Support IT! /\ /\________|__ ____ ______/ \______ /\______/ _____/\ _ _/\_ __\ /__/\______ _ _ \ _ o _ /_/__ /____ _ /__\Skˇn cDr\\\_ \/\__ ____/// / by \__/ \\__/. / / / // o\ | | | +--/________\// \ /________ / \\--+ l____|____| : / /______|\____\ \/\______/ : +--------------------------------+------------------------------------------+ | * Messages section: IT mag-pack by NORBY/TRSI! * Today massages from... * | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * ACID/D-VERSION TEAM * DAVE/VACUUM * FERNANDEZ/SAINT GROUP * | | * GANGSATA/AVANTGARDE * GHANDY/REBELS * HOGAN/LADYBIRD DESIGN * | | * KLF/FATE * MADSEN/SUSPIRIA * MAJOR BANDIT/NEOPLASIA * MARS/MYSTIC * | | * QBA/TRSI * SCRABY/HUMANS * SIR JINX/NEOPLASIA * SKYHAWK * | | * STEVE JONES/ANATHEMA * STING/ALCATRAZ * WOLFMAN/BALANCE * | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *** Send your messages to Norby/TRSI or Qba/TRSI! *** | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ *** MESSAGES FROM NORBY/TRSI *** Small message to all: Hello frineds! I'm really very happy now! Some times ago I started to study at Polish Open University and I was quite busy in it... But now I organise my time better and I can swapp in my old style'n'speed !!! So, no more big delays from me! BTW. Thanx to all, which vote for me in The Charts & Eurocharts! I love you! Some times ago I had big reduction of my contacts... now it's a PAST! I have a bit more free time and I will try to swap with as many swappers as posible... BUT ONLY FRIENDSHIP SWAPPING! It's very important for me... Ofcoz, sometimes I will give some contacts to Qba/TRSI, but I decide to swapp with about 200 people, bcoz I calculate, that I will have time for about 200 contacts... I know, it's not a small number, but I will make all my best! Big sorry to all A-500 user, for BAD WORKING IT on your machine... (LOADER was not work correct) I find stupid bug! Now all will be probably ok, but if you still have any problems, give me a signal, please! There is new >IT FOR YOU.txt< questionaire file on the disk! Fill it and send back to me, thanx! I send greetings to all my friends on the scene! I have no time for all, so I write only some imporatnt messages: KR'33/SPACEBALLS: I had no letter from you sine ONE YEAR! Please, write! ZAK/KOOL: Kool swapping with you... but what has happend? Did you left the scene? Please, give me a signal or... no letter from you since January'94! RAPPER/ISCH CREW: This same as to Zak! Please, write or... die! DARKSIDE/FODA: Hi my Brazilian friend! Write soon! I still wait... KAEL/LASER DANCE: Hello one of my old contacts! Are you dead? Write soon! MORPHEUS/ISCH CREW: What has happend? Write or... I need new glasses! He! He! AIR/TRSI: So, we are in one group together. Hope to have send from you soon! FIREWALKER/PARALAX: Thanx for contacting, but I still wait for you next send! NIGHTHAWK/REBELS: Have you got my post-card? Please, write soon! VIRUS/ARISE: No letter from you long time! Please, write soon! WEA/ANALOG: What about you? Please, write fast... maybe with new SPIDY mag? ROD/BANANA DEZIGN: Thanx for conatcting, but what? Send soon & fuck the war! CYCLON/ESKIMOS: Did you left the scene? Send soon or give me a signal! JAYDEE/DUPLO: And what about you? Send soon, pliz! WARLOCK/DEPTH(???): No letter from you since five months! Write soon, please! RAZORBLADE/BALANCE: This same as to Warlock! Write soon, please! GENERAL LEE/S!P: No letter from you long time, too! Post or what? Write... KERNAL/DESIRE: I saw some new KnC prods from Chaos! - Great! Write soon! DANY KANE/ESKIMOS: Thanx for you letter, but what? Write or... die! BARTMAN/VACUUM: A wiec to byles TY (ESKK RULTZ!) - dzieki! Piwo nie zajac, nie ucieknie - masz je jak w banku (takim co to juz bankrutuje, he! he!) - Stay cool and THANX! To rest of my conatcts: If you had no letter from me since long time... write to me again! I had big sending (about 100 letters) in June'94 and probably half of these letters was dropped by fucking post... Now I have better sending-system and I have no more lost letters, so I can swap like hell! But if you still wait for my letter, send me a post-card or just letter with one disk and we can still swap... I NEVER DROP ANY LETTER! If I don't want to swap with any person, I send disk back to him or give his conatct to Qba! EVERYBODY WILL HAVE HIS DISK BACK FROM ME! So, please try to write me again if you still want to swap with me... I'm really crazy swapper and sometimes, when I have nice day I send my positive-answers to ALL! (Sometimes, He! He!) *** MESSAGES FROM ACID/D-VERSION TEAM *** KOPARA / MAD ELKS Thanx for passing my letter to ZIBI hope to see ya some time .. stay cool! LIONHEART / RAZOR 1911 What's happening with you pal... I wrote U back in february... If U didn't receive my package let me now so we can revive our swapping... NORBY / TRSI Yo Norbert my friend.... Keep on packing this great Pack :) hope to see ya FRAME / C-LOUS Yo Joakim!!! thanks for contactin' me ... send soon and keep cool ZINKO / KEFRENS HI Jack... Are U alive.... What's with the sending..... Cee ya soon.. SILKY / ENEMY Dej si bre Darko... Kad ces da se preselis u Beograd pa da se vidimo vise ! AVENGER / MAD ELKS Hi man.... What's happening to you.. No sendings lately .. NO time ? ASTRO / MOVEMENT Hi man.. I contacted U long time ago, and I'm waiting for answer ? DARK / ILLUSION Yo dariusz my great friend... REally nice tracings from U !!! ZIBI / FLYING COWS INCORPORATED Hi there Zbiszko... U decided Who ya gonna' beleive ? :)) EL LOCO / TALENT Yo man ... Thanx for picking me up for spreader! I'll send ya soon something. Keep on that mag rollin' !! STRATOS / QUICK-D Yo dude.. Thanx for cntcting me... Hope to have a nice swap... BLACKWULF Yo dewd.. thanx for contacting me... How's goin' there on New Zealand ? CHROMAG / POLKA BROTHERS & KEFRENS YO friend... I contacted you some time ago... I hope U'll accept some great swapping time... cee ya REAL / INFECT Yo man.. Hope to get an positive answer from you soon :) DAFFY / D-29 Yo dewd ...I'm waiting for answer on my contact letter :) ANTICHRIST / DESTINY Hi man.. I hope U'll accept my swapping offer :) REDNEY / BRONX Hi man ... thanx for contacting me... If U come to subotica U may visit me! :) NOZZE / EXTENS de si bre nenade :)) ajde dodji U beograd neki put... All other Serbian AMIGA SCENE FREAKS contact me ... U'll find adress somewhere in IT!... ili obrnite telefon 011/142-444 Trazite Milosa... CU Foreigners also !!!! *** MESSAGES FROM DAVE/VACUUM *** - CATION/TTN: Cos dlugo od Was nie dostaje odpowiedzi, wiec chyba - CRON/GENETIC: cos jest niewporzadku, albo Wy zawalacie, albo po - NIUNIEK/ILS: prostu zaginely listy.Jezeli wydaje Ci sie, ze dlugo - SER/STATUS OK: odemnie nie dostajesz odpowiedzi, to chyba poczta - BLACHA/STATUS OK: zawalila... Jezeli mozesz, to daj szybko znac, bede - DICK/IND.: bardzo wdzieczny! Thx! - THE KING/ILS: - KATAREK/TURNIPS: - SKY/BLAZE: - MENTAL/APPENDIX: - MANIEQ/IND: - ROGER/PIL: - MARS/MYSTIC: - - - --- --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - - - RADZIK/ORBITAL: Tak, jak gadaliőmy na Gelloween, wcielo nasze listy. - SCRABY/HUMANS: Wiec, jezeli znajdziecie troche czasu, to napiszcie - STASI/CONVEX: jak najszybciej, bede dzwieczny! - OMEGA/IND: - - - --- --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - - - Lazarus/AZH: Napisales do mnie niedawno, ja Ci odpisalem, lecz okazalo sie, ze nie ma adresu !!! Wiec daj szybko znac... Do moich kontaktow: jezeli macie adres LAZARUSa to dajcie znac. Thanx! *** MESSAGES FROM FERNANDEZ/SAINT GROUP *** Omega/Ind.: Hi Pal! That's cool you're so fast, but what's up now? What does thiz delay mean? BTW: keep on drawing... Ranger/LBD: Hi, hi!!! Heh? I think you know what I mean. Articles f0r Pmm will come to you soon. Keep on good coding. Pmm's one of da best zines! BTW: gimme Horror's address? He knowz why! Heh... Horror/???: Nice talking at the party. Write me, bcoz Ranger didn't send me your address yet! Or if he will do that, I'll write you!!! Shon/TTN : Nice lettyz fr0m you! Beavis & Butthead rulez 4ever. Intro's very nice, but there is something I didn't like - gfx. Make the graphician draw better. Weed/BTN : Hi! Why your last letty was so short? I suppose U had no time. I understand! Keep on drawing - especially those cool strong men and women, hehehh... BTW: How did you like Ishar? Smile/Casyopea: Da best contact! Your last letter was da coolest one I've ever got. Really! BTW: Fat'ek rulez and so Lifter does (what a stupid sentence?)! Trb/Ind. : Nice lettyz from you! And alwayz nice stuff! Maybe your handle should be : NICE?!? Mr.Ko&Coul: Hello kool Drakkar people! Always nice stuff from you, hihi! And da cool letterz! Judas/SG : How's your wife? You've probably got a lot of work with her :), don't you? Anyway, keep on coding and ANSWER!!!! Esc/APX : What's up? Why you make so biiig dlay? Or maybe it's my false? I sent ya second letter! Post suxx or what? I have no idea... BTW: Our swap started so nice... Vasyl/LBD : Welcome my cool friend fr0m Russia! I'm proud that we've met at da party. It was cool, wasn't it? No more text here... Bodzio/The Edge: I know - matriculation... But you could answer once per year... Hihi... Anyway, gfx aren't ready yet, bcoz I had to draw other things (like a shitty ..., eh, who cares?). Write soon. Rockford : I must say net rulez. I just love that! Thanx for cool texts. Final gfx soon. I hope I'll write some articles. Notice that Imazine and PMM are also waitin' for my silly texts... *** MESSAGES FROM GANGSTA/AVANTGARDE *** CHAOS!/DESIRE: HI DIRK, HOW`S LIFE ? NORBY/TRSI: COOL IT-PACKS ! PLEASE USE MY SUPPORT ! REDMAN/APPLAUSE: HI MY FUNKY FRIEND ! KEEP COOL ! SASCHA/MIRAGE: NEW GROUP - NEW LIFE ? GOOD LUCK ! IRON/SCOPE: DIGITAL REVENGE RULES ! SCOPE RULES ! CURTCOOL/DEPTH: HOPEFULLY YOU WILL ACCEPT ME INSTEAD OF 2FAST ! NOODLE/FP/DESIRE: WHAT`S UP ? HOLLAND RULES, TOO ! THE KING/ILLUSION: HEY, WHAT YA SAY`BOUT MY VOTESHEET-SUPPORT ? DANNY KANE/ESKIMOS: ALL FREEZING ? KEEP COOL... GROWL/SPOON: NICE PACKSERIES ! WATCH OUT FOR MY PACK ! NAPOLEON/DREAMDEALERS: COOL DD-RELEASES ! SEND MORE PIPELINES ! MIKE/DEFIANCE: TRADEPACK RULES ! USE MY ANIM-ASCII ! SLAYER/BLAZE: HOWDY ! LONG DELAY, OR WHAT ?!? DRAGON/INCAL: KEEP COOL, DILDO ! SKINDIVER/ABYSS: WHERE`S THE NEXT SENDING ? ABYSS RULES ! ALHAZRED/SPASM: HEY, COOL RELEASE ! USE MY SUPPORT FOR BIMBAM ! GIZMODUCK/DEPTH: ALL OKAY ? KEEP COOL ! ZIBIE/FCI: HOPEFULLY YOU`LL ACCEPT ME INSTEAD OF 2FAST! KRUSEN/METRO: HOW`S LIFE ? SPAIN RULES ! CRUSADER/GIANTS: COOL ASCII-WORK ! I`LL VOTE FOR YOU ! THECROW/AVANTGARDE: HI JENS ! WAS MACHT DAS LEBEN ? PHONE ME UP ! DECOY/PASSION: HEY, REALLY GOOD NEW GROUP ! GHANDY/REBELS: NICE HORROR-PACK ! WATCH OUT FOR MY PACK ! MR.KEEL/NOVA: WHERE`S THE NEXT NOVA-RELEASE ? CHRIS/SCOOPEX: SCOOPEX RULES ! FRANÇAIS RULES...PAS! HOGAN/LADYBIRD: NEW GROUP - GOOD LUCK. WHERE`S THE NEXT PROD ? DERK/OBSESSION: SORRY, I HAD A BETTER OFFER FROM AVT ! CHE!