ISC Amiga V1.5 (c) Skull of Rainbow Trio

 -F1- Normal Compressor (ISC Pass 1)

 -F2- Comparing Compressor (ISC Pass 2)

 -F3- Bitstream Pass (Hufmann-Algorythm) (ISC Pass 3)

 -F4- Continue Pass 2 after Break

 -F5- Dehunker

 -F6- Instructions

 -F7- Change Buffer, Actual :

 -F8- Change Pass 2 Scan-Range

 -F9- Quit Compressor

Warning : No automatic DeHunking ! No AllocMem or FreeMem !

Version 24.05.89 by Skull of Rainbow Trio - released to PD !

For Advice or Bugs write to : Rainbow Trio
                              PLK 046093 C
                              1000 Berlin 42

This Compressor compresses Files for ABSOLUTE use !

Following Times for 600 Blocks. All figures estimated !
 1      5 Min    3 secs     10%   Only when necessary
 2     20 Hours  10 secs    50%   First or after Pass 1
 3      5 Min    60 secs     5%   Last or not at all
The Pass 2 Speed depends on Scan-Range - figures for $7ffff
Source Range depends on Buffer - Decompressor will work
from $00400 to $7fef0 (or in any Range in Fast-Mem).
You can leave Passes away but you have to keep : 1 - 2 - 3 !
Most effective (First One = Best One , Last One = Worst One) :
1. P2+P3, 2. P2, 3. P1+P2+P3, 4. P1+P3, 5. P1, 6. P3

Passes 1-3 :
'Compress to' wants the adress where the first byte has to stand
'Jump to' want the adress where the assembler-program starts
If you entered something wrong, just press return in the next line.
Large Programs (over about 300 Blocks) will only decompress on an A500
when you select short stack, but this stack is only $280 Bytes (no Dos!)
Pass 2:
While compressing: Left Mousbutton : show bytes left , additional right button:
break and save what has been compressed since then (continue : -F4- !)

When you use more than one pass, you will have to dehunk each time before
using compressor !!!!

Load & Compress File    :

Compress Program to     $

Jump to                 $

Please make sure that the old Objectfile has still the same Path !
Continue (Save) File    :

Save Compressed File as :

Dehunk File :

To Adress   $

Save as     :

Use Short stack (y/n)   :

Old Buffer Ranges 

Start of New Buffer:

End of New Buffer  :

Leave Irq's off (y/n)   :

 The Scan-Range of Pass 2 is the Range in which the Compressor searches
 for equal blocks - the larger this Range is the better but slower is
 the compressor ! The Actual Scan-Range is:

 New Range : $

ISC - Pass 1 :

ISC - Pass 2 :

ISC - Pass 3 :

Unknown Hunktype :

DeHunking successful !

When Compressing enter :
Compress to $

And Jump to $