editorial charts in paris credits best coders songs credits best graphicians addresses best musicians best chip-cians scene news best swappers mail adverts best groups bbs adverts best legends best bbs news in paris best productions raves 2 come best utilities nightclubing best voters gods members gods addresses gods greetings chip-sic menu chassokary by tebirod d0xeh by maf funny reality by hardfire hardchip 2 by black dragon kefrens remix by liszt open ur eyes by mytholog smoke the dust ! by pye suburban terrorist by clawz sweet dream by ferdinand the choice by aix troglodyte by gandbox wild blue eyes by syd texts menu editorial of chip in paris vol 02 welcome to this second issue of chip in paris. the only #dedicated to french sce- ne# mag for all worldwide sceners by the fabulous <gods> ! first, i would like that you understand that in this mag you can find only facts about french scene. i mean adverts, news and musics come only from france. the only thing that you can do, worldwide sce ner, is to vote. you can find the ascii voteform with dis new issue of chip in paris. fill it and send it back to me via mail or via modem page 1/3 to decibel overload. via mail, you'll get back your disk with the latest from gods. via modem, you will be able to find the latest p.d. wares (only!!!!) on decibel overload. see you in sept. 95 for the next issue. yours, chris / gods ps. to all french readers!!! ce minimag ne peut marcher qu'avec votre support, surtout <vous> musiciens! alors, sceners, pensez a envoyer vos musiques, votre vote, annonces, rumeurs, etc.... merci de votre participation. page 2/3 a l'attention de ram jam et mentasm. j'ai appris apres la sortie du numero 001 que vous avez le meme genre de mag comme objectif. alors, au lieu de se faire con- currence.... aidons nous et faisons quel- que chose de plus performant, de plus francais. prenez donc contact avec moi. viele danke. da funny chris page 3/3 < c r e d i t s > ------------------- code by little design and graphism by l-vis / royal title picture by bridgeclaw texts by chris ps. titlepicture released for the first time in olympe trackmo by gods!!! page 1/1 < s o n g s c r e d i t s > -+---------------------------+- tebirod / les shadock -< #chassokary# maf / silicon -< #d0xeh# hardfire / ngc + its -< #funny reality# black dragon / illusion -< #hardchip2# liszt / gods -< #kefrens-remix# mytholog / warp -< #open ur eyes# pye / agoa -< #smoke the dust !# clawz / bomb -< #suburban terrorist# ferdinand / eremation -< #sweet dream# aix / nag + us -< #the choice# gandbox / ngc -< #troglodyte# syd / warp -< #wild blue eyes# page 1/1 chip in paris are contactable !!! you can reach us via snail mail at chris of gods christophe hede 34 rue dumoncel 75014 paris + france. + you can reach us via modem at decibel overload >---< gods ehq ++ 33 1 344 811 45 sysop is wah >--< conf. chip in paris page 1/1 french news and rumours bomb trajan (graphist) and zebig (graphist) were kicked out. darkness sph (graphist) joined. hexod they are completelly dead! les shadock bob (sysop) joined. larsen is now les shadock whq. page 1/2 movement thorin (??) has never been a member!! nova bluesilence (musicien) rejoined. scoopex made (graphist) left for bomb. syndrome guille (coder) and okeanos (musician) joined from ram jam. page 2/2 ----------------------------- i.n.t.e.n.s.e - n.g.c ----------------------------- < hardfire of intense + ngc > johan roirand 35 rue de la comete 44230-st sebastien-/-loire france support #burnpack# + #chip's# disk. 100/ answer ----------------------------- i.n.t.e.n.s.e - n.g.c ----------------------------- page 1/3 # warp . a rave party on amiga !!!! # ------------------------------------- (w) mytholog / warp (w) tissot jerome 170 rue du mont cuchet 73130 st etienne de cuines