NO AGA INTRO WAS RELEASED ON INTEL OUTSIDE 2 PARTY IN WARSAW. AND NOW (GUESS !) ANOTHER ZOOMROTATOR! 4096 *C*O*L*O*R*S* ! FIND HIDDEN GAME !!! Could not allocate sound channels ! Kickstart 2.0+ needed ! Bad arguments ! NS=NOSOUND/S,M=MESSAGES/S,HD=HIDDENGAME/S Message from PP: This is my first intro, so, there's not too many effects. Maybe my next production will be better. This intro was coded to work on A1200, but there's no AGA stuff, because I have got only A500 :). I'm using The Player replay routine by Jarno Paananen - the best ever! Rest of routines are mine, except random number generator by Peter Simons. These routines are'nt very good optimised and they're VERY memory hungry, so... the intro runs only with more than 1 MB of memory (sorry!). It needs Kickstart 2.0 or higher, too (V36 CacheClearE function is used). I'm too lazy to add Kickstart check or reduce memory usage. If you want full sourcecode, find me on the party (only ELITE, pleeease)! Also, look for my other programs. Greets to all my friends, and all Amiga users! Bye... Call PIC's bbs: :. .: _ ____________ /°°\º/°°\·\ -=-(CoNfErEnCeS )-=- (___. .___) ) \____/\____/ | | | (____ /\__ | | | .__ \/ \ ()_() -=- Ami Net -=- | | | | \ ) -- ) / \ -=- Light Wave -=- _| |_ | |_ )( ----( ( ° ° ) -=- PC PD -=- (_____)____)(__)_____) \=O=/ -=- Images -=- /\_ /\___ /\____/\_____ %_% -=- Modules -=- / |/ \/ (___/__ __) -=- Amos -=- / |__---- \____ \ /°.°\ / | \ )___) ) \=/ ) __________________________ (_________)___/_____/_____/ / \ / The Last BBS \ =->> UNION WHQ <<-= ( Time works 22:00 - 7:00 ) Amiga & PC $tuff \ Phone number +48-22-429385 / 1.3 GiGz HDD SpAcE - SpEeD 14k4 \__________________________/ Press ENTER to continue... There's no more messages.