TUNE NUMBER LENGTH: SIZE: THE END OF ALL BE FREE!! FROM DA ARSE DYING LOST IN A WORLD LOST IN A WORLD 2 NOBODY CARES NO TIME 4 NOBODY PEOPLE I SEE REMIND ME OF COWS ......Welcome !...... F˛ fIRST iSSUE bLUES Fł mEmBeRs LiSt F4 CONTACt Us NOw! F5 An Advert Of Intrest F6 get your end away! F7 -=ť> HELP! <Ť=- PAGE 999 #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-# | W E L C O M E ! | #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-# It's the first żssue of a kewl little ßudda + Elf pRşdUCtiŘN! "BeePs BoPs & WorDs" -not a rival to THE WORD- Use this production as a place to display adverts or send messages 2 fellow contacts, NFA or other ! If you want to place any messages or adverts get in contact with either Elf/NFA oR ßudda/NFA All adverts must be in ASCII & 25x21 characters 999 ------------------------- FIRST ISSUE BLUES ------------------------- I sat and cried when I realised that this was the first issue and I had nothing to put in it! So for this issue only I'll do everything except the chippy tunez. So you may laugh at the duff ansi graphics until next issue when Elf/NFA takes over the job of running this message service.So for now you're with me, ßudda/NFA. Read On... 999 _ ___ ___ / \ /\ / __\ / o \ ===/ / Y // __/Ż/ /=== \/ \_/ \/ \/Ż\/ ˇ MeMb3rS Li$7 ˇ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Deck The Ripper Trader Freak Coder Elf Musican/Artist DF0: Artist ßudda Coder Fas CPPD Trader Cheezy-D Nemisis Coder Makoroni Hey! Will someone let me know what Fas, Cheezy-D & Makoroni do ? - ßudda/NFA 999 /\ /\ /\ /\ \ / / / \ / \ \/ /\ / / \ \ \ /\ / \/ /\/ \ \//\\ \ /\\ \ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ =!! CONTACTING US !!= +-----------------------+ Śßudda/NFA Ś Ś"Bradda", Ś ŚCrowborough Road, Ś ŚGeorgeham, Ś ŚNorth Devon. EX33 1JZ Ś + - - - - - - - - - - - + Ś Elf/NFAŚ Ś 9 Truleigh Drive,Ś Ś Portslade,Ś Ś Brighton,Ś Ś East Sussex. BN41 2YQŚ +-----------------------+ LEGAL ONLY Ladz 'n Lasses 999 | | |Ż| |\| Ż|Ż |ŻŻ |Ż\ |^| |Ż| | | | |Ż |_/ ŻŻ coders,musicains,artists to join in the NFA fun. send examples to:- Freak, PO Box 42, Grimbsy, South Humberside.DN33 1RY BBS,mail traders,swappers wanting to take part in the action should write:- Deck The Ripper PO Box 323 Campbell Street Leicester. LE1 5XP 999 WELL the END has ARRIVED! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ The end is here as far as far as the text side goes so it's just the tunes. RiPPiNG ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ All the chip tunes are rippable from this file. Use pro-wizard or somein' You could just load this mag then quit out and load up a ripper. Most will be able to rip these Protracker modules easy! IMPROVEMENTS ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Over next issues I may be adding extras to this mag 999 ťťťťťťťťťťťťťťťťťťťťťťťťť ÷ H E L P A T H A N D ÷ ŤŤŤŤŤŤŤŤŤŤŤŤŤŤŤŤŤŤŤŤŤŤŤŤŤ So how do you work this spanking program ? ? ? SIMPLE! Use the two stone arrow buttons to move up/ down through the tunes. Use your little pointer 2 select a page from the contents box or use one of the function keys. The button with an "M" will tell you about the current module playing. To end the misery press the ESCape key. ßudda/NFA 999