/FEAR: THANKS FOR GREAT TAPE ! HOPE YOU LIKE MY ONE ! THEKNIGHT/OBSESSION: LET`S KEEP SWAPPING IN FRIENDSHIP ! TECHNOKING/UNLIMITED: COOL SWAP WITH YOU ! MODEM RULES ! CHUCKY/OBSESSION: SORRY, ABER WIR BLEIBEN FREUNDE, ODER ? TOS/SILICON: LONG DELAY ? PIKABOO RULES ! MAUDIB/ZOO: WHERE`S YA SENDING ? MACFIGHT/MADOR: GOOD LUCK IN MADOR ! WHERE`S MAGNA CHARTSA ? DRAGO/DUPLO^INSANE: WHERE`S THE SENDING ? SIR JINX/NEOPLASIA: COOL SWAP WITH YOU ! GREET TO ALL CLOPPENBURGERS ! GALAHAD/INFECT: GOOD LUCK WITH NEW HANDLE ! PINKI/ILLUSION: THANKS FOR GREAT GFX ! LOVELY/APPLAUSE: WHERE`S NEXT THING ? USE MY SUPPORT ! SKYHAWK/ORION: STILL ALIVE ? WRITE AGAIN ! CYCLON/ESKIMOS: WHAT`S UP ? WRITE TO ME ! ME`FIIR/TMG: WHAT`S LIFE ? KEEP COOL ! DOMAIN/SAINTS: YOP, WHERE`S YA SENDING ? DAFFY/IRIS: HEY, WHAT`S UP ? MISS YA SENDING ! CLEVER/TFD: KEEP COOL, DUDE ! PHASE/NEOPLASIA: THANKS FOR GREAT MODULE-SUPPORT ! DOOMSDAY/MADOR: GREAT SWAP WITH YOU ! ANTI/NEOPLASIA: THANKS FOR ALWAYS COOL SENDINGS ! JAVAIR/TMG: COOL TAPE-SWAP ! SORRY FOR STOPPING IT ! GNO/OBSESSION: LET`S KEEP FRIENDLY SWAPPING, OR NOT ? VADIUM/AVANTGARDE: HEY BROTHER ! JETZT WIEDER VEREINT ?!? AXEL F./RETIRE: FUCK OFF, PC-LAMER ! PSYCHO/TRITEC: WHAT`S UP WITH YOUR STUDIES ? MEGAMAN/UNLIMITED: SORRY FOR DELAY ! HYPER HYPE/OBSESSION: LET`S KEEP FRIENDLY SWAPPING ! BLITZER/FLYING COWS: HEY, WHAT`S UP ? BACKFIRE/APPLAUSE: IT WAS A NICE TIME WITH YOU ! HORRA/INDY: HI MY FRIEND ! STING/ALCATRAZ: WHAT`S UP ? WHERE`S YA SENDING ? VADER/MADOR: THANKS FOR CONTACTING ! STARKILLER/INDY: GOOD LUCK IN AMIGA-SCENE ! WARHAWK/OBSESSION: I HAD TO LEAVE, SORRY. LET`S SWAP... TSP/INDY: SORRY FOR HUGE DELAY ! DR.URBAN/INDY: WHERE`S YA SENDING ? DR.AVALNCHE/INDY: WHAT`S UP ? BACK IN SCENE ? MAJOR BANDIT/NEOPLASIA: HI THOMAS ! COOL WOC-PARTY, OR WHAT ?!? *** MESSAGES FROM GHANDY/REBELS *** ALL CONTACTS: Pleaz remember: I have a new adress! Catch me under: Lars Sobiraj, Mindener Str. 5, 40227 Düsseldorf, Germany ! Send your Adds for Eternal Mag - this time they`ll be for free! Howie / Haujobb Joho hy howie la mourreeee! Jaja... die Demos vor Releasedate kriegen! ha!? nee das war Grey`n Zulu einfach zu gefährlich.. und das mit dem Geld hat ja wohl voll gesucked! arghh! sonss wars lustig! Jammin` war cool! Boo / Talent ALLWAYS Nice sendings with nice stuff to release on the boards from you.. also nice logos ... keep cool! Curt Cool / Depth Yo Man! Better you go back to ascii-pack... your packmenu is ?!?! mhhh.. sorry but i don`t like it! ehhehe but keep curt cool as you are! Peace / Iris JAJA! War voll lustig so an dem Abend! Heheheh .. Horrorpack zusammen machen ruuled doch oder? Heheh.. hasse es wenigstens gut gespreaded? Mr.King / TRSI Hy Jörg! Jetzt gehts wieder los mit Never Mind? Cool - es gibt wenige magparts, die so gut sind! Norby / TRSI IT - is it a mag? a magpart - or PACK-ART? What ever - it`s really cool! Astro / Movement Nice voice call with you! Yeah hope to see you at party IV ! Sorry but your pack did not run at my A1200 ! Paperboy / Simplex Yeah - you`re one of my fastest contacts.. see you at party IV ? Napoleon / DRD Yoho! the design of your new pack is really cool!!!!! Really nice design drd-like! Mop / Essence ROM roolez! Really a very nice mag you`ve done! I`ve enjoyed it from the first to the last page! Sky / Blaze Still waiting for your sending.. you know what i mean? ehehheh would be cool if you could include it soon .. see you my friend... will you be on party iv? Chaos / Desire Jaja! Der Chaos der macht die CHAOtiSchsten Letters... Schade, dass Du nicht auf der Dooms-Day-Party warst.. aber Du hast schon Recht.. deutsche partys haben irgendwie nich` so die grosse zukunft..mhhh worans liegt, weiss ich auch nicht! Aber iss irgendwie so... Laxical / Scoopex Ja - war doch nett mit ENTE zur Dooms DAy, gell? Ruf` ma` an, wann das pack feddisch iss.. (das ich supporten soll...mhhhh) Manthan / The Magic Guild Hy Leo! Allways friendly letters from you! Allways big friendship! Keep on sending, but please more than ONE Disk..ehehehh and NO GAMES pleaz! Hijack / Parallax Hey my old contact!?!? What`s wrong with you! Gratulations that you left AFL!!! But please re-enter swappin` .. haven`t heard anything from you since your last sending (and standart letter) Dire / The Dark Demon Was soll ich sagen? Ente roolez! Ich weiss nicht, wieviel ich schon in die Kiste gesteckt habe aber es iss immer wieder kultig.. alle Versuche von dem 2CV wegzukommen waren erfolglos! Hoffe das Baby springt diese Christmas Party was besser an, als letztes Jahr! Mr. Vain / Bonzai Schade, dass Du nix mehr machst.. Deine ANSIS ROOOOOLEN! Danke für ALLES! Virus / Arise Sorry, that they`ve not let you into the rebellion! Hope i`ll soon have again cards... either i can`t call your real nice board! Lord / Absolute! It`s magic how many chats were broken by AT&T! Don`t know when i`ll be able again to chat with you but it was short but cool! Keep on sending your real nice stuff! Vodka / Saturne Hope you`ll be also at PartyIV!! Skindiver / Abyss Hy Andreas! Naja war ja recht lame auf der Dooms-Day Party.. naja naja nettes C-64-like Intro von Euch..eheuebeueheu Noodle / Desire Yep! YEP! When will you have your new designed pack? Hope to hear from you soon... Loonie / Desire Yohe! Nice sendings from ya! Heard you`ll get a new designed pack from Paragon! that`s cool ! Sixpack / Gods So you want to make an interview with me? No problem at all! Will it be for Jurassic Pack or D.I.S.C. ??!?! I`ll do it either! Nice pack from you! Mike / Defiance Yo hy! You are also one of my fastest Contacts! Will you ever make a coded pack? I mean tradepack is really fast but only ascii is not soooo cool at all Flynn / Outlaws Yoho! Drink a Bacardy and keep cool! Nice that you`re so active! Lenin / Freezers Hey man - I`m sorry for such a short letter from me!!! Your letters are allways very long and cool but I had to spread our Demo ... hope you don`t mind and forgive me! See you my friend! Exumer / Sanity Schade, daß Du aufgehört hast! ...aber ich kann es gut verstehen! Trasher / Sanity Jaja.. diese Lamer, die einen dauernd anschreiben und dann auch noch ein deutscher Lamer.. naja vielleicht bin ich in 1000000 Jahren elite genug, dass Du mir antwortest... wenn ich das überhaupt sein will! who carez? Shade / Trsi What`s on mate? Are you still waiting for Suicid or what`s the reason for not answering? cu DR.DRE! / TRSI Boah was weiss ich wer Dich gebustet hat! Ich wars nicht! Attach mir das Capture doch mal ! ...still waitin` for the cops... PACE / COMPLEX Hope you`ll be happy in Complex... see you soon! Melvin / Rebels Klaus komm raus! heueheu nee... ruled swappen wieda seit dem AT&T suckt? Cards Paradise is lost! *** MESSAGES FROM HOGAN/LADYBIRD DESIGN *** Alfsky/Humans Hi! Agin delay or post ??? Anyway write to me very soon! ps. Don't forget about A1200. B fast... Andy/Essence Yep! Your mag is realy cool. I'm waiting for next R.O.M.'s issue and for your letter ofcoz! CU. Bald Horse/TRSI Hey Baldi! Agin delay? Hm, I think that U should write to me soon. ps. Don't send me Universe! I have this game... Bedzio/Ind. So, U made a VBS, but now the scheme is in Amiga magazine. Bigman/Vision Soft. Hello Irek! Yep! Now all is okay -> it was your delay - not post. Hehe! BTW: I think, that we'll meet in Bydgoszcz, because you lives in this city. Ofcoz you must drink some beers (or vodkas). Hehe. Black Angel/G.E.L. Design I hope that Gelloween Party will B realy cool. I'm going there (but now I'm not sure ->cash rules in this world)! Booger/Abstract Hey Arek! Long time I haven't answer from you. Yep! Now I'm waiting for da letta... Cation/Ind. Sorry za delay!!! Odpisze Ci najszybciej jak to bedzie mozliwe -> na razie Walec trzyma moje i twoje zdjecia (on ma je zeskanowac). ps. A jednak odszedles... Chmiel/F.C.I. What is going on with you?! Why you don't write to me?! I think that U should send my 10 disks back!!!! Write soon. CrazyD/C-Lous Hi Friderik! Good swap with you. When Tutti Frutti??? Stay cool&CU. Distortion/Storm Very good that you'll mede gfx for LBD's intro. I hope that we'll drink something at Gelloween Party! What? Drago/Duplo&Insane Hey! Thanx for contacting me! I'm waiting for da next sending from U. Bye. Draw/Vega Thanx for contacting me! So, I'm waiting for next Prawda issue. Dura/Funzine Thanx for a repl(a)y! Hehe. Maybe we'll meet in Bydgoszcz? Ender/Inquisition I'm waiting for da letta from you! Big delay lately! Or post?! Anyway write fast. Falcon/Humans Hi Flakon! He,he! I don't know why I'm writing this text in English, after all U are a Polish guy. Never mind... So, U'll go to Bydgoszcz? Floppy/Ind. Hey Floppy! Thanx for contacting me.Will you going to Gelloween Party? Freyon/Storm Fantasy book's rules! Yep! Soon I'll read "Lord of the rings". Yep! It's quite well book. Hehe. ps.When your game? Gangsta/Obsession Thanx for contacting me! You made realy cool ASCIIs, so maybe U can make several for my new group? Guybrush/Eaststar Uh, I agin lost your addy! Hm, you can write to me agin?(If you want ofcoz!) BTW: If we'll meet at Gelloween Party you give me your addy. Immortal/Freezers Hey, bylem na Intel Oustide Party I! To nie moja wina ze byles realy (Im)mortal i nic nie pamietasz!!! ps.Long time I haven't answer from you! What is... ps2.Maybe we'll drink something in Bydgoszcz? Jutu/Humans Yep! If you want send more 5.25" disks -> Falcon/Humans have 5.25" disk drive!I haven't answer from You lately. post? or delay? ps. When "Dentka", hehe ??!! Kipers/Amnesty Thanx for a book! It's cool. Maybe we'll agin meet at party? Write to me back soon. When your party?! ps.Delay or post? Kipper/Ind. Now you needn't make gfx... Krzycho/Ind. So, Krzycho it's your handle? I think that yes! See Ya... Latro/Obsession Hi Bernard! Will you write to me once? Many guys ask me about you. Lenin/Freezers Hi grandfather! What is with you? Delay? Or pOST? I'm waiting for da letta from you, so B fast. Bye. Lostboy/Feral Hi Peter! Your new handle is quite well. Hehe! Sorry for all fucking delays. Now should be better. STAY COOL! Madsen/Suspiria Thanx for contacting me! I'm waiting for a next letta. Long letters rules? Well, it's very good. Stay cool. Mephisto/Retire Hi brother! Lately no answer from you. Yep! Is it a little delay? Or pOST? Mik/The Interceptors Hey guy! Delays sux! Write to me back soon!!! Bye. Mr.Doom/Excalibur Hi! Well, I don't "teach" you anymore! And don't forget Amiga and Friendship ruleS forever!!! Stay cool. ps.When next issue of your mag? Mr.King/Scoopex So, you have a little problems with pOST? BTW: Delay? Or pOST? Write to me back soon. Norby/TRSI Czesc Norbert! Thanx for an answer. I hope that we'll a realy friends. Who know? Hehe. ps.Fuck all delays! Swapper it's also a human and he must have some time for girls,beer etc. Qix/Ind. Czesc Macieju! It's good that we'll going to Bydgoszcz. Maybe we'll drink something in a train??? ps. Send greets to Andrzej! Ranger/Ladybird Design Hello my friend! It's cool that you like long letters. When our trackmo? ps. RPG's rulez! Sailor/Fate Hi Obi! So, now you'are learning in Gdansk. I hope that you'll going to Bydgoszcz? Scraby/Humans Hugh! Maybe I'll going to Kolobrzeg before Gelloween Party? Who know? Hehe. Thanx for cool ASCII's! Speed Devil/Far Side Thanx for contacting me! I hope that your next letter will be longer. But if not -> it is also no problem. Splatterhead/Black Jack Hogwh! Thanx for an answer. Still