   ___     ___     ___    ____ ^0
  /   \   /   \   /   \  /    \^0
 /   \/  /    /  /    / / _   /^0
 \    \  \  \/\  \  \/\ \//  / ^0
 /\    \ /  /  \ /     \ /   \ ^0
 \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \___/ ^1
# Born By Accident! $^0

On 30-07-93^1

# Bowl Of Mushy Fruit $^1

"*------------------- Credits --*^1
Code and Design: ... Zex     ^0

Graphics: .......... Zex     ^0

Music: ............. Maldoror^1


"              RMB For Next Page!^[

*-- All About BOMF Part 1 --*^1

Congratulations you have just^0

 discovered the lastest demo by^1
# SecT $^1 BOMF has been in^0

"the works for quite a few months^0
!now, due to the many unforeseen^0

glitches that have appeared^0

along the way! This demo was^0
"first suppose to be a Intro, for^0
a game by us called^1

# Roulette of Riches $^1
"But the game took alot longer to^0
complete than first thought,^0
 well so long in fact, that the^0
"STUPID game ain't finished yet!!^0
"So while I was moaning to Raptor^0
!about having to wait to release^0

 this demo, Raptor came up with^0
#the idea to release it by itself!^0

"                          .Next.^[

*-- All About BOMF Part 2 --*^1

!Well at first I thought that we^0

 should wait for the game to be^0
 finished, but many, many weeks^0
went by, and so I decided to^0
 release it. Well then the next^0
!problem popped up, and that was^0

having no music for the demo.^0

 So we asked our new (and ONLY)^0
musician (Maldoror) if he^0

 could do a little tune for the^0
demo, and of course he said^0

YES! Well being that he is^0
 still learning to do music, he^0
!took a bit of time in finishing^0

the tune. Once we finally^0

received the tune, we then^0
discovered that it would push^0

 the size of the intro over the^0
NEW byte limit. So Raptor^0

suggested that we whack in a^0
"small end screen, as the size of^0
the demo wouldn't matter now.^0

And so we did!!!^0
"                          .Next.^[

*-- Zex's Message --*^1

$Zzz... Hey you wake up!^1 THWACK!!^1
 Gee I know that the history of^0
 BOMF was a little dull, but it^0
wasn't that bad!!^1

Well I bet you guys and gals^0
are glad that the history of^0
this demo is finally over.^0
!(I am!) So now let's talk about^0

something else...^1

## Now for a world first! $$^1
If you look on the disk, you^0
will find an IFF Brush file,^0
"that will allow you to print out^0
!the Official disk label to make^0

your disk even cooler than it^0

!already is!   Wow Amazing Man!!^1

"                          .Next.^[

"*-- Zex's Message Continues! --*^1
Okay, now I've got that outta^0

!the way, I'll now start yapping^0

on about something else that^0
 contains ABSOLUTELY nothing of^0
interest to you!   Yippie!!!^1
At this stage I'm completly^0

"pissed off at how our Australian^0
!scene is organised. Most of the^0

!groups know fuck all about what^0

is going on with the other^0
"groups in the other states! This^0
must be rectified quickly, or^0

#the scene here will keep dragging^0

behind the rest of the world^0
like it's been doing for the^0
past years! So write to the^0

other Aussie groups, and keep^0

"in touch with them. If we all do^0
 this, then our scene will grow^0
 stronger, and become even more^0
!friendly! So write now and swap^0

"ideas and productions! We Will!!^0
"                          .Next.^[

"*-- Zex's Message Continues! --*^1
Oh if you're waiting for the^0
the greetings, you will find^0
them on the last page. And^0
!before I go, I'd like to send a^0

!couple of messages to two of my^0

scene pals!!...  Here We Go!!^1

"*-- Message to Bundy / Sonic --*^1
 Hey man, where ya at? I posted^0
you disks, and even a cool^0
!PORNO booklet, many months ago,^0

 but I ain't got anything back!^0
 So write soon, and let me know^0
what's happening okay?...^1