france (w) mytholog / warp (w) he ! u ! contact me 4 a cool swap or if u want a cool tekno tune 4 ur prod !!! no problem0 ... page 2/3 why the hell trade with the rest.....???? when you can trade with the slowest ! ------------------------------------- for a rather magic swap-affair ------------------------------------- ((( mr.keel/nova ))) alexandre kairouannais 15, rue clos savaron 69004 lyon france ------------------------------------- e-mail . hedi(a)aria3.eal.fr ------------------------------------- page 3/3 modem adverts here is a list of french bbs involved on the french legal amiga scene. big bug sysop loulou becane 33-1-4963 0439 saturne whq cryo sysop shocker 33-8398 8539 drifters whq decibel overload sysop wah 33-1-3448 1145 gods ehq dreamlands sysop gelfling 33-3239 7923/ 33-3231 0077/ 33-3231 0061 33-3231 0075 dreamdealers whq page 1/3 flood land (pc) sysop patriot 33-9028 8342 surprise prod. hq flying circus sysop hareng master 33-8425 7238 frog whq french kiss sysop revolution 33-8971 1004 analog fhq larsen sysop bob 33-1-4841 2319 les shadock whq new arcadia sysop skywalker 33-5680 0347/33-5604 4648 model whq page 2/3 french sysops... if you want to see or to see again an ad- vert for your bbs in chip in paris, you have to drop me a messy on gods bbs, i mean <decibel overload>!! page 3/3 news on the paris musik scene (07/95) saturday 8th july song castafiore bazooka. vocal accordions and crazy girlies, 6 divine divas. l'archipel 20.30 h cost 30 ff saturday 8th july festival musichance. this festival gives the oppor tunity to discover unknown and wellknown bands. with democrates d (rap), beethova obas (haita), kyffys (world music), mama boots (pop-rock), zawa's band (jazz-funk) lora else (rock), los bandits (rock), phoenix (pop fusion), etc... salle j.brel 18.00 h cost 80 ff at fontenay sous bois page 1/5 sunday 9th july funk george clinton and p. funk. the supreme master of p. funk is back in paris for a groovy night and hot party. hot brass 21.00 h cost 200 ff wednesday 12th july groove casimir funk. sum repeats of maceo parker in sound george clinton - bootsy collins, the team is still very funkadelic. dj ro- drigue after the concert with funk-fusion -rock untill 04.00 h am. opus cafe 21.00 h cost 40 ff friday 14th july lucky pariser jean michel jarre. a new concert!!!!! champs de mars 22.00 h cost free page 2/5 friday 14th july rock amok. groove rock. gibus 23.00 h cost ?? ff friday 14th july fusion smurfin' 2000. a pop, hip-hop group. to discover, the single 'cyber sex'. so fab! wait and see 20.30 h cost free saturday 15th july rap mc solaar. the poet of french rap is in a free concert with rdp, voodoo and faudel. l'ile l'aumone 17.00 h cost free at mantes la jolie tuesday 18th july albanese polyphony tirana group. old tradition of albanese page 3/5 mountains. we still know pernet. now here is the 7 voices of the tirana group. satellit' cafe 21.00 h friday 21th july pop-rock odd sense, not again. le bilbo 21.30 h cost free saturday 22th july jazz bojan z quartet. one of the biggest hope of the french jazz. parc floral 16.00 h cost free thursday 27th july world music bagad men ha tan. a quite interesting bri tish team. they play some tunes from pier -rick tanguy and some various traditional page 4/5 celtic tunes. kiosque du luxembourg 18.00 h cost free i would like to notice that this part is possible only with the help of the great mag called 'nova magazine'. page 5/5 13-14-15-16 july #phoenix festival 95# in long marston stratford upon avon in uk megadog dance stage. the orb with dj le- wis and banco de gaia -x- underworld with dj darren emerson drum club and hia -x- eat static with children of the bong and full moon scientists -x- transglobal un- derground with loop guru (more dj's and acts to be announced!!). on the