searching...please wait   
     nothing found          
That is the X-Files Screen

                                                  May, 1997

hello and welcome to the summer... =)

it's getting hot and hotter and everybody has other
things in his mind than sitting in front of the computer
and doing things there.
but there is one mag, a newsmag, whose team is still
working hard, even on these sunny days, to bring you the
latest news.
and this mag is called          x-files. =)

yeah, we will not make a summerbreak or anything like
that. so you can read you x-files every month to get
informed. ok, enough of this self-praise... ;)

as i told you some time ago, i'm planing to make an
online version of the x-files on my homepage. but due to
the fact that i have now so much to to for my university
and my job, i'm searching for some guys who want to help
me to get the thing done. so if you want to become a part
of the x-files, contact me via e-mail or catch me in
the irc in channel #amigascne.

and again it seems like it will be a very short editorial
cause there is nothig more to write now and i want to
get a little bit of the sun today... =)
but i'm sure you will not be very depressed if you can't
read here pages and pages from me... probably next time
more words from me. :)

ok, now it's time for some sun and some action...

and again remember:
only use from now on!

ok, thanx for now and see ya soon...

              read, spread and support the x-files !!!! :-)


x-files - contact-addresses

if you want to reach me, send a letter to:

                big-rat / aBYSs & eTHIc
                      Kai Hoepner
                      Niedstr. 16
                     12159  Berlin

     (no swapping. for swapping please contact Ghandy)

or send me an e-mail to (or try the irc):

        Internet :

        (contact me also for email-swapping)


if you want to obtain the latest issue of x-files, you can
send me an e-mail via internet and i will mail you the
latest issue uuencoded to you email-address.

if you want, i can put your email-address on the
subscription-list. so you will recieve the latest issue
automatically every time it is released. for this, you must
be able to recieve large uuencodet mails. if this is no
problem for your server, give me your email-address and
you will be on the subscription-list.

official swappers :

   Ghandy of Gods & Syndrome (
   Mindener Str. 05
   40227 Duesseldorf

boards :

you can also call the x-files news station Uphold the Law
to get the latest issue ( login with name: x-files / 
                                       pw: x-files ):

Uphold the Law  -  the ultimate demo bbs for all systems !!
!! legal only !!  sysops : Ramses & Paso  !! legal only !!

       node 1/2   : USR v.34+  -   +49-(0)30-47411057
       node 3/4   : Euro ISDN  -   +49-(0)30-47411058

    x-files news station
    anaconda  whq  (pc)
    remedy  whq  (amiga)
    contra  ghq  (ascii)
    u.d.o.  whq  (amiga)
    artwork  ghq  (amiga & pc)
    aliendesign  ghq  (amiga-tools)
    trsi recordz  distribution site  (audio)
    anadune  german distribution site  (amiga)
    superior art creations  distribution site  (pc)


we are proud to present the x-files staff for this issue:

        the x-files are an eTHIc & aBYSs production

        main editor  :  big-rat
        code         :  Madstop
        design       :  Nero / Artwork

        support      :  Chaos! / Desire (mainmenufont)
                        Kernal / Desire (fixed player 6.1)
                        Raven / Nuance
                        Ghandy / Gods, Darkage

        module       :  Pulse / Logic Probe
        titlepicture :  Shade / Digital

        swapper      :  our official swappers are:
                        Ghandy / Gods, Darkage

             see contact page for their addresses.

              thanx and greets are going to:

            Antibrain / Bizarre Arts
            Argon / TRSI
            Axis / Arsenic
            Beatnik / TRSI
            Bloodrock / TRSI
            Chaos! / Desire
            Cyclone / Abyss, Illusion
            Curt Cool / Depth
            Damion / Artwork
            Decca / Lego
            Doc D /  Arsenic
            Dvize / Devious, Limited Edition
            Dire / Eremation
            DCSL / Tarkus Team
            Dr. Dre / TRSI
            Estrayk / Capsule
            Excel / Balance
            Fox / Remedy, Sceptic-/X-Design, Alien Design
            g.d.m. / Looker House
            Ghandy / Gods, Darkage
            Grace / Illusion
            Jazz / Haujobb
            Kernal / Desire
            Lord /  Absolute, Impulse, CJ
            Magix / Tarkus Team
            Marc / Syndrome, Sector 7
            Modem / Darkage
            Odin / Illusion
            Pirat / Phase Distortion
            Plastikman / Quasar
            Rahiem / Essence
            Ramses / Remedy
            Raven / Nuance
            Raw Style / Lego
            Rokdazone / Artwork
            Ronny / Teklords
            Sharon / Artwork
            Siegel / TRSI
            Skyphos / Artwork
            SMT / Artwork
            Spin / Abyss
            Steeler / Phantasm
            Strider / TRSI
            Swoop / Rebels
            The Ripper / Artwork
            Yazoo / Arsenic

  and all members of :

  Abyss  -  Arsenic  -  Artwork  -  Bizarre Arts
  Capsule  -  Desire  -  Ethic  -  Lego
  Looker House  -  Three Little Elks

for the next issues of the x-files we are searching for:

up-to-date news like:

  - memberlists
    (with username and function (and country if possible))

  - newcommers
    (with old group if possible)

  - "go-away'ers"
    (with reason like new group, kicked, left scene))

  - general news about groups
    (like next releases, planed projects, planned parties,
    and so on...)

  - information about parties
    (like invitations, results, reports, visitor-lists)

  - news about everything that's worth interesting

i can not check every news i get. so it is possible, that
an error appears in the x-files. don't blame me for this,
but please mail me the error with the correction and i will
fix it immediately.

we are also searching for titlepictures and modules.

             titlepictures - about 250 kb
             soundmodules  - about 200 kb

            !!!  choose your own style  !!!

if you want to advertise in one of the next issue or want
to send some messages to other guys, then send them to us
and we will include them in the following issue.
due to the fact that the x-files textscreen is oblique,
the normal adverts with ansis and asciis are looking very
so if you want to advertise, make an advert with no asciis
in it or design them escpecially for the qblique screen !!

        maximum text width  : 60 characters
        maximum text height : 28 lines

  there are 183 groups in this issue !!!

                    Alien Designs
                    Bad Zone
                    Beton Design
                    Bizarre Arts
                    Black Sista!
                    Chaos D-sign
                    Cosmic Woodheads
                    Crux Dezign
                    Crux & Bad Karma
                    Dinx Project
                    Donut Fetish
                    Epsilon Design
                    Erotic Design
                    Flying Cows Inc.
                    Fractal Generators
                    Frame 18
                    Fucking United Network
                    Fun Factory
                    Grasshoppers Developments
                    Ladybird Design
                    Les Shadock
                    Lightstorm INC.
                    Limited Edition
                    Logic Probe
                    Looker House
                    Nerve Axis
                    Nine Design
                    Old Bulls
                    Phase D.
                    Phuture 303
                    Pioneer Design
                    Ram Jam
                    Sector 5
                    Sector 7
                    Soldiers and Flowers
                    Stage Diving Club
                    Steps of Change
                    Sunshine productions
                    Tarkus Team
                    The Black Lotus
                    Three Little Elks
                    United Haters of Goa
                    Vision Labs
                    Voodka People
                    5th Dynasty

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  243      -  trader, sysop
  Adt      -  trader, sysop, coder
  Crm      -  coder, graphician
  Edge     -  coder
  Ern0     -  musician
  Fate     -  sysop
  Fester   -  editor, leader
  Jean     -
  Lord     -  trader, sysop, swapper, organizer
  Musashi  -  coder
  Petroff  -  musician
  Poko     -  sysop
  Rack     -  graphician

 - boards :
             Fatal Connextion

                            (last change: # 14 - march '97)

  Bartman     -  coder                      -  germany
  big-rat     -  editor                     -  germany
  Cyclone     -  graphician                 -  germany
  Devistator  -  graphician, ascii-artist,
                 swapper                    -  england
  Dexter      -  coder                      -  germany
  dRm         -  musician, sysop            -  germany
  JCS         -  graphician                 -  germany
  Madstop     -  coder                      -  germany
  Moon        -  coder                      -  austria
  Newt        -  musician, coder, sysop     -  sweden
  Pink        -  musician, coder            -  germany
  Poet        -  coder                      -  germany
  SMC         -  coder, sysop, musician     -  germany
  Spin        -  coder                      -  germany
  Tyshdomos   -  graphician                 -  germany

 - visit their homepages:
        (or try   (big-rat's homepage)
        (or try (Pink's homepage)
        (or try (Poet's homepage)
Accession   (unchanged since 1996)

  Iron Code
  The Kid

Acme   (unchanged since 1996)

  Aap          -  founder, designer  -  holland
  Acryl        -  graphician         -  germany
  Chromag      -  musician           -  germany
  JMS          -  graphician         -  germany
  Krash        -  coder              -  germany
  Lone Ranger  -  coder              -  holland
  Mind         -  coder              -  germany
  Radavi       -  swapper            -  holland
  Ricochet     -  graphician         -  holland
  Simstim      -  coder              -  holland
  Vic          -  musician           -  holland
  VV           -  musician           -  holland

Aftershock   (unchanged since 1996)

  bucky     -  trader
  klipper   -  supplier
  KOrB      -  graphician, ascii-artist
  MAX       -  cracker,  h/p/a
  m0Sh      -  supplier, cracker
  phleGm    -  trader
  SpritZ    -  trader
  STeddy-1  -  musician, cracker, supplier
  zINK      -  leader, sysop

Alien Designs  (ALS)   (unchanged since 1996)

  AceMan    -  organizer, sysop
  Bigfoot   -  trader
  Chillout  -  musician
  Exodite   -  trader
  FaKED IQ  -
  RayBan    -  sysop

Ambient   (unchanged since 1996)


 - boards :
             CENTRAL PARK
             CRAP TOWN
             FUCK SHOP

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Access      -  raytracer              -  denmark
  Blunt       -  swapper                -  holland
  Cain        -  raytracer, graphician  -  denmark
  Drac        -  swapper, packmaker     -  denmark
  Eliss-D     -  musician, graphician   -  denmark
  Guma        -  swapper, ascii-artist  -  poland
  Karina      -  mascot                 -
  Lucifer     -  coder (Pc)             -  denmark
  Raivo       -  sysop, coder           -  denmark
  Raze        -  musician               -  denmark
  Riis        -  graphician             -  denmark
  Spacebrain  -  musician               -
  Syntax      -  coder (Pc)             -  denmark
  Trayzor     -  musician               -
  Wax         -  musician               -  denmark
  Zeek        -  coder                  -  denmark

 - Spacebrain joined them as a musician.

 - Cyb0man! renamed to Eliss-D.

 - Powdihacker left them for Puzzle.

 - Genetic Species coded by Powdihacker will be out under
   the Ambrosia label.

 - A PC division of Ambrosia has been created.

 - Artphaze left Ambrosia and possibly the scene.

 - Shadow Walker renamed to Riis.

 - Draw renamed to Guma.

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  action     -  trader, musician
  andy       -  trader
  blackwine  -  coder, musician
  celic      -  sysop
  dr.greg    -  coder
  green      -  raytracer
  kazik      -  graphician, organizer
  lazur      -  graphician
  losiu      -  trader
  madbart    -  trader, sysop, raytracer
  mr.acryl   -  coder
  norman     -  swapper, packmaker
  revisq     -  musician
  zeebi      -  musician

 - Qba left them and is now only in Nah Kolor.

 - boards :
     los endos       -  ehq             -  +49(0212)986247
     nemezis         -  phq             -  +48(032)1038256
     the sect        -  whq             -  +48(091)879493
     uphold the law  -  ger dist. site  -  +49(0)3047411057

 - contact them via e-mail :
                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Chriz      -  swapper, trader            -
  Cope       -  musician                   -
  Growl      -  swapper                    -
  Hellrazor  -  coder, swapper             -
  Hyper      -  raytracer                  -
  Kismat     -  swapper                    -  poland
  Korball    -  swapper, polish hq         -  poland
  Maze       -  musician                   -
  Mr X       -  coder                      -
  Point      -  graphician, ascii-artist,
                swapper                    -
  Psycho     -  graphician                 -
  Rolex      -  musician, swapper          -
  Strife     -  whq, coder, swapper        -
  Sunscream  -  graphician, ascii-artist   -
  Tracky     -  musician, ascii-artist     -
  Trump      -  musician                   -
  Wise       -  internet                   -
  Wizzball   -  coder                      -  england
  Zeeball    -  coder                      -  poland

 - Wizzball joined them as coder in the england.

 - boards:
             neuroplex  -  +47 71 25 73 39

 - visit their homepage :


  ACID         -  ascii-artist                  -
  CERBER       -  sysop, trader, coder          -
  DEEJAYJONES  -  musician                      -
  FENIX        -  sysop                         -
  IRON ANGEL   -  sysop                         -
  JUDAS        -  coder, editor                 -  poland
  KLAF         -  swapper, pack-maker, hq       -  poland
  MADBART      -  sysop, trader, raytracer, hq  -  poland
  MADMAN       -  sysop                         -
  MARO         -  sysop                         -
  MAVERICK     -  sysop                         -
  NAZGUL       -  coder                         -
  NEUROMANCER  -  graphician                    -  poland
  OFFSPRING    -  sysop, trader                 -
  PIKE         -  graphician                    -  poland
  RADAVI       -  sysop                         -
  SYLWEK       -  raytracer                     -
  TIMER        -  musician, swapper             -  poland
  TRASH HEAD   -  sysop                         -
  VOICE        -  musician                      -  poland
  WILDTHING    -  sysop, trader                 -
  XTRO         -  sysop, raytracer              -

 - boards :
             EMERGENCY  BBS   -  whq  -  +48-061-148253
             DIXIE BBS        -  phq  -  +48-71-575825
             NEVERMIND BBS    -  phq  -  +48-86-189523
             RADIOACTIVE BBS  -  phq  -  +48-058-216107
             THE SECT BBS     -  whq  -  +48-91-879493

Arrogance   (unchanged since 1996)

  ANTRAX     -  graphician, musician
  GHOST      -  graphician, raytracer
  PENNYWISE  -  graphician, raytracer
  TDMF       -  graphician, musician
  TOASTER    -  graphician, raytracer

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

 AXIS     -  coder                  -  germany
 Doc D    -  webdesign, maineditor  -  germany
 Jazz     -  musician               -  germany
 Shylock  -  musician               -  germany
 Yazoo    -  graphician             -  germany

 - Jazz joined as a doublemember from Haujobb.

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)
  Azure       -  coder               -  germany
  Confidence  -  coder               -  sweden
  Cougar      -  graphician          -  germany
  Damion      -  organizer, swapper  -  germany
  Detector    -  coder               -  germany
  Fiver2      -  graphician          -  germany
  Nero        -  graphician          -  germany
  Nitch       -  coder               -  france
  Noogman     -  graphician          -  germany
  RokDaZone   -  editor, organizer   -  germany
  Scout       -  coder               -  sweden
  Sharon      -  coder               -  germany
  Skyphos     -  coder               -  germany
  SMT         -  musician            -  germany
  The Loop    -  musician            -  germany
  The Ripper  -  editor, swapper     -  italy
  Tiberius    -  3D modeller         -  germany
  Trasher     -  swapper             -  germany
  Tron        -  coder               -  germany
  Virgill     -  musician            -  germany
  Voyage      -  sysop               -  germany

 - Detector left the scene.

 - boards :
             Point Break  -  whq

Astroidea   (unchanged since 1996)

  IONIC       -  coder, ascii-artist
  KAL         -  graphician, raytracer
  MELAN       -  organizer, designer, sysop
  NORBY       -  sysop
  O-MAN       -  raytracer
  PERIWINKLE  -  coder
  RENDALL     -  graphician
  RENÉ        -  hardware
  REPTILE     -  musician, coder
  SNOWMAN     -  coder

Asphyx   (unchanged since 1996)

 aREs        -  raytracer
 iNVERt      -  musician
 lASh        -  swapper
 mISHa       -  trader
 sEB mCKEIn  -  trader

Avocado   (unchanged since 1996)

  Addict       -  coder                  -  finland
  Apache       -  sysop                  -  finland
  Base         -  swapper                -  germany
  Cro          -  coder                  -  australia
  Felix        -  swapper                -  norway
  John Harder  -  graphician, swapper,
                  ascii-artist           -  finland
  KML          -  swapper, trader        -  finland
  Moon         -  coder                  -  austria
  Pozz         -  graphician, swapper    -  sweden
  Sixpack      -  swapper, editor        -  norway
  Stevie       -  ascii-artist, swapper  -  sweden
  Substance    -  organizer , musician,
                  swapper                -  finland
  Zandax       -  swapper, musician      -  finland

Axis   (unchanged since 1996)

  Anthony   -  coder           -  netherlands
  Celtic    -  coder           -  netherlands
  Lowlife   -  graphician      -  netherlands
  Nik       -  coder           -  england
  Radavi    -  sysop, swapper  -  netherlands
  Steroid   -  mascot          -  netherlands
  Tim       -  coder           -  netherlands
  Twilight  -  musician        -  england

Bad Zone   (unchanged since 1996)

  Ace            -  whq, coder, swapper  -  poland
  Dump           -  swapper              -  finland
  Kure-4-Kancer  -  musician, swapper    -  finland

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Atheist     -  musician              -  sweden
  Confidence  -  coder                 -  sweden
  Deelite     -  musician              -  sweden
  Excel       -  editor, whq           -  sweden
  Gorg        -  graphician            -  sweden 
  Grid        -  graphician            -  sweden
  Mad Smiley  -  coder                 -  denmark
  Pantera     -  swapper               -  sweden
  Wolfman     -  editor                -  denmark
  Xerxes      -  sysop                 -  sweden
  Zero        -  coder                 -  sweden

 - Excel stopped swapping. His contacts can reach him at

 - Confidence has a relationship with Deelite.

Beton Design   (unchanged since 1996)

  Human     -  musician
  Kain      -  graphician
  Muad'dib  -  raytracer
  Norweg    -  musician
  Yoe       -  musician

Bizarre Arts

  Antibrain   -  musician, organizer    -  germany
  Azure       -  coder, organizer       -  germany
  Coming Art  -  coder, musician        -  germany
  cr8y        -  graphician             -  germany
  Daim        -  trader, ascii-artist   -  germany
  Deetz       -  coder                  -  germany
  Eagle       -  raytracer              -  germany
  Halfbyte    -  musician               -  germany
  Krusty      -  trader, raytracer      -  germany
  Oson        -  musician               -  germany
  Rave        -  swapper, ascii-artist  -  germany
  Tracer      -  coder                  -  germany

Black Sista!

  blunt           -  swapper, graphician
  celtic          -  coder
  mortimer twang  -  musician, ascii-artist
  orlingo         -  musician, graphician
  radavi          -  sysop

Bucket   (unchanged since 1996)

  Digger      -  swapper
  Judas       -  coder
  Kordi       -  coder
  Necroscope  -  graphician
  NoName      -  musician
  PinPong     -  raytracer
  The Soul    -  coder
  Zaba        -  swapper

Bugs   (unchanged since 1996)

  Barthy   -  musician, swapper
  Ben      -  coder
  Dv8      -  swapper, trader
  Gab      -  graphician
  Joy      -  musician
  New Sky  -  graphician
  Spawn    -  swapper, trader
  Stic     -  coder

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Case78      -  swapper
  Claw        -  raytracer, musician
  Frame       -  graphician, editor
  Mega        -  musician
  Morrow      -  musician
  Mr. Mygg    -  musician
  Origo       -  coder
  Pozz        -  graphician
  Prospect    -  coder
  Reverend D  -  sysop
  Scout       -  coder
  Some1       -  musician
  Stardust    -  graphician
  TmX         -  graphician

Canabis   (unchanged since 1996)

  Apollo       - sysop
  Brem         - graphician
  Cannibal     - sysop, german leader
  Flozzy       - sysop, danish leader
  Kid Curry    - sysop, swedish leader
  Nino         - trader
  Randall      - coder
  Sal-One      - sysop
  Speed Freak  - sysop, finnish leader
  Woober       - world leader, musician, cracker, sysop
  Wraith       - trader
  Zanok        - trader

 - boards :
             Battle Field    -  dkhq
             Boondocks       -  ehq   -  +31-548-540-653
             Eternity        -  whq
             Extreme Terror  -  ghq
             Pet Sematary    -  schq
             Riot House      -  dhq
             The Maze        -  sfhq

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  BARMAN    -  swapper              -  spain
  DARKLORD  -  member of honour     -  spain
  DR.SLUMP  -  coder                -  spain
  ESTRAYK   -  musician, organizer  -  spain
  EVELRED   -  musician             -  spain
  FLYNN     -  coder                -  spain
  KEVED     -  coder                -  spain
  KUSTOM    -  coder                -  spain
  MAGNUM    -  graphician           -  spain
  OPSS!     -  coder                -  spain
  SATIVA    -  raytracer            -  spain
  VADER     -  coder                -  spain

 - Darklord died in september 1996.
   Belated but important news.

 - Dior left the scene.

 - Goreboy was kicked.

 - Kustom joined Osmose as doublemember.