in Black Jack? Stealth/TRSI Star Trep it's a good idea! We'll can talk about it in next party. Steve Jones/Anathema Hello my good friend! Long letters rulez forever and it is realy cool! Okay it's all in this short message because now I have to write to you a realy long letter. Hehe! Vasyl/Ladybird Design Hi! Thanx for nice letters. I hope that we'll meet and drink something in Bydgoszcz! Vaxine/Orbital Hi friend! Thanx for tune for Humans' swaptro. As you know now I am i LBD. Write to me back soon. Stay cool! The King/Illusioin Hi Pawel! Wow, cool that you now write not so short letters! Okay, I'll spread votesheet for your mag-pack --> but you also spread PMM' vote! Okay?! Walec/Appendix Hi "belciarz"! So we'll must agin drink something in a train! But not wine. Write very soon... ps. Send me scaned photos from Intel Outside Party I as soon as possible!!! Wiper/Humans So, Wipus when will be Vacations Report??? He,he! This is all in this short message becouse now I'll call to you. Zur/Ind. When you will going to me? B fast... I'm waiting for an answer from these guys: Fugazi /Taurus, Monsun /Pulse, Lovely /Applause, Sebax /Obsession, Blaze /Balance, J.F.K /Veto, Tap /TRSI, Carlo /F.C.I, Phantom /Applause, M.A.S.E. /Ram Jam, D.John /Blaze, Yahoo /Old Bulls, Virus /Arise, Skyckad /Compact, Blitter /Damian, Mac Fight /DTE, Radavi /Effect, Sca /Mad Elks, Bishop /Zenon. So, if you have contact with any of these guys, please ask why hi don't write to me back! Big THANX! And remember: fuck off to all disk stealers!!! *** MESSAGES FROM KLF/FATE *** To All: Sorry folks for my terrible delay but you know... hollidays,sun,work(he,he I really had a lot of work)girls. Nevermind,now I return on the scene. My phone number: (0-67)12-49-14 Ask for MARCIN. My adress: Marcin Kaminski, Sloneczna 6/1, 64-920 Pila, POLAND To ?????/INTENSE Holland You contacted me some days ago but you didn't write your handle and your addy(I don't know, maybe letter was crashed?).Please send again your addy,ok? To ACTION/ENERGY Wiem,wiem miaîem duzy delay,mam nadzieje ze to sie nie powtórzy. To AGONY/SUSPIRIA Hm, after long silence you are back.Nice intro. To AMAX/THE EDGE No no zmieniîeő grupę.No nic fajne listy piszesz.Stay cool. To BEAVIS/NEOPLASIA Thanx for contacting.I really like mods.You can send this stuff. To BOBSON/OBSESSION Dzieki za skontaktowanie. To BOOGER/ABSTRACT Coő dîugo nie widzę listu.Napisz o co chodzi. To BZYK/IND. Czeőc fanie kosza! Nie wiem o co biega ale doőç dlugo nie ma listu. To CATERPILLAR/ex FATE No cóţ teţ bym odszedî na Twoim miejscu ale mógîbyő odpisaç. To CATION/HUMANS Dzieki za kontakt i sorry za delay ale nie napisales swojego adresu. To CHRIS/SCOOPEX Hello my friend,yes I know sort letters,but who cares? To CLIVE/ABSTRACT Spoko man juţ do Ciebie pisze,mam nadzieje ze sie wkrotce spotkamy na jakims party. To CONDOR/JEWELS Hm,after long silence you sent your letter.Ok I like your stuff. To CRAZY D/C-LOUS What's up??? You contacted me long time ago but you sleep??? Write faster! To DODGER/INTERACTIVE What's a problem?? I didn't get a letter from you. To ESC/APPENDIX Ja się chyba potnę przez tć poczte, a moze zrobiles sobie delay?? To FLOPPY/IND. Dzieki za skontaktowanie. To FLYNN/OUTLAWS You are also one of my best friends.Thanx for very long and nice letters. To GIZMODUCK/DEPTH Answer soon my friend. What's life in Denmark?? To GURGLE/MAD ELKS? What's up man.Don't sleep and write faster.I don't like big delays(he,he). To ILLUSIONIST/THE FUN FUCTORY Hello man, yes, yes long delay.Hm, answer soon! To JAVIER/THE MAGIC GUILD Nice stuff and long letters.That's cool. To JOYBREAKER/CRAZY BABIES Dzieki za kontakt.Answer soon. To KREATOR/IND. Dzieki za skontaktowanie. To MAKELA/TRANCE INC. Nice intros from your crew.Please write faster,ok? To MEPHISTO/RETIRE Thanx for amazing Asci logos.You are really good in this job. To MICHAEL R./MAYHEM Fajnego pack'a wydajecie.Wysîaîem ostatnio list do Ciebie ale coő nie ma dîugo odpowiedzi. Czyţby powrót lamerskiej poczty?? To MOWGLIE/PLC Hi man Czekam na nowy numer waszego maga.Napisz co tam na studiach. To NOSTER/VENTURE Podobaîo mi się wasze intro, czekam na ten Music disk. To OMEGA/IND. Dzieki za skontaktowanie. To ONIX/ILLEGAL Hi,sorry for my delay.Answer soon. To PAGAN/IND. Dzieki za skontaktowanie. To PLASTUS/BETON DEZIGN Kurcze co to za delaye,slyszalem ze masz przerwe wakacyjnć??? To RIPPER/DIFFUSION Long silence or what??? I don't know why you make so big delay. To SAILOR/FATE Nie wiem czy to poczta u Ciebie czy u mnie? Napisz jeszcze raz. To SKINDIVER/ABYSS Hello friend.Your group is one of the most productive on the scene. This is really good. To SKY/BLAZE Czytaîem Twojego message'a i moţesz się spodziewaç mojego listu. To SLAYER/BLAZE Ojciec, nie bij mnie ţe tak dîugo nie byîo listu ale ukradli przesyîkę. Czekam na pack'a. To SPIRYT/THE EDGE Hej man! Co to się narobiîo i ile to ludzi przeszîo do The Edge.Jeőli moţesz to napisz szybciej.Jeőli moţesz to zrób mi dwa chip'y. To STASI/CONVEX Dzieki za skontaktowanie. To STING/ALCATRAZ Hello my german friend.Ireally like yor letters.Answer soon. To SWEET/INTERCEPTORS Dzieki za skontaktowanie, ale coő dlugo nie piszesz.Pospiesz sie. To TETSUO/SYGMA? What's up??? You contacted me some time ago and after this long break.Please write again. To THE KING/ILLUSION Czekam,czekam na Twojego pack'a.Jeőli moţesz to umieőç adverts'y itp. To THE TRENDY DEALER/RAM JAM Nice letters from ya.Send newest issue of The Charts! To TRASH HEAD/MYSTIC No cóţ zmieniamy grupyale nie o to mi biega. Fajne listy oby tak dalej. To ULTRAS SUR/METRO Hi my spanish friend.You are one of my best ctx and please forgive me this shit(delay). To UNHOLY/THE EDGE Spoko czîowieku juţ piszę.Twój ostatni list gdzieő mi zajebaîo i dlatego nie bylo answer'u. To WILLY/OZONE FREE? Niezla masz laske.Piesek tez niczego sobie.Zadzwon wreszcie! To X-POOLE/NUANCE Hi my german friend! Are you musican? Yeah?!? Send me some of your mods. To ZIBI/FLYING COWS INC. Spoko,spoko, nie bij mnie za ten delay ale wiesz jak jest w zyciu. Czekam na nastepny numer Twojego pack'a. To ALL FORGOTTEN Sorry people, but I'm very tired.I cannot remember every hadles.Please forgive me. *** MESSAGES FROM MADSEN/SUSPIRIA *** - To all.. I have renamed from Agony, so some of you might know me with that handle!!! - Splatterhead / Analog Hello Spatter.. Always nice to get some new contacts.. I wish you good luck in Analog.. I was suposed to join Analog for two years ago, but no... hehe - Virus / Arise Hello Virus. Please send to me soon. It been 4 months since I wrote to you. What happen? Please send me my disks back... - Tornado / Chrome Hello Tornado. Hope to see some Chrome productions soon. Get you a AGA machine soon... =) - Le Chien / Crap! Hallo! 1200 Rules! Skriv litt lenger brev, saa det blir litt lenger messages enn dette!!! =) Vell, hva syntes du om brevet du fikk? Holder 35k for deg? Det holder for meg i allefall. En liten fin forklaring paa hva en skjerm er, eller hva?? - Deceiver / Decnite Hello Deceiver!! I wrote to you for a long time ago.. Please answer me soon. - Curt Cool / Depth Hello Frank.. So you are living happy in Denmark, I hope... Well, nothing spesial to write. Well, when are the coded packmenu commin'? - Doc / Depth Hello Doc. So you made the pipe-bomb? I tell Interpol, and they come and beat you up.. hehehe.. Send me some more text about making bombs and some more funny things.. hehe Good luck with the school... - Cloud / Desire Hello Cloud.. Long time since I wrote to you... Hope to see a letter in my mailbox soon.... - Core / Disaster Hello my new friend! Always nice to get some new contacts. I hope we can swap for a long time in the future... Well, sorry for the delay, but I have alot of homework now, so there's the reason for the delay, sorry. - Ripper / Diffusion Hallo Ripper. Pr0v aa skriv litt lenger brev, saa det blir litt kulere aa skrive tilbake til deg. Forresten, er det ikke pĺ tide ĺ skrive litt? - Taxman / Diffusion Hello Taxman. I hope to get some Diffusion stuff soon.. Send me a litle bit longer letter next time.. - Coma / Dual Format Hello Coma. My only friend in England. So you just have restore your house, and now living together with your girlfriend. Bad that you lost your job, but that only give you more time for swapping, =). So you left Eclips for Dual Format. I have'nt heard about Dual Format before, but hope to see some productions from your group soon.. You could write faster, there's 3 mounts ago last sending.... - Raze / Fanatic Hello Thomas.. Thanks for beeing my bodyguard in the future... hehe. Hope to see you at 'The Party 4' or some other place.. Well, 30minuts is nothing. The SPA chat last atleast 90minuts. Say hello to Zap for me. - Klf / Fate Hello Marcin. So you got all Rayer's contact, that must be many.. Not much to say to you. How did the exams go? Hope to see some Fate productions. Hey, write some soon. There are 2 mounts sicne last time... - Easy / Focus Design Hello Lars... pc just suxx.. I hate those trachcan... The teatcher is nuts.. hehe.. Hope to see some Focus Design prods. Are Focus Design holding a new party like the other?? Hope so. I'll come. - Warlock / Giants Okay, what to say? The summertime makes you lazy? Well, the hot summer this year makes me lazy too, but I will write longer letter in the future. So you are leaving for GIANTS? Hope to see 'Braindamage' soon.. PS. Go and brough you a AGA machine =) - Tuner / Hemorids Hello Tuner.. Thanks for letter, but I have'nt any big going with you, so sorry for the lame messy.. - Lenin / Freezers Hello Lenin??? Are you there?? Please write some words.. BTW. Forget the question. I just want to swap with you.. - Zibi / Flying Cows inc. Hello Zbyszko. What a difficult first name you have.. I think I use Zibi in the future.. hehe.. Well, I hope that we can swap for a long time, and have a lot of fun. Hope to see you at a party sometime.. - Muadib / Ex-Sygma Hello, Muadib.. Always nice sendings from you, but you are 'litle' bit slow. - Ali / InterActive Waiting for a letter!!! I contacted you for 4 mounts ago... Please answer me! - Gigabyte / Iris Hello Gigabyte. What do you think about the last letter? Is 13.7k enough? ÷) Do you want 1giga?? How is the weather on Faroe Islands? BTW. Are you answering soon? I wrote to you for a long time ago..... - Rapper / Isch Crew Hello Rapper. Please write some longer letters and some faster. That would be nice. There's 3 mounts since last time, what happened? - Ranger / Ladybird Design Hello Ranger... Alwasy nice to get some new contacts.. I hope that we can swap for a long time in the future, and hope to see some LBD productions soon... - Tranze / Legacy Hallo Tor Kjetil. Skriv snart. Hvordan kan du etterlate meg slik?? Skriv en dag, det er jo du som skal skrive, er det ikke?? Jo.. Du har altids tid til en liten note!!!! hehe... - Doomsday / Mador... Hello Doomsday... Nice letter.. Hope to get alot of them in the future.. Not so long we have swap, so sorry for this lame message.... sorry... - Stone / Morbid Angels Hallo Stein. Er du synket i sn0en, eller hva kan ha skjedd med deg? Skriv iallefall snart. Ring til Basic instinct litt mer! - Latro / Obsesion