other scenes. paul weller, tricky spearhead, g. clinton, gil scott heron, warren g, jazzmatazz and more than 120 groups!! to go to it from france, called (16) 8337 6666 and it costs 1.200 ff. page 1/6 friday 14th july da freak brothers presents # missfit party # dj's are derrick carter (organico-chicago) sonic (omnisonus) cedrick (bf) it costs 100 ff the place is 'le divan du monde' page 2/6 saturday 22th july tekno tanz presents # magic circus # live act x-seb (s2h - paris) trance dj's unit - mael - lestat attractions. turbo unit (spain), circus technics, sculpture, strong visuals image -nary, performances in forest, fluodelic deco. it costs 100 ff rendez vous at 'porte d'orleans' (paris) page 3/6 sunday 23th july #cyber dreams# djs are miss marilyne laura palmer place discotheque l'opiom 1 bld du gal de gaulle biarritz - france page 4/6 saturday 5th august prophecy 7 presents # the judgement # dj's are... miss djax (djax up beat rec. - holland) jeff mills (axis rec. - chicago) luke slater (peacefrog - uk) pascal feos (harthouse - germany) manu le malin (ist rec. - paris) live acts... acid kirk (bwp experiment - belgium) daft punk (soma - france) and mc pussylover (xs records - germany) it costs 150 ff the place is 'le palestre' at cannes page 5/6 saturday 9th september # e p h e d r a # dj's are... lenny dee (industrial strengh), liza n' eliaz (usa import - bl), miss djax (djax up beat - hl), seb kiedrowsky (street sound - fr), cirillio (acv - it), torgull (fr), manu le malin (bmc - fr). live act is... desintegrator (industrial strengh) it costs 170 ff the place is the 'zenith', 'parc de la villette', paris. page 6/6 nightclubing in paris monday havana noche cuban dancers swaying to dj jesus' sound- waves a la hot salsa (and we're not talk- ing bean dip!!). 'lili la tigresse' since 22.00 h tuesday jet sex sultry shows, suckers(kojak style), super -sonic drinks and gogo dancers to goggle the senses shaken and stirred in a mix of progressive house and trance. the best cu -re for jet-lag! 'privilege' (cost 50 ff) since 23.30 h tuesday world spirit page 1/4 the latest in funky sounds with the un- stoppable bar-top dancers makin the moves and dj kamel setting the grooves. can you bear it? 'lili la tigresse' since 22.00 h wednesday mental confusione paris' only weekly hardcore party slams its doors for the summer with this last bash. be punktual. 'gibus' (cost 50 ff) at midnight thursday martine in the casbah martine rocks the casbah with a magic mix of happy house and ambient to the great satisfaction of the partyers. 'casbah' (only july) since 23.00 h page 2/4 thursday priv-beatch sea, sex and sand with pool, bastille bash, and junglers. leave your umbrella but bring a lifeguard. 'privilege' (50 ff) (only august) 23.30 h friday posse undergroove basic groovy sounds with dj blaise spin- ning rap, funk, reggae and afro, and a pizza stop on the second floor. 'manneken club' (cost 60ff) since 22.30 h sunday gay tea dance gay tea dance, naturally. one lump or 3? 'palace' (cost 60ff) 17 to 23.00 h sunday house power page 3/4 european house nuts and gay tea dance jun -kies play house together. nasty!! 'privilege' (cost 50ff) since 23.30 h 'lili la tigresse'- 98 rue blanche paris 09 'privilege/palace'-8 rue du fg montmartre paris 09 'gibus' - 18 rue fg du temple paris 11 'casbah' - 20 rue de la forge-royale paris 11 'manneken club' - 3 rue de l'ancienne comedie - paris 06 page 4/4 gods members are (01/07/95) bridgeclaw - graphician - norway chris - trader + organiz - france ghandy - trader - germany joint - raytracer + disc - norway liszt - musician - france little - coder - france odin - coder - france sealapex - sysop (pitstop) - norway sixpack - swapper + jp - norway wah - sysop + ascii - france zerox - disc editor - norway zytrox - coder - norway page 1/1 gods need new good members contact either chris or zerox! chris/gods zerox/gods christophe hede pobox 2570 34 rue dumoncel ullandhaug 75014 paris 4004 stavanger france. norway for top lovely swapping just try... sixpack/gods ghandy/gods paal inge johansen lars sobiraj dregseth v4 mindener str. 5 7500 stj0rdal 40227 dusseldorf norway germany page 1/2 or call gods bbs... pitstop gods whq +47. 