"*- Message to Maldoror / SecT -*^1
Hey dude! My cat (Teddy) is^0

MUCH cuter than your moggy^0
anyday of the week! :)^1
"                          .Next.^[

*-- Raptor's Message --*^1
!I've just been told that I have^0

 to type something (in order to^0
!pad out the size of this demo).^0

So I better get to it!^1
I hope you like this demo, I^0
!think that this is pretty good.^0

I just wish that I had done^0

something for it.^1

 My job this year is to get the^0
game finished!!!^1
!Well enough of this banter, if ^0

you want to contact me for^0
swapping just about anything^0
providing it's legal that is!^1

"My one and only personal message^0
 goes out to my longest contact^1
 Gun/Mentasm: Hope you get into^0
!military school, and send soon!^0

"                          .Next.^[

"*- Raptor's Message Continues -*^1
!Oh before I go I have something^0

"else to say. To All Aussie scene^0
$dudes, I will be compiling another^0
"Aussie Survey Report for release^0
#about the end of september. this ^0

time I will release it as a^0

diskmag style production.^1

#so please support it when you get^0

#a survey form. All responses will^0

#receive a free addy in the report^0

!but no articles or news will be^0

#accepted, except where it relates^0

to the history of your group.^1

And a final message to all my^0

"friends and contacts. I am sorry^0
"for taking so long to reply, but^0
#i've had a bitch of a time lately^0

 and I hope to catch up with my^0
$sending soon. And I'm sorry to say^0
Thats all from me folks...^1
"                          .Next.^[

*-- Maldoror's Messages --*^1

Well hello there...^1

This demo is actually late^0
becoz of my slackness in^0
producing the music, then in^0
 writing this text. Sorry about^0
#that!^1 Anyhow, hope you enjoy it^0

!anyway, Zex has drawn some nice^0

gfx for you to look at, and^0

possibly the music isn't all^0
that bad ???!!!^1

Well that's about it from me,^0

!I'm fucken exhausted (it's been^0

a long week)...^1

!One last message to Count Zero:^0

 WHERE THE FUCK are my disks???^1
Cya L8r^1

"                          .Next.^[

*-- SecT Addresses Time! --*^1
"\                              /^0
"/  Zex / SecT or Raptor / SecT \^0
"\                              /^0
"/       38 Janet Street        \^0
"\       Launceston, 7249       /^0
"/       Tasmania               \^0
"\       Australia              /^0
"/                              \^0
"\   * Legal Disk Swapping *    /^0
"/    * Fun N' Friendship *     \^0
"\  * To Join (Aussie ONLY) *   /^0
"/                              \^0
"\       Maldoror / SecT        /^0
"/                              \^0
"\         GPO Box 190          /^0
"/         Rosny, 7019          \^0
"\         Tasmania             /^0
"/         Australia            \^0
"\                              /^0
"/                              \^0
"                          .Next.^[
 ^1 ^0
 *-- SecT Send Greetings To --*^1
# Groups $^1
"* Acropole * Alchemy * Cadaver *^0
 * Destiny * Intense * Liquid *^0
!* Mentasm * Ozone * Principes *^0

* Sonic * Spiral * Zenith *^1

# Independents $^1
* Count Zero * Coyote *^0

* Fashion Design *^0
* Prince Of Darkness *^1
# Special Greetz To $^1

* Decay * Digital Access *^0 

* Eternity * Megawatts *^0
* Southern Guild *^1

"                          .Next.^[
 ^1 ^1 ^1

       _ _       ^0

      /(_)\      ^0

     /     \     ^0

    /  O O  \    ^0

   (    -    )   ^0

    \  \_/  /    ^0

   _/\_____/\_   ^0

 :(___):::(___): ^0


* And remember*^1

* Friendship Rulz! *^1 ^1 ^1 ^1

"                        .Repeat.^]