the credits news and messages the files contactadresses mirage..............chit chat 7 deadline..................intro zenith..................swaptro rebels..............small intro trivium...................intro pack compiled by...? the pride! coding and design by...? microforce! music composed by...? ! logo and scrollfont by...? cruiser! menufont pixeled by...? the pride! 'the pride' 'jester' palle jensen volker tripp po box 77 i. d. ziegelheide 15 5800 nyborg 4290 bocholt denmark germany 'microforce' 'cruiser' joerg simon arne bentheim schlosstr. 28 jahnstr. 61 6680 neunkirchen 2150 buxtehude germany germany 'the pride' 'virgill' palle jensen jochen feldkoetter po box 77 ledderstrasse 50 5800 nyborg 4530 ibbenbueren denmark germany 'microforce' 'cruiser' joerg simon arne bentheim schlosstr. 28 jahnstr. 61 6680 neunkirchen 2150 buxtehude germany germany lmb to stop scroll rmb for exit no news this time because of time preasure... but some fast messages to my friends.. corny of shining im looking forward to see you in aars my friend... thanks for always nice long letters... stay cool duud... dark of desire thanks for nice phonecall the other day... sorry i had no time to talk very much... a shame that you wount come to aars... im looking forward to see your packs!!! deicide of trsi hi you heavy dude!! thanks for the cool metal list!! i will send you some tapes soon... looking forward to meet you in aars!! beers!!!! bizarre of ex rebels what did i tell ya..?? but you would not believe me!!! hope youll find a cool team to join soon!!! daryl of shining nice to be in touch with you again!! pushead of palace hi cool mate!! thanks for always cool sends!! too bad you cant come to aars diddle of sanity hey dont be too hard on dierk... but you and jester are right, we need some changes!! hope you will succeed!!! retep of mirage as always you did a good job in the new chit chat... keep it up!!! ben of absolute! it would be cool if you would come to aars... hope to meet you!! zakka of rebels your packs are really cool, they really deserves to be no.1 in the charts... keep them comming!!! also regards to kingpin of pmc mr.mixx william of andromeda wolfman of balance boogeyman of oblivion elric of rebels archibald of absolute control of alcatraz the gnn of dual crew axel of brainstorm fuzzy of complex mic dair of complex lee of dual crew executioner of s!p scoopex declan of vixen murk of sonic warhead of trsi mac of stellar bundy of sonic and to all those unhappy ones i forgot pride of sanity 'รค velveteen no.31 the pride of sanity is here again with another pack!!! released on 21.11.92 thanks to all who voted for these packs in the different charts and thanks for all the support!! hope i wount let you down in the future!!! later mates....