the credits          
       news and messages       
           the files           

majic 12........ts 12 headlines
supplex...............bbs intro
absolute..sledge hammer 9 intro
digital...............bbs intro

pack compiled by...?           
                     the pride!
coding and design by...?       
music composed by...?          
logo and scrollfont by...?     
menufont pixeled by...?        
                     the pride!

   'the pride'            'jester'      
  palle  jensen         volker tripp    
    po box 77       i. d. ziegelheide 15
   5800 nyborg          4290 bocholt    
     denmark               germany      
   'microforce'           'cruiser'     
   joerg  simon         arne bentheim   
  schlosstr.  28         jahnstr. 61    
 6680 neunkirchen      2150  buxtehude  
     germany               germany      

   'the pride'            'virgill'     
  palle  jensen      jochen feldkoetter 
    po box 77         ledderstrasse 50  
   5800 nyborg        4530 ibbenbueren  
     denmark               germany      
   'microforce'           'cruiser'     
   joerg  simon         arne bentheim   
  schlosstr.  28         jahnstr. 61    
 6680 neunkirchen      2150  buxtehude  
     germany               germany      

 lmb to stop scroll        rmb for exit

               messages to              

 corny of shining

 hi olve! thanks for a nice day in oslo
 i hope you maybe can visit me sometime
 maybe we will meet in aars...
                    stay cool my friend

 jbm of fairlight

 nice to hear from you again... thanks
 for really cool sendings... later dude

 deicide of trsi

 hey you heavy dude... hope we can meet
 some day... metallica rules the world!

 majic mushroom of quartz

 hi trev im sorry for my delay but i 
 guess you know the reason...  so soft
 and warm, you know..!!  keep in touch
 my old friend...

 razta of orient

 thanks for helping me with the problems
 i got! nice of you... we really have to
 hit the city one day!!  later babe...

 ben of absolute

 hi old mate... sorry for my delay, but
 i think you know the time problems with
 a girlie and the computer...keep cool..

 warhead of trsi

 hi lars... nice to hear from you again
 thanks for always nice packs from you
 keep them comming!!  later dude...

 bizarre of kaos design

 also sorry to you for my foolish delay
 hope you dont mind.... ever heard of

 leebold of dual crew

 sorry sorry sorry for delay......

 dark of desire

 yo darkie...thanks for being a cool
 dude....  yes that we have the same
 taste in music...  yeahh, nothing else
 matters...   keep cool.....

 trix of anarchy

 hi dude... nice to hear from you again
 i guess you are busy arranging the 
 party part 2...   ok keep alive...

 boogeyman of oblivion

 hi heavy dude...great you found a name
 for your group.... im looking forward
 to see your new demo... stay cool...

 declan of vixen

 good to hear from you again.... 

 end of messages for today......

        velveteen no.26        

        the pride of sanity is back to give you velveteen no.26, this time
with a new selector!!  im sorry for the stuff on this pack but i just felt like
doing something, so i did this little pack, hope you like it anyway....    
   for greetings look in the message file...     till next time, stay cool.....