Hello Latro.. Well, have'nt heard form you for some months now.. What's happend? Did the Chippo Source go to hell?? Send me the next issue soon. - Flynn / Outlaws THANKS for last sending.. Hope to see Bacardy and the demo soon. Always nice letter from you.. Hey, go and sell that pc you just have brought.. hehe.. It's only for laughting about everytime you see it... - Reval / Orion Hello man! Sorry for this lame message to you, but I hav'nt got that many letter from you.. - Mic / Princips Hello to you too. Well, so you like to play paintball. I think thats looks great. Hope to play Paintball some day. Mayby with you?? - Acbs / Ram Jam Hello Acbs... Thanks for the words in last letter. Merda, I have to write some more messages, so I better go on.. - Stratos / Quick Design Hei, hei Tom. Du, bare kom.. hehe.. Jeg fĺr vel skrive litt til deg ogsĺ. Du fĺr vel gjřre litt lekser nĺ, eller hva? hehe. Snakker vel med deg en dag.. Kommer du over til oss i et friminut? Hope so!! Bibu... - Exumer / Sanity Hello Exumer. Wrote you a letter alonge time ago. Did you get it? Please send to me soon.. - Melvin / Scandal What about to send me a letter to me soon?? Please send me my disks back... - Benjamin / Scoopex Caramba, eats your fish. Det vak'ke meg.. - Elmore / Scoopex Hallo. Har du funnet geveren til Obmar ennaa?? Jeg tror det kan ligge i Farlig veien. Foresten, hvor er det blitt av gangfelt-skiltet?? PS. Kjřp deg 1200!! AGA rules!! Sĺ du har kjopt deg bil, kult, da kan jo du komme paa flere party's. - Mozell / Scoopex Hei Bestemor, eller var det Drain? (Anode, katode?) Kanskje du heller skal tenke paa ett navn isteden for fire. Aparat!!! Navello!! (Ufo'en var for dyr!) Join Suspiria!! Foresten; Caramba, eats your fish! hihi... Det var en gang en liten fisk... - Mr. King / Scoopex Hello. Realy cool pack of yours. Always cool sendings. Litle short letter, but that's okay. The disks is always high quality, so thats okay now. The post suxx, but if we have'nt got the post, how could we get the stuff?? hehe... Well, write some more offen. - Dalmak / Stellar Hello Dalmak.. I contacted you for some mounts ago.. Please answer me soon. - Absurd / Stone Arts Hallo Absurd. Sĺ du jobber pĺ FunCom nĺ.. hehe. Ta heller ĺ join Suspiria enn disse Stein prompene... hehe.. c'ya - Groggy / Storm Hello Groggy. Nice letters form you. Hope to see something from your crew soon... - Kr'33 / Spaceballs Hey, com'on. I wrote to you for some mounts ago, please answer me soon. - Oxstone / Spasm Hello, nothing to say to you, becose only one letter from you'r resistens in France.. Hope to see more cool productions from your group soon. But, could you speed up some?? - Acid / Suspiria HEILO, Asid. Huuum, what to say... Kult aa chate med deg paa Basic Instinct. hehehe.. vel, har lekser ĺ gjřre sĺ, bćbu... - Ammouche / Suspiria Hallo Kim. Skal du kj0pe A4000T? Det blir sikkert kult. Haaper at du starter BBS du snakka om. Send noe mer du har lagd. - Felix / Suspiria Hei paa deg, du er grei! Lagd noen Ascii i det siste, eller noen sanger? Vel, skal du kj0pe A4000? Sett inn advert hos Daniel. Det har jeg gjort. Vell, hva mer skal jeg si til deg da? Egentlig ikke saa mye aa si, er det vel?? - Lilja / Suspiria Hallo Loon(itec). Kuule moduler du lager. hehe... Hĺper vi kan mřtes en gang snart.. hehe.. Ta med deg SPA Sweden og kom en liten tur hehe.. - Tdh Design / Suspiria Halo Upse. uhuhuhhuhuhuhu. Tnur dnu jeg ikkne hnřrer degn hellner??? Uhhuh.. - Nic / Symbiosis Hallo. Er det noe kult paa Sessvollmoen? Skriv opp en adresse til, saa jeg kan velge mellom fem stykker. Vell, du er jo ikke paa Sessvolmoen mer naa. Du er i Oslo. Saa du har 'sluttet' aa royke? Det var jo fint. Det er jo dyrt ĺ rřyke, er det ikke? Besřk meg en dag, du har jo telefon nummeret mitt. - Volcryn / Technoligy Hello Volcryn. saa du bytta navn. Det var ikke saa dumt. Volcryn er mye kulere enn Pinhead, men det er litt vanskligere aa huske! - Zap / Tomato Design Hello Zap. Always nice letters from you. Nice to have two bodyguards. Say hello to Razeercar for me! - Norby / TRSI Hello Norby!! IT rules... hehe.. Hope to write LONG letters with you.. Okay, sorry for the lame message, but I have to do some homework.. BTW. Good luck with the school too... - Kyperkersa / Virtual Zone Hello Kyperkersa.. Strange name, but cool. Hope to see some bytes form your group. Sorry for short message, but we have'nt swaped for some long time yet, so I hope that we can swap for a long time.. - Chronic / Zenon Hello Kim.. Well, not long since I got contact with you, but I hope we can swap for a LONG time... Well, hope to see some Zenon productions soon. By the way, go buy you a A1200 soon!! *** MESSAGES FROM MAJOR BANDIT/NEOPLASIA *** Bullet/LEGO: Hi Marcus, was isn los, warst auch schon mal schneller! Schafft Dich Deine Freundin so ??? Naja auf der WOC werden wir uns schon wieder sehen, oder? Mr.King/TRSI: Schon lange nix mehr von Dir gehoert, melde dich mal wieder ! Rave/FEAR: Hoffe das es Dir in Fear gut geht, sehen wir uns auf der WOC wieder, kannst mich ja wieder vom Zug abholen, war ja ganz goil letztes Jahr ! Peace/IRIS: Now you are a Member of Iris, cool hope to see more nice Products from Iris. Euere German-Section is aber nicht gerade die groesste oder ??? Aber was solls! Obelix/PLATIN: He, man when du you release the new Generation ?? Sonic Flash/SHRIMPS DESIGN: Was kann man von Euch in naechster Zeit erwarten, naja mit MTU war ja ein reinfall aber vielleicht wird ja bei dir in Shrimps Design alles besser! Blaster/EREMATION: Hello, Daniel.. he what is wrong why do you dont write back, for some days you was my fastest foreign contact !! Dexy/ENEMY: I hope that my messy will reach you computer, i can only wish you peace, peace and peace !! Lord/ABSULUTE: Yes, the last Sledge Hammer was a greate Production, hope to see more good Productions from you, do you will come to the WOC. Last year we havent meat us, shit !! Raven/FANATIC: Hope to see more fantastic Intros from your group !! Hemlock/ind.: Na Hemlock, haste deinen Compi aufgeruestet ?? Wie schaut es aus, haste schon eine neue Gruppe, wenn nicht bewerbe Dich doch irgendwo mal, du kannst doch ganz gut Ansi-Design. Gimick/PEARL: Greets go to you !! Plugster/DEFIANCE: Heh, man when can i read the new issue of 'Buzz' i think it is a good mag ! Crazy D/C-LOUS: Hi Frederik, you are a very fast contact, thanks for your cool productions. C-Lous is a very productiviti group. Willy/OZONE 3: Hope to see soon Production from your group. Please tell me some facts about Ozone 3 Gentleman/SHRIMPS DESIGN & BONZAI: Warum bist Du ein doppel Member? Ist dir wohl eine Gruppe zu wenig? Naja, hauptsache es macht Spass, kommst Du zur WOC, wuerde dich mal kennen lernen, wie wir in MTU waren hat es ja nicht geklappt! Onix/ILLEGAL: I thought Illegal is one of Hollands best groups ?? Where a the Productions??? Hope to see soon!! Reval/ORION: Aha, du hast also die ganze Mail von Monsun uebernommen, hoffe das wir viel freude am swappen haben. to all Members of NEOPLASIA: I will greet you all.... my friends and hope that we meet us in Koeln !! *** MESSAGES FROM MARS/MYSTIC *** Acid/Suspiria - Hi man!! Cool coproduction with Obsession! Write to me faster! Action/Energy - Howdy Przemek! I'm waiting for answer abaut month! Be faster! Alhazred/Spasm - Salute Aymeric! Have you got 110 contacts? It's great. What's abaut Magna Chartsa? See you next time. Astaroth/Ind. - O qrwa! I deleted your addy.I'm so sorry but I forgot write your addy in my list. Please recontact me! Art.B/Suspect - Hi Art.B. Do you make something now? Backfire/Applause - Yes. A1200 is cool machine. I think you will buy it and will not finish swapping job! See you! BFA/Suspect - Hi Bartek! Avenue is cool product. But please use my addy there! I have few your's disks witch are you forgot! Black Conrad/Luzers - Are you dead? Luzers lurez. Bobson/Obsession - Hi Bobson. It's only small messages for one of my contacts. Are you code something? What's abaut yours mag? I'm waiting for answer. Bodzio/The Edge - Cool meeting in Warsaw! Maybe you will write to me! Booger/Abstract - Yep. Yours intro wasn't good. But it is only first product. Write faster. Cation/Humans - Howdy Cation! Thanks for really cool stuff. Be faster (than light). Cbm80/Mystic - Cool Atom intro! Dementro is very funny. See you at next party. C.I.A/Mystic - I'm waiting for answer. I sent you letter after party. Cool NTB#6 picture. Charon/Mystic - Hi Charon! Yes. I know. I send you some disks in the next future. Cromax/ex.Alchemy - What's up man! Write to me! Great party in Warsow isn't it? Dagon/Old Bulls - Hi Dagon! I have now new album Beastie Boys "Ill communication" It's great!! See you in Bydgoszcz. Dalthon/Joker - What abaut your intro? If you have good films or tapes call to me. Maybe you want Beastie Boys? Dark Angel/Mystic - Hi Dark Angel! I heared that you make pack for Trash Head? What's baut trackmo? See you next time! Dave/Vacuum - Salute David! Yep. What's to write now. Bartman's modules are good but yours contribution to IOP is better. See you. D-Coy/Giants - Hi Warlock ! ....Error....Error.... Yes ofcoz! Howdy D-Coy! Thanks for cool mags from you! I'm waiting for new Giants productions. Derk/Obssesion - We are swapping now again. It's cool. Post is lame!! I'm waiting for mag. Device/Infect - Hi Device! I sent you new XTD's modules. Please write to me very quickly! I'm waiting. Domin/Pride - What's up Domin! I'm waiting and waiting! Be faster. Dom'sday/Mador - Hi Boris! Thanks for Milkachocolate and Mars. Yes I like it. I sent you something sweet too. Drago/Duplo&Insane- Hi Drago. Thanks for contact. Be faster coz I'm still waiting! Draw/New Line Design - Hi Draw. I sent you two letters now. Please fuck thiz "pieprzonego zlodzieja". See you next time. Dreamer/TPD - Hi Dreamer. Really nice "Doclandia" tune. I think it was won at IOP or was second after XTD. Easy Rider/Mystic&TRSI - Thanks for all modules from party. But I'm still waiting for my disks! EB/The Interceptors - Hi super codeman! Are you make scroll now or maybe filled vectors? Call to me! Echo/FCI - Howdy Echo! Are you make something? Yes my disks are sleeping in your home. Please send it to me. Exolon/Tilt - Salute Maciej! I didn't know that you have A1200. Please enjoy our demos! Flynn/Outlaws- Thanks for contact. You aremy first Belgian contact. I sent you cool stufs as always. Gandalf/Academy - Are you dead? If not please write to me! Gazela/Drunkards - Hi Koza! Nice pics you drow! Are you in Joker now? Goocioo/Mayhem - Hey Goooooocioooooo! Maaaaaaaajaaaaaa here. No. It's only little joke. Do you make something now? Grand Duke/Diffusion - Are you dead? I heared that you was busted but write to me! Gunman/Mystic - Hi Adam! I'm waiting for gfx for my pack and theze slides. Hacksaw/Chrome - Great stuff from you. Write to me faster. Yours delay are too long. Hunter/Pulse - Hi Hunter! Your intro was cool. Thanks for contact. Write to me faster! Immortal/Freezers - Hi Immortal! Yes. Your new group is super! I have delays as always but I work on it now. Insect/Demagogic - Are you a big lamer or something? But thanks for disk. See you at next party. Jaydee/Duplo - Hi man! I'm waiting for