This is NOT a MTV demo......          This is a KEFRENS demo!        YEAH! This demo was originaly created for the compo at the Dexion Xmas party in Odense. But due to lack of time and bytebandit we didn't make it!       Well finaly here it is ready to kick alien butt!      Hope you've enjoyed the show and we hope you'll dig this little bonus part!        We dunno how many people who'll actualy witness diz fine screen of Agnus spanking.....           We made this part because Milkshake and I (ICronite) would like to tell ya a bit 'bout the booooooring Dexion conference. I'm going to let Milkshake write coz I as usual didn't see much of the party (I'm a coder you know..)     Jummi nulla!  Here I am, kicking ass in Promax' awesome AsmOne V1.0!   Party info.. YES PLEASE!    Well, the party could have been THE PARTY coz' lot's of cool dudes showed up BUT somehow Dexion and Odense Computer Klub fucked up really bad...   How can a party with over 700 freaks be boring?  I dunno but Dexion did it!!   Some of the coolest freaks at the party were guys like:  Dan of Anarchy UK, Celebrandil of Phenomena, The Spy & Deftronic of Crionics, Delta of RSI, Slayer of Scoopex, DeeJay of Hypnosis, MMM & Liteace of Paradox, JOE of Scoopex, Conqueror & Zike, Silents, Kefrens(!), Rebels, Upfront, Bones, Flash Production, Vision, Vision Factory... And hundreds of others....    And still I think it was quite boring....       Let's have some competition results...   Graphics Comp:    #1 - Slash of Kefrens...   #2 - Uno of Scoopex...   #3 - ?...      Music Comp:    #1 - Einstein of Betrayal...   #2 - ?...    #3 - ?... (Sorry, we were quite sleepy!)      Demo Comp:     #1 - Phenomena...   #2 - Budbrain...   #3 - Crionics...   #4 - Horizon...           Anyway let us have the party messages and greets now......         Dan of Anarchy - Very cool to meet ya dude. Hope to see ya again someday!!!      DeeJay of Hypnosis - Fucking cool music dude.        The Spy & Deftronic of Crionics - Your X-mas heavy is funky!!!      Celebrandil of Phenomena - We love your pink kedeldragt(!)....       Static, Droopy of Rebels - Nice your back in ya good ol' group!     Vixen and co. of Flash Production - We're sad you didn't finnish your demo! HA HA!!!  (Really?)     End of messages!       Always remember:  There can be only one - AsmOne!!!!        Don't be lame - BUY our game... (When it's finnished that is!)                             FARVEL!                                      

        The Thunderchild        
    Once upon a time, he was    
    a young and healthy man.    
    Then one stormy night he    
     was taken prisoner by      
      the evil forces of        
      After many months of      
     torture, causing great     
    pain to the Thunderchild    
    a thunder-storm suddenly    
         lit the heaven.        
  A vigorous flash flew through 
  the slimy dungeon and caught  
       the Thunderchild...      
   After this quite painfull    
  treatment, the Thunderchild   
  was given enormous strength   
  which made him able to break  
   his chains and escape from   
    Karwyzolz's evil empire.    
   The only side-effect with    
 this rough treatment was that  
  the Thunderchild grew very    
    old (About 3718 years!)     
     which had quite a big      
     effect on his looks..      
   Our hero (The Thunderchild!) 
  is still out there hunting for
    Karwyzolz and his servants, 
     who nowadays has taken     
      the shape of LAMERS.      
   To all you lamers out there, 
   watch out for your destiny.. 
         The Thunderchild -     
  Killing lamers is my business,
      and business is good...   
             THE END            
   The FRACTAL TREE was created 
    using a recursive routine!  
  (Thanks for the help Promax!!)
   The Calculation routines and 
     all the other stuff was    
    ofcourse done by myself..   
   This routine uses four first 
    degree polynomias which it  
   combines in different order. 
   This in some cases (like this
   one!) creates something first
    invented by mother nature.. 
   But no more talk let's have  
       some more action...      
    We give you the fern-shaped 
     fractal and a Sierpinski-  
             The cast           
       Coding performed by:     
      Fractal mathematics by:   
       All Artwork done by:     
  Except for: the 'Electricution
  of the Thunderchild' animation
   Artwork by Milkshake and Box 
        Idea by Milkshake       
        Music composed by:      
  The story of the Thunderchild:
       Written by Milkshake     
   Ideas, design and layout by: 
      Milkshake and ICronite    
      The soundtrack 'Chant'    
    composed by Nightlight is   
  available on CD, LP & MC from 
        Ankh records ltd.       
     (C) & (R) LCS 1990/1991    
    Loonie Cocoon Software is   
     ICronite and Milkshake.    
     Now for some very special  
   thanks to some extremely cool
    dudes - Without you guys it 
    wouldn't have been possible 
        to create this demo.    
   Promax - For AsmOne and help 
      Dan Silva - DPaint III    
     Karsten Obarski - SoundT.  
    Mahoney & Kaktus - NoiseT.  
   M. Barnsley - Fractal maths! 
  Metallion - IFF-Converter V1.0
      Music Television - MTV    
      Bullfrog - Powermonger    
   Public Enemy - Hardcore rap! 
    We would like to send some  
   golden regards to these cool 
  dudez, for having done a great
   job on this cool machine or  
     for beeing our friends!    
          Here they go...       
   Tec            Cryptoburners 
   The Crux                     
   Jesper Kyd                   
   Mikael Balle                 
   Dr. Doolittle                
   Alta                 Silents 
   Xience              Deadlock 
   The Spy                      
   Deftronic           Crionics 
   Conqueror & Zike       C & Z 
   Mahoney & Kaktus  Hallonsoft 
   4-Mat                Anarchy 
   Mr. Gurk                     
   Danko              Phenomena 
   Bit Arts                     
   Romeo Knight      Red Sector 
   J.O.E.               Scoopex 
   Freagle          Flash Prod. 
   Excalibur          Crusaders 
   Jake Up               Rebels 
   Flash of Genius      Fraxion 
   DeeJay              Hypnosis 
   Facet                 Vision 
   Einstein             Upfront 
   Too Tall              T.J.K. 
   Mr. Mega-Mind        Paradox 
   Mnemotron        Spreadpoint 
   Exolon             Fairlight 
   Unknown               D.O.C. 
      ..And to all the other    
    hardworking guys on Amiga!  
       L.C.S. Pictures (TM)     
             THE END            
     Prepare for a BONUS part!!