 - they're working on their demo called 'Phase One'.


  Amida      -  raytracer, trader, coder        -  england
  Bra¡nLord  -  coder, raytracer                -  england
  Cage       -  sysop                           -  england
  Eon        -  organizer, trader               -  england
  Iceman     -  digitizer, sampler, coder       -  england
  Kei        -  organizer, editor, graphician,
                acsii-artist, coder             -  england
  Kenco      -  raytracer, trader               -  england
  Mayhem     -  coder, graphician               -  england
  Riddler    -  sysop, coder                    -  england
  Ruiner     -  coder, trader                   -  england
  Wookie     -  musician                        -  england
  Zebedee    -  coder, trader                   -  england
  Thrust     -  musician                        -  norway 

 - boards :
       Remote Kontrol  -  +44 (o)1642 813819  (10pm-8am)
       The Oracle      -  +44 (o)1494 452026  (10pm-7.30am)

 - contact them via e-mail :  (subject: carnage)

Cavaleers   (unchanged since 1996)

  Hardy    -  coder, musician
  Risk     -  swapper, musician
  Toaster  -  graphician, raytracer

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Barman       -  swapper, ascii-artist
  Bladerunner  -  swapper
  D-Orb        -  swapper
  Derethor     -  coder, organizer
  Humphrey     -  graphician
  Motorolo     -  coder
  McGyver      -  musician
  McReady      -  swapper
  Ravana       -  swapper
  Sapphire     -  coder
  Wavemaker    -  musician

 - Centolos organised the Arroutada IV,a local party held
   in La Coruna, Spain, where most of their members live.

 - The demo project has been delayed for undefined time.

 - Derethor will contribute to the Queimada'97 with an

 - Surprisingly, our musician Wavemaker has coded an intro
   too, which will also be released at the Queimada Party.

 - Bladerunner is setting up the PC section. Expect news
   from him soon.

 - McReady (swapper) signed up from TLOTB (pc) as a

 - McGyver (musician) joined from Jussa Software.

 - reach them via e-mail :

 - visit their homepage :

Chaos D-sign   (unchanged since 1996)

  dUTCH    - main-organizer, musician, coder    -  holland
  Freezer  - sysop, trader                      -  holland
  iCE      - organizer, sysop trader, swapper,
             doorcoder                          -  holland
  Will     - musician                           -  holland

 - boards :
        TOTAL^CHAOS     -  whq         -  +31-(0)229-272838
        ILLEGAL HOME    -  dhq         -  +31-(0)229-273597
        PUBLIC HANGING  -  dist. site  -  +31-(0)547-261154

Clan   (unchanged since 1996)

  BUBBA       -  whq, swapper, coder            -  poland
  CED         -  graphician                     -  poland
  DANTHALIAN  -  musician                       -  poland
  GILO        -  musician                       -  poland
  GIZBERN     -  swapper                        -  poland
  HURRICANE   -  nhq, swapper                   -  norway
  JIGIT       -  graphician                     -  poland
  PERRY       -  swapper, musician, graphician  -  poland
  PHASER      -  swapper                        -  poland
  PUDDING     -  graphician, swapper            -  poland
  SCYMAN      -  graphician, musician           -  poland
  SPIROL      -  coder                          -  poland
  YOYO        -  editor                         -  poland

Clique   (unchanged since 1996)

  Coolshot  -  sysop
  Master    -  coder
  Mit       -  coder
  Kris      -  graphician
  Bloody    -  trader
  Detail    -  coder, trader
  Remix     -  trader
  Melih     -  coder
  Smile     -  trader
  Ravel     -  graphician
  Cooper    -  musician

Complex   (unchanged since 1996)

  Artifex     -  graphician
  Cockatrice  -  graphician
  Delorean    -  musician
  dHM         -
  Dweezil     -  coder
  Hotshot     -  graphician
  JHL         -  coder
  Jmagic      -  coder
  Jugi        -  musician, graphician
  Mic Dair    -  leader
  Mr. Spiv    -  coder
  Olwi        -  coder
  Phantom     -  coder
  Reward      -  graphician
  Saviour     -  coder
  Tai-Pan     -  coder
  TNM         -  trader
  Zeque       -  coder
  Zodiak      -  musician

Contra   (unchanged since 1996)

  H2o!     -  ascii-artist
  Mess     -  ascii-artist
  Rapid    -  ascii-artist
  Stratos  -  ascii-artist
  Stylez   -  ascii-artist
  Treach   -  ascii-artist

 - boards :
             Deep Space Nine  -  ehq
             Homeless         -  ghw
             Punishment Inc.  -  dist. site
             Raveland         -  whq
             The Pub          -  dist. site
             Uphold the Law   -  ghq

Contraz   (unchanged since 1996)

  Brekke        -  coder              -  norway
  Corrupt       -  raytracer          -  norway
  Cortex        -  coder              -  norway
  Detriment     -  sysop              -  norway
  Dran          -  graphician, coder  -  norway
  EneX          -  coder              -  norway
  Found         -  musician           -  norway
  Freak Nature  -  sysop              -  norway
  Fro-D         -  musician           -  norway
  Micro         -  raytracer          -  norway
  Mr.Figaro     -  graphician         -  norway
  Nirvana       -  graphician         -  norway
  Phlaton       -  raytracer          -  norway
  Pinocchio     -  musician           -  norway
  Reflexion     -  organizer          -  norway
  Skjeggspir    -  coder              -  norway
  St.George     -  coder              -  norway
  Whisper       -  Trader             -  usa
  Vector        -  editor             -  norway
  Zelow         -  coder              -  norway

Convex   (unchanged since 1996)

  BART       -  graphician
  BETONIARA  -  coder, raytracer, swapper, editor
  BIONIC     -  musician
  COMANCHE   -  graphician
  DOMEL      -  coder, graphician
  HEVA       -  text writer, co-editor

Cosmic Woodheads
                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Carsten  -  musician (pc)
  Drac     -  swapper
  Eliss-D  -  graphician, musician, designer
  Guma     -  swapper, ascii-artist
  Hangman  -  coder
  Raze     -  musician, hq

Crazy   (unchanged since 1996)

  Cyborg       -  musician
  Doc Holyday  -  graphician
  Marc         -  musician
  Midnight     -  coder
  Technoking   -  trader
  THCM         -  coder

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Acorn        -  ascii-artist                   -
  Apollo       -  trader                         -
  Bubbasd      -  sysop                          -  sweden
  Cloak        -  coder                          -  holland
  Cyber        -  trader, coder                  -
  Dusty        -  sysop, coder                   -  holland
  FairyDust    -  cracker                        -
  fK           -  graphician                     -
  IF           -  ascii-artist, musician         -  holland
  JackII       -  trader                         -
  JuNk         -  leader, ascii-artist, cracker  -  holland
  Kabal        -  sysop                          -  france
  LeatherFace  -  sysop                          -  sweden
  Mestis       -  trader                         -
  MJK          -  coder, trader                  -  holland
  Pentangle    -  sysop                          -  germany
  PLL          -  trader                         -  holland
  Storm        -  sysop                          -  sweden
  sTYLE        -  cracker, coder, trainermaker   -
  Ten          -  sysop                          -
  The Mixer    -  supplier, graphician, trader   -
  The Teacher  -  snes supplier                  -  holland
  Tunes        -  trader                         -
  Tyrell       -  world organizer, sysop         -  holland
  U-man        -  cracker, supplier              -  sweden
  Zeus         -  trader                         -

 - boards :
             CYBER DESIGN      -  schq
             DISASTER AREA     -  nhq
             FIRE SIDE         -  shq
             FORGOTTEN WORLDS  -  dhq
             LAST LEGEND       -  whq
             TRADERS PARADISE  -  ehq

Crux Dezign
                            (last change: # 15 - april '97)

  AMUSIC       -  musician     -  greece
  BOONE        -  musician     -  belgium
  CLARY&T0F    -  graphicians  -  france
  CRISP        -  coder        -  belgium
  CUEBALL      -  raytracer    -  germany
  DEXTER       -  musician     -  switzerland
  EVRIMSSON    -  musician     -  germany
  EXCESS       -  raytracer    -  germany
  GOLDEN HELL  -  raytracer    -  france  
  GRACE        -  coder        -  germany
  GREY         -  coder        -  germany
  MANIAC       -  musician     -  sweden
  ODIN         -  graphician   -  germany
  PSYCHOTRON   -  coder        -  sweden
  RUBIC        -  musician     -  sweden
  SHANE        -  organizer    -  switzerland
  T-RAY        -  raytracer    -
  VAN HELSING  -  coder        -  austria

 - visit their homepage :

Crux & Bad Karma
                            (last change: # 15 - april '97)

  BIGOPHONE          -  trader        -  belgium
  CRISP              -  leader        -  belgium
  CROCODILE^BIZTRO   -  sysop         -  sweden
  CRUSADER&CANDYMAN  -  traders       -  sweden
  DIGIMAN            -  sysop         -  germany
  DUFFY              -  trader        -  portugal
  ECS                -  trader        -  germany
  EXERON&MANIAC      -  traders       -  sweden
  FRANKY             -  leader        -  belgium
  FURY               -  sysop         -  switzerland
  HOTWIRE            -  ascii-artist  -  england
  INFUSION           -  trader        -  serbia
  JAVIS              -  sysop         -  germany
  MAKNO              -  trader        -  belgium
  MALC0MN            -  trader        -  belgium
  MELONE             -  sysop         -  sweden
  PHANTOM            -  supplier      -  belgium
  PREACHER           -  cracker       -  germany
  SHANE              -  leader        -  switzerland
  SID                -  cracker       -  switzerland
  SLIME              -  sysop         -  germany
  TYRELL             -  sysop         -  holland
  U-MAN              -  organizer     -  sweden
  UFOK               -  trader        -  poland

 - boards :
             ACID SLAM            -  ghq
             ATLANTIC             -  shq
             CYBERGARDEN          -  bhq
             DIAL HARD            -  ehq
             DOXOLOGY             -  bhq
             ELMSTREET            -  ghq
             FORGOTTEN WORLDS     -  dhq
             HARD TARGET          -  whq
             HOMELESS             -  ghq
             PET SEMETARY         -  shq
             PLASTIC DREAMS       -  shq
             SPACE OUT            -  ukhq

 - contact them via e-mail :
   [-cR!SP-]  -
   FRaNKy     -
   Shane      -

 - visit their homepage :

Cydonia   (unchanged since 1996)

  Accolyte  -  coder
  Bonza     -  sysop
  Coolcat   -  graphician
  Cro       -  coder, swapper
  Eminence  -  musician
  Gusto     -  musician
  Infinity  -  graphician, musician
  Muse      -  musician, sysop
  Prowler   -  sysop, swapper
  Serkul    -  musician
  Snykers   -  graphician
  Souri     -  graphician
  Storm     -  coder
  Tachyon   -  coder

Damage   (unchanged since 1996)

  Bednar   -  raytracer
  Dragon   -  raytracer
  Fenix    -  sysop
  Glue     -  musician
  Mephi    -  trader
  Piter    -  trader

 - boards :
             Nemezis BBS  -  phq

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  AUD         -  musician                    -  italy
  CORROSION   -  musician                    -  italy
  DECIBEL     -  graphician                  -  sweden
  FBY         -  musician                    -  italy
  GHANDY      -  swapper, editor, sysop      -  germany
  KAOSMASTER  -  swapper, editor, raytracer  -  italy
  LANCH       -  graphician                  -  italy
  MODEM       -  coder, organizer            -  italy
  NORK        -  swapper, musician           -  spain
  TLM         -  swapper, editor             -  spain
  WASHBURN    -  coder                       -  italy

 - KaosMaster joined as swapper, editor and raytracer from
   Ram Jam.

 - Ghandy joined as doublemember.

 - Planet, the new diskmag by Darkage will be the
   "replacement" for SHOWTIME.


  AlBundy         -  trader                  -  germany
  BAFFLE          -  coder, sysop            -  norway
  Crisp           -  trader, sysop           -  belgium
  Cthulhu         -  (dcn-/f-dezign) coder   -  germany
  dERROW          -  (dcn-/f-dezign) leader  -  germany
  Digiman         -  sysop                   -  germany
  dURaNDAl        -  mac-supplier, sysop,
                     trader                  -  germany
  fAMOUS o' hACK  -  supplier,  cracker      -  germany
  Flozzy          -  mac division leader,
                     sysop                   -  denmark
  H2o             -  (dcn-/f-dezign) artist  -  germany
  Hysteria        -  trader                  -  germany
  I.Wahn          -  public relations        -  germany
  JuNk            -  sysop, trader           -  holland
  Kamenski        -  mac-supplier, trader    -  switzerland
  lEMMON          -  trader                  -  germany
  Marwic          -  trader, sysop           -  sweden
  mICK            -  trader                  -  germany
  Mosh            -  trader                  -  germany
  Picard          -  trader                  -  germany
  Picasso         -  graphician              -  germany
  pSYCHE          -  trader                  -  australia
  Radiosity       -  trader, sysop           -  germany
  Rekall          -  trader, sysop           -  sweden
  rOADrUNNA       -  trader, coder           -  australia
  RTM             -  cracker, co-leader      -  germany
  sCANDiC         -  founder, leader, sysop  -  germany
  Snike           -  trader, sysop           -  switzerland
  TDMF            -  graphician              -  germany
  TranceTip       -  (dcn-/f-dezign) coder   -  germany
  Turbo           -  trader                  -  switzerland
  Zeff            -  trader                  -  finnland

 - boards :
             Acid Slam          -  ehq
             Battlefield        -  dkhq
             Bumble Bee Land    -  nhq
             Cybergarden        -  bhq
             Fast File System   -  whq
             Go-iN              -  ger-dist
             Nuclear Waste      -  shq
             Sewers of Mystery  -  shq
             Terminal Fuckup    -  ghq
             Trelli Ikojenia    -  swihq
             Wonderland         -  dhq

Define   (unchanged since 1996)

  BJOERNE   -  whq, organizer, swapper,
               ascii-artist, graphician, coder  -  sweden
  BADBOY    -  hq, swapper, editor              -  sweden
  C-REAL    -  musician, ascii-artist           -  sweden
  COOK      -  hq, organizer, swapper,
               ascii-artist                     -  poland
  GROWL     -  hq, organizer, swapper           -  denmark
  IGOR      -  coder                            -  poland
  KELDON    -  swapper, trader, ascii-artist    -  sweden
  KIDNIX    -  sysop                            -  sweden
  TOASTER   -  musician, swapper                -  sweden
  ZOARCHUS  -  musician                         -  sweden

Delirium   (unchanged since 1996)

  Mad Gunman   
  Mad Turnip
  New Sensation
  Phil Douglas

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Allanon       -  organizer, ascii-artist,
                   nethead                     -  norway
  Bakerman      -  sysop, editor               -  denmark
  Betty Boy     -  graphician                  -  sweden
  Chewie        -  swapper, ascii-artist,
                   organizer, trader           -  sweden
  Cope          -  musician                    -  norway
  Curt Cool     -  musician, swapper, trader,
                   organizer, editor           -  denmark
  Cytron        -  musician, editor            -  denmark
  DeeJay Jones  -  musician                    -  sweden
  Elohim        -  coder, raytracer            -  denmark
  Fly           -  graphician                  -  finland
  Folcka        -  graphician                  -  denmark
  Gizmoduck     -  swapper, organizer          -  denmark
  hund.         -  graphician, raytracer       -  denmark
  Icebreaker    -  swapper, organizer          -  finland
  Jaffa         -  coder                       -  norway
  Legionary     -  coder                       -  sweden
  Nemo Q        -  graphician                  -  denmark
  Nightsight    -  graphician                  -  denmark
  Paithan       -  coder                       -  norway
  Presence      -  coder                       -  denmark
  Quedax        -  coder                       -  denmark
  Ren           -  sysop                       -  norway
  Schindler     -  sysop, trader, swapper      -  sweden
  SiDo          -  trader                      -  norway
  Snowman       -  raytracet                   -  denmark
  Solo          -  musician                    -  norway
  Sprocket      -  graphician                  -  norway
  The Glow      -  musician, swapper           -  finland
  The Paranoid  -  sysop, musician             -  norway
  Trip          -  musician                    -  denmark

 - Allanon took over organizing in norway.

 - The Coolest changed handle to Jaffa.

 - SiDo will come out of jail the 23th of December 1997.
   Paaaaartyy!! :)

 - Sprocket got a job offer from FunCom, but refused.

 - Every member from norway but Ren were at The Gathering
   1997, INCLUDING SiDo, who could stay there 5 hours every
   day! :)  Sadly Depth DK were at SymMekka :(

Desire   (unchanged since 1996)

  Bip      -  graphician
  Chaos!   -  ascii-artist, design, layout
  Dave     -  coder
  Kernal   -  coder, soon sysop
  Noodle   -  swapper
  Ratbone  -  musician
  Riox     -  coder
  THD      -  graphician

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)
  Forge    -  graphician                  -  england
  Nemes!s  -  editor, organizer, swapper  -  england
  Okeanos  -  musician                    -  france
  Shade    -  graphician, editor          -  england
  Tommy    -  musician                    -  sweden

 - NEMES!S is now only a member of Digital.

 - contact them via e-mail :
   Forge    -
   Nemes!s  -
   Shade    -
   Tommy    -
Dinx Project
                            (last change: # 15 - april '97)

  aCId      -  ascii-artist
  aLAn      -  coder (amiga)
  cARo      -  graphician
  cELIc     -  trader
  dAn       -  musician
  dRD       -  graphician
  dR sZACh  -  raytracer
  fRANCKEy  -  coder, editor
  gROh      -  graphician
  hUMAn     -  coder (pc)
  kORBALl   -  swapper
  kO$mI     -  swapper
  kRo       -  graphician
  mARs      -  main editor (pc)
  oGOTAy    -  coder, raytracer
  oSTEr     -  coder (amiga)
  rG        -  swapper, coder
  sACHy     -  coder, cracker (amiga & pc)
  sEBAx     -  graphician
  tERRy     -  musician
  tIMi      -  organizer
  tINNEr    -  raytracer
  ?????     -  coder (pc)

Donut Fetish

  Accede      -  coder
  Deep        -  organizer
  Disc-Man    -  musician
  Drop        -  organizer
  Fro-D       -  musician
  Loaderror   -  coder, graphician
  Luc         -  raytracer
  Mr X        -  musician
  Niggerjack  -  coder
  Pix         -  graphician
  Psalt       -  coder
  Romeo       -  coder
  Slarty      -  coder (pc)
  Urban       -  coder  
  Whiskas     -  musician   

 - visit their homepage :

 - contact them via e-mail :
   Accede  -
   Psalt   -
   Romeo   -

Drifters   (unchanged since 1996)

  Golden Hell
  Mr Bluesky

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Harlequin    -  sysop
  Maximum      -  coder
  Rad fx       -  sysop
  Reload       -  graphician, organizer
  Scorpion     -  musician
  Sven unkept  -  sysop
  Ultra-X      -  graphician

 - Scavy left them and is now only in Osmose.

 - boards :
             Masters of Insanity

Effect   (unchanged since 1996)

amiga section:

  Clone    -  coder                       -  holland
  Dazzler  -  coder                       -  holland
  Hi-Fi    -  musician, sysop, coder      -  holland
  Kim      -  mascot                      -  holland
  Radavi   -  leader, sysop, webdesigner  -  holland

pc section:

  Hawk     -  musician                    -  holland
  Native   -  inactive                    -  holland
  Radavi   -  leader, sysop, webdesigner  -  holland
  Striker  -  graphician                  -  holland

 - visit their homepage:

                            (last change: # 15 - aprilh '97)

  Adolf       -  musician                      -  norway
  Conroy      -  musician                      -  norway
  Hellrazor   -  organizer, coder, swapper     -  norway
  Ice         -  graphician                    -  norway
  Maze        -  musician                      -  norway
  Miracleman  -  graphician, swapper           -  norway
  Punisher    -  coder, swapper, graphician    -  norway
  Robotronik  -  coder, swapper                -  norway
  Stan        -  organizer, coder, graphician  -  norway
  Subgod      -  coder, graphician, swapper    -  norway
  Trump       -  organizer, musician           -  norway
  Vanilla     -  musician                      -  norway

Ephidrena   (unchanged since 1996)

  Cheetah     -  graphician
  Cyberstarr  -  coder
  Frequent    -  musician
  Goahead     -  musician
  Loaderror   -  code, graphician
  Wad         -  graphician

Epsilon Design   (unchanged since 1996)

  Cenobite     -  ascii-artist
  Chrombacher  -  ascii-artist
  Cybergod     -  ascii-artist
  Fatal        -  sysop, ascii-artist
  Frame        -  ascii-artist
  Gozz         -  ascii-artist
  Grimlock     -  ascii-artist
  Harpoon      -  ascii-artist
  Java         -  ascii-artist
  Rasta        -  ascii-artist
  Stash        -  ascii-artist
  Tommy        -  ascii-artist

 - boards:
             another step
             domestic subway
             monastary of blur
             zillion hours

 - visit their homepage:

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Brainwasher  -  organizer, coder        -  france
  Dire         -  swapper, moral support  -  germany
  Ferdinand    -  musician                -  france
  Photos       -  graphician              -  france
  Skull        -  swapper                 -  france

 - Skull is actually serving his military duty.