letter. your stuff was cool. Jackal/Mystic - Yep. Your slide is cool but will be better! See you at next party in Bydgoszcz. I would like to go to Denmark with you! Jezo/Mystic - Welcome in Mystic. Your's graphics are great. Kajetan/Pride - Hi Kajetan! Yes. I hadn't money thiz time. I sent you thiz demo. Kalosz/Suspect - Salute Kalosz! Are you quit the carrier? Kane/Suspect - Hi Kane! Do you make something? No name is cool. Katani/Mystic - What to write? Do you made new trackmo? New party is Bydgoszcz on November. Stay kewl! Kipers/Amnesty - Hi Kiper! Let's swap. Nice meeting at Intel Outside Party. I think that it was one of best party in Poland ever Krusen/Metro - Thanks for last sending. But your delay is... to long. See you next time. Kratka/Mayhem - Thanks for contacting me. Have a nice swapp. Larsen/Mystic - Howdy Larsen! Herzlich wilkommen in Mystic. Yes. Make my pack please. LeMUr/D.D.T - Hi Lemur! Thanks for last programs. See you! Lenin/Freezers - Howdy Lenin! I'm waiting for answer! I know that my last letter was to short for you but... forgive me. Write fast! Leon/Excess - Yep. Thanks for contact! Write soon. Liv/Generation - Hey my friend! What are you doing now? New crazy-techno? Call to me! Lovely/Applause - Hallo Lovely! What's going in Applause? More funn? Stay cool as always. Mac/Beton Design - Hi Mac! Thanks for ctx. Yes. You first sent me Rom. Metal/Funzine - Hey Captain Wolfstein! Thanks for intro! I'm reading "Nasza szkapa" now. It's realy very interesting book. See you! Mike/Defiance - Thanx for letter. Your pack is cool. Have a nice swapptime. Modulator/Vismaior - Your modules are not very quality. But thanks for another things. See you... Monica/Funzine - Hi Monica! Do you remember me? Big greetings for your friend and for you of coz! Mr.Doom/Excalibur - Hi Mr.Doom! Yours mag isn't super but isn't bad too. I would like to be officjal spreader! (just kidding) Write soon! Mr.King/Scoopex - Hi Joerg! I heared that you are busted now. But please write to me. See you soon! Mr.Root/Union - Hi Droot! Your Prodigy series is very cool. But you should make another modules too. Stay cool! MSS/Mystic - Hi Zenek! Great demo you made. Really. I'm still waiting for slide-show! Please send it me. Nicolas/Ind. - Thanks for cool game. More it! See you.. Ninja/Mystic - Are you dead? What's baut Zig-Zag? Norby/TRSI - I'm still waiting for any voice for you. "IT" is super. Maybe the best. Ok. Write soon. Oxstone/Spasm - Hi Oxtone! I'm waiting for my disk. Please give it Alhazred! Thanks. Pantera/S!P - Howdy Akos! What'up man? I'm waiting for letter now. Write as quickly as possible! Pavelo/Luzers - Hi Pavelo! Do you remember me? See you in Trjmiasto! Peters/Joker - O yes! Why didn't you go to Warsaw? See you on Hudinski party. Pinki/Illusion - Thanks for cool stuff. Oxygene demo is really good. Stay kewl. Piontal/Suspect - Good work with Avenue series. I like it. Aspecially A#2. Python/TPD - Salute Python! Thanks for cool and looong letter! I never forget it! See you! Razorblade/Balance - Thanks for contacting me. Yours demo is very good. Have a nice swapptime with me! Revizor/Pride - Hi Revi! You make kewl modules thiz times. Did you go to Gizycko? Roberts/Applause - Greet module from Intel Outside Party. But why Applause? See you in Bydgoszcz! R.G/Vega - Are you finally dead? XTD gave me two disk on IOP. Did it yours? SCA/Mad Elks - What's up ? I'm waiting for letter mnoga month. Shade/TRSI - Hi Shade! What's abaut Suicid? I'm waiting for answer from you! Sivy/Jabol Prod. - You drunker! See you in Bydgoszcz. Sigge/Illusion - Hi Sigge! Cool musicdisk! Please write to me if you want. Skull/Eremation - Hi Didier! I'm waiting for answer. Please write faster. Sky/Blaze - Howdy Sky! Please recontact me. I'm waiting. Sleeper/Suspect - Hi Sleeper. You have small message from me. Stay cool. Smile/Turnips - Turnips or not? Thanks for game! Loong letterws it's what I like. I write to you maybe tommorow. Snoopy/Scope - Great modules " Sentimental talks". Really I love them. See you in Bydgoszcz. Spiryt/The Edge - Hi Spiryt. Funny meeting in Warsow, isn't it? Your module is T.Nalepa conversion. I suppose! Steve Jones/Anathema - Hallo SJ! What are you going now? I'm listening new album by Beastie Boys "Ill communication". It's wonderfull. See you... STVE/Drunkards - Hi STVE? Are you in Joker now? Stone/The Interceptors - Stone! Write to me or something and sendme our intro from party! Stratos/Quick Design - Thanks for contacting me! Stuffwas good. More better. Sweet/The Interceptors - New handle, new group. Yes. I'm waiting for answer now. Be faster. The Generat/Union - Are you in Army now? See you maybe in Bydgoszcz. Tormentor/Credo - Are you dead now? I'm still waiting. Please write to me. Trasher/Sanity - Always great stuffs from you. Thanks. I hope we meet in The Party IV. See you... Trash Head/Mystic - Hi Trash Head! Did you listen BeastieBoys? They are supper. What's baut yourpack? See you in Bydgoszcz. Ultrasonic/Sardonyx - Thanks for cool stuffs. Ok. I will write in Polish too. See you... Czesc trzymaj sie! Walec/Appendix - Yep. Write to me faster. I'm waiting.. Warhawk/Obssesion - Hi Przemek! Are you doing NewsWeek now? Please make my advert and use it them. Thanks. Waterhead/Ozone Free - Thanks for letter. Your delay was too long and I thought that fucking post... Willy/Ozone Free - Are you dead? Please writeto me. I'm waiting baut two month! VIP/Apendix - Hi WIPEK! I don't now what's write now. It's ninety or higher message and I'm tired now. See you and write to me. Qba/TRSI- O yes. TRSI- it taste good. Please write loonger letters. See you in Bydgoszcz. Qwerty/Scope - Hi Adrian! What's baut Scope and intro? I'm waiting for letter from you. Yoga/Mystic - Great picture from Party. Please write to me. Greetings for all in Lublin. XTD/Mystic&TRSI - Are you dead? Just kidding. Very good pizza was in Gdynia on Friday! See you. Zibi/FCI - Hi Zibi! Funny meeting at Intel Outside Party. When Pravda#3? *** MESSAGES FROM QBA/TRSI *** Acid/DYT: Thanx for support to It & cool Modules. Alhazred/Spasm: Thanx for cool stuff & letters. Alis/Mad Elks: Kiedy wreszcie odpiszesz. Odeslij moja instrukcje od Reala! Andreas/IND: Sorry za deley ale chyba rozumiesz?! Avenger/Giants: Thanx for last stuff, short letter rulez. Backfire/ex.Applause: Szkoda ze odszedles ze sceny, fajnie sie z Toba swapowalo. Bald Horse/TRSI: Jak zwykle dzieki za giery! Extra ze poprawiles te bledy w IT'cie! Bartesek/Casyopeya: Dzieki jak zwykle za fajne moduly i extra listy. Beholder/Diffusion: Your disk always is read error, plesa check disks. Black Angel/Gel Dezign: Moim zdaniem party w Bydgoszczy to totalna klapa. Jak tam gierki sie podobaly? I co z tym programikiem dalo by rade go zrobię? Blast/Energy: Why do no write letter to me? Bodzio/The Edge: Zajebisty pomysl z tym Quizem do ITa. Napisz wkoncu. Booger/Abstarct: Czekam na liscik! Break Beat/Speedy: Thanx for cool tune to my pack. I stop my pack!!!!!! Make some tune for IT. Candyman/Giants: Thanx for noice stuff & letter. Cavit/Diffusion: Long time no letter from you!! Codan/Rebels: Long time no letter from you!!! Coroner/Picco: Czemu niepiszesz?!?!?!? Przekzű ta samâ wiadomosc Malemu!!! Chris/Scoopex: Why do no write to me. I send letter to You 2 month ago! Chucky/Obsession: Thanx for cool stuff last time. Curt Cool/Depth: Thanx for cool modules for IT send more. Dalthon/Joker: Twoje interko jest super, jak tylko bëdzie zrobione to od razu podeslij. Jak ty tam tyle tego zmiesciles. Dareen/Scoopex: Thanx for answer & nice stuff! Dragon/Duplo & Insane: Thanx for contacting me!! Dreamer/TPD: Ten modulik Bilinskiego jest poprostu zajebisty. Gratulacje z powodu wygranego music compo. Twoj modul byl zdecydowanie najlepszy. Dodger/Essence: Next time I send you some RAP tapes! DSX Design/IND: Dzieki za extra moduliki, powodzenia w szukaniu grupy napewno masz szanse na bardzo dobra grupe bo Twoje moduly sâ super. Ender/INQ: Dziëki za fajny modulik. Elis/TRSI: Twoje efekty sa na serjo zajebiste, powodzenia w robieniu demka. Jak bede mial jeszcze jakies pomysly to Ci napisze. ESC/Appendix: Czemu niepiszesz? Twoje interko jest naprawde fajne! Exolon/Tilt: SHORT letter rulez & panienki tez! Fate/Outlaws: Always hot stuff but always slow!!! G1/Sardox & Obsession: Why do you change your handle? Gosciak/SOK: Podroz na party byla extra. Goocioo/Mayhem: I jak tam idzie wydawanie Twojego packu? Heptagon/Tride: At last I have letter form you. Irek P./Union: Dzieki za Pd Paradise. Podeslij nowy numer jak wyjdzie. Iron/Scope: List do Cibie wjebalo bo inne listy ktore teog dnia wysylalem tez niedoszly, niedlugo znow napisze. Immortal/Freezers: Gratulacje z powodu przejscia do Freezersow. Cos dawno nie ma lettera od Ciebie. Kajetan/Pride: Twoje ovrazki sa naserjo zajebiste!! KR'33/Spaceballs: Thanx for answer & cooool stuff. I send you some 24 bit pics. Kratka/Mayhem: Dzieki za ta kasetke jest super, jak zwykle dzieki za extra lisciki. Kipers/Amnesty: I czemu nie piszesz? KLF/Fate: Thanx for contacing me! Kurczak/FCI: Dzieki za odstatnie moduliki. Kursen/Metro: Thanx for hot stuff. Your intro is realy nice! Larry/Skulls: I jak tam podobaly sie gierki? Lenin/Freezers: Czlowieku, WIT PREMIUM jest poprostu odlotowy BEST POLISH DEMO. Postaraj sie teraz odpisac szybciej niz ostatnio. Lenny/Scope: Fajnie ze zadzwoniles. Tak jak mowilem Votke wysylam. I jak sië podoba co? Niestety narazie ta pojebana wersa z MAgami, obiecuje űe jak bede mia dostep do drukari to odrazu wysylam dobra. Lloyd/IND: Dawno niebylo listu od Cibie!!! Lovely/Appaluse: Jak zwykle dzieki za extra modulki! Czemu tak dlugo nie piszesz? Mac/Beton Dezign: Dzieki za zkontaktowanie sië zemnâ! Magor/PIL: Wydaliscie naprawde fajne demko! Malaka/Phuture 303: Thanx for contacting me! Manio/Ind: Thanx for contacting me! Mars/Mystic: QRVA jebana poczta zajebala list do Cibie ale to musiala byc Twoja poczta bo inne ktore tego samego dnia wysylalem doszly. Messershmitt/Ram Jam: Long time no letter from you. Stay cool my PAL. Mike/Defiance: Thanx for last stuff, always hot stuff on your pack. Mogul/Ram Jam: Why do no write to me & SIGGE??!!?!? Mr.KING/TRSI: I send you more support to Never Mind!! MSW/Effect: Thanx for cool modules & letter. MTC/Illusion: Twoje moduliki sâ naserjo coraz fajniejsze! Norby/TRSI: Podsylaj jak zawsze nowe IT'y! Party byîo chujowe jak 100 chuji, a juz najbardziej mnie dobiîo to űe nasze demko nie wyszlo. Ale chociaz sobie popilismy. Omega/Ind: Postaraj sië jak najszybciej znalezc sobie jakas grupe. Twoje rysunki sa naprawde fajne. Onyx/IND: Chujowo ze niebylo CIe znami na party. Overdose/TRSI: Thanx for answer. Your pack is relaly cool, I try ever time send you support. Pagan/FCI: Gratulacje z powodu przejôcia do FCI. Podeslij mi jakis swoje nowe rusuneczki. Pantera/Goods: Thanx for message in Never Mind. Paperboy/Simplex: Your pack is realy cool!! Spread my adverts!! Pepe/TRSI: Demko jest super! Chujowo ze ta muzuka sie na party jebala. Python/TPD: Czemu sie tak obrzydliwie lenisz co, napisz kiedys. Qwerty/Scope: A jednak zostaîes w Scope, czemu niepiszesz co? I czemu nie bylo Cie na party co? Radavi/Effect: I send you 1 month ago letter an what? Send