S1-------------------------   S3yo folx! dr.oetker of timex is back on your screen to serve cakeshop 5 released on 20.03.91 at 21.30!! hope i havent let u wait toooo long... aaarrrggghhh,whats that??? rhiurhiriflgfief  . . . uuufff! my dog just stormed my keyboard!! shit! now its dirtier than it was before,buaa! i cant see the letters on it anymore...damned beast!!!!!!! (smashh..) ok,that was a live-situation in daily swapperlive... now lets continue with some personal greez from me to my friends :     S2bomber of anarchy (hey,always nice to talk to you on the phone! the new bensons are just great!! call me soon for a cool chat!)   ,   disaster of coma (nice packs!)   ,   alci and sniper of panic (to sniper: you are a cool friend! ; to al: rap rulez!)   ,   zigzag of symbiosis (i always get those cool symbiosis prods but not from you,from my other conts! why dont you send symbiosis prods??)   ,   starwolf of savage (send or die!)   ,   east bam of adept (always nice sendings but short letters!)   ,   deef of whiplash (send!!!!!!)   ,   the eagle of trinomic (hey holger,whats with trinomic??)   ,   megablast   ,   case of duplex (i wait for ur next sending!!)   ,   daddy-o of exult   ,   jonah of unicorn (cool article in jolly roger!)   ,   joesch of animators   ,   bretzel of end of century 1999 (you are cool! i like all your postcards!)   ,   diabolos of midnightsun   ,   rygar of decade (hi,marc!)   ,   dj head of vogue   ,   hijack of brainwave .... hope no one feels forgotten .... now i wanna welcome our new member in kassel/germany! his name is prisoner! have a nice time in our crew,ill call you up soon so we can chat some cool crap,ok? now thats all for today. doc says goodbye throwing cakes to all you out there... if u want to cont me use this adress: plk 008363 b    w-4950 minden 2       germany      ..........- - - - - - - - --------------S1---------------------------------

 doc oetkers cakeshop 005
-hidden line    symbiosis-
-plasma intro   symbiosis-
-stenkil frenkil   profex-
-intro     cinefex design-
-fractals         adonnic-
-intro (fixed)     sanity-