Erotic Design

  Cadmus    -  graphician          -
  Elmek     -  musician, swapper   -
  Flapjack  -  musician, swapper   -
  Ike       -  coder, graphician   -
  Mice      -  musician, swapper   -
  Misha     -  coder               -
  MTC       -  musician            -  poland
  Sydan     -  coder, swapper      -
  The King  -  swapper, packmaker  -


  CHROMAG     -  musician           -  germany
  HORUS       -  object creator     -  france
  JAMIE       -  coder              -  france
  MARVIN      -  musican            -  france
  MOP         -  editor             -  malta
  NORM        -  graphican          -  france
  PHASE       -  graphican          -  phase
  RAHIEM      -  organizer, trader  -  germany
  TOUCHSTONE  -  coder, founder     -  germany
  VIRGILL     -  musician           -  germany


  big-rat      -  editor, internet          -  germany
  Bitbuster    -  coder                     -  germany
  Cozmo        -  raytracer                 -  germany
  Frantic      -  raytracer                 -  germany
  Hawk Hunter  -  hardware-supplier         -  germany
  Kit          -  mascot                    -  germany
  Lucas        -  sysop                     -  germany
  Madstop      -  coder                     -  germany
  Magic Max    -  funmember                 -  germany
  Meta         -  musician, raytracer       -  germany
  Mr.U         -  funmember                 -  germany
  Nero         -  graphician, guide-writer  -  germany
  Tumor        -  raytracer                 -  germany
  Wernlinger   -  musician                  -  germany

 - visit their homepage:

Finesse   (unchanged since 1996)

  Demilich  -  coder (pc)
  DeOne     -  graphician (amiga)
  Explicit  -  musician (pc)
  Indie     -  musician (amiga)
  Jam Sam   -  graphician, musician (amiga)
  Je-man    -  leader, www (pc)
  Mali      -  coder (pc)
  Oste-pop  -  co-leader (pc)

                            (last change: # 15 - april '97)

  BLAZE     -  swapper, packmaker
  DEF       -  swapper, organizer
  FAME      -  graphician
  GABI      -  raytracer
  REVISQ    -  musician
  THORUS    -  coder
  ZIG       -  coder

Flying Cows Inc.   (unchanged since 1996)

  Aron        -  coder                  -  poland
  Astral      -  coder                  -  finland
  Chaser      -  musician               -  poland
  Danny Kane  -  swapper, ascii-artist  -  finland
  Devil       -  graphician             -  poland
  Echo        -  coder                  -  poland
  Grand       -  graphician             -  finland
  Havoc       -  graphician             -  poland
  Lc          -  coder                  -  poland
  Marwic      -  sysop                  -  sweden
  Pagan       -  graphician             -  poland
  Plastus     -  graphician             -  poland
  Plexa       -  coder                  -  poland
  Qix         -  swapper                -  poland
  Royal'69    -  swapper                -  finland
  Seba        -  raytracer              -  poland
  Sibilus     -  musician               -  finland
  Snake       -  graphician             -  poland
  Stean       -  coder                  -  poland
  Substance   -  musician               -  finland
  Thoron      -  coder                  -  finland
  Zibi        -  swapper, editor        -  poland
  Zounds      -  swapper, musician,
                 co-organiser           -  finland

Fractal Generators
                            (last change: # 15 - april '97)

  blaze     -  swapper
  def       -  swapper
  flapjack  -  swapper
  iglo      -  swapper
  kismat    -  swapper
  korball   -  swapper
  mr.uhu    -  swapper
  sleeper   -  swapper

Frame 18

  Cyberdancer  -  swapper
  Dundee       -  coder
  Darklon      -  coder
  Flex         -  graphician, raytracer, organizer
  Nat          -  graphician, raytracer
  Pat          -  musician


  Benjamin     -  graphician                 -
  Bethoven     -  musician                   -
  Dave         -  musician, swapper,
                  ascii-artist               -
  Delery       -  coder                      -
  DSX.Design   -  musician                   -  usa
  Grid         -  graphician                 -  sweden
  General Lee  -  swapper                    -  sweden
  Immortal     -  swapper, packmaker, sysop  -
  Lenin        -  editor                     -
  Magz         -  sysop                      -  norway
  Marillion    -  ???                        -
  Morph        -  coder                      -
  Phase        -  ???                        -  sweden
  Reverend D   -  ???                        -  sweden
  Skowron      -  graphician                 -
  Sky          -  swapper, sysop             -
  Sputnik      -  coder                      -
  TBM          -  ???                        -  sweden
  Thorus       -  coder                      -
  Zig          -  coder                      -

 - visit their homepage:

Fresh   (unchanged since 1996)

  Cyclone  -  swapper, ascii-artist
  Ghost    -  graphician
  Moone    -  musician, coder
  Sear     -  graphician

Fucking United Network!  (FUN)
                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)
  GODFATHER   -  organizer              -  canada
  HELLRAISER  -  organizer              -  canada
  HELLRAZOR   -  organizer, swapper     -  norway
  SAINT       -  graphician, raytracer  -  poland
  TOMEK       -  graphician             -  poland

 - Kalikone left them.

 - visit their homepage :

Fun Factory
                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  aMiGo   -  leader
  Lucas   -  sysop
  p.0.m!  -  leader
  Sklee   -  raytracer
  Steel   -  sysop

Gaspipe   (unchanged since 1996)

  Ben 'Gee'   -  coder, trader
  Camel       -  graphician
  Canada      -  trader
  Carp        -  trader
  Cheeso      -  musician
  Copex       -  coder, co-manager, sysop
  Dr.Atomic   -  coder, trader
  Mario       -  trader
  Mimic       -  coder, manager
  Mouseman    -  sysop, co-manager, trader
  Mr.Crisp    -  coder, trader
  Noddy       -  coder, trader
  Prodigy     -  sysop
  Styx        -  trader
  TigerTails  -  trader

                            (last change: # 15 - april '97)

  FEDE        -  sysop, coder
  FRANZ       -  sysop
  GEMINI      -  graphician
  HIDE        -  graphician
  ICE         -  ascii-artist
  IRON-MAN    -  networking
  JURI        -  graphician
  LETO        -  leader
  MAXIMUS     -  coder
  PHOENIX     -  coder
  TECHNO      -  trader
  TERMINATOR  -  design
  VISION-X    -  graphician
  ZACCA       -  musician

 - contact them via e-mail :


  BADBOY      -  swapper                         -
  BON         -  nhq, swapper                    -  norway
  HAWK        -  whq, swapper, trader, internet  -  sweden
  KELDON      -  swapper                         -  sweden
  MATHEWS     -  sysop                           -
  MILLENNIUM  -  musician                        -  sweden
  MR.X        -  swapper, trader                 -
  NOBRAIN     -  sysop                           -
  ORBIT       -  coder                           -  sweden
  ORHAN       -  graphician                      -
  OYSTEIN     -  musician                        -
  SPIN DIZZY  -  musician                        -
  W!G         -  musician                        -
  WISEGUY     -  swapper, sysop                  -
  WIZARD      -  co-organizer, coder, musician,
                 graphician                      -  sweden

 - boards :
             DESTINATION           -  shq  -  +46 19 311458
             OUTER SPACE           -  ehq  -  +47 624 20514
             THE INVISIBLE EMPIRE  -  whq

Global   (unchanged since 1996)

  dEAMO       -  sysop, graphician
  JEMY MURPY  -  graphician
  MayTag      -  /X-coder
  nassyH      -  raytracer
  sTORM       -  ascii-artist
  sTRANGER    -  assembler-coder

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Bridgeclaw  -  graphician             -  norway
  Chris       -  organizer              -  france
  Ghandy      -  sysop, trader          -  germany
  Grenat      -  graphician             -  france
  Hybrid      -  sysop                  -  england
  Joint       -  raytracer              -  norway
  Liszt       -  musician               -  france
  Lithium     -  trader                 -  england
  Odin        -  coder (pc)             -  france
  Sixpack     -  JP manager             -  norway
  Typhoon     -  graphician             -  norway
  Wade        -  graphician             -  england
  X-barr      -  coder (amiga)          -  france
  Zerox       -  swapper, Disc manager  -  norway

 - Typhoon (graphician) joined them in norway from Avalon.

 - boards :
             digital candy  -  ehq  -  +44-(0)191-232-5527
             Los Endos      -  whq  -  +49-(0)2103-52-440

 - visit their homepages:  (gods www fhq)      (gods www nhq)

Grasshoppers Developments
                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Bliss      -  musician, graphician          -
  Blunt      -  swapper, packmaker            -  holland
  Click      -  musician                      -
  CrazyWild  -  swapper, trader, packmaker    -
  Matarazzo  -  graphician                    -  sweden
  Maverick   -  coder, swapper                -
  Kaneda     -  coder, organizer, graphician  -
  Reflex     -  musician                      -
  Triumph    -  swapper                       -
  Wilsh      -  musician                      -

  special member:  tHE gHD hORSE  -  advice, wise-words,

 - Matarazzo joined them as a graphician. He is now a
   doublemember in GHD and X-Zone.

 - boards :
             Genetic Taste  -  whq

 - contact them via e-mail :
   Bliss          -
   Blunt          -
   Click          -
   CrazyWild      -
   Maverick       -
   Kaneda         -
   Reflex         -
   tHE gHD hORSE  -
   Triumph        -
   Wilsh          -


   darken         -  coder             -  france
   dreamer        -  coder             -  germany
   dust           -  graphician        -  germany
   fastjack       -  coder             -  germany
   howie l'amour  -  swapper           -  germany
   jazz           -  musician, editor  -  germany
   mash           -  funmember         -  germany
   melkor         -  supplier          -  germany
   muffler        -  musician          -  finland
   noodle         -  swapper           -  germany
   owl            -  graphician        -  finland
   peachy         -  graphician        -  germany
   shawn          -  funmember         -  germany
   unborn         -  coder             -  france
   wave           -  graphician        -  germany
   wildthing      -  sysop             -  germany
   xxx            -  funmember         -  germany

Head!   (unchanged since 1996)

  case78   -  ascii-artist
  punk!    -  ascii-artist
  rave     -  ascii-artist
  react    -  ascii-artist
  rooster  -  ascii-artist

Honey   (unchanged since 1996)

  BAFFLE          -  sysop
  BEVERAGE        -  coder
  BLACK LINE      -  sysop, coder, trader
  COUNT-ZERO      -  ascii-artist, sysop
  DARTAGNAN       -  ascii-artist
  DEFECT          -  trader
  DIABLO          -  sysop, trader
  DISTLER         -  sysop, coder
  DIZ'NEE         -  trader
  EXNER           -  trader
  FLEA            -  musician
  GANN            -  coder
  GOZZ            -  ascii-artist
  H2O             -  sysop, ascii-artist
  HENCE           -  coder
  HUZ             -  trader
  KURGAN          -  trader
  LAZ             -  graphics
  MADDOX          -  coder
  MARDUK          -  trader
  MISFIT          -  ascii-artist
  MODE            -  trader
  MOZART          -  trader
  NIVEK           -  musician
  OUTCAST         -  trader
  PAD             -  graphics, ascii-artist
  PSYCHO          -  sysop
  PULSE           -  graphician
  QEN             -  musician
  ROOSTER         -  swapper
  SCARFACE        -  ascii-artist, trader
  SHAM            -  graphician
  SLOWRIDER       -  trader
  SPROCKET        -  trader
  STAIN           -  trader
  STYLEWARS       -  sysop, trader
  THE CAT KILLER  -  trader
  TITO            -  coder
  U-MAN           -  ascii-artist, sysop
  ZIZ             -  sysop

Humbugs   (unchanged since 1996)

  LORD LECH   -  organizer, coder, swapper
  MYNOK       -  sysop
  PLASMA      -  organizer, graphician, ascii-artist,
  RAZ VAN OP  -  musician


  Aweson     -  organizer [whq], trader  -  germany
  Ben.e      -  graphician               -  germany
  Darek      -  Silesia main-editor      -  poland
  DragonFly  -  coder                    -  germany
  Ismal      -  coder                    -  poland
  Meeku      -  coder                    -  south africa
  MTC        -  musician                 -  poland
  Niuniek    -  coder                    -  poland
  Odin       -  graphician               -  germany
  P.O.W.L.   -  musician                 -  germany
  Punk       -  swapper, ascii-artist,
                trader                   -  germany
  Ramirez    -  organizer [ghq],
                sysop [whq]              -  germany
  Rych       -  graphician               -  poland
  Rygar      -  graphician               -  poland
  Sodom      -  coder                    -  poland
  Spiryt     -  musician                 -  poland
  Splash     -  swapper, editor          -  germany
  Stan       -  swapper                  -  canada
  Stone      -  trader                   -  germany
  Trastor    -  swapper                  -  poland
  Verox      -  organizer [phq], coder   -  poland   
  Wayne      -  graphician               -  poland
  Wild       -  coder                    -  poland
  Yasiu      -  organizer [phq],
                sysop [phq]              -  poland

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Beast     -  graphician
  Eft       -  coder
  Gato      -  swapper
  Jazz      -  musician, editor
  Lord      -  sysop, trader
  Mr.Pixel  -  organizer, musician, swapper
  Norby     -  raytracer
  Rendall   -  graphician

 - Jazz joined from Haujobb as doublemember.

 - boards :
             Number of the Beast  -  whq
             Shining Chrome       -  ahq

Infect   (unchanged since 1996)

  Beathoven        -  musician               -  germany
  Buckly           -  graphician, founder    -  germany
  Chili            -  graphician             -  malta
  Coach            -  coder                  -  germany
  DJ Mellow Noise  -  musician               -  germany
  Dr.Who           -  organizer, coder       -  malta
  Dulux            -  trader, graphician     -  germany
  Eksec            -  coder, world-leader    -  germany
  Ernie            -  coder                  -  germany
  Gamekiller       -  partyhero, clown       -  germany
  Hawk             -  coder                  -  malta
  Hobbes           -  honorary member        -  sweden
  Jase             -  honorary member        -  holland
  Joker            -  graphix                -  malta
  Khul             -  ascii-artist, editor,
                      coder                  -  germany
  LED              -  coder                  -  malta
  Marley           -  coder, founder         -  germany
  Sher             -  party-member           -  germany
  Smack            -  coder                  -  germany
  Spiv             -  founder, graphician    -  germany
  Tekno Logik      -  musician               -  malta
  Turbo            -  coder                  -  germany
  Zorro            -  trader, packmaker      -  germany

                            (last change: # 15 - april '97)

  Chauple         -  coder                      -  norway
  Chriz           -  sysop, trader, swapper     -  norway
  Duck-Hunter     -  musician                   -  norway
  Enigmus Hammer  -  musician                   -  norway
  Fenriz          -  coder, swapper             -  norway
  Firestarter     -  swapper                    -  norway
  Hellrazor       -  coder, swapper             -  norway
  Lobo            -  graphician                 -  norway
  Psalt           -  coder                      -  norway
  Punisher        -  leader, swapper, coder     -  norway
  Romeo           -  coder                      -  norway
  Squid           -  graphician                 -  norway
  Whooper         -  graphician, ascii-artist,
                     trader                     -  norway

Intense   (unchanged since 1996)

  Ben           -  coder                - france
  Creep         -  swapper              - finland
  D'JES         -  coder                - france
  Doc Manhatan  -  co-organizer, coder  - france
  Ead           -  musician             - france
  Elf           -  graphician (pc)      - france
  Elfi          -  graphician           - france
  Erk           -  musician             - france
  Fanfan        -  sysop                - france
  Fiction       -  swapper              - holland
  Floppy        -  swapper              - finland
  Hardfire      -  musician, swapper    - france
  Jan           -  graphician           - holland
  Killer        -  coder                - france
  LFO Rate      -  coder                - france
  Matt          -  coder                - finland
  Mel           -  graphician           - germany
  Merlin        -  coder, raytracer     - germany
  Mj power      -  graphician           - france
  Orak          -  swapper, trader      - belgium
  Picco         -  musician             - germany
  Polo          -  coder                - france
  Psynomix      -  musician             - belgium
  Scar          -  graphician           - germany
  Slegehammer   -  swapper              - france
  Slurry        -  swapper              - sweden
  Stix          -  coder, swapper       - belgium
  Sylicon       -  leader, swapper      - france
  Tomek         -  musician             - germany
  Tourist       -  coder                - france

Intoxicate   (unchanged since 1996)

  chRiSTbaNE  -  ascii-artist
  haWkiNS     -  coder
  manGAR      -  ppe supporter, sysop
  nEophytE    -  coder
  phOS4       -  ascii-artist, sysop
  shAQ        -  trader
  shoT        -  ascii-artist
  shy guy     -  trader, sysop
  trAUma      -  musician
  yoDA        -  trader

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Adonis    -  swapper, packer                  -  denmark
  Azlan     -  sysop                            -  denmark
  Bandy     -  graphician                       -  denmark
  Bifrost   -  graphician                       -  denmark
  Bubba     -  coder, poland organizer, packer  -  poland
  Ced       -  graphician                       -  poland
  Darkhawk  -  worldorganizer, editor, swapper  -  denmark
  Digger    -  swapper                          -  poland
  Flower    -  musician                         -  denmark
  Gilo      -  musician                         -  poland
  Hastur    -  coder                            -  denmark
  Junkhead  -  musician                         -  norway
  Notman    -  musician                         -  denmark
  Pudding   -  graphician                       -  poland
  Spirol    -  coder                            -  poland
  Talpa     -  coder                            -  denmark
  Volcryn   -  swapper, packer                  -  norway

Jakuza   (unchanged since 1996)

  ELRiC      -  trader
  HAZE       -  coder
  KEWLCAKE   -  trader, sysop
  PENTANGLE  -  sysop
  PHANTOM    -  trader
  SAXON      -  graphician, cracker
  SHAOLiN    -  ascii-artist
  SLAYER     -  leader, organizer, trader
  TYROX      -  raytracer
  VARiX      -  graphician, info-files
  XTEC       -  trader, sysop

Jewels   (unchanged since 1996)

  Al Bundy      -  organizer, swapper     -  danmark
  Chours        -  musician               -  danmark
  Conder        -  swapper                -  danmark
  Dynamex       -  coder                  -  sweden
  Eracore       -  graphician, raytracer  -  sweden
  Future        -  coder                  -  danmark
  Guardian      -  sysop                  -  sweden
  Huz           -  trader                 -  sweden
  Keldon        -  trader, swapper        -  sweden
  Knox          -  graphician             -  danmark
  MRK           -  graphician, organizer  -  sweden
  Randall       -  musician               -  sweden
  Ricky         -  coder                  -  danmark
  Scoop         -  coder                  -  danmark
  Shapechanger  -  trader, ascii-artist   -  sweden
  Sniffet       -  graphician             -  sweden
  Speedy        -  sysop, trader          -  danmark

Ladybird Design   (unchanged since 1996)

  Fuzz      -  graphician
  Hogan     -  coder, swapper
  Hudinsky  -  musician
  Maly      -  swapper
  Ranger    -  coder
  Vasyl     -  swapper

Lego   (unchanged since 1996)

  BAILEY       -  coder
  DECCA        -  swapper, informant
  DOC HOLIDAY  -  musician
  DSN          -  graphician
  MAXIMILIAN   -  coder
  NOSE         -  graphician, raytracer
  RAWSTYLE     -  coder, musician
  SOL          -  graphician
  SIRE         -  ascii-artist
  TROOPER      -  sysop, graphician
  TWICE        -  coder
  TWILIGHT     -  musician

Lemon.   (unchanged since 1996)

  Astro     -  RAW-editor
  Blazor    -  coder
  Dan       -  coder
  Del       -  coder
  Facet     -  graphician
  Spaceman  -  musician
  Supernao  -  musician

Les Shadock   (unchanged since 1996)