me modules as always. Redman/Applause: Dzieki za extra kasetki, za ta Prodigy bede Ci wdzieczny do konca zycia. Mam nadzieje ze wkoncu sie kiedys spotakmy, najszybciech chyba po drodze na The Party 4. Regulator/???: Thanx for nice modules! Good luck in serch new group! Reset/Mystic: Sorry Resetku ale jestem zmuszony zrobis sobie tygodniowy deley, mam nadziejë ze sie niewqrvisz co? Roberts/Applause: Wielkie dzieki za zajebiste moduliki do ITa!!! Roger/PIL: Dzieki za fajne moduliki, zrob coô do ITa. Twoj music dysk jest na serio cool. Skindiver/Abyss: Thanx for use my adverts. Write soon. SKY/Blaze: Podeslij mi jak masz wersje Overvision która by chodzila na A1200. Skycland/Compact: I wait for your letter! Sigge/Illusion & PIL: Co jest QRVA czemu niepiszesz, ja Ci list wyslalem!! A tak naserio to co jest z ta koszulka? Slayer/Blaze: Czemu nie piszesz? Splatterhead/Analog: Thanx for stuff & letter! Stan/Illusion: Fajnie sie gadalo na party. Tetsuo/Illusion: Good luck in Illusion! Thanx for greate modules. The King/Illusion: I kiedy twoj pack? The Knight/Obsession: Jak tylko wyjdzie nowy Gedan odrazu mi go podeslij. The Treandy Dealer/Ram Jam: Thanx for contacting me. Send me new issue The Charts! Thorin/Melon Dezign & Movement: Congratulations!!! Cool groups!!! Your last stuff is realy COOOOOOL! Trash Head/Mystic: Szkoda űe sie na party niezpotkalismy. Trastor/IND: Zajebiscie sie z wami jechalo na party! Tropper/LEGO: You change group. Coooooool. If you can make some TRSI ascii logo & QBA of TRSI? UFO/IDK: Thanx for stuff. On your disk READ errors. Warhawk/Obsession: Tak jak mowies na party podeslij ten modul ze Switchback'a. Woober/Saints: Cool product form Saints! Zibi/FCI: Telesphor jest super! Nastepnym razem podesle Ci troszke kopert to mi posteplujesz OK. Zinko/Kefrens & Polka Brothers: Mega thanx for mega cool modules send more modules by Heatbeat, Slide, Blue Fox & Subject. XTD/Mystic & TRSI: NZTB jest zajebiste. Fajnie by bylo jakbys kiedys napisal. Chujowo ze Twoj modul nie przeszedl selekcji byl bardzo fajny, wreszcie jakis inny styl. *** MESSAGES FROM SCRABY/HUMANS *** -Alfsky/Humans Hi man! Fajnie sie gadalo na party tylko szkoda, ze tak krotko, ale jakos ciagle mi gdzies uciekales... Jak tam sie miewa Twoj twardziel? Wydobrzal? Jak cos zrobisz to fastem podeslij do mnie or dzwon (0-965) 234-08. Bye! -Captain Bo/Orbital Only two words: post suxxxxx! I can`t understand why my sendings go so long to your country. Last time I sent a sending as expres... Something is wrong in Polish post. I hope You will get my letter at last. Write then as fast as possibly because the filled vote-sheets are waiting. CU! -Clever/TFD Hi my new German friend! Thnx 4 contacting... And what do U think about my English??? Yours isn't so bad ,I have understood eveything. I hope U like Gelloween Party stuff? Write back soon pal... -Coul & Mr.Ko/Drakkar Ooops szkoda chlopaki, ze nie byliscie na party w Bydgoszczy... Swapujemy juz tak dlugo (?) a do tej pory nie mialem okazji Was osobiscie poznac... Moze na nastepnym party? -Curt Cool/Depth Hi my friend! Thnx 4 recontacting! I hope to hear from U soon! Send me all Depth productions which I haven't possible to see... Ciao! -Dave/Vacuum A jednak to byla ta pieprzona poczta... Wrajtnij do mnie niedlugo! Jak tam samopoczucie po party? Fajnie sie z Toba gadalo tylko szkoda, ze tak krotko (no ale coz caly czas byles zajety). Podeslij mi swoje nowe Ascii, bardzo chcialbym je zobaczyc. CU! -Dialer/D-Version Team Thnx for your reply! And sorry for the stamps. In last sending I sent U them all. Thnx for explain me political situation in Yugoslawia. Write something about yourself, your girlfriend and so on. Write soon... Adios! -Distortion/Storm Hipohej Studencie! Jak tam nauka leci w Poznaniu? Zapewne text ten czytsz u kogos w Poznaniu lub u mnie w domciu (jak ostatnio...). Wiec po co ja to pisze??? Niech Wielki Wodz Lesnikow bedzie z Toba! -DJ/NLD Yep zaluj, ze nie byles na party w Bydgoszczy, bo pod wzgledem friendsipu to to party bylo dla mnie cool (mnostwo kumpli itd.). Mam nadzieje, ze sprzedaz Amisi zakonczyla sie pomyslnie. Adios! -Doubler/Bronx Czesc my Spanish friend! Thnx for Your nice sendings. I love to get them! How are things going in Spain? Are there still lotsa summer girlz? Write back soon. Bye! -Draw/Vega Czesc! Jak tam zdrowko po party??? Duzo kolo nas siedziales, ale dlaczego nie pogadales ze mna dluzej? Czekam na Twoj kolejny list. Ciao! -Dziulas/Saint Group Hi my friend! Co tam u Ciebie slychac nowego? Ostatnio cos od Ciebie pusto w mojej skrzynce...czyzby znowu pOCZTA ??? Byles na party? Szukalem Cie, ale nigdzie nie znalazlem. -Excell/Ozone Free Hi my scene friend! Mila pogawedka na party...thnx za to! Ciekaw jestem czy juz sprawdziles moduly z party? I hope wsio ist OK <- Scraby's language! Hmmm... to teraz gdzie sie spotkamy nastepnym razem ??? -Falcon/Humans Hi guy! Dzieki za Twoje prace, skrzetnie gromadze... Jak tam po podrozy do Bydgoszczy? A tak w ogole to gdzie sie zgubiles w Bialogardzie Hoganowi i Qixowi? -Freyon/Storm What's going man? Dawno nic od Ciebie nie dostalem...mysle, ze to pOCZTA. Jesli to jest pOCZTA to zrekontaktuj sie ze mna pliz! Jak byla na RPG meetingu? -Ghandy/Rebels Hi Lars! Big THNX for your sendings. I was very glad to hear U like my letters. Please count my vote in Eternal... I hope to hear from U soon... Ciao! -Groggy/??? The rumours say U left Amiga scene and joined PC scene... Is it true? I hope it isn`t. If U left Amiga scene please send me back my disk. I need it... Best regards on Your new way! -Guybrush/Passion Hi my Dannish friend! How are things going in Denmark ? I hope your monitor is working ok(OB) now and U will write to me soon... Yep: informatics lessons are always veeeery nice ( with stupid teacher and on PC-XT ofcoz ). I am waiting 4 your answer... CU ! -Hiv/Fuckus Pokus Hi stary ruchaczu! (tylko sie nie obraz). He,he cool z Ciebie gosciu! Wiadomo z listow niczego sie dokladnie nie dowiedze, a na party to co innego... Polaczyliscie sie juz z ta druga grupka? Write back soon! -Hogan/Ladybird Design Hi Hogi, stary fraktalowcu. Jak tam trzyma sie glowka? Zmeczona? Ja na jej miejscu tez bym byl zmeczony po takich ilosciach trunkow. Yep dla mnie party w Bydgoszczy pod wzgledem friendshipu bylo udane i nic nie mam tu do zarzucenia.. gorzej z organizacja,ale temat ten zostawmy na listy. CUL8R! -Human/Highlanders H3LLO SLAZAK! Szkoda, ze nie bylo Cie na party bo moglismy pogadac o tym i o owym. A tak... cisza... Mam nadzieje, ze na next party bedziesz (he,he ale ja nie wiem czy ja bede). Wrajtnij do mnie soooon. -Jutu/Humans Czesc koderze! Szczegoly dotyczace trackma dostaniesz w sendingu (niebawem). Super sie z Toba gadalo na party - tak trzymaj! Angazujesz sie w organizacje Piwaku'94??? -Katarek/Turnips No i znowu nie spotkalismy sie na party what a pity! Kiedy w koncu sie spotkamy? I hope Twoja praca idzie dobrze i niebawem juz na dobre powrocisz do friendly swapu (czyli najlepszego z mozliwych). Bye! -Kratka/Mayhem Tiesc chlopie! Byles na party, ale jakos sobie duzo nie pogaworzylismy. Why? Mydelko (Bambino?) rulez! Odpisuj szybciej. -Lac/Legion Hi! Yep i znow nie spotkalismy sie na party... Nie wiem jak to sie dzieje no ale po prostu nie pogadalismy sobie. Nastepna szansa dopiero w wakacje na Intel Outside II (jesli ofcoz dojdzie do skutku!). Ciao! -Majkel/Venture Hi! Thnx za sending... I hope ze bedzie nam sie super-hiper swappowalo... Przeciw pisaniu listow po angielsku to nie mam nic przeciwko tylko... (szczegoly w liscie). Dzieki za mile spedzony czas na party! -Maly/Picco Hi my scene friend! Naprawde mile spotkanie w Bydgoszczy, oby tak dalej! Czekam na ten music disk from Picco! Lodpisz jak budziesz miac Zeit (die Zeit ofcoz!) -Manio/Sabbath Czesc Marcin. Co tam u Ciebie slychac ? Yep w koncu znalazles grupke dla siebie. No coz wypada zyczyc jedynie powodzenia (na nowej drodze zycia?). -Manthan/TMG Hello Leo! Thanks for your nice letter. I hope U like mine... Ooops, I was in Bydgoszcz but I didn`t meet there Walker (more infos in the letter!). Stay cool and write back soon. -Maxime Just big thnx and hellos for U, an Internet Trader... -Me'Fiir/TMG Thnx for cotacting... I hope we will have magnificent swap time. More infos U can find ofcoz in da letters. And... long letters rulez! (I hope U like mine???). CUL8R! -Messerschmit/Ram Jam Hi my pal! Thnx for your last sending... but this issue oh The Charts I have got many times before yours. I think your post is really slow. I hope U like my Ascii which I have made specially for U. Sayonara! -Mic/Principes Howdy my penfriend! After a little delay we still swap together... Last time 2 German guyz have written 2 me so now U aren`t my one and only contact in Germany. But don`t worry... U can always expect nice stuff & long letters from me... Ciao! -Mike/Defiance Hi Mike! Thnx for your reply and some nice words for me in your standart letter. So many backups in our swapptro were made just for fun ofcoz. I hope to hear from U soon... Ciao! -Monica/Funzine Czesc Monica! Mam nadzieje, ze po naszym spotkaniu w Bydgoszczy na moj list odpowiesz pozytywnie i bedzie sie nam milo swappowalo. Oczywiscie jestes moim pierwszym contactem dziewczyna so wybacz mi wszystkie pomylki z tym zwiazane. Write back soon... Ciao! -Omega/Independent Napisz w koncu cos do mnie bo ostatnio niczego od Ciebie nie dostalem. Przylaczyles sie juz do jakiejs grupy? -Overdose/TRSI Thnx for your answer and Your cool pack. I am going to support your pack and spread it in Poland. I hope U will write to me soon... Adios! -Qba/TRSI Hi Qba ! Nice meeting in Bydgoszcz! Co tam slychac tak wogole w Trsi? Zrobilem dla Was pare Ascii, ale uwazam, ze sa one bardzo cieniutkie. Ostatnio wqrwila mnie nasza kochana pOCZTA bo zajebala kilka przesylek do mnie (suxx!). Write back fast! -Qqlek/Fun Factory Hi Zorowian! Wielki rozpacz mnie dotknela kiedy zgodnie z Twoja obietnica nie spotkalem Cie na party... Oj zaluj... But I hope Beastie Boys will be better. Odpisales Dunczykowi? -Paperboy/Simplex Hi my friend! I think U write really friendly letters and it is OK. I like it! Maybe U would like to dance in my dance-group ( the trenings are in Wednesdays and Fridays)??? I hope 2 hear from U soon. Ciao! -Ramirez/Neoplasia Oj nasz swap sie lamie. Gdzies na poczcie kradna nasze sendingi. Jesli mozesz to skontaktuj sie ze mna ! -Raze/Depth Hi my new Danish friend! Thnx for contacting! I hope we will be good scene friends soon. Could You teach me Ashihara Karate? (ha,ha). Ask Zap/TMD will he answer my letter? Write back soon... -Raven/Fanatic Hi Mika! Thnx for Hate - Fanatic great demo. I have seen it on my friends Amiga and I must say it looks very ql. Will your group prepare something for The Party IV? I hope U will... Write back soon. -Shayera/Spoon Welcome again after half year... I spread Sound#1 as well as I could. Maybe have U got some modules from Poland already? Send me next issue of this sounddisk. So U`ve got your own band... Write me a few lines about it. I hope to hear from You soon! Sayonara! -Skowron/Suspect Hi Janusz! Really cool meeting in Bydgoszcz. Szkoda tylko, ze takie imprezy nie sa tansze i czesciej organizowane. Bedziemy