333. 87955 sysop is sealapex decibel overload gods ehq +33.1.344.811.45 sysop is wah decibel overload is 'chip in paris' official vote and support world bbs page 2/2 chris/gods greetings are dreaming to... all gods members in france/norway/germany macno/abnormalia, michael/anathema,damion /artwork, fugazi/beatless, le chien/crap, cro+prowler/cydonia, dvize/devious design napoleon/drd, nightmare/anarchy pc, wade+ realit0r/eltech, action/mad elks, skull + brainwasher+photos/eremation, ps+rahiem/ essence, blacky/excess, ramonb5/fp/desire python/far side, godfather+hellraiser/fun wizard/giants, black dragon+hp/illusion, awax+gryzor+horror+mc pudel/indy crew,klf +silicon/intense, darkhawk + miko63/iris, jobo+ oriens+ rahow+ tebirod/les shadock, dnv/mirror, denis/nhd, clever/phuture 303 jmc/public enemy, mike/pulsar, exon/riot, page 1/2 trasher/artwork+sanity, loulou becane+vod -ka/saturne, raptor/sect, jamie+scarface/ skarla, alhazred/spasm, christine/spoon, pantera/sunshine prod., kelson/synaps, codac+kestrel/syndrome, bongmaster/tfp, bald horse/trsi, dt214/ultima, uman/warp, abraham van helsing/x trade, broom/zenon, the ripper/ram jam, l-vis/royal. a very special hello to pye / agoa and to mytholog / warp and some special hello to maf / silicon, hardfire / intense + ngc, aix / nag + us, clawz / bomb and gandbox / ngc. page 2/2 xx- < best french coders > -xx ---+-+-------------------+-+--- .1. gengis / bomb software (.1.) .2. oxbab / oxygene (.3.) .3. jamie / skarla (new) (c) c.i.p.002 / july 95 page 1/1 xx- < best french graphicians > -xx ---+-+-----------------------+-+--- .1. ra / sanity (.3.) .2. suny / melon dezign (.1.) .3. hof / bomb software (.2.) (c) c.i.p.002 / july 95 page 1/1 xx- < best french musicians > -xx ---+-+---------------------+-+--- .1. moby / sanity (.3.) .2. audiomonster /ex-complex (.1.) .3. tebirod / les shadock (.2.) (c) c.i.p.002 / july 95 page 1/1 xx- < best french chip-cians > -xx ---+-+-----------------------+-+--- .1. doh / dreamdealers (.1.) .2. gandbox / ngc (.2.) .3. clawz / bomb software (.3.) (c) c.i.p.002 / july 95 page 1/1 xx- < best french swappers > -xx ---+-+---------------------+-+--- .1. chris / gods (.1.) .2. napoleon / dreamdealers (.2.) .3. thorin / melon dezign (new) (c) c.i.p.002 / july 95 page 1/1 xx- < best french groups > -xx ---+-+------------------+-+--- .1. bomb software (.2.) .2. oxygene (.1.) .3. sanity (.3.) (c) c.i.p.002 / july 95 page 1/1 xx- < best french legends > -xx ---+-+-------------------+-+--- .1. wild copper (.1.) .2. alliance design (new) .3. the silents france (.3.) (c) c.i.p.002 / july 95 page 1/1 xx- < best french b.b.s. > -xx ---+-+-------------------+-+--- .1. dreamlands / dreamdealers (.2.) .2. decibel overload / gods (.1.) .3. big bug / saturne (.3.) (c) c.i.p.001 / july 95 page 1/1 xx- < best french productions > -xx ---+-+-----------------------+-+--- .1. motion / bomb software (.1.) .2. indigo / oxygene (.3.) .3. real / complex (new) .3. arte / sanity (new) (c) c.i.p.002 / july 95 page 1/1 xx- < best french utilities > -xx ---+-+---------------------+-+--- .1. pro-wizard / gryzor (.1.) .2. infomod / revolution (.2.) .3. aga converter / fireblade (new) (c) c.i.p.002 / july 95 page 1/1 the voters for issue 002 are - chris / gods - gryzor / indy - hardfire / intense + ngc - little / gods - maf / silicon - mytholog / warp - realitor / eltech uk - wah / gods page 1/1