  CHRISTIAN   -  graphician  -  france
  CHRISTOPHE  -  graphician  -  france
  JOBO        -  coder       -  france
  KUMA        -  coder       -  france
  ORIENS      -  coder       -  france
  TEBIROD     -  musician    -  france


  aL bUNDY           -  trader                  -  germany
  aLPHA oNE          -  coder, trainermaker,
                        cracker                 -  germany
  bAFFLE             -  sysop, nhq              -  norway
  cOCAINE            -  graphician, musucian    -  germany
  cONAN              -  trader                  -  germany
  CRUSADER&CANDYMAN  -  trader                  -  sweden
  cYBER              -  trader                  -  turkey
  diGiMAN            -  sysop, ghq, trader      -  germany
  gUNDA              -  sysop, ushq             -  usa
  h2O                -  ascii-artist            -  germany
  hUDSON hAWK        -  co-leader, graphician,
                        writer, trader          -  germany
  jUNK               -  trader                  -  holland
  lINCOLN            -  supplier                -  germany
  lUCAS              -  co-leader, sysop,
                        supplier, writer        -  germany
  mAD                -  trader, raytracer       -  germany
  pSYCHE             -  sysop, ozhq             -  australia
  pSYCHiC            -  trader                  -  germany
  rKr                -  leader, supplier,
                        sysop, trader           -  germany
  sAL-oNE            -  sysop, ehq              -  holland
  sIRIAX             -  coder, cracker,
                        trainermaker            -  germany
  sMT                -  musician, raytracer     -  germany
  sOBEC              -  musician                -  germany
  sOULTAKER          -  coder                   -  holland
  sPEED fREAK        -  sysop, fhq              -  finland
  sPEEDEVIL          -  trader                  -  norway
  sTARKiLLER         -  trader                  -  germany
  sTEEL              -  trader,                 -  germany
  t3N                -  trader                  -  norway
  tHE dENTiST        -  coder                   -  germany
  tHREE^D            -  coder                   -  germany
  tRANCE             -  sysop, shq, trader      -  sweden
  vOSTOK             -  trader                  -  finland
  WHIRLWIND          -  sysop, dhq              -  holland
  zINKO              -  sysop, dkhq             -  denmark
  zOLTRIX            -  sysop, ukhq, trader     -  england

 - boards :
             ACiD SLAM        -  ghq
             BOONDOCKS        -  ehq
             BUMBLE BEE LAND  -  nhq
             FUCKSHOP         -  whq
             NORTHERN PALACE  -  dkhq
             ONE EIGHT SEVEN  -  dhq
             OUT BREAK        -  shq
             SPACED-OUT       -  ukhq
             TERRA FIRMA      -  ozhq
             TEUTONiC PLACE   -  ghq
             THE MAZE         -  fhq
             THE SPECIALIST   -  ushq
    (you can also reach all of them via telnet)

Lightstorm INC.
                            (last change: # 15 - april '97)

  cone    -  musician
  doup    -  musician
  korg    -  musician
  R.A.Y   -  graphician
  Sniper  -  code
  Snow    -  graphician

Limited Edition

  Agamemnon     -  coder               -  sweden
  Behemoth      -  editor              -  sweden
  Black Dragon  -  musician, swapper,  -  sweden
                   graphician          -  france
  Clo!          -  singer              -  france
  Corruptor     -  coder               -  sweden
  Dose          -  musician            -  sweden
  Dvize         -  swapper             -  australia
  Elf           -  musician            -  sweden
  HP            -  graphician          -  france
  Lord Epithal  -  musician, editor    -  sweden
  Mood          -  coder               -  sweden
  PG            -  coder, graphician   -  sweden
  Prince        -  swapper             -  poland
  Radix         -  musician            -  sweden
  Receiver      -  swapper             -  sweden
  Santzia       -  trader              -  sweden
  Skize         -  graphician          -  sweden
  Skutt         -  graphician          -  sweden
  Subtopia      -  swapper             -  sweden
  Termax        -  trader              -  sweden
  UFO           -  coder               -  sweden

 members of honour:

  Donald                 Coder
  Katch22                Coder
  Vermis Mysteriis       Music

Logic Probe
                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Diztinct  -  graphician
  Joyce     -  coder
  Pulse     -  musician, graphician
  Vitulent  -  graphician
  Werk      -  coder

 - Mr.Dice was kicked.

 - Nostrum was kicked.

Looker House
                            (last change: # 15 - april '97)

  arcane       -  sysop                        -  norway
  dee'mon      -  musician, raytracer          -  russia
  dmd!         -  graphician, ascii            -  russia
  dyer         -  graphician                   -  russia
  g.d.m.       -  graphician, musician, sysop,
                  ascii-artist, organizer      -  russia
  inco         -  musician                     -  sweden
  javis        -  ascii-artist                 -  germany
  joker        -  musician                     -  russia
  juggler      -  coder                        -  russia
  kimba        -  graphician                   -  australia
  lunasoul     -  graphician                   -  russia
  mic^flair    -  sysop                        -  u.k.
  mogue        -  sysop                        -  germany
  notorious    -  editor, swapper              -  russia
  shin         -  coder                        -  russia
  speed devil  -  swapper, ascii-artist        -  norway
  tangerine    -  musician                     -  russia
  tommy        -  musician                     -  sweden
  vouck        -  ascii                        -  germany
  xpeh         -  musician, sysop              -  russia
  zanok        -  sysop                        -  sweden
  zinko        -  sysop, dk organizer          -  denmark
  zoltrix      -  sysop                        -  u.k.

 - boards :
             Aurora broasalis     -  ghq
             Most wanted          -  nhq
             Neon dream           -  rhq
             Permanent vacation   -  ukhq
             Purple dream         -  whq 
             Spaced out           -  ukhq
             The northern palace  -  eurohq
             Wasted youth         -  shq
             Waste lands          -  shq

 - contact them via e-mail :
   g.d.m.  -

Magic   (unchanged since 1996)

  fRE@ZARa  -  musician
  mEANALL   -  musician, swapper
  m0Jo      -  graphician
  vORPAl    -  coder, organizer

Masque   (unchanged since 1996)

  fade one       -  graphician  -  amiga
  fuzzel         -  coder       -  pc
  lord chaos     -  coder       -  pc
  peachy         -  graphician  -  amiga/pc
  romeo knight   -  musician    -  amiga
  vogue          -  musician    -  pc
  wayne mendoza  -  coder       -  amiga/pc
  16-beat        -  musician    -  amiga


  Crazywild   -  sfhq, trader, swapper    -  finland
  Damien      -  trader                   -  norway
  Felix       -  whq, organizer, swapper  -  norway
  Fisherking  -  graphician, swapper      -  norway
  Java        -  sysop, graphician,
                 ascii-artist             -  sweden
  Jummen      -  shq, trader, swapper     -  sweden
  Jutu        -  coder                    -  poland
  Lousy       -  musician                 -  switzerland
  Maze        -  musician, pack-maker,
                 swapper                  -  norway
  mJ          -  swapper, editor          -  norway
  Moon        -  coder                    -  austria
  Mosher      -  raytracer, swapper       -  norway
  Nork        -  musician, swapper        -  spain
  Scraby      -  phq, swapper             -  poland
  Snøarn      -  coder                    -  sweden
  Thrym       -  raytracer, swapper       -  norway
  Yabbo       -  musician                 -  sweden

 - boards :


  Digisnap  -  coder             -  germany
  Sharon    -  coder, organizer  -  germany

Megahead   (unchanged since 1996)

  Axel        -  graphician
  Calca       -  musician
  Dixan       -  musician
  ExL         -  swapper
  Jack Jack   -  coder, raytracer
  Pork        -  trader
  Psyko       -  coder, swapper
  Rio         -  coder, graphician
  T.A.D.      -  coder
  The Artist  -  graphician, raytracer
  Vanamonde   -  coder, trader

Mirage   (unchanged since 1996)

  BLO     -  musician
  JACK    -  coder, internet-organizer
  JAKE    -  sysop (No Vegetables)
  PROTEC  -  coder
  RETEP   -  sysop (Mass Appeal)
  TOMCAT  -  raytracer

Morbid   (unchanged since 1996)

  Blackline        -  sysop, trader
  Captain Trip     -  musician
  Colonel&o'neill  -  graphicians
  Deone            -  graphician
  Jamsam           -  musician
  Java             -  organizer, sysop, graphician
  Kaneda           -  musician
  Outcast          -  trader
  Recall           -  sysop
  Rooster          -  organizer, swapper
  Sealapex         -  sysop
  Slowrider        -  trader
  Wizard           -  coder
  Wraith           -  sysop, trader

Mystic   (unchanged since 1996)

  BARTESEK    -  musician
  CBM80       -  coder
  CHARON      -  coder
  GUNMAN      -  graphician, swapper
  JACKAL      -  graphician
  JEZO        -  graphician
  LARSEN      -  coder
  MARS        -  swapper
  MSS         -  coder
  NINJA       -  swapper
  RESET       -  graphician
  SAGRAEL     -  swapper
  TEDY        -  coder
  TRASH HEAD  -  swapper
  THE KNIGHT  -  swapper
  XTD         -  musician, organizer

                            (last change: # 15 - april '97)

  aDDE         -  door coder
  cASE         -  sysop
  Deejay       -  musician
  FAiRYDUST    -  world leader, coder, cracker, sysop
  kiLLERsMuRF  -  sysop, trader
  Naeblis      -  coder, cracker
  sT0RM        -  ascii-artist, sysop
  Thorpe       -  ascii-artist
  ???          -  graphician

 - boards :
             cYBERdESIGN    -  schq
             DusT iN SpAcE  -  hq
             Moldavia       -  shq
             MooNblOOd      -  whq

Nerve Axis
                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  ACE            -  sysop         -  england
  BABBAGE        -  coder         -  england
  CRASH!         -  organizer     -  england
  DEMOLEE        -  sysop         -  finland
  GANJA          -  musician      -  finland
  JAM            -  musician      -  iceland
  KGB            -  sysop         -  england
  MESON          -  graphician    -  england
  NEELIX         -  sysop         -  england
  NEXUS          -  coder         -  england
  NIK            -  coder         -  sweden
  SKITTLE        -  coder         -  england
  SPOON          -  musician      -  iceland
  TANGO          -  ascii-artist  -  england
  TOMMY SCHLOTT  -  coder         -  england
  TURBO          -  sysop         -  england
  VENOM          -  coder         -  england
  ZIPZIPPY       -  sysop         -  england
  ZONE           -  organizer     -  england

 - Epsilon is no longer a Nerve Axis member.

 - boards :

          Cyberspace         -  ukhq  -  +44 (0)1275 341261
          La Luna            -  ukhq  -  +44 (0)1206 501836
          Mos Eisley         -  euhq  -  +358 9 7735485
          Stargate           -  ukhq  -  +44 (0)1253 400122
          Trick or Treat II  -  whq   -  +44 (0)1703 391797
          13th Hour          -  ukhq  -  +44 (0)1704 505845

 - visit their homepage :

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  BLUE    -  musician                         -  spain
  DJ UNO  -  musician                         -  spain
  LAPOLA  -  raytracer                        -  spain
  LEUNAM  -  graphician, organizer, swapper,
             ascii-artist                     -  spain
  NORK    -  swapper, musician                -  spain
  SLOODY  -  swapper, raytracer               -  france
  WASI    -  coder                            -  spain
  WEIRDO  -  swapper, musician                -  finland
  WIND    -  coder                            -  spain

 - they are working on a demo called 'Alliance' for Euskal
   party 5.

 - they will release the Euskal party 5 intro invitation.

 - Leunam is the main editor of Trashcan diskmag. Support
   the mag.

 - Nork will do a tune for the game 'Strangers'.

 - Weirdo will be one of the Motorola Inside'97 organisers.

 - contact them via e-mail:
   Leunam & Nork  -
   (you can reach every member under this address)

Nevermind   (unchanged since 1996)

  bEAT lORD    -  coder, graphician          -  yugoslavia
  DNK          -  coder, software supplier   -  yugoslavia
  MR_W         -  coder                      -  yugoslavia
  Rudy         -  graphician, sysop          -  yugoslavia
  Spey B0nden  -  ascii-artist               -  yugoslavia
  Sule         -  graphician, ascii-artist,
                  organizer, sysop           -  yugoslavia
  Zchbinne     -  musician                   -  yugoslavia
 - contact them via e-mail:

 - boards :
             Hazard bbS    -  381-(0)21-396221 (21h-07h)
             uNIVERSE bbS  -  381-(0)21-741084 (00h-24h)


  BUDGIE      -  ascii-artist
  FLASH       -  musician
  FRANZ       -
  GROBEG      -
  MAD         -
  TOM         -
  TZX         -  musician
  ZOMBIX      -

Nine Design   (unchanged since 1996)

  C-Real       -  musician, ascii-artist
  Cook         -  swapper, ascii-artist
  Enhanced     -  swapper, ascii-artist, graphician
  Floppyman    -  co-leader, swapper, editor
  Hawk         -  co-leader, swapper, editor
  Keldon       -  trader, sysop, editor, swapper
  Kidnix       -  sysop
  Max          -  musician
  SecondPhase  -  musician, swapper
  Zoarchus     -  musician

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Kalikone     -  editor, swapper        -  switzerland
  Kill'o'Byte  -  coder                  -  germany
  Phlexible    -  articlewriter          -  germany
  Raven        -  graphician, organizer  -  germany
  X-Poole      -  musician               -  germany

 - Kalikone will be the maineditor of W!LD.

 - Phlexible is unreachable for "some" months, as the army
   just finally caught him.

 - Nemesis / Digital will be the coeditor of W!LD, the soon
   coming scenemag by Nuance.

 - Do you think a ascii-artist-chart is necessary ?
   Just mail your thought about it to the W!LD-Editors
   under:        -=>   <=-

 - Kalikone is now only a member of Nuance.

 - visit their homepage :

 - contact them via e-mail :
   Raven -
Old Bulls   (unchanged since 1996)

  Abaddon   -  graphician
  Astaroth  -  graphician
  Exolon    -  swapper
  Hudi      -  coder
  Ini       -  musician
  Klaf      -  swapper
  Lovely    -  swapper
  Noise     -  musician
  Roberts   -  musician
  Sabe      -  coder, graphician, swapper, organizer
  Scraby    -  swapper
  Sundance  -  graphician, ascii-artist

 - Polska Brothers (subgroup) (unchanged since 1996)

      Miglantz  -  coder, graphician
      Zbyszek   -  musician, graphician
      Glult     -  musician, graphician

                            (last change: # 15 - april '97)

  Develin     -  musician                        -  sweden      -  coder, cracker                  -  norway
  Mentat      -  coder                           -  holland
  Prodigy     -  organizer, musician,  sysop,
                 trader, ascii-artist            -  holland
  Radium      -  musician, graphician, www       -  holland
  Shag        -  graphician, coder               -  france
  StRaWhEaD   -  door coder                      -  holland
  The Fox II  -  musician                        -  holland
  Tycoon      -  coder                           -  holland
  Vein        -  graphician                      -  sweden
  Whizzkid    -  founder, coder, raytracer, www  -  holland
  Wivern      -  musician                        -  sweden

 - contact them via e-mail :
   Develin     -      -
   Mentat      -
   Prodigy     -
   Radium      -
   StRaWhEaD   -
   The Fox II  -
   Tycoon      -
   Vein        -
   Whizzkid    -
   Wivern      -

 - visit their homepage :

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Kustom      -  coder                      -  spain
  Nork        -  swapper, musician          -  spain
  Reez        -  raytracer, coder           -  france
  Scavy       -  musician, whq              -  france
  Terminator  -  graphician, ascii-artist,
                 swapper                    -  australia
  Vodka       -  coder, swapper             -  france

 - Kustom joined from Capsule as doublemember.

 - they are working on a music disk.

Parallax   (unchanged since 1996)

  Allah     -  sysop                 -  finland
  Bandog    -  coder                 -  finland
  Debug     -  coder                 -  finland
  Hijack    -  trader, ascii-artist  -  finland
  Legend    -  musician              -  finland
  Metal     -  coder, sysop          -  finland
  Mike      -  swapper               -  finland
  Mistral   -  graphician            -  finland
  Sardiini  -  swapper               -  finland
  Simply    -  coder                 -  finland
  TJM       -  musician              -  finland
  Top-Azz   -  musician              -  finland
  Tukan     -  graphician            -  finland
  Warthog   -  raytrace, WWW         -  finland
  Yolk      -  musician, organizer   -  finland

Passion   (unchanged since 1996)

  Adonis       -  swapper
  Boogeyman    -  coder
  Cutcreator   -  musician
  Decoy        -  swapper
  Guybrush     -  graphician
  Pearl        -  editor
  Prowler      -  graphician
  Red Cheese   -  trader
  Scope        -  coder
  Scorpion     -  musician
  Silicon      -  graphician
  Subject      -  musician
  The Colonel  -  trader
  The Whistle  -  coder
  Tronic       -  trader
  Tsar1        -  swapper
  Webster      -  sysop
  Xman         -  trader
  Zarch        -  trader

Phantasm   (unchanged since 1996)

  Apollo         -  coder
  Bastard        -  ascii-artist
  Crisi          -  coder
  Gandalf        -  coder, raytracer, sysop
  McCoy          -  coder
  Noodles        -  raytracer
  Phoenix        -  coder
  Rico           -  musician, raytracer
  SiliconSurfer  -  coder
  Slaxx          -  graphician, musician
  Spirit         -  coder, raytracer
  Steeler        -  moral support, coder
  The Alien      -  coder

Phase D.
                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  airon       -  musician, www-manager     -  germany
  bass-cadet  -  musician, graphician,
                 coder                     -  finnland
  dexter      -  musician                  -  switzerland
  fby         -  musician                  -  italy
  hellhound   -  trader                    -  germany
  hillie      -  musician                  -  usa
  juice       -  musician, graphician      -  croatia
  l-mo        -  trader                    -  germany
  linus       -  musician                  -  germany
  neemo       -  trader, graphician        -  finland
  nighthawk   -  musician                  -  sweden 
  pirat       -  musician                  -  germany
  raytrayza   -  musician, graphician      -  germany
  skyfusion   -  musician                  -  usa
  teis        -  trader, musician          -  germany
  vouck       -  ascii-artist, graphician  -  germany
  wiz kid     -  ascii-artist              -  germany

 - dexter (musician) joined them in switzerland.

 - nighthawk (musician) joined them in sweden.

 - visit their hompages :

 - boards :
       aqualite              -   whq  -  +49-(0)721-9862174
       aurora borealis       -   ghq  -  +49-(0)8621-64260
       cyberdreams           -   ghq  -  +49-(0)6982-360878
       digital disaster      -   ghq  -  +49-(0)6401-21964
       doxology              -   bhq  -  +32-16-235962
       look                  -   phq  -  +48-94-415621
       los endos             -   ghq  -  +49-(0)2103-986247
       paradise lost         -   ghq  -  +49-(0)9131-66661
       phantasm              -  ukhq  -  +44-v.34-ask-rebel
       purple dream          -   rhq  -  +7-095-ask-around
       the crypt             -   ehq  -  +49-(0)6102-328626
       the dark brotherhood  -   ghq  -  offline
       the magic box         -   shq  -  +46-224-33019
       ventolin              -   fhq  -  +358-(0)9-7772118
       weyland-yutani        -  swhq  -  +41-(0)62-8274025
       wild palms            -   nhq  -  +31-(0)30-6037959
       x-files               -   ghq  -  +49-06103-928395
       x-zile                -   bhq  -  +32-3-3267424

 - contact them via e-mail :
   airon       -
   bass-cadet  -
   dexter      -
   fby         -
   hillie      -
   juice       -
   linus       -
   neemo       -
   nighthawk   -
   pirat       -
   skyfusion   -
   teis        -
   vouck       -
   wiz kid     -

Phuture 303
                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  ANGELDUST      -  graphician, swapper    -  germany
  BASE           -  ghq, swapper           -  germany
  BLUE           -  trader                 -  england
  CARP           -  swapper                -  england
  CIE            -  musician               -  germany
  CLEVER         -  swapper                -  germany
  CMP DEZIGN     -  graphician             -  germany
  DAZE           -  graphician, swapper    -  england
  DOC            -  trader                 -  holland
  DREAM WARRIOR  -  sysop                  -  england
  ECHO           -  musician               -  england
  FUNKI          -  sysop                  -  holland
  KARLOS         -  ascii-artist           -  england
  LFO            -  whq                    -  england
  MAGELLAN       -  crhq                   -  czech rep.
  NBC            -  musician               -  germany
  PARSEC         -  coder                  -  sweden
  POW            -  musician               -  norway
  STRIKER        -  sysop                  -  england
  SUBSTANCE      -  musician               -  finland
  THUNOR         -  graphician             -  sweden
  TRIUMPH        -  swapper                -  england
  VIM!           -  musician               -  england
  XEDOS          -  coder                  -  germany
  ZANY           -  musician               -  norway

 - NEMES!S is now only a member of Digital.