sie mogli spotkac dopiero na Intel Outside II bo wczesniej raczej nie wyjade na zadne party. Napisz or zadzwon soon! -Splatterhead/Analog Thnx for your always hot&nice stuff. Big thnx for lha files, if U can pliz send more & more. I hope the comming winter will be as cold as it is just now in Finland... OK write back soon my Finnish friend! Ciao! -Stealth/TRSI Hi Adam! Jak tam po podrozy do i z Bydgoszczy. Mysle, ze z niektorymi nie bylo najgorzej (w kazdym badz razie moglo byc gorzej). Write back soon! (he,he to taki maly zart!) -Tos/Silicon Hi Tos! Thanx for Pikaboo Pack, it looks great. I hope U like my support... What do U think abuot Polish productions from Gelloween Party? Please write if it is possible longer letters. Servus! -TRB/Ind. Thnx za contact i really fajny lizdek. Mam nadzieje, ze bedzie sie nam nilo swappowalo...i nie narzekaj tak na ta swoja Wschowe bo znam ludzi, ktorzy zyja w wiekszych zadupiach. Ale Cie pocieszylem co? Write back soon! -Twilight Zone It was very bad news that You left the scene. And remember: AMIGA IS NOT DEAD!!! -Unholy/The Edge Jak zawsze (drugi raz?) cool mi sie z Toba gadalo. He,he ciekaw jestem czy zejdziesz kiedys ponizej 10kb. A pamietasz swoje stare listy (oj niewiele tego bylo). Czekam na Contact Boxa #3! CU! -Vasyl/Ladybird Design Dzieki za always (ultra plus) dlugie listy. Your ostatnie letters RULEZ!!! Jeszcze nigdy nie dostalem tak fajnie napisanych listow... Tak trzymaj! Jak bedziesz mial jakies blizsze info o party w Olkuszu to slij. Co sadzisz o moim Ascii? Ciao! -Walec/Appendix Hi,hi fractale pociagowe rulez! Jak tam zdrowko po party??? Mam nadzieje, ze na przyszle parties tez bedziemy wszyscy razem jezdzic? Adios! -Waterhead/Ozone Free Hi Maciek! Nice production from your crew on da party! No i rowniez jak zwykle przy tego typu imprezach sobie pogadalismy... Kiedy Wasza next produkcja z efektami wymyslonymi na party? Z niecierpliwoscia czekam! -Wiper/Humans No dzieki za list... (w koncu !). Fajnie, ze rozpoczales prace nad raportami. Ostatnio uzgadnialem z Jutu,ze on to zrobi no ale skoro sie zabrales. W liscie napisze Ci o tym wiecej... Ciao! Fast answer pliz!!! Slyszlem cos, ze nie przyjeto Twojej gierki. Nie zalamuj sie, dzialaj dalej! -Zap/Tomato Dreams Yep thnx for Your answer and really nice & long letter. It was first so long paper letter to me from foreign guy! Thnx also for DoomsDay Party stuff but... I have got it before from Ghandy/Rebels. But nevermind! Please send me some other the party stuff. Write back soon! Salut! -Zibi/FCI Hip! Fajne spotkanko z Toba i Qba na party! Yep ciekawe jak to bedzie na Intel Outside Party II? Hmmm... bo to zdaje mi sie bedzie moje next party. Wczesniej no mozliwosci (suxx!). Lodpisz w wolnej chwili. Fast greetz to: Norby/Trsi, Smile/Turnips, Bodzio/The Edge, Plexa/FCI, Magiel/FCI, Kurczak/FCI, Many/Ozone Free, Slash/Ind., Scorpic/Picco, Ranger/Ladybird Design, Jerry/Ind., Seq/Trsi... -ADL/DTE, Blaze/Balance, Blitzer/Black Jack (?), Cadance/The Dridge, Chaos/Desire, Deceiver/Decnite (?), Gurgle/?, Iron/Scope, Maniac/Cadaver, Triox/Vectors (?) I`m still waiting for answer from you guys.If U don`t want 2 have me as your contact just send me my disk(s) back with a short note. Thnx!!! We are still searching for new members (musicins,coders,graphicians,swapper)! For joining and/or magnificent swapping write to: Scraby of Humans, Krzysztof Siedlecki, ul. Waska 2/19, 78-100 Kolobrzeg, POLAND phone:(0-048) (0-965) 234-08 (ask Kris) *** MESSAGES FROM SIR JINX/NEOPLASIA *** Vader/Mador Hi, Vader alte Ratte!Fahren wir jetzt zusammen zur WOC? Na ja, auf jeden Fall werden wir dich dann ja wohl da treffen..oder? Hmm... see ya in School!!!!! Dire/TDD Hi, Dire... deine Sendings sind cool ! Danke fuer das echt neue Tool-Preview! Ich habe es auch schoen gespreadet..... (versteht sich von selbst). Mac Fight/Deliratum est I contacted you a few Weeks ago. I really hope that you will write back and that we will have a cool swapping Time together... please tell me something about Deliratum est... sorry, but i never heared about this Crew! Double (R)/Intense Your Handle is really cool, do you trade in the same cool Way? Write back soon! Thrasher/Sanity Du schreibst zwar in relativ langen Abstaenden, aber wenn du schreibst dann ist dein Stuff neu, und dein Brief lang. Ich akzeptiere (natuerlich) wie gesagt deine Rules, go on with swapping in this Way. Procyon/Neoplasia Ich hoffe du bereust es nicht das du so ziemlich der einzige sein wirst der auf der WOC kein t-Shirt traegt. Wie dem auch sei, wenn du diesen Text liest wird es Mitte November sein und die WOC laengst gelaufen..... wir werden sehen. Ich hoffe wirklich das du zur WOC kommst. Party rulez !!! Cryonik/Neoplasia Offenbar werden wir so ziemlich die einzigen sein die sich schon im Vorraus beim Helge treffen. Wenn du auch schon am Freitag da bist werden wir erst mal Wiehl unsicher machen. Beavis/Neoplasia Was ist los?? Warum bekomme ich in letzter Zeit nur noch GFX von anderen Paintern?? Malst du nicht mehr? Du hattest mir doch ein Update von deinem "Always" Bils versprochen... von wegen"abgerundet" und "265Farben" und so.... nun, was ist ?? Phase/Neoplasia Nun, wieviele Fussball-Karten hasst du jetzt? Mittlerweile muesstest du doch mindestens 12 Stueck haben... na ja, sobald ich wieder welche bekomme so schicke ich sie dir sofort. Wolltest DU nicht die Undercover Issue 10 von mir haben? Ich habe es leider vergessen...sorry... Anti/Neoplasia Ja,Ja,Ja..... es soll ja nicht heissen das ich dich vergessen habe. Und wenn das tatsaechlich beim letzten Mal so gewesen ist.... so war das keine boese Absicht von mir... aber darueber hatten wir uns ja auch schon am Telefon unterhalten. Viper/Neoplasia Hi, du hast ja wohl die besten Moeglichkeiten von uns allen auf die WOC zu kommen. Ich bin echt schon gespannt dich kennenzulernen. Am Telefon hatten wir ja schon einige coole Calls. Schick mir doch bitte mal ein paar neue GFX von dir..Friendship rulez. Nefaria/Neoplasia Ich kann mich nur noch einmal fuer das obercoole Neoplasia-Logo bedanken. Die GFX sind wirklich sehr gelungen. Ich hoffe das wir uns auf der WOC sehen. Dort wirst du dann auch all die anderen Logos und alle T-Shirts sehen koennen. Wizard/Neoplasia Nun, du wolltest das T-Shirt ja lieber etwas kleiner, deshalb hab ich es fuer dich und den Ghostpainter in Groesse "M" anfertigen lassen. Ich hoffe es passt. Eigentlich hatte ich vor das Shirt aus Trotz in "S" anfertigen zu lassen....aber.... ich bin ja nicht so !!! Ghostpainter/Neoplasia Fuer dich gilt das gleich wie fuer den Wizard, nur...... die Idee mit deinem Frontlogo fand ich Mega-cool. Ich hoffe wir sprechen (sprachen) uns auf der Coma Party.... BOOZ..... Doc Holyday/Neoplasia Tja, leider habe ich noch keinen Contact zu dir. Wenn du Laune hast, koennen wir ja ein kleines swapping aufbauen.... oder Raytraced du nur ??? Come on.... lets swap.... gefaellt dir dein Shirt ?? Janosh/Neoplasia Ich hoffe du hast jetzt endlich deinen 1200er. Du wirst ihn dir ja wohl spaetestens auf der WOC zugelegt haben..oder? Ich schaetze mal das du wenn du diesen Text liest, laengst in dr Lage sein wirst die coolen AGA-Gfx und Demos anzusehen von denen ich immer spreche... AGA rulez !!!!! Cyborg/Neoplasia Tja, was kann ich DIR wschon an interner Message schreiben ? Wir swappen im 5 Tage Abstand und Telefonieren im etwa 2 Tage Rhytmus. Ach ja..... du kennst doch die Magische Nummer.... oder ??? Major/Neoplasia Ich hoffe du hast mittlerweile ein neue Kiste. Neoplasia rulez, und AMIGA sowieso... Mensch, mach hin ! !!! Lets swap ! Ich hoffe ich hoere bald "MAJOR BANDIT IS BACK ".................. Chmiel/Neoplasia It is really great to have you in our Crew, but..... why don t you write me back? i sendet you my last Disks several Months ago, but you didnt refuse. Did you DROP me ?? WHY ?? Pet/Neoplasia What about some cool swapping ?? Turbo/Bronx Whats up Dude.... What about a cool Rap- Tape Swap?? My List contents more than 200LPs !! Interessted??? Hufo/A.U.D.I Es ist immer wieder hervorragend jemanden zu haben den man in Bezug auf alle Hardwarefragen fragen kann. Es ist mir immer wieder eine Freude sendings von dir zu bekommen. Apropos, ich haette da mal wieder ein paar Fragen..!!!!!!! Mr King/TRSI Schoenen Dank das du meinen Support ins Never Mind gepackt hast..... Andy/Essence Na, hast du zuviel mit deinen German Charts zu tun, oder was ist los ??? Ich warte schon seit langem auf dein Sending. (Bitte schick auch mal was NEUES!!!) Rabbi/Pearl What about a new Tape? I really like tha Musix from DJBa and maybe you can copy a second Tape for me... Whats up with tha Australian Scene? It would be great if you can send me a second Report. The last one was really Interresting..hehehehe.... Gart/Bronx Whats up my Friend? Rumours told me that you have left the Scene, but there are a lot of Votesheets for Auschwitz left... Do you need them or is Auschwitz dead? I really hope to hear from you soon. Backfire/Applause I wish you good luck in your new Grop, but... whats up with "BACKPACK"?? Maybe i can get a new Issue next Time?? Just change the Logo!! I didnt get a Backpack since severall Months Rave/Rear Ich hatte echt nicht mehr mit dir gerechnet. Bei dir weiss man wirklich nie was so Sache ist. Mal heisst es du haettest die Scene verlassen, und dann bist du auf einmal wieder da. Dann hoert man das du zusammen mit dem Sonic Flash und ein paar alten Membern von Manitou/BRD die alte Section wieder aufleben lassen willst, doch kurz darauf meldest du dich unter.... Rave of FEAR..... na ja.... cool das du wieder da bist. Dive/????? Na, hast du mittlerweile eine Gruppe gefunden ? Du solltest wissen das wir in Neoplasia immer Platz fuer einen coolen Coder wie dich haben. Du bist immer voll willkommen. JEDERZEIT !!! Lenin/Freezers Jep, it is very cool to get Letters from you, because it is cool to talk about other Things than Scene. I think we are thinking in the same political Way.stay cool.... Death Angel/Illusion Ich hoffe echt das ihr es schafft die WOC-Party gut zu organisieren. Ich hoffe auch das ich dich auf der WOC treffe. Nun, wahrscheinlich haben wir uns schon getroffen wenn du diese Messy liest. Kaddy Kane/Eskimos Yep, my Friend... do you know"RUSINE" ??? just one Word about him....BRAINDEAD!!! Pudding/Bitchsuckers + Grotecticle Please send me some more GFX from you, i really like the Way you are painting. My Favorite Piccy from you is"Gollum" but.... "Hobbit" is cool too. Yes.... Lord of the Rings rulez!!! Tedric/DCS Yo, Whats up my Friend? Im really waiting for my Tape! Rumours told me that youve left the Scene... stimmt das? wir koenne doch trotzdem weiter Tapes swappen.... du bist mir noch eins schuldig... Walker/???? Gruess mir mal den Zwerg....heheheheheheheheeeee... Galahad/Shrimps Design Ja, euer Demo ist echt nicht schlecht gewesen, doch man muss doch ehrlich sagen das das Rebels Demo wirklich besser war. Die Achterbahn am Ende ist schlicht GENIAL !! Dodger/Essence Was ist los? Deelay oder was? Gruess mir mal den Sammy..hahaha!! Was ist los ? Soll ich dir jetzt lieber Support fuer BB oder Germqan Charts schicken.. Hmmm ... Ich glaube ich contacte mal den Ali Heptagon/Tribe Nein.... es geschehen noch Zeichen und Wunder.. ich habe endlich mein Tape bekommen, nun gut.. ich werde dir DEIN Tape in Lichtgeschwindigkeit zuschicken. Es geht zum Monatsende raus..