> F L A S H T R O$ <          
         The Original & Genuine         
           Space Hippies 2017           
         @ Ludopus - WT Release         
       +3 Trainer and Palette Fix.      
  Unlimited Lives...................NO  
  Disable Collision.................NO  
  LMB Skips Level...................NO  
           >>> START GAME <<<           
           Trained by SIRIaX.           

 Flashtro strikes back with Space Hippies +++-f. Released by Wanted Team 2017. Another Space Invaders clone is exactly what we have been waiting for... :) However, the palette fix enhances the visibility of enemy bullets which appear in dark red and are almost impossible to spot in the original build.   Nice menu by Wayne K. - Music by Tommy (Tack!)      Trained by SIRIaX in 2017 - Serving the unskilled since 3 decades.    Enjoy Yourself!...                               - Commodore by birth, Amiga by choice! -                Text recaps... .. .