 - boards :
           Bad Dreams
           Evil Dead        -  ukhq
           LiQuiDS SpaC!D   -           +31-02513165304
           SubCulture       -  whq   -  +44-(0)181 8987937
                                          (Weekends only)
           the Spoon Dept.  -           +44-(0)1392 277666

Pioneer Design
                            (last change: # 15 - april '97)

  big mama      -  musician
  blockman      -  ascii-artist, trader
  crL           -  ascii-artist, founder, musician, leader
  dalamar       -  sysop
  deamo         -  door coder, ascii-artist
  doom          -  musician
  flare         -  ascii-artist
  jaegarn       -  door coder, coder, ascii-artist
  melfis        -  ascii-artist
  minor threat  -  sysop
  monodude      -  graphician
  pada          -  trader
  rayban        -  sysop
  razid         -  trader
  redhead       -  trader
  spectral      -  musician
  ten!          -  raytracer, ascii-artist, sysop
  tix           -  ascii-artist
  unceen        -  ascii-artist
  who?          -  graphician
  xtc           -  leader, organizer, sysop

 - boards :
             citydump       -  whq
             disaster area  -  nhq
             dragon lance   -  euro hq
             no impulse     -  shq
             tnt            -  nlhq

 - conact them via e-mail :

                            (last change: # 15 - april '97)

  optic    -  graphician, musician  -  norway
  sublett  -  coder, musician       -  norway
  tecon    -  leader, musician      -  norway
  zack     -  graphician            -  norway

Pointless   (unchanged since 1996)

  Ache     -  musician, organizer         -  sweden
  Drowsy   -  coder                       -  sweden
  Nrg      -  musician, coder, organizer  -  sweden
  Prowler  -  graphician, trader          -  sweden
  Zod      -  main coder                  -  sweden

Prodigy   (unchanged since 1996)

  Centory      -  supplier            -  england
  Cyquest      -  trader              -  germany
  Diddl        -  supplier            -  germany
  Generation   -  sysop               -  germany
  Hitpoint     -  cracker             -  germany
  Jake         -  sysop, trader       -  netherland
  Mercury      -  sysop               -  germany
  Metal Force  -  sysop, cracker      -  denmark
  Nitro        -  main-organizer      -  germany
  Nostromo     -  spreader, supplier  -  germany
  Picard       -  sysop               -  usa
  Rastaman     -  trader              -  germany
  Razor        -  main-organizer      -  germany
  S.U.X.       -  supplier            -  germany
  Skeleton     -  sysop               -  usa
  Stargate     -  trader              -  germany
  The Best!    -  cracker             -  germany

Progress   (unchanged since 1996)

  CAPSLOCKMAN  -  leader, trader, sysop, supplier
  CHUCK        -  trader
  EXCALiBER    -  sysop
  DISC-DEVIL   -  trader
  HUDSON HAWK  -  trader, ascii-artist, graphician
  LANCE        -  supplier, sysop, trader
  LEMMON       -  sysop
  Malcom       -  trader
  MartyMcFly   -  trader
  PRAYER       -  sysop
  RH+          -  graphician, co-leader
  SCANDIC      -  sysop, trader
  THE ENEMY    -  cracker
  THE FLY      -  sysop
  ZAXXON       -  sysop
  (-rEBEL!-)   -  sysop, ascii-artist

                            (last change: # 15 - april '97)

  Alcatraz     -  coder, ascii-artist    -  
  BIOGENESIS   -  trader, ascii-artist   -  sweden
  BRUCE_LEE    -  sysop, trader          -  
  ChaoZer      -  trader                 -  
  cINZAN0      -  trader                 -  
  Cozmic       -  graphician             -  sweden
  Freymor      -  sysop                  -  
  Ghost Rider  -  sysop, graphician      -  
  ICEBOX       -  organizer, trader      -  sweden
  jeti         -  sysop, trader          -  germany
  LA SHAWN     -  main organizer, sysop  -  sweden
  PEPS         -  trader                 -  
  ProXyon      -  sysop, trader, coder   -  
  sHiNe        -  ascii-artist           -  
  siro         -  sysop, coder           -  belgium
  tRYAc        -  sysop, trader          -  switzerland
  Yukon        -  trader                 -  sweden

 - boards :
             CASTLE         -  ghq
             DOWNTOWN       -  bhq
             EVIL EMPIRE    -  swhq
             LAST HOPE BBS  -  phq
             OUTSIDE WORLD  -  shq
             SOUTH CENTRAL  -  whq
             THE FACTORY    -  schq
             ZUBZEC 2000    -  hq

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Archangel    -  musician         -  norway
  Fazion       -  coder            -  denmark
  Firebird     -  party-organizer  -  denmark
  Jedi         -  sysop            -  norway
  Kreon        -  coder            -  denmark
  Mickey       -  coder            -  denmark
  Phonetic     -  raytracer        -  denmark
  Powdihacker  -  coder            -  denmark
  Relief       -  musician         -  denmark
  Robotnik     -  coder            -  denmark
  SCA          -  coder            -  denmark
  Selector     -  coder            -  denmark
  Tactica      -  graphician       -  denmark

 - Powdihacker joined them from Ambrosia.


  Big-h        -  sysop
  Bubba        -  trader, sysop
  Budu         -  coder
  Exodus       -  coder
  Casper       -  coder
  Flash        -  trader, sysop
  Funki        -  netherlands organizer, musician,
                  ascii-artist, trader, sysop
  Izzy         -  co-organizer, trader, sysop
  Junk         -  sysop
  Kabal        -  sysop
  MC Fischer   -  graphician, psx supplier, swapper,
                  ascii-artist, sysop
  Madman       -  raytracer, sysop
  Overflow     -  trader, ascii-artist, swapper, sysop
  Peck         -  coder
  Pixel        -  graphician, trader
  Plastikman   -  founder, organizer, musician, sysop,
                  ascii-artist, trader, swapper
  Rex          -  musician
  Rayden       -  graphician
  Steel        -  sysop
  Storm        -  sysop
  Shelter      -  coder, ascii-artist, sysop
  TAF          -  editor
  Witchdoktor  -  coder
  Wizzbit      -  raytracer

 - boards :
             Black Wave       -  phq
             Crap Town        -  ghq
             Cyber design     -  shq
             Dream Phase      -  shq
             Drop Zone        -  ehq
             Fire Side        -  shq
             Flying Circus    -  fhq
             Last Legend      -  dhq
             Liquidspacid     -  nhq
             Mentalstorm      -  nhq
             Transilvanya     -  whq

R.N.O.  (Rave Network Overscan)
                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  acidhead     -   musician, graphician,
                   raytracer                   -  norway
  angeldust    -   graphician, swapper         -  germany
  cie          -   ghq, musician               -  germany
  craid        -   coder, graphician, swapper  -  germany
  deusdocet    -   ihq, swapper                -  italy
  iro          -   whq, swapper                -  germany
  kure4kancer  -   fhq, musician, swapper,
                   homepager                   -  finland
  madel        -   phq, swapper, packmaker     -  poland
  nbc          -   musician                    -  germany
  ndos         -   raytracer                   -  poland
  roz          -   musician, swapper           -  finland
  superdna     -   musician, swapper           -  finland
  tbc          -   dhq, musician, swapper      -  holland
  tft          -   nhq, swapper                -  norway
  tls          -   musician                    -  germany
  tmu          -   sysop                       -  finland
  tool         -   sysop                       -  finland
  vector       -   coder                       -  italy
  wotan        -   graphician                  -  germany
  xedos        -   coder                       -  germany
  zany         -   musician                    -  norway

 - xtc-hour is delayed.

 - chucky was kicked due to inactivity.

 - tft is still in the army.

 - visit their homepage :

 - boards :
             Turbo Hyttynen BBS  -  dist. site

Rage   (unchanged since 1996)

  Bigbeard     -  coder (amiga)
  Cap'n babar  -  animator
  Cascade      -  musician
  D.Vader      -  special member, intergalactic ruler
  Derek        -  coder (amiga)
  Digimatic    -  coder (amiga / pc)
  Fajser       -  musician
  FoxX         -  graphician, coder (pc)
  Goose        -  coder (amiga)
  Haggolf      -  coder (amiga)
  Nadir        -  coder (pc)
  Ozzie        -  organizer, graphician
  Regulator    -  coder (amiga / pc)
  Stomipasen   -  coder (pc)
  Xerxes       -  sysop
  Zeque        -  coder (amiga)
  Zwinx        -  ex-sysop

Ram Jam
                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  ACBS               -  coder, organizer,
                        editor               -  italy
  ATHEIST            -  musician             -  sweden
  DARKMAN            -  coder                -  italy
  DR. G              -  sysop, trader        -  italy
  FASHION            -  swapper, editor      -  germany
  General Lee        -  swapper              -  sweden
  KREEX              -  raytracer            -  italy
  Mic Flair          -  trader               -  england
  MYSTRA             -  musician             -  norway
  N-JOY              -  musician             -  italy
  NIGHTSHADE         -  sysop                -  sweden
  Orion              -  coder                -  england
  RANDY              -  graphician, coder,
                        editor               -  italy
  THE TRENDY DEALER  -  swapper, html-coder  -  italy
  VEGA               -  swapper, editor      -  italy

 - Kaosmaster left them for Darkage.

 - Their mag Showtime is dead.

 - Klorathy (coder), PayDay (sysop) and Loop (graphician)
   left them.

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Cheeta      -  graphician        -  norway
  Chriz       -  trader            -  norway
  Fenriz      -  coder, organizer  -  norway
  Ice         -  graphician        -  norway
  Punisher    -  swapper           -  norway
  Squid       -  graphician        -  norway
  Stoney      -  graphician        -  norway
  Stressball  -  musician          -  norway
  Subgod      -  coder             -  norway

 - Squid joined Rape from Instinct as a  graphician.


  bUD          -  coder
  dAIM         -  ascii-artist
  DarkOne      -  coder
  DIGIMAN      -  sysop
  fLUXX        -  sysop
  gLUE         -  coder
  Haze         -  coder
  hIGH-sPEEd   -  coder, leader, sysop
  iRON         -  coder
  jIM^bEAM     -  coder
  jUNK         -  ascii-artist, sysop
  kGB          -  sysop
  sTEEL        -  ascii-artist, musician
  Steve        -  sysop
  vARIx        -  graphician
  yOP          -  ascii-artist
  [-sAxOn-]    -  leader, graphician
  ?-sHAOLIN-?  -  ascii-artist

 - boards :
             ACid SlAM      -  whq
             CANADIAN MiSt  -  ushq
             dIGITAL WORLD  -  ehq
             Last Legend    -  dhq
             sTARGATE       -  ukhq
             tHE dUNGEON    -  ghq

 - visit their homepage :

Rektum   (unchanged since 1996)

  Celic        -  whq, packmaker, swapper     -  germany
  Dr. Synth    -  coder                       -  germany
  Exolon       -  phq                         -  poland
  Gunman       -  graphician, swapper         -
  Hotstepper   -  lhq, ascii-artist,
                  swapper, packmaker          -  luxembourg
  Malcolm      -  dkhq, graphician, musician  -  denmark
  Mr. Funny    -  dkhq, swapper, musician     -  denmark
  Mr. P        -  swapper                     -  germany
  Omega        -  graphician, raytracer       -
  Prince       -  swapper                     -
  Santa Claus  -  musician, swapper, writer   -  denmark
  Spike        -  ascii-artist, /X-support    -  germany
  Trash Head   -  sysop, trader, swapper      -
  Uma          -  musician                    -
  Wild         -  musician, swapper           -

Riot   (unchanged since 1996)

  Darkman   -  musician
  Exon      -  sysop, graphician, trader, organizer
  Frontier  -  trader
  Rally     -  coder
  Reset     -  graphician
  Stone     -  trader, www-design

                            (last change: # 15 - april '97)

  243               -  sysop, trader        -  australia
  3!                -  graphician           -  sweden
  Apollo            -  leader, sysop,
                       coder, cc supplier   -  holland
  Arcane            -  sysop                -  norway
  Bullock           -  graphician           -  holland
  ByteJammer        -  coder, cracker       -  holland
  Circuit Breaker   -  sysop                -  usa
  Citruz            -  leader scand. div.,
                       sysop                -  sweden
  Clotug            -  trader               -  holland
  Crilla            -  demo coder           -  sweden
  Cryo              -  demo coder           -  denmark
  Delvin            -  trader               -  holland
  Eros              -  graphician           -  holland
  Fenix             -  sysop                -  poland
  Fjurer            -  trader               -  poland
  Floppy Robby      -  door coder, sysop    -  holland
  Fury              -  sysop                -  switzerland
  Hamlet            -  leader scand. div.,
                       sysop                -  sweden
  Hifi              -  musician             -  holland
  HiTech            -  trader, sysop        -  holland
  Hoppa             -  trader               -  holland
  Ice               -  trader, sysop        -  holland
  IKilledHer        -  demo coder           -  holland
  Infant            -  demo coder           -  holland
  Jacobs            -  trader               -  poland
  Jayce             -  musician             -  holland
  Keram             -  trader               -  poland
  Kingpin           -  sysop                -  norway
  Kleinduimpje      -  door coder           -  holland
  Kostek            -  cracker              -  poland
  Magellan          -  sysop                -  cze
  Mehow             -  trader               -  poland
  Mortimer Twang    -  musician             -  sweden
  Muad'Dib          -  door coder           -  holland
  Orion             -  trader               -  sweden
  Pat               -  trader               -  poland
  Pows              -  trader               -  italy
  Prefix            -  trader               -  poland
  Psychotron        -  door coder           -  sweden
  QLA               -  trader               -  poland
  Quazar            -  door coder           -  holland
  Radavi            -  leader demo section,
                       sysop                -  holland
  Red Dwarf         -  programmurderer      -  holland
  Slice             -  musician             -  sweden
  Slime             -  sysop                -  germany
  Soultaker         -  door coder           -  holland
  Spite             -  demo coder           -  sweden
  Steel             -  trader               -  germany
  Tib               -  demo coder           -  holland
  Timeless          -  musician             -  holland
  Tyrell            -  trader               -  holland
  Voyage            -  trader, sysop        -  germany
  Whirlwind         -  leader, sysop, hpa
                       ascii-artist, coder  -  holland
  Wild              -  trader               -  switzerland
  Wiper             -  trader               -  norway
  Zanok             -  trader, sysop        -  sweden
  Zinko             -  sysop                -  denmark
  Zoltrix           -  trader, sysop        -  england


  Cozmic         -  coder
  Cozmic         -  musician
  Crom           -  graphician
  Cyber          -  trader
  Decoder        -  trader
  Dester         -  sysop
  Dmg            -  sysop
  Droopy         -  coder
  Drop           -  graphician
  Enzyme         -  musician
  Exe            -  sysop
  Flozzy         -  sysop
  Gonzo          -  coder
  Hardsequencer  -  trader
  Javis          -  sysop
  Junk           -  sysop
  Klenye         -  coder
  Nock           -  trader
  nOp!           -  coder
  Psyche         -  graphician
  Purplehaze     -  trader
  Rebel          -  sysop
  S.Flame        -  musician
  Scroud         -  sysop
  Skope          -  musician
  Sticky         -  sysop
  Style          -  coder
  Substance      -  musician
  Thundercat     -  sysop
  Trance         -  sysop
  Yak            -  graphician
  Zody           -  trader

 - boards :
             Atlantic              -  shq
             Battle Field          -  ehq
             Check Point           -  nhq
             Death Field           -  whq
             Elm Street            -  ghq
             Genetic Waste         -  nhq
             Last Legend           -  dhq
             Masturbation Station  -  ushq
             Organized Confusion   -  dkhq
             Out Break             -  dist
             Phantasm              -  ukhq
             Terra Firma           -  ahq
             The Beyond            -  shq


  Alhazred        -  editor
  B.B.King        -  sysop
  Calladin        -  graphician
  Chucky          -  swapper
  DuffE           -  graphician
  Fichu           -  toastmaster
  Fishwave        -  editor, organizer
  Luke            -  sysop
  Madman          -  coder
  Opio            -  musician
  Sane            -  editor
  Syntax          -  coder, organizer
  Tobias Jansson  -  graphician
  Ventrue         -  sysop
  Zack            -  graphician
  Zalo            -  sysop

Savage   (unchanged since 1996)

  cr8y        -  graphician, utility-coder
  Dehydrator  -  musician
  MG          -  musician
  Mk          -  editor
  Victim      -  coder

Scalaris   (unchanged since 1996)

  ARI          -  raytracer                   -  poland
  CERBER       -  coder                       -  poland
  DEVOTH       -  coder                       -  poland
  DR SZACH     -  raytracer                   -  poland
  DRAC         -  graphician                  -
  ELMEK        -  musician                    -  poland
  ENDER        -  swapper                     -  poland
  FML          -  musician                    -  poland
  HOTSTEPPER   -  coder, graphician, swapper  -  luxembourg
  KLAF         -  swapper                     -  poland
  NAZGUL       -  coder                       -  poland
  QLA          -  trader                      -
  ROBSON       -  coder                       -  poland
  WEED         -  graphician                  -  poland

Scum   (unchanged since 1996)

  Dziulas      -  swapper, graphician
  Hiv          -  swapper, editor
  No Name      -  musician
  Pick Poke    -  graphician
  Skizo        -  swapper, organizer, editor
  Slive        -  coder
  Soul         -  musician
  Stargie      -  coder
  Sweetvoice   -  swapper, editor
  Tgp          -  coder, swapper
  The Founder  -  ascii-artist, swapper

Secretly!   (unchanged since 1996)

  Bladerunner   -  trader, coder                -  germany
  DC.Clark      -  musician, graphician,
                   raytracer, coder             -  germany
  Dolphin       -  coder, graphician            -  germany
  Dynamic       -  musician                     -  germany
  Miran         -  coder, designer              -  germany
  Mr.Vain       -  leader, organizer, swapper,
                   musician                     -  germany
  Nation        -  co-leader, coder             -  germany
  Pioneer       -  musician                     -  germany
  StingRay      -  coder, sysop                 -  germany
  Tranquilizer  -  musician, coder              -  germany

 - boards :
             mystic place  -  whq  -  offline

Sector 5
                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  atom        -  raytracer
  baldi       -  coder, designer (pc)
  boobba      -  swapper, ascii-artist, musician
  daniell     -  graphician
  danthalian  -  musician
  explorer    -  swapper, musician
  garion      -  coder
  iceman      -  coder, swapper, whq
  jim         -  swapper
  q-man       -  coder, swapper
  raptor      -  coder, swapper
  skrapi      -  musician, swapper
  skyzol      -  musician
  vasyl       -  swapper, graphician
  yesus       -  musician (pc)

Sector 7   (unchanged since 1996)

 amiga section:

  Bollhaus  -  swapper                           -  germany
  CDK       -  graphician, raytracer, musician,
               swapper, organizer                -  germany
  JCS       -  graphician                        -  germany
  Marc      -  musician, swapper, organizer      -  germany
  Nineteen  -  musician                          -  germany
  NoName    -  code, whq                         -  germany
  Skylord   -  musician                          -  germany

 pc section (Faktor X):

  Chris     -  coder, raytracer                  -  germany
  Mega H    -  musician, graphician, swapper,
               organizer                         -  germany
  MSC       -  coder, pc-hq                      -  germany
  Pat       -  swapper                           -  germany
  Tom       -  musician                          -  germany

Session   (unchanged since 1996)

  ACE          -  swapper
  ACRYL        -  graphician
  BLAZE        -  coder
  BOOSTA       -  musician
  CANDYMAN     -  swapper
  CESIUM       -  editor, organizer, swapper
  CRUDE        -  sysop
  CRUSADER     -  ascii-artist, swapper
  E-MOON       -  coder
  GOTHMOG      -  coder, ideas^design
  INFANT       -  coder
  JUSTIN CASE  -  raytracer, coder, organizer
  PSYCHO       -  musician
  RAMSES       -  coder (pc)
  TOMAS        -  musician
  WOWBAGGER    -  coder
  ZALO         -  sysop, graphician


  ARTiSTi     -  internet manager                -  finland
  BAFFLE      -  sysop                           -  norway
  BiLLY       -  sysop                           -  poland
  cedrik      -  musician, raytracer             -  germany
  Craye       -  cracker, coder                  -  germany
  dEStiNY!    -  trader                          -  germany
  Fazwonga!   -  sysop                           -  germany
  HiCo        -  trader                          -  germany
  HiGHPEr     -  trader                          -  germany
  Javis!      -  new status unknown, yet         -  germany
  JuNk        -  trader                          -  holland
  Lynxx       -  coder                           -  germany
  MARODEUR    -  new status unknown, yet         -  germany
  MARtiNi!    -  trader                          -  germany
  Marwic      -  sysop                           -  sweden
  MAViS       -  musician, raytracer             -  germany
  meL!        -  grafician, raytracer            -  germany
  niCKo       -  trader                          -  denmark
  PsYcHiC     -  trader                          -  germany
  rAMIs       -  sysop                           -  germany
  SHALLoW     -  coder, trader, sysop            -  germany
  sLAPSHOt    -  leader, founder, whq, supplier  -  germany
  sPACEMAn    -  trader, cracker                 -  germany
  Sticky      -  sysop                           -  denmark
  sUNBEAM     -  cracker                         -  germany
  ThE BiRD    -  cracker, html-editor, supplier  -  germany
  Thorrin     -  trader                          -  usa
  TOXiC       -  sysop, trader                   -  belgium
  tRIANGLe    -  trader, sysop                   -  holland
  vIETCONg    -  swedish leader, trader          -  sweden
  vOYAGE!     -  new status unknown, yet         -  germany
  [bANDit]    -  trader                          -  norway
  [ebbhe/\d]  -  psx supplier                    -  germany

 - boards :
             bERMUDa hOLLANd      -  dhq
             bUMBLE bEE lAND      -  nhq
             dREAm lANd           -  distro
             EURO TRADE CENTER    -  bhq
             FREEK WORLD          -  ghq
             fUCk sHIt            -  phq
             nUCLEAr wASTe        -  shq
             oRGANIZEd cONFUSIOn  -  dkhq
             tHe jUNCTIOn         -  whq
             TRASH CITY           -  ghq

Skulls   (unchanged since 1996)

  CERBER       -  coder
  CZARNY       -  swapper
  EGON         -  swapper
  ELEZAR       -  raytracer
  JACOOL       -  swapper, sysop
  LARRY        -  writer
  LUCK         -  musician
  MASHER       -  raytracer
  MR.BIG       -  swapper, sysop
  NAZGUL       -  coder
  NEUROMANCER  -  graphician, sysop
  NOVI         -  writer
  P242         -  raytracer, swapper
  PILA         -  swapper, writer, ascii-artist
  SEBA         -  coder

Slope   (unchanged since 1996)

  dr. best  -  coder
  gludul    -  graphician
  hysteric  -  packmaker, swapper
  mic       -  organizer
  penguin   -  coder
  suicyco   -  swapper
  tiger     -  packmaker, swapper

Soldiers and Flowers   (unchanged since 1996)

  Ae           -  coder
  Billy        -  sysop, trader
  Dan          -  coder, graphician
  Grohu        -  graphician
  Franckey     -  coder, editor
  Krzysio      -  graphician
  Mr.Lizard    -  graphician, ascii-artist
  Ogotay       -  coder
  Oster        -  coder
  Piles        -  coder
  Priest       -  musician
  R.G.         -  swapper, coder
  Sagrael      -  swapper, trader
  Sir James    -  graphician
  Sixtus       -  musician
  Stigmatiser  -  graphician
  Timi         -  mainorganizer, swapper
  Tinner       -  raytracer

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Dark Helmet      -  coder, founder           -  norway
  Kingpin          -  sysop                    -  norway
  Lone Starr       -  coder                    -  norway
  Lord Helmet      -  editor                   -  norway
  Major Asshole    -  coder                    -  norway
  Phase            -  graphician               -  sweden
  President Screw  -  coder                    -  norway
  Ramjet           -  raytracing               -  norway
  Sator            -  graphician               -  norway
  Scott            -  musician                 -  norway
  Shorty           -                           -  norway
  Slummy           -  coder                    -  norway
  Useless          -  musician                 -  norway
  Vinnie           -  musician                 -  norway
  Yoghurt          -  musician, co-organizer,
                      html-coder               -  norway
  Zack             -  graphician               -  norway

 - Zack joined from Sardonyx at The Gathering 97.

                            (last change: # 15 - april '97)

  blaze        -  editor, swapper
  cerber       -  editor, coder, sysop, trader
  ctp          -  editor, swapper, ascii
  klaf         -  main editor, swapper, hq
  neuromancer  -  graphician
  norman       -  editor, swapper
  timer        -  charts editor, musician, swapper

Stage Diving Club
                            (last change: # 15 - april '97)

  mister no

Steps of Change   (unchanged since 1996)

  dooba     organizer, musician  -  england
  psionic   web-site manager     -  england
  rd        musician             -  england
  wilsh     organizer, musician  -  england

 - visit their homepage:

Strange   (unchanged since 1996)

  COMA        -  musician, swapper
  HAWK        -  organizer, swapper, trader, ascii-artist,
  MORKELEB    -  graphician, swapper, trader
  MR.X        -  code, swapper, trader
  SPIN dIZZY  -  musician, swapper
  WISEGUY     -  swap, sysop
  WIZARD      -  code, ascii-artist, musician, graphician,

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  C-RAD     -  musician, trader
  CARP      -  co-organizer, trader
  FINGLE    -  coder, musician, trader
  FURRBALL  -  graphician, ascii-artist, raytracer, trader
  ICE       -  trader
  IKE       -  organizer, coder, trader
  MADMAN    -  pack supporter, trader
  NINJ      -  pack supporter, trader
  PANEAD    -  coder, pack supporter
  PROFILE   -  pack supporter, trader

 - MR.P! left the amiga scene for the pc.

 - KARLOS left the scene.

 - SOLO left the scene.

 - ICE joined them as a trader.

 - C-RAD joined them as a musician and trader.

 - CARP joined Badzone as triplemember.

 - the bbs Rocklobster is permanently offline.

Sunshine productions   (unchanged since 1996)

  Atheist     -  musician
  Blast       -  coder
  Digit       -  musician
  Laz         -  graphician
  LightSpeed  -  coder
  Mr.Coke     -  coder, orhganizer
  MRK         -  graphician
  Opium       -  sysop
  Pad         -  graphician
  Producer    -  coder, oragnizer
  Qen         -  musician
  Rooster     -  swapper
  Whiplash    -  coder

Suspect   (unchanged since 1996)

  DR.ACID     -  ascii-artist
  JAVIS!      -  sysop
  MONSUN      -  organizer, graphician
  RIDDLER     -  coder
  SUNNY       -  editor, swapper
  UGLY MARC   -  graphician, musician
  (-REBEL-)   -  organizer, sysop
  [-SEGOY-]   -  sysop
  [-SAXON!-]  -  sysop

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Angelwings  -  musician
  Bosco       -  musician
  Codac       -  coder
  Eagle       -  swapper
  Flan        -  graphician
  Guille      -  coder
  JCS         -  graphician
  Kestrel     -  swapper
  Leon        -  graphician
  Maf         -  musician
  Marc        -  musician
  Nasty Boy   -  coder
  Nitrik      -  graphician
  Okeanos     -  musician
  Plug        -  swapper
  Sixpack     -  editor, swapper
  Tenshu      -  graphician
  Zaac        -  graphician

 - Ghandy left them.

Tarkus Team   (unchanged since 1996)

  Earl Of Lennox
  Voice & Mutant

Technology   (unchanged since 1996)

  alien         -  graphician                 -  poland
  android       -  musician, trader           -  italy
  aro           -  graphician                 -  poland
  frøya         -  moral-support              -  norway
  hantarex      -  sysop, trader              -  italy
  horn          -  raytracer                  -  poland
  immortal      -  swapper, coder, sysop      -  poland
  larry         -  graphician                 -  italy
  lenz          -  coder (pc)                 -  poland
  lucifer       -  musician                   -  norway
  kaos master   -  /X-coder, trader, swapper  -  italy
  mr. vain      -  coder (pc), swapper        -  poland
  mystra        -  musician                   -  norway
  psycho        -  ascii-artist, sysop        -  austria
  sonic flash   -  musician, swapper          -  germany
  sundance      -  graphician                 -  poland
  the confuser  -  graphician                 -  norway
  verger        -  coder                      -  poland
  volcryn       -  swapper                    -  norway
  yark          -  coder                      -  poland
  woober        -  musician, swapper,
                   ascii-artist, sysop        -  norway
  zig           -  coder                      -  poland
  zoltar        -  raytracer                  -  poland

                            (last change: # 16 - may '97)

  Arte             -  graphician
  Digiman          -  sysop
  Fighterwriter    -  funmember
  Fred Feuerstein  -  trader
  Ghengis Khan     -  founder, sysop
  Hoggel           -  webmaster
  Interceptor      -  graphician
  Iron Eagle       -  funmember, Berlin leader
  Jazzytech        -  websupporter
  KGB              -  sysop
  Mel              -  graphician
  Milkman          -  sysop
  Nightrider       -  member of honour
  Opcode           -  coder
  Pentangle        -  sysop
  RKK              -  coder
  Ronny            -  musician, organizer
  Saxon            -  coder
  Sultan           -  founder, organizer, webdesign
  Syntic           -  graphician
  The Lord         -  trader
  TNT              -  coder
  Wilkinson        -  fx equipment
  Zig              -  funmember

 - Alex G renamed to Opcode.

 - Mel joined them as a graphician.

 - visit their homepage 

 - contact them via e-mail :
   Ronny   -
   Sultan  -

 ELKE (subgroup) 
   Echo       -  musician
   Pirat      -  musician
   Raw Style  -  musician, coder
   Ronny      -  musician, organizer

The Black Lotus

amiga section:

  Azazel          -  musician
  Danny           -  graphician
  Equalizer       -  coder
  Facet           -  graphician
  Gizmo           -  coder
  I-GO            -  coder
  Im-Pose         -  graphician
  Ken             -  coder
  Lizard          -  musician
  Louie           -  graphician
  Noy             -  coder
  Offa            -  coder
  Rodney          -  graphician
  Rubberduck      -  coder
  Supernao        -  musician
  Tim             -  coder
  Tudor           -  graphician

pc section:

  Exon            -  coder
  Fear            -  coder
  Jesse           -  coder
  Nahkamuumi      -  coder
  Stryper         -  musician
  Wizard          -  coder
  Wox             -  coder

support section:

  HitMan          -  sysop
  Hokke           -  coder
  Overlord        -  sysop

Three Little Elks  (3LE)
                            (last change: # 15 - april '97)

  ANDROID   -  musician, moral support
  ANT       -  graphician
  COMA      -  musician, swapper
  EXPLORER  -  coder
  NUDE      -  graphician, spiritual leader
  PLUS8     -  raytracer, designer, 3LE merchandise dealer
  SPOT      -  graphician
  TABASCO   -  coder

 - visit their homepage :

TRSI   (unchanged since 1996)

TRSI-Innovations   (unchanged since 1996)

  Beatnik        -  FAME developer
  bird           -  FAME door coder
  BloodRock      -  FAME developer
  ByteAndi       -  Amiex/FAME coder        (inactive)
  dR.dRE!        -  leader
  SieGeL         -  leader (Berlin section)
  Spy            -  Amiex coder             (inactive)
  Strider        -  FAME main coder
  zod!&marodeur  -  FAME door coder

 - visit their homepage:   

 - contact them via e-mail:
   Beatnik        -
   BloodRock      -
   ByteAndi       -
   dR.dRE!        -
   SieGeL         -
   Spy            -
   Strider        -
   zod!&marodeur  -

 - boards:
             Paralysis        -  +49 (0)30 721 60 71
                                 +49 (0)30 721 73 34
                                 +49 (0)30 723 20 860

             Punishment Inc.  -  +49 (0)30 694 84 70

Turnips   (unchanged since 1996)

  another   -  coder               -  poland
  bishop    -  coder, co-whq       -  poland
  insert    -  whq, graphician     -  poland
  invert    -  musician            -  poland
  jacool    -  swapper, packmaker  -  poland
  katarek   -  graphician          -  poland
  mr. rake  -  musician            -  poland
  szudi     -  musician            -  poland


  2Pac           -  sysop                 -  denmark
  D-Fekt         -  sysop                 -  sweden
  Darkwing       -  sysop, coder, trader  -  denmark
  Evil-C         -  funmember             -  holland
  Genius         -  sysop, coder, trader  -  denmark
  Madmardigan    -  trade                 -  denmark
  Nicko          -  organizer, trader     -  denmark
  Onyx           -  trader                -  denmark
  Puryx          -  trader                -  denmark
  Sealapex       -  sysop, trader         -  norway
  Sticky         -  sysop, trader         -  denmark
  Sundown        -  coder                 -  denmark
  The Tick       -  coder                 -  denmark

 - boards:
             Nile City            -  shq   -  +46-2712-0001
             Organized Confusion  -  dist  -  +45-5631-1468
             Pitstop              -  nhq   -  +47-3338-7955
             Primal Rage          -  dist  -  +45-3963-8038
             Synergy Denmark      -  dkhq  -  +45-3990-2992
             The Northern Palace  -  whq   -  +45-5850-6081
             X-Mortis             -  dist  -  +45-4499-1078

 - contact them via e-mail :
   Darkwing     -
   Evil-C       -
   Genius       -
   Madmardigan  -  2:236/25.15 (fidonet)
   Nicko        -
   Onyx         -
   Puryx        -
   Sealapex     -
   Sticky       -
   Sundown      -
   The Tick     -

 Plaztique D-Zign  (subgroup)  (unchanged since 1996)
    Cybersoul   -
    Genius      -  denmark
    Melomaniac  -  denmark
    Sundown     -  denmark
   - boards:
              Artificial Wonder  - dkhq
              Synergy Denmark    - whq


  Delta TX 
  Joe Bloogs 
  Koffin Blood 
  The Gaffer 

 - boards :

            Corn on the Cob  -  ukhq
            Digital Candy    -  whq
            Disclosure       -  ukhq
            Doxology         -  bhq
            Dreamlands       -  dhq
            Dreamphase       -  shq
            Go In!           -  ghq
            Reality Bytes    -  nhq
            Subhuman         -  ukhq
            The Beyond       -  shq
            The Specialist   -  us dist
            The Stable       -  ukhq
            Voyager          -  ukhq
            Wonderland       -  dhq

United Haters of Goa (UHG)

  Rolex    -  whq, musician, swapper
  Sublett  -  coder

Vacuum   (unchanged since 1996)

  digital  -  musician
  insert   -  graphician, organizer
  jacool   -  swapper, packmaker
  trash    -  graphician

Vector   (unchanged since 1996)

  binky     -  coder
  czar      -  graphician
  dr.k.oss  -  sysop
  geezer    -  coder, musician
  spline    -  graphician
  styx      -  coder, raytracer
  zif       -  coder
  zounds    -  coder

Venture   (unchanged since 1996)

  Korbatz  -  graphician, editor, organizer  -  poland
  Majkel   -  coder, swapper, co-organizer   -  poland
  Noster   -  coder                          -  poland
  Pippen   -  coder                          -  poland
  R.T.     -  musician                       -  poland
  Wierza   -  musician                       -  poland

Vision Labs   (unchanged since 1996)

  07          -  raytracer, organizer
  DooM        -  raytracer
  Necroscope  -  raytracer, graphician


  bucko      -  swapper                         -  england
  dt214      -  organizer, musician, swapper    -  england
  furrball   -  graphician, swapper             -  england
  griz       -  graphician                      -  england
  jay        -  organizer, coder, swapper       -  england
  kk         -  raytracer                       -  poland
  mcrudi     -  swapper                         -  poland
  rabi       -  swapper                         -  poland
  rabl       -  organizer, graphician, swapper  -  holland
  raptor     -  organizer, coder, swapper       -  poland
  scandal    -  graphician, swapper             -  holland
  socerer    -  sysop                           -  holland
  state      -  musician                        -  poland
  styles     -  musician, swapper               -  holland
  urban      -  graphician, musician, swapper   -  england
  zany       -  musician, swapper               -  norway

 - boards :
             mACRON bBS  -  +31 (0)72-5340903

Voodka People
                            (last change: # 15 - april '97)

  blaze        -  swapper (amiga)
  cedyn        -  musician (atari)
  dave         -  musician, ascii-artist (amiga)
  flapjack     -  swapper (amiga)
  grass        -  graphician (pc)
  hiv          -  swapper, editor (amiga)
  hogan        -  swapper, coder        ( amiga )
  katana       -  graphician (atari)
  konop        -  coder (atari)
  maly         -  graphician (atari)
  mr.uhu       -  swapper, amiga hq (amiga)
  nemezis      -  swapper (pc)
  paula        -  swapper, pc hq (pc)
  phaser       -  swapper  (amiga)
  pickpoke     -  swapper, graphician (amiga)
  qix          -  swapper (amiga)
  sagrael      -  swapper, trader (amiga)
  samurai      -  musician (atari)
  sero         -  coder (atari)
  skizo        -  swapper (pc)
  the founder  -  swapper, ascii-artist, whq (amiga)
  zajor        -  atari hq (atari)

Whelpz   (unchanged since 1996)

  COSMIC   -  editor
  DELORA   -  swapper
  FIZBAN   -  raytracer
  MACBY    -  musician
  REVI     -  hq, coder
  SNAIL    -  graphician
  T.O.D.   -  swapper
  TRZEZWY  -  coder
  VOLT     -  musician

X-Tension   (unchanged since 1996)

  Ace       -    sysop, coder, swapper
  Kovy      -    music, swapper, co-organizer
  Lupi      -    coder, musician
  Pancur    -    graphician
  Pid       -    graphician, swapper


  AEROBA     -  graphician                   -  sweden
  ALESIS     -  coder, graphician, musician  -  sweden
  COSMO      -  raytracer                    -  sweden
  DEEP       -  trader                       -  sweden
  GUFFAW     -  trader                       -
  HORATIUZ   -  coder, musician              -  sweden
  JAEGARN    -  coder                        -  sweden
  LA SHAWN   -  trader, sysop                -  sweden
  MATARAZZO  -  graphician                   -  sweden
  MEANACE    -  musician                     -  sweden
  OOZE       -  musician                     -  sweden
  PURGATORY  -  musician                     -  sweden
  SHINE      -  ascii-artist                 -
  STRANGER   -  coder, musician              -  sweden
  ZABLER     -  sysop, organizer             -  sweden

 - boards :
       Different Dreams - shq - +46-33-412-990 (24h/day)
       Metal Moon             - +39-11-9138501 (22:00-7:00)
       Plastic Dream    - whq - +39-41-5732014 (24h/day)
       South Central    -  hq - +46-31-486-036 (24h/day)

5th Dynasty
                            (last change: # 15 - april '97)
  Airworx     -  founder
  aXeSS       -  coder
  Bubba       -  sysop
  bLUE        -  graphician
  DigiMan     -  sysop
  Kuci        -  founder
  Pentangel   -  sysop 
  Prophet     -  coder
  Relief      -  graphician
  Roadrunner  -  coder
  sNoW        -  founder
  Steel       -  trader
  Thunder     -  founder
  Wasted      -  ascii-artist
  Whirlwind   -  sysop
  Zinko       -  sysop 
  Zoltrix     -  sysop

 - boards :
             Acid Slam        - ehq
             Bionic Wolrd     - whq
             Craptown         - ghq
             Dreamphase       - shq
             Nothern Palace   - dkhq
             One Eight Seven  - dhq
             Spaced Out       - ukhq
             The Specialist   - ushq


             " se, jeg er den levende penis! "

               a l l a n o n   /   d e p t h


                       aLLAN0n @ IRC

  hi to: accede.acid.arcane.bantha.caramel.cope.curt cool. 


    |  4 a nice swapping with lotsa friendship and    |
    |  lotsa long letterz and stuff... contact...     |
    |                                                 |
    |           Angeldust/pHuture ³°³ ^ Rno           |
    |   -  - - ----------------------------- - -  -   |
    :           Markus Nimtz                          :
    :           Noellestrasse 22                      :
    .           29646 Bispingen                       .
    .   -  - - ----------------------------- - -  -   .
    .  modz & toolz preferred... 303 % answer to all  .
       2 Disxsenderz and long letter dewdz...


        B   I   Z   A   R   R   E      A   R   T   S

            is searching for some active members.

     If YOU are searching for a friendly group to join
     just leave us a hint.

     Contact Antibrain/BZR !!

     eMail ->

     sMail -> Antibrain/Bizarre Arts
              PO Box 73 03 73
              22123 Hamburg

  Call our BBS the "Fiction Factory" running on A2k/68060
             - ask Antibrain for the numbers -


      blaze/floppy^nah-kolor   hi!:dave.majkel
        patrick kalinowski     sloody.flapjack
          ul. polna 63/5       qba.korball.def
          21-200 parczew       eagle.qix.blunt
              poland           keldon.crusader
         no faked stamps!      trasher.kestrel
     uhu.dr.szach.madbart.speed devil.miko63..

     and never forget to support -speed- pack!


       blunt (ex.coolio) / talent^ghd^blacksista!
                             3le warez spreader

                     henk wijnholds
                      marktkade 110
               9581 aw musselkanaal

     for the usual mailtrade - gfx swap - ascii reqs -
                   or toohot support



            Coma of Three Little Elks
                Daniel Johansson     
                Stenstaliden 1 B     
               68136 Kristinehamn    
              new stuff - old stuff  
                  4000+ modules!     
             yes, beginners welcome! 
               Also for requesting   
              modules for your pack, 
                intro or whatever


                      .. D E P T H ..


                   ( curt cool/ depth ) 





                   Visit EXPOSE!

             The onlinemag by ARSENIC!


        also support us with your latest news,
              messages, adverts a.s.o.

           send all the stuff via email :


                or via snailmail to

                  Jan  Schneider
                 24943  Flensburg


                     ... V O I D ...


                      dT214 oF vOID

                    37 hAYFELL aVENUE
                       hERON hILL
                         lA9 7JH



                    A . B . Y . S . S

                  THE DEEPEST EXPERIENCE
                 Graphics(Own+ideas too!)
                  Latest 0-3 days legal
                    9 Leaholme Gardens
                    Bristol, BS14 OLQ
                  THE DEEPEST EXPERIENCE

                Support -> Generation,
                           Jurassic Pack,


                  .o0  gENeRATiON  0o.

               don`t forget to support your
                    favourite mag with

                        - adverts
                        - articles
                        - messages
                        - news

                    send your stuff to

                     Damion / Artwork
                   Jens-Oliver Klokkers
                      Marrinksweg  5
                      48531 Nordhorn



            +                                    +
            +          Dire / Eremation          +
            +            Nico  Barbat            +
            +           Rheinaustr. 37           +
            +            51149  Koeln            +
            +           United Germany           +
            +  +49-(0)2203-13751  (fon/fax/dat)  +
            +                                    +
            +  Elite means 100 % answer, every-  +
            + thing else is a pure shit! Support +
            + Outlaw, Traders Dope, "The Scene"! +
            +  Long letters and mags-swap only!  +
            +                                    +
            +        Eremation - Why not?        +
            +                                    +


                       (Fashion - Ram Jam)
                         Andreas  Keirat
                           Nordstr. 35
                          27619  Spaden


                    ...for swapping demos...   

                          (Amiga / PC)

                         Scene since '83


            Seenpoint - M.O.R.e  Entertainment!

       fishwave/sardOnyx         sane/sardOnyx
       adrian jaglarz            pieter van der horst
       alter gutshof 15          korte tuinstraat 32
       D-30419 Hannover          NL-1601 cj enkhuizen
       Germany                   Netherlands

                    aymeric hiltenbrand     
                    12, rue du berry        
                    F-59700 marcq-en-baroeul



         [--------->  d. i .s .c  <------------]

              For lazy editor swap and own
             productions only try me out at

               GHANDY OF GODS & SYNDROME
                      LARS SOBIRAJ
                    MINDENER STR. 05
                    40227 DUESSELDORF

               *** Scener since 1992 ***

            sUPPORT oUR aNTIC dISC-mAGAZINE!



              - - l o o k e r  h o u s e - -
          - inspiraatiosta syntynytta taidetta -

                    gdm / looker house

        2 contact us for join or support with your
        articles/news/adverts/rumours our disk-mag
                 write to
                          or to
                    Alexander Soloviev
                 Sokolnicheskij val 38/78
                      107113 Moscow



                 hi-quality module-swapping
                  (  Answer isn't 100%  )

                       Venekatu 11
                      33410 Tampere


                   Also for joining the
                   ultimate RNO-crew!!


                         gOds '97!

                  fOr swapping the latest:


                       2 heather gdns
                        gt yarmOuth
                          nr31 9pp

         suppOrt "chip in eurOpe" and "hOrrOrpack"


              lORD / iMPULSE, aBSOLUTe!, cJ

                       pETER lABOS
                      1181 Budapest
                      Darus 10 II/3


             Number of the Beast: +36-12914029
               (iMS wHQ, aBS! wHQ, cJ distro)


                              rIOT - wORLD! hEADQUARTERS
                            nUANCE - eUROPEAN hQ!
      LOS                     mONO - gERMAN hEADQUARTERS
      ---ENDOS                gODS - wORLD! hEADQUARTERS
         -----BBS            aBYSS - gERMAN hEADQUARTERS
              ---         sYNDROME - gERMAN hEADQUARTERS
                            jORMAS - gERMAN hEADQUARTERS
                            eLTECH - gERMAN hEADQUARTERS

rUNNING oN fAME! - A2000/10mB - 3 gIG hD sPACE - aMIGA oNLY

                      rAHIEM/eSSENCE  -  cELIC/rEKTUM

  nODE1: ++49-(0)-2103-986247 (analog)   nODE2: ringdown

  nODE3: ++49-(0)-2103-986251 (isdn)     nODE4: ringdown


               tECHNo mODULEs sWAPPINg:


                     LEKINSKO 88
                   97560 KLESZCZOW

                    also join to

            (only active ravers can join)


                for PC&Amiga swapping, send
                MSDOS formatted disk(s) to:


                     mAREK zAVODNIK
                   pOD cHRASTKOU 310
                     783 57 tRSICE
                     cZECH rEPUBLiC

                PC prefered, Amiga MODS only,
               also for STOONY'S INTL joining


                 [  m a j k e l / v e n t u r e  ]

        high quality mailtrading with long personal letters
                   and 0-3 days demo-scene stuff:

                          michal czebotar
                         os.zachod b/22/e1
                          73-110 stargard
                            p o l a n d

         or via e-mail:

                but only old and respected sceners!
                   but also active and friendly!

                        red strawberries for:
        big-rat, bodzio, cesium, chrombacher, damion, decoy
        desoto, devistator, dragzter, dsx design, dump, elis
      epidemic, estrayk, excel, frame, gangsta, g.d.m., kaneda
          korbatz, lord, magic, mars, mop, noodle, noster
        piirakka munalla, pippen, rahiem, rt, scout, scraby
             spin, tactica, unreal, vodka, wierza, zibi


               :  .......................  :
               .  :                     :  .
                  :  contact...         :
               .  :                     :  .
              __  : Marc/Sector 7^Crazy^:  __
             /\_\ :     Syndrome        : /\_\
             \/_/ :                     : \/_/
                  : Marcus Kaluschke    :
               .  : Ostpreussenstr.30   :  .
                  : 31553 Sachsenhagen  :
               |  :    Germany          :  |
                  :                     :
               :  : for mod swap,etc.   :  :
               .  :                     :  .
               |  : and of course:      :  |
               |  : if ya need music 4  :  |
                  : ya own productions! :
               |  :                     :  |
               .  :  100% answer+mod!   :  .


                     D A R K A G E

                  MODEM of DARKAGE      
                    PAOLO D'URSO        
              06049 SPOLETO (PG) ITALY  


                Answer 1oO% Guaranteed

                   We ArE LoOKiNg 4:

                    - Graphicians
                    - Coders


                       - mr.p -

        hidi ho.......when you know me write a
          email to me for some little chat:


        i also search for a new group to join.
         my function is email writer...... ;)


                   .Only PURE Elites. 

       Sweets to:   NEMES!S / DIGITAL   Flowers To:
       ----------   30 Farrier Close    -----------
 Michael/Anathema       Fatfield        The Loop/Artwork
    Shade/Digital      Washington       Cache/Ex-Digital
      Ghandy/Gods     Tyne & Wear       Okeanos/Digital^Sdm
Fishwave/Sardonyx      NE38  8RW        Vega/Ram Jam
        Wade/Gods       eNGLANd         Crusader/Session
Plastikman/Quaser                        Blaze/Floppy
     Blunt/Talent                        Norman/Anadune
  Lfo/Phuture 303                        DarkHawk/Iris
 Devistator/Abyss                        Zoltrix/TRSi


            [::] n  e  r  v  e    a  x  i  s [::]

                  Are on the lookout for -

                    <O> gRAPHICIANS <O>

                       <O> cODERS <O>

      We have projects piled sky high for you, so no
                work shy sceners need apply

           Email your work to -

               [::] Calling all articles [::]
               [::]  Submit to Pressure  [::]

    We are collecting articles for iSSUE#2 of Pressure
               Send all your contributions to


          --[ n  E  R  V  E  !  a  X  I  S ]--



     do you search a different group?  NETWORK is here!

 Abraham  Sanchez       Manuel Sanchez   Belloni Laurent
 Leon XIII 5-3C         Leon XIII 5-3C   7, rue de Riquewihr
 41009  Sevilla         41009  Sevilla   68200  MULHOUSE
 Spain                  Spain            France


           n e t w o r k   - n o  l i m i t s ! -


                 If ya want some musics
                   for Games or demos        
                        write to:

                    OKEANOS / DIGITAL

                      DEGAND Olivier
                   26 Allee de Madrolle
                       18120 MEREAU



                         Tarkan Kaya
                     K.Baglar Yolu No:4/1
                   80890 Buyukdere/ISTANBUL

                %100  ANSWER BACK FOR EVERYONE


                     - N U A N C E -

          Wanna release your chippies in our Pack ?
                Wanna join our friendly team ?
           Wanna swap some gfx or own-productions ?

                Then drop some lines to:

                     RAVEN of NUANCE

             sMail:   Webergasse 34
                      89584 Ehingen



          for joining, ownprod-swap & mooooooore...


                A new magazine is coming soon...
                        .o0o. WILD .o0o.

                  B sure to take part in our:

                  ! Advertising-Competition !

                  The best, most creative or
                funny or best designed advert...

                ...will be honored with a gift !

                  Send your adverts to:


                  sMail:     H.Wittmaack
                             Webergasse 34
                             89584 Ehingen

Also articles, news, etc can be posted to these adresses !

    Check out the next x-files for more informations !


                             (o o)
            - -- -- -+----ooO-(_)-Ooo---+- -- -- -

            S e c r e t l y !    do ya need a chip
            c/o Thorsten Will    mod for ur intro?
            P.o.Box: 10 17 02    cntx mr.vain/scl!
             D - 44607 Herne     OnLy LeGaL StUfF!

                  we are in need of coders!
                100% answer if u send a disk!

              .oO Greetz to all our friends! Oo.
            - -- -- ---------------------- -- -- -


                sUpERdNa / dANCe aNtHEm ^ rNo

                       Antti Liljo,
                      Koskelantie 19,
                      90440 Kempele,

          -- EMAIL: --



                       ERiK SuNDBERG
                     6 1 1 37 NYKoPING
                        S W E D E N

                .:: aLSO FOR MODuLE SWAP ::.
                .::  LoNG LEttER PLEASE  ::.  


             iNTERnET kILLED sWAPPING..

          bUT tHERE aRE sTILL sUME fEW kOOL
                   "tHA oLD sKOOL"
                    i'm 1..........


                 Skaarabrekka 11 
                 4370 Egersund

               aLSO fOR jOINING rNo!!


                + d  a  r  k  a  g  e +

              The Lawnmover Man / Dark Age

                  Jesus Reyes Martinez
           C/Carlos JR Hamilton. Daida C. 308
              38001 Santa Cruz de Tenerife

            Try this addy and feel what the
                   word SPEED means!
                   100% Friendship

         ------------> DARK AGE <-------------


         for swapping the latest contact  The Loop  of

                         A R T W O R K

      The Loop/Artwork          !rULES: friendly People!! 
       Daniel Lafrentz                 only known groups!
          Brahmsweg 15 
         25524 Itzehoe      !Musicians preferred/welcome!


                    THe RiPPeR/Artwork

                    nightfall c.p. 102
                     I-34100  Trieste

                  -OCS/ECS/AGA swapping
                  -old stuff/list swapping
                  -mag/editors VERY welcome
                  -confortable atmosphere
                  -no stress

                  You can also get me here:  


                      - A R T W O R K -
                For legal reasons write to..    
                     Trasher of Artwork            
                     Oliver Plink               
                     Bricciusweg 3               
                     89079 Ulm               


         U  P  H  O  L  D      T  H  E     L  A  W

    dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS fOr aMiGa, pC, cONSoLe & aScII

        ReMeDy wHQ (Amiga)  ·  x-FiLEs nEWs sTaTiOn

      aRtWoRk gHQ (Amiga & PC)  ·  U.D.O. wHQ (Amiga)

       sUPeRiOr aRt cReATiONs dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (PC)

              aLieNDeSiGN gHQ (Amiga-Tools)

          tRSi rECoRDz dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Audio)

                       dA sYSOPs aRe:
    Node 1 & 2 :                            Node 3 & 4 :
   USR V34+ Modem          rAMSeS            Euro  ISDN
 +49-(0)30-47411057          &&          +49-(0)30-47411058

                 sEArCHiNg fOr mORe gRoUPs!


         vOUCk!/pHD iS oN tHE hUNT fOR a fRiENDLY
                      e-mAiL cONTACT!

                  pREFERED aRE eXPERIENCE
               eXCHANGES aBOUT rUBBER tREE'S
                        tHEiR cARE

        wASTEnOtiMEdOtHiScRiME  vOUCk@lAVA.eAST.dE

                  biZZARE tALKS aRE sURE


  ---------------<<+>! Mailtrading !<+>>-----------------
  For new NUANCE-Productions and other hot (legal) stuff:

                   X-Poole of Nuance
                   Marco   Willemsen
                   Eibenstr.      24
                   49828   Neuenhaus

              ---=> in full affect <=---


                For swapping write to:


                       3801 Boe

              Amiga,VHS,C-64 & Paperart!


                      NEW MAG ON LINE
                      +++ GFX ZONE +++
     For all sceners and especially graphicians

2D/3D Gallery, gfx chart, e-mail database, articles, news,
interviews(with Stripe about TP'97), all the best pics from
the latest parties (TP'96, Saturne'96, Symposium&Mekka'97,
Gathering'97, Scenest'97, X'97),contact section, fun

  e mail:

the GFXZ is looking for writers interested in writing about
the following topics:
reports from gfx/wild demo compos from various parties,
your thoughts/opinions about different graphicians and
their style/tekniques, about redrawing(is ok, is it still
art if someone copies others work?), tracing, general
thoughts about scene created gfx - in which direction are
we heading (there are more redraws then ever), interviews
with famous graphicians/sceners, etc.

gfx swappers(only via email) are very welcome!


                           ANYTHING HERE IN!

                ..(( k i n d e r g a r d e n ' 9 7 ))..

                 1 .................... Where and When
                 2 ...................... Entrance Fee
                 3 .......................... Features
                 4 .................. How to get there
                 5 ...................... Competitions
                 6 ............. Rules and Regulations
                 7 .................. Kindergarden FAQ
                 8 ........... Staff/How to Contact us

1. Where and When

  Kindergarden'97 will be arranged at Hellerud Videregaende
  Skole (College) in Oslo, Norway. This is the same party
  location as Kindergarden 6 was held.

  The layout of the party is completly different, though.
  Last time we used two halls for the people, and used a
  part of a huge sports-hall as a theatre.
  This year we will instead use one of the halls for
  movies/showing compos, and will have a huge cafeteria
  w/leisure activities and entertainment on the stage. The
  main party will be held in the huge sports-hall, which
  gives us LOTS of space.

  The doors open at 14.00 on Thursday the 3rd of July.

  The doors close at 14.00 on Sunday the 6th of July.

2. Entrance fee 
  The entrance fee will be 200 NOK, that's roughly about
  30$. Girls get free entrance, like they get on most
  parties. [Bastards!]

  We will accept prepaid entrance fee's, but since the
  prices are kept as low as possible, it will still cost
  200 NOK! Read the "The Kindergarden Staff" section for

  The price has, as you might have noticed, risen with 50
  NOK. This is because the price for the hall is doubled
  this time, because we used A LOT of power last time.
  Also, the party lasts for one more day.

3. Features

  The Main Hall:

   - There is space for about 600 people in the main hall.
     There are ofcourse enough tables and chairs.

   - The hall has a lot of power, over 1000 Ampere. If the
     need should arise, we can drain power from the various
     classrooms on the school, every one of them feature
     about 100 ampere.

   - Showers for everyone! We will set up a separate shower
     for female guests.

   - Clean toilets! We will actually clean the toilets now
     and then, and take away all the paper from the
     wastebaskets... And put in new!

   - Sleeping is allowed everywhere in the complex (except,
     ofcourse, the locations that are sealed/locked and off

   - We will set up a information-channel running on a few
     screens inside the hall w/important messages/what
     films are currently running etc.

   - No fucking stealing of equipment! We've not had
     problems with this before and we don't want it now.

   - Organizers that are not too shy to give messages/host
     compos etc. ;)

  Happenings, Entertainment and Leisure Activities:

   - A theatre located next to the cafeteria will be
     showing all the latest movies nonstop on laserdisk.

   - The city-life in Oslo is great, and the subway is
     located 50 metres from the hall.

   - We will set up a few coin-op's in the cafeteria to
     have fun with.

   - Hopefull the scene in the cafeteria will feature
     liveacts from cool artists like Superted & Yebo etc.

   - Various suprise events. (No lame remote-controlled
     choppers flying around with lame advertisements
     though... Thank god!)

   - We might set up a few machines running IRC so that
     the addicts can spend some time on the net.

   - We will set up a Kinderegg stand in the cafeteria
     where you can place all your Kinderegg figures!

  Food and Beverages:

   - A 24 hours open cafeteria with food (Even the first
     day) and beverages with low prices. Ofcourse with

   - A small kiosk at the entrance of the main-hall will
     sell hot-dogs and beverages. (Limited selection)

   - A mall is located 20 metres from the entrance of the

   - Peppes Pizza is located quite close to the hall.

   - McDonalds is located quite close to the hall too.
     (10-15 minutes to walk)

    (You are free to set up links/networks yourself though)

4. How to get there

   Since Kindergarden is arranged in Oslo, the capitol of
   Norway, transport should be no problem. If you need to
   ask for directions, the area around the hall is called

   Go to our WWW page to find maps of the area around the


    - Take the plane to Fornebu Airport in Norway.

    - Follow the instructions for train/subway.


    - Travel to Oslo S. (Oslo Sentralbanestasjon, the
      'connection point' of trains in Norway. Mother of all
      stations. You should find it. :))

    - From there take the subway to Tveita.
    - The college is located 70 meters from the station,
      just walk around the mall and you will find it.

   If you have problems finding the way, be free to phone
   one of the organizers. Please notice, however, that we
   can not supply any means of transportation for you or
   your equipment.

5. Competitions

   All competition entries MUST:

    - Come with FILE_ID.DIZ (44*11) file that describes
      the intro.

    - Come with .readme file in AmiNET format that
      describes the intro.

    - Come with all required nonstandard libraries.

    - Be harddisk installable.

    - Have clean exits to the OS.

    - Work on 020+ processors including A4000/040.

   All entries will be shown on an Amiga 1200 with either
   030, 040 or 060 and with 8 or more megabytes of RAM.

    - Demos will be shown until end or for 10 minutes.

    - Pictures will be viewed for about 30 secs each.

    - Modules will be played for maximum 3 minutes.
     (Except if it is close to the end)

   We preserve the right to stop showing somewhat
   'unserious' or extremly boring entries at an earlier

   Setpatch will be run before any demos/intros.

   All entries to the competitions must be delivered on
   disk(s) to the staff in the cafeteria.

    - Disk(s) must be labeled + have a paper w/information
      wrapped around it.

        Entry Name: 
         Real Name: 
             Disks: x/x

   Amiga Demo
   Deadline: Saturday 19.00

    - Max size for demo is 5 megabytes. (In runable form,
      you may ofcourse have realtime decrunching of

    - Max RAM useage is 2 meg CHIP and 8 meg FAST. The demo
      SHOULD run on an 020 processor with 4 meg FAST

   Amiga Intro
   Deadline: Saturday 12.00

    - Max file size is 64 kb.

    - Max RAM useage is 2 meg CHIP and 8 meg FAST. The demo
      SHOULD run on an 020 processor with 4 meg FAST

   Amiga Oldschool Intro
   Deadline: Saturday 12.00

    - Max file size is 10 kb.

    - Should run on an standard A1200, although it may
      require FAST ram.

    - Should have some connection to what intros was used
      for before.

   Amiga Game
   Deadline: Saturday 18.00

    - Max size for game is 10 megabytes. (In runable form,
      you may ofcourse have realtime decrunching of

    - Max RAM useage is 2 meg CHIP and 4 meg FAST. The game
      must be somewhat playable on an 020 processor.

      You are free to make any kind of game you want, and
      they will be played live for maximum 5 minutes.

   Music 4Channel
   Deadline: Saturday 15.00

    - Max module size 1500 kb.

    - Must be delivered in MOD or MED format.

    - Entries will be played with HippoPlayer.

      Sorry, no DIGI Booster modules, next time maybe. The
      format is too unknown yet.

   Graphics Handdrawn
   Deadline: Saturday 13.00

    - Files must only be delivered in IFF or GIF format,
      and max feature 256 colors. No obscure screenmodes,
      entries will be shown on an A1200.

   Graphics Raytraced
   Deadline: Saturday 13.00

    - Files must only be delivered in IFF or JPEG format.
      No obscure screenmodes, entries will be shown on an

   Graphics Animation
   Deadline: Saturday 13.00

    - Maximum 500 animation frames in 16 colors.

    - Animation must be in PAL: LORES (320*256)

   Ascii Logo
   Deadline: Friday 23.00

    - Must be viewable in CED. No ANSI.

   Deadline: Saturday 12.00
    - You must bring your own equipment to show the
      entries, if it does not work on an standard Amiga
      with 8 meg FAST or is over 10 meg in size.

    - Please deliver big wild demos in VHS format.

    - Brief explanation of the wild demo must be given
      to the organizers.

    - Live acts will have maximum 5 minutes each.
      (Female nudity allowed!)


6. Rules and Regulations

   The rules are simple. We do not want to control your
   life. Just be nice.

    - We do not allow anyone selling food, disks and the
      likes without WRITTEN permission from the organizers.

    - Illegal drugs and alcohol are ofcourse not allowed
      inside the party area.

    - TOO intoxicated persons will be thrown out or put in
      the showers. We will not throw you out for good, like
      some other lame parties do. (TP/TG sux!)

    - Puking inside the hall will be fined with 100 NOK.
      Please use a toilet if you suddenly have an urge.

    - Any damage to personal and public property must be
      paid for.

    - We can and will not take the responsibility for any
      kinds of theft or injuries. Not even injuries by our
      big guards. You have no witnesses.

    - Smoking is not allowed in the sleeping hall, the
      theatre or in the main halls. Please smoke in
      seperate areas put specially aside for this. We have
      not decided if smoking is allowed in the cafeteria.
      Since it is a public building, it's actually
      forbidden by norwegian law. (Maybe if we open the

    - No bannerpainting/tagging/etc inside the partyarea.
      We WILL catch the ones who do this, and we WILL beat
      them up and throw them in the trash. (After taking
      all their money and calling their parents.)