(JOKE) Ex/Neoplasia It is really shit that you have ti go to the Army NOW! I hope that you will come back soon. It is nearly one Year ago since you sendet me you last disx. just Postcards, and small Letters. Please send as soon as possible. Voyage/??? Wie, die habe dich schon wieder aus DCS gekickt? Echt shitty fuer dich. Whats up with tha CCs? ( Ich treibe die Fragerei auf die Spitze). ---- fuehlst du dich nicht langsam ... VERARSCHT...???? just jokin... Lord/Applause I tried to call you, but you were not at Home... shit. I think i will try again at the beginning of next Mont (December).... Please tell me the best Time for a call in your next Letter Redman/Applause Do you like the Tapes that i sendet you ? I hope you like the new Public Enemy CD. I think this CD is really great!!!! Hemlock/Gothic Ich glaube das es keine Grund gibt warum wir nicht mehr miteinander swappen sollten. Gibt es Gothic ueberhaupt noch? Schreib doch mal wieder !!! Doomsday/Mador Aha, du bist jetzt also der Leader von Mador... Ich hoffe wirklich das ich dich auf der WOC treffe. Wenn dem so ist gehen wir zusammen mit dem Vader so richtig einen trichtern..... BOOZING rulez!!! Clever/TFD Na, faehrt dein alter Trabbi noch ? Na ja, bei dir ist das Motor wechseln ja nicht allzu schwer. Es gibt ja kaum was auszubauen... Ich haette da so eine Idee... Wie waere es denn denn du ein Tretlager einbauen wuerdest ? Von wegen mehr PS und so..... dann wuerde sich die Karre wenigstens bewegen...(laester) Neee.. im ernst, du weisstja das es meinem Auto nicht viel besser geht. I hope to see ya on WOC Dano/Unlimited Echt, du bist einer der Wenigen die noch mit Liste swappen. Aber deine Liste ist coool!!!! Aber den Personal Check schicke ich dir NICHT!!! Vadium/Orion DU bist mit schicken dran!!!! Ghandy/Rebels Ich habe dich vor ein paar Wochen angeschrieben. Interessiert an einem coolen swapping? Na` los, dann schick !!! Todi/Retire Ne wirklich, einen coolen Letter-sheet hast du da! Mit Soud, Logo und so weiter...... nicht schlecht. Ich hoffe das wir eine coole swapping-Zeit miteinander haben werden. Dragon/Incal Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...... "Richard Backhaus" den Namen habe ich doch schon mal gehoert.... habe ich dich schon einmal vor laengerer Zeit contacted? Na ja, mal sehen wie ernst du es mit den versprochenen 100% Antwortgarantie haelst. Reval/Pulse Ich habe Rumours gehoert da du die Scene verlassen hast... stimmt das ? Und wenn, was ist dann mit "The Verdict"??? Ich hoffe du schreibst mir (schnell) zurueck. Gigabyte/Iris You are my first Contact on the Faroe Islands, and i hope that it would be cool to swap with you. I really like to know how long it takes to send a Letter from Northern Germany to your Home..... Eksec/Infect Ich habe deine Addy vor kourzem in irgendeinem Mag gefunden.... 100% Antwortgarantie... wie dem auch sei... bis jetzt habe ich kein Sending von dir bekommen. na ja... vielleicht schickst du ja bald... oder nicht ????? Gold Dragon/Unlimited Hmm... du bist wahrscheinlich mein dritter Contact inUNL. Na ja, ist ja auch egal. Ich hoffe du bist cool drauf. See ya on WOC!!!! BLS/????? Ich will wohl gerne wissen was dein Handle bedeuted... I hope to have a cool swapping Time with you. Dulux/Mystic Ich glaube ich habe dich vor langer Zeit schon einmal contacted aber du hast mir damals nicht geantwortet. Na ja, vielleicht jetzt. Send soon. Spiv/Infect Im really waiting for an Answer from you... what about a cool swap? *** MESSAGES FROM SKYHAWK *** Amon/Mystic : Hej! Hope you feel good back in Sundsvall,send soon! Bad Cat/I.B.B : Hi grandpa! Nop,only joking,i really hope you feel good old friend! CU! Blast/Energy : Hi Blast! Felling good? Hope so...Anyway CU! Blazeleader/Electra : Lamer attack! I dont think you reading this but if you do,then phone me some day,please!!! Cetrix/Freezers : Hmmm,diskstealer or what!?!?!!? Dr.Crazy/Legacy : Why delay when freeplay..Hmm not so good joke...Send some day baby! FCE/Chaos D-sign : Dont forget me!!! SEND!!! CU! Fugazi/Disorder : Hope you like you new group,i hope to see you some day... Thanx for nice C64 sendings!!! Groogy/Lime : Hej och ho i Ryssby!!! Bajs i brallan och hat brau... Lenin/Freezers : Hi mate,hope you feel good and write more about girls! CU someday!! Lucifer/Technology : Why delay?!?!? Hmmm...CU! Netrunner/Chrome : Long time no disc! Hmm..Send or die! Noodle/Facets Pussy/Desire : Hi friend!!! Hope you feel good and send soon! Hope to cu att da Party IV!!! Norby/TRSI : Hi friend,the pack IT! is superb. Thanx for alsways nice sendings and everything,keep care...CU! Oxbow/Legion : Ha,aha,ha are you an joke or what...Nop keep care and... and...and...dont play to much BINGO LOTTO!!! Payday/Corpse : Hi Payday...Nice pack!! Keep care and dont play to much SNES...Hmmm where did that came from...Empty Head!! Phuture/Saints : Hmmm MIN LILLA KANIN!! SKICKA!!! Plugster/Defiance : Fint jobbat med BUZZ'en!! Ha't bra vi syns pa party IV!! Raze/Depth : That was so fucking bad to hear that you was forced to quit swapping,you RAZE! Should know that you where one of my best contacts...CU at the Party IV!!! Shade/TRSI : Send to me someday!!! CU! Slash/Megapowers : How's life in New Zealand??? Here in Svezia it all rigt!! Send soon,hope to CU! But i dont think you will come to da Party IV!!! :-) But be sure to recive all new stuff from the party from me,but you have to send some day!!! CU!!!!!! Tailgunner/Orbital : Hi!!! Nice walk in da forest isn't it??? Have you catched some fish today??? Nop,i havent!! Anyway nice sendings fill good and send soon yours... Toxic/Illegal : Hmmm,we're did you go??? Im here...:) Trooper/Analog : Hi!!! Nice sending n stuufff...Take care and kiss your girlfriend from me...CU! UfO/Orient : Hmmm,ha,ha lilla Daniel din fula faaan...Jag hoppas du inte bajat ned dig med klet...Rava inte mycke'...Du ar sa otroligt slo sa du kunde platsa som vakt pa Pluto!!! Unholy/The Edge : Long time...Since last..Send soon or... :) CU! Viper/Diffusion : hmmm,did your pack goes before me!!! Or what??? I only joke,why not re-contact me...Send sooooon! :) Warlock/Diffusion : Your fucking LAMER!!! Why spread around that im an nazi,when i hate nazi's?!?!?!!? CU in hell dont be late :) All in Disorder : Lamers,det ar vad ni ar,JOKE!!!! All in TRIAD C64 : I dont think you reading this but i only want to say hello to you,keep care... All that thinks the C64 is better then the Amiga : I love you guys!!! GIRLS!?!?! To the postoffice around the world : No Comment!!! To everyone : Contact me now...for the latest on Amiga and C64 also on Gameboy :)...Skyhawk/??? S.Promenaden 16 697 32 Pĺlsboda Sweden..... To forgottens : Sorry... *** MESSAGES FROM STEVE JONES/ANATHEMA *** ALL: I'm still looking for new contacts. Write to me! Addy in adverts section. BLACHA / NEANDERTHAL MEN: Jak tam moje dyski? Podrzuc je Stanowi. BODZIO / THE EDGE: Jednak sie skusilem! Modul to Contact-Box'a podrzuce Ci niebawem. CARLO / FLYING COWS INC.: Czekam... CORONER / PICCO: Doszedl moj list? DARREN / SCOOPEX: I'm waiting... DERK / OBSESSION: Lubisz sobie "podelayowac"! HOGAN / LADYBIRD DESIGN: Powodzenia w nowej grupie! Podeslij mi spis swoich modulow. IREK P. / UNION: Jak tam moje dyski? Wypadaloby je odeslac. Kiedy nowy Zig-Zag? KIPERS / AMNESTY: Przeginasz z tym delayem! KRATKA / MAYHEM: Powodzenia w nowej grupie! Czekam na Waszego packa. LENIN / FREEZERS: Witam towarzysza! Co jest? Delay czy poczta? Napiszcie do mnie szybko, jest sprawa! MARS / MYSTIC: NTB rulez! Podeslij mi nowe moduly Extenda. Kiedy Twoj pack? METAL / FUNZINe: Czesc Metalu! Dlugi ten Twoj delay! MIKLESZ / DAMAGE: Szkoda, ze poczta ukradla Twoj list. Moze nastepnym razem... MINDPHASER / VISION: I'm waiting... MR.DOOM / EXCALIBUR: Dzieki za senda. Kiedy Wasz mag? ODEN / RAZOR 1911: I'm waiting... QBA / TRSI: Modulez rulez! Dzięki za wszystko! RANGER / LABYBIRD DESIGN: Czekam na PMM #6. Podeslij mi spis swoich modulow. REDMAN / MAD ELKS: Jestem ciekaw co z moimi dyskami? Podrzuc je Stanowi SASCHA / APPLAUSE: Thing #15.5 is great work! I'm waiting for next issue. STAN / ILLUSION: Czekam na Wasze produkcje! Wkrotce nasze krotkie dentro. STEFFEN / SPEEDY: Your sends are great! TINT / DIGITAL: I'm waiting... TRASH HEAD / MYSTIC: Ha! Widze, ze Mystic rosnie w sile. Powodzenia w nowej grupie! *** MESSAGES FROM STING/ALCATRAZ *** To: Disney/Sanity Hi Martin !!! Na alles klaer ??? Ich hoffe doch mal... O.k ich hoffe wir sehen uns mal auf ner Party... Spätestens auf der Party IV !!! To: Melvin/Rebels Hi Claus !!! Hey voll der Mega Talk letztens wieder.. Meine Telefonrechnung wird sich freuen, hehehe... Na ja, wir sehen uns auf der Internen Bonzai Party !!! To: Ghandy/Rebels Hiho... Na Du Top Uploader, hehehe !!! To: All Bonzais Yeahhhh... Keep on joking and let`s have FUN !!! To: Psyche/Kronical Hi Darius !!! I have nothing heard from you a long time... So if you are still interested to swap with me then write back... To: The Illusionist/TFF Hi !!! Von Dir hat man ja auch schon ewig lang nix mehr gehört... Schreib mal wieder, weil unsere Letters Ultra-Geil waren, hehehehe... To: Norby/TRSI Hi !!! Yep, still a cool Pack-Mag... Keep on !!! But watch out for PEANUTS by Alcatraz !!!! To: X-Poole/Nuance Viel Spaß im Urlaub und Danke für den call... To: Andy/Essence Hi Andy !!! Ich hoffe ROM kommt bald... To: Chaos!/Desire Yoha... Na altes Haus... Alles fit... To: Zinko/Kefrens & Polka Brothers Hi Jack ! Hey what`s up.. I have nothing heard from you a long time... So if you are still interested to swap with me write back or give me a sign... To: The Rest of my Contacts Sorry for my big delay, but I wanted to wait for ROM by Essence !!! *** MESSAGES FROM WOLFMAN/BALANCE *** To all people who ever wrote to me or used to be in contact or whatever: Sorry about not sending or being so freakin' lazy... I'll send some day, or at least I will try. Upstream, school and a schoolmagazine litteraly swallows 90% of my time. 5% goes to work and 5% goes to sleep... Scenework is pure luck and very unhealthy (WARNING! Latenight writing session in progress, all units respond!!!)... Anyway, To the people who send me letters (They weren't few). The fact that I have not or perhaps will not answer you back, is not to be taken as a sign of arrogance towards anyone. The simple fact is that my portion of scene-motivation is quickly flushed out sitting late nights doing Upstream. Even though I won't - and can't - garantee that you will get an answer some day, I can at least garantee that I will TRY! This sounds very melo-dramatical, but nevertheless it's the truth: Scene- life is not boring me, but combined with the fact that I have a job at the local supermarket and study hard at The Copenhagen Business College, it CAN actually get to be slightly unhealthy... I hope to able to change my way of living, 'cause right now, I'm not really satisfied with it... This was all there was to it, have a nice day! *** !!! *** SEND YOUR MESSAGES *** !!! *** Don't forget to fill >>> IT FOR YOU.txt <<< file and send it back to us! Support IT!