    - Norwegian laws act as normal ofcourse.

    - Be polite and smile when the organizers try to fix
      your problems.

    - No drunken skateboarding/rollerblading inside the
      partyarea. Be careful.

    - Don't bitch the organizers all the time if you can
      fix something yourself without us noticing. (But
      stay away from the power!)

    - It's cool to be crew. They are gods.

7. The Kindergarden FAQ

   There will always be something that people wonder about,
   and will call us voice and nag about. This should answer
   most of your queries.

   Q: Can we reserve tables at Kindergarden for our group?
   A: No, sorry. But there should be no need. Just come in
      time and grab a lot of space.

   Q: Will the toilets be EVEN cleaner this time?
   A: Yes. Ofcourse. We'll even put paper and soap where it

   Q: Can I go partying?
   A: Ofcourse you can! Oslo by Night is GREAT!

   Q: Can I come with my IBM-Compatible machine and play
      Quake in network?
   A: No! Die!

   Q: Can I come to Kindergarden if I am a PC scener or an
      ex.Amiga scener, and compete in the competitions?
   A: Yes, as long as you deliver your contributions in the
      right fileformats and on Amiga readable DD disks.
      Okay, we might accept PC formatted DD disks as well.

   Q: Can I bring my microwave oven/fridge/etc?
   A: Sure, if you bring your own supply of power. :)

   Q: Is there any bustrips to Kindergarden from foreign
   A: Check your local newsgroups or BBS'es. We will put
      information about this on our homepage if we recieve

   Q: Uhh, like. Do you check our bags?
   A: No, not really. We're too lazy.

   Q: Can I steal some equipment at the party? I really
      want that harddisk.
   A: Sure. Can we rip out all your nails, beat you to a
      blood pulp with a baseball bat and put needles in
      your testicles?

   Q: Can we stretch the deadlines?
   A: Can we stretch the competitions?

8. The Kindergarden Staff/How to Contact Us

   The main organizers of the party is:

    Daniel Bruvoll    Acid/Alpha Flight & GRT
                                       Home: +47-63828821
                                       Mobile: +47-90189390

    Dag Stenstad      Baffle/Delirium & Lightforce
                                       Home: +47-66795921
                                       Mobile: +47-92232702

    Oystein Saettem   Arcane/Royal & Mystic
                                       Home: +47-63903366
                                       Mobile: +47-93053236

      BBS: Basic Instinct at +47-63828335, Sysop is Acid.
      IRC: #kg97 at IRCNet (Euroside of old EFNet)

               Contact us if you have unanswered questions.

                  EMAIL/WEBSPACE TO US!
 Check out their page on the WWW on for
                  really great deals!

Motorola Inside 1997

            Motorola Inside 1997 - The Survivor

           freezers - scoopex - o'moses - spedes 

            Party information dated 17.03.1997

The Party will be held 27.-30.6.1997 in Lahti. The
partyplace will be the Lahti's watertower. It normaly
serves as a restaurant and as sighttower. The restaurant
has about 150 to 200 places. This means that we have about
120 computerplaces.

Getting electricity is always a problem so take with you
extra leads to not be disapointed if there isn't for some
reason enought pluggs for all.

The price of the ticket is 50 mk if you reserve your ticket
and 75 mk if you buy it from the partyplace. We have only a
limited amount of computer places so please reserve your if
you wan't to be sure to fit in.

The watertower is about 3km from the railway station but
you can take a buss (10 mk) infront of it and you'll be
able to get to 500 meter from the watertower.

Doors will be opened friday at 7:00 pm and closed sunday
at 12:00.

We don't have much rules but these few are important!

      (1) No PCs allowed at the partyarea
      (2) You're only allowed to destroy PCs at the
          partyarea, not anything else or you'll have to
          pay for your misstakes.
      (3) You aren't allowed to be heavily drunk at the
      (4) All drinks must be hidden as cops might come to
          make a visit...
      (5) We won't take any responsabilities of possible
          illegal software trading


         Amiga demo (A4000,060,32mb) 
         Amiga classic demo (A500)
         Amiga intro (A4000,060,32mb)
         Amiga music (Octamed soundstudio)
         Amiga graphics 
         (Amiga realtime graphics)
Amiga demo:

Demos will be runned on a A4000,060,32mb but they have to
work on a 030,50Mhz. The maximum running length is 10 min,
it has to be quitable by mouse and it isn't allowed to
write to the hard drive.

Amiga classic:

Demos will be runned on a A500 with only 512kb extramem and
kickstart 2.05. Classics must also work on AGA machines.
Classics must be on a selfbooting disk.

Amiga intro:

Intros will be runned on the same machine as demos and they
also have to work on 030,50Mhz. The maximum running length
is 5 min, it has to be quitable by mouse and it isn't
allowed to write to the hard drive.

Amiga music: 

Musics will be played with the newest version of Octamed
Soundstudio, so multichannels are allowed (and even

Amiga graphics:

JPG-format in PAL-mode.

Realtime graphics:

We'll do this if we have enought time. In this compo you
have 25 min. to draw and after that pictures will be


The party will be organized by the Finnish Amigians ry.,
that is registering itself now. We'll give more information
about Finnish Amigians during the party. We'll continue
supporting Amiga in a way that SAKU ry. isn't anymore able

         So...Amiga, back to the future!!!!!!!!!!

   For more information and register:

Snail-Mail:            Voice:
Toni Walther           (foreign) +358 40 580 7855
Amiga Finland          (finns)       040 580 7855
Vapaudenkatu 12 a 7          (Toni Walther)
FIN-15100 Lahti                (Claustro)



Main organizer:

Fax:   (foreign) +358 3 583 0201
       (finns)       03 583 0201

IRC:  channel #amigafin
      ->   @Rajis @Claustro @Cheesus @Vergo


Scene Strike 1


                      in association with :


                          CINEMA REX

                          RADIO B92


                   S C E N E  S T R I K E  1

-(W H A T ?)-

      SCENE  STRIKE  1 is the title of the first serious
      demo  party  held  in  Yugoslavia.  The  party  is
      organised  by  .CoRRoSioN.  with several freelance
      volunteers  such  as  myself,  in association with
      EYAS,  Cinema  REX  and  radio  B92.  It  is a one
      day/one  night  event  that  will  take  place  in
      Belgrade,  Yugoslavia, as part of a larger project
      entitled  Creative  Tech  Week.  CTW is basicly an
      exhibition  where  we  will  be displaying various
      computer  related  artforms to the general public.
      Most  of  this  art  is, of course, scene related,
      thus  we  decided  to throw a party as part of the
      regular CTW schedule.

      IMPORTANT  NOTICE:  Merely a few days before SCENE
      STRIKE  1, another party will be held in Belgrade,
      entitled  YALP  (Yet  Another Lame Party). This is
      quite unfortunate, since the two will clash a bit,
      and  neither  us,  nor the organisers of YALP have
      any  alternative dates for setting up the parties.
      However,  this doesn't mean that we want to "kill"
      YALP.  We would like to see both parties grow into
      a regular annual event. Since many Yugoslav groups
      have  a  timing  problem  in  preparing double the
      ammount  of  compo-stuff, we are willing to accept
      as  entries  in our competitions artwork and demos
      that  have been released at YALP. And yes, we will
      appear,  probably  just  briefly,  there, too. Oh,
      yes,  and  another  thing: YALP  is NOT the  first
      demo  party  held  in  Yugoslavia.  The very first
      party  was  "The  Drunkening" held quite some time
      ago.  For  further  info  and  releases  from  the
      Drunkening, contact any member of .CoRRoSioN.

-(W H E R E ?)-

      SCENE  STRIKE  1  will  be  held in Cinema Rex, in
      Belgrade, Yugoslavia. The full address is:

      Cinema REX,
      Jevrejska ulica 16
      11000 Beograd

      For  those  of  you who are from Belgrade, getting
      there  is  quite  simple.  Just  get onto the tram
      number  2  going  FROM  the  train station towards
      Dorcol.  When  you  pass the zoo at your left, the
      tram will turn right and stop. From there on, just
      search  for  the  "Jevrejska" street, it should be
      right across the street from you.

      For people outside of Belgrade, who will be coming
      by  car,  the  procedure is either to drive by the
      explanations above, or simply - BUY A MAP!

      Those  of  you  coming by bus or train should wait
      for tram number 2 in front of the railway station.
      Since the tram goes both ways (left and right) you
      should wait for it on the side of the station that
      is  closer to the grill-stands. From there on, the
      tram  will  go  for  a  while,  until  you see the
      "Kalemegdan"  park  on  your right. From there on,
      follow the instructions above.

      For  foreigners  it  might be a bit complicated to
      reach,  so  those of you coming from abroad should
      either  follow  the instructions above, if you are
      self  confident enough, or if not, contact us, and
      someone  will  be  waiting for you at the station.
      Ways to contact us are described below.

-(W H E N ?)-

      SCENE  STRIKE  1 will be held on May 30th, friday,
      starting  at  12:00  or possibly slightly earlier,
      depending  on  how fast can we dissasemble the CTW
      setup   and  bring  in  the  tables  and  all  the
      necessary  equipment  for  the party. It will last
      until  saturday  morning,  where morning means any
      time  before  noon.  The  reason  we  stop then is
      because  later  that  day,  as  part  of  CTW,  we
      organise  a  big  techno concert with several live
      acts  from  Yugoslavia,  and  therefore,  we  must
      prepare  everything.  However,  don't worry if you
      don't have anywhere to go in the meantime - if you
      are  a  foreigner  you  will  either be allowed to
      stick  around with us or be given someone who will
      take you around town to kill time. :-)

      IMPORTANT:  Since  we  are  a  bit  short on space
      (Cinema  Rex  can  take approx 200 people and much
      less  tables)  we  must  ask  you  to reach us for
      reserving a table for your computer (if you intend
      to  bring  it along). There is also a possibility,
      that  if  the place gets overcrowded, we close it,
      and  only those with a reservation will be allowed
      to  enter.  So,  if you are  coming, it is a  VERY
      good  idea  to  drop us a note saying who you are,
      and how many of you are coming.

      The  deadline for your entries is 18:00 hours, and
      the  competitions  will  commence  at 20:00, or if
      necessary,  with  a  slight  delay  until the jury
      listens/looks  at  all  the entries and selects an
      abbreviated list of entries for each category.

-(H O W ?)-

      All  entries  will  be  played on one of our compo
      machines.  If  you have productions for some other
      computer,  you  will have to bring it along, but I
      am  afraid  that  we  will  not  have  the  proper
      category for your entry. The compo machines are:


      Amiga 1200 with Blizzard 1230/50/882/50
      with 8MB of Fast RAM


      Pentium 133
      S3 Trio64V+ with 2MB
      SVGA Graphic card with VESA 1.2 support
      Sound Blaster AWE32 or Gravis Ultrasound

      We  will  also  have a video beam projector at our
      disposal,  so  all  demos/intros/pictures  will be
      displayed  on the big screen, too. You entries MAY
      repercussions    shall   follow,   both   directly
      physical,  and...  well,  to  put  it as simple as
      possible,  we will beat the crap out of you there,
      and sue your ass off later.

      If you are taking any kind of electronic equipment
      with you, you should bring your own power chords.

      If  we  receive  too many entries, a selected jury
      will listen/look at them all, and select a certain
      number of entries that will compete in the finals.
      For the graphics competitions, a special jury will
      examine all entries, and if they are found to have
      been scanned, traced, or created in any other, non
      allowed  manner,  they will be disqualified. Those
      who  are  disqualified  have  no right to protest,
      unless   they  brought  several  pictures  of  the
      unfinished  phases  of  the  painting to prove its

      The  general  jury  is  composed  of the following
                   phuzzy l0gik/depthcharge
                      n0pe dope/pasmaters
                    marcus garvey/corrosion

      The special gfx jury will be made up of:

                      n0pe dope/pasmaters

-(D E T A i L S ?)-

      First  and  foremost, the entrance fee. The number
      that   we  are  currently  operating  with  is  15
      yugoslav   dinars.   This  is  the  equivalent  of
      approximately  4DEM  or  $3.  Anyone  who pays the
      entrance fee, is allowed to compete. The same goes
      for  voting  -  when you pay for the entrance, you
      will  get  a  ticket  with your data and a special
      registration  number  which,  alltogether, will be
      your ID for voting.

      All  the  money, and I do mean _ALL_ of it will be
      deposited  in  the fund for the prizes. We are not
      looking  for  profit here, we are looking for fun.
      If  any  changes are made to the entrance fee, you
      will  all  be notified in due time, but even then,
      you  needn't worry, it cannot get much higher than
      it  is,  and  you must admit, it's dirt cheap. Oh,
      yeah,  another  thing. Since we are a large sweaty
      group  of terribly undersexed maniacs, girls don't
      have to pay. ;->

      So, as I mentioned, the prizes will include money,
      which  is  collected through the entrance fee, and
      from   potential  sponsors.  Other  sponsors  will
      donate prizes in the form of hardware/software, or
      the  likes (CD's, etc.) so we hope that if nothing
      else,   the   prizes   inspire   you   to  make  a
      contribution  to  our  humble  party.  Although we
      still don't have any concrete information from the
      sponsors,  I  can  tell you that working your butt
      off  for a quality production will definitelly pay
      off ;-)

      The details about how to turn in your entries will
      be  explained  on the spot, but it should be quite
      simple; just find any one of the organisers and we
      will save them onto the compo machines.

      We  will try (so don't hold your breath) to put up
      a billboard somewhere in the partyplace, where you
      will  be  able  to  pin  up your add's and general
      messages  (ae.  we are looking for gfx/music/ascii
      artists, coders, etc.)

-(C O M P O S ?)-

      1. AMIGA  64K  INTRO  -  no  further explanations
         necessary,  I  hope? You have to stick it into
         64k,  and  it must be able to run on the compo
         machine. We will be quite ruthless, even if it
         is just 65k, it will not be allowed to compete
         in  this  cathegory,  it  will be moved to the
         demo section.

      2. AMIGA  DEMO - all coded stuff that doesn't fit
         into  64k, music, gfx, code and all. Hell, you
         know  what  a  demo is, so go for it. the demo
         may  contain  animations but they will have to
         be played from the demo code.

      3. PC  64K INTRO - the same restrictions apply as
         for the AMIGA 64K INTRO competition.

      4. PC  DEMO  -  again, the same as the AMIGA DEMO

      NOTE: As  we  currently estimate, the competition
            in  these  (coded)  cathegories will not be
            too  big,  if  we  feel  that  there aren't
            enough  entries  for  separate  compo's, we
            will merge the PC and AMIGA stuff, so there
            will  be  only  two cathegories: 64K INTRO,
            and DEMO.

      5. 8BIT  GRAPHICS  - this competition is reserved
         for the hand-drawn pictures that use up to 256
         colours.  In  other  words,  this  competition
         could  be  called  DPaint  compo. As mentioned
         earlier,  a  team  of experts will examine all
         the  pictures  and  if  they  think  that  the
         picture  was  NOT  done by hand, they will, of
         course,  disqualify it. No complaints allowed.
         If  you  want to prove the originality of your
         artwork,  you'll  have to supply the team with
         some of the unfinished drawing phases.

         Allowed   resolutions  are  320x256,  320x512,
         640x256  and  640x512,  with variable overscan
         and  a  maximum  of  256 colours. The pictures
         must  be  supplied in IFF-ILBM format and they
         will all be shown on the Amiga.

      6. 24BIT   GRAPHICS  -  This  is  the  so  called
         'photoshopping' competition. All pictures that
         are   in   any  way  put  through  some  image
         processor  or  effect  generator  or  anything
         similar  are  to compete in this category. The
         maximum  resolution  allowed is 800x600 with a
         24bit  colour  palette.  Accepted file formats
         are  TIFF,  TARGA,  JPEG,  IFF-ILBM 24bit. The
         pictures  in  this  compo will be shown on the

      7. RAYTRACE  -  No  explanation  necessary  - all
         traced pictures go here.

      8. PROTRACKER  MUSIC  - As the name itself points
         out,   this   is   the   protracker   4channel
         competition.  The  only  format allowed is MOD
         4ch.  The  contributions  will  be played with
         HiPPOPLAYER from Amiga.

      9. MULTICHANNEL    MUSIC   -   Our   multichannel
         competition  will  be the first in the history
         of  compos  to  allow  OctaMED SoundStudio and
         DigiBooster   multichannel  music  to  compete
         along  with  the usual FT and S3M. The formats
         allowed are XM, S3M, IT, OCSS and DIGIBOOSTER.
         XM,  S3M  and  IT  will  be  played with Cubic
         Player  from PC. We will accept other formats,
         too,  but you will have to provide us with the
         specific  player, which must be able to run on
         either   of   our  compo  machines.  OCSS  and
         DIGIBOOSTER  will  be  played with HiPPOPLAYER
         from Amiga mixed at 44100 KHz

      0. ASCII/ANSI  ART  - This compo will feature all
         ASCII/ANSI  pictures/logos  made either on the
         Amiga  or  PC.  If there are too many entries,
         the   cathegories   will  be  split,  basicly,
         separating  ASCII  from ANSI. You will have to
         notify  us  which  platform should be used for
         displaying  you  work.  On  PC, both ASCII and
         ANSI's  will be loaded into TheDraw, using the
         standard  80x25  BIOS  font,  while  on Amiga,
         ASCII's  will  be  loaded into CED, and ANSI's
         will  be  loaded  into ANSI-Draw using default

-(C O N T A C T ?)-


        NOTE:  ha  magyarorszagbol irtok, es nem beszeltek
        ep  legjobban  angolul,  irjatok phuzzy-nak, mivel
        ertek magyarul, es meg valaszolni is tudok... ;-)



        Ecstasy        - 00-24: +381-(0)22- 53-884
        hUMAN RESOURCE - 23-07: +381-(0)11-669-172
                             username: ss-entry
                             password: scenestrike
        universe       - 00-24: +381-(0)21-741-084

-(C R E D I T S ?)-

        This  text  file  is  the  product of the demented
        minds    of    phuzzy   logik/depth   charge   and
        dominator/corrosion.  Due credit for their help in
        developing   this   info   goes  to  alex/crs^dch,
        paranoid/corrosion and marcus garvey/corrosion.


              The Official SCEneST'97 Party Results

PC Demo Compo:

  1. #02 Martian by Euthanasia                 (332p)
  2. #05 Plastik by Chrome                     (328p)
  3. #06 Deviance by Remal & Frame 18          (223p)
  4. #03 Stones by Promise Home Entertainment  (165p)
  5. #08 Inhuman by Exhumers                   (147p)
  6. #10 Religion by Shock!                    (107p)
  7. #11 Nature by Mortal Compact              (072p)
  8. #01 Psalm by Fresh                        (068p)
  9. #04 Autospace by Fresh & O-Zone           (044p)
 10. #09 TMA by United Force                   (017p)
 11. #07 Fire! by Black Rainbow                (014p)

PC 64K Intro Compo:

  1. #12 Fever! by Exact                             (289p)
  2. #10 Junk by Axioma                              (208p)
  3. #02 Evade 2 by Procreation                      (106p)
  4. #05 Psitron                                     (098p)
  5. #07 Uh! by Pulse                                (093p)
  6. #09 Morphium by Anarchy Budhaz                  (087p)
  7. #01 Eternal                                     (080p)
  8. #13 Meanwhile by Byteam                         (070p)
  9. #03 Acid Becomes Reality by Micropyle           (061p)
 10. #04 Fire by Paranoia                            (044p)
 11. #06 Syrnix by Fresh!                            (033p)
 12. #08 Sarga Boegre by Agressive Giants & Byteam   (026p)
 13. #11 Paradyze by Dilemma                         (004p)

PC 4K Intro Compo:

  1. #03 Kishamis by Larry/CaPaNna       (310p)
  2. #02 Gold by Tbyte                   (147p)
  3. #05 Firgbump by Matyi/Keen Team     (132p)
  4. #01 1st Lesson                      (096p)
  5. #04 Twine by ABC                    (067p)
  6. #06 Derko                           (045p)

PC 256 Byte Intro Compo:

  1. #01 Optimized by Tsc/Shock!         (139p)

Amiga 64K Intro Compo:

  1. #03 K642 by Impulse                 (160p)
  2. #01 Illicity by Extasy              (148p)
  3. #04 Lambda by Frame 18              (144p)
  4. #05 Stars by Therapy                (113p)
  5. #02 Corrosion by Borg               (099p)

C64 Demo Compo:

  1. Lone star by Breeze                 (270p)
     Out of Daze by Resource             (270p)
  3. Oyods by Singular                   (080p)
     Demo by Therapy                     (080p)
  5. Toekeletes Masolat by Pofik         (078p)
  6. Trance Dance by Leader              (072p)
  7. Only Hate by Coma                   (070p)

Graphics Compo:

  1. #13 Floaty by Das/Shock!                        (293p)
  2. #05 Victim of the Fate by Ward/Enlightenment    (286p)
  3. #09 GetTime by EdoUno/Euthanasia                (264p)
  4. #10 MBitch by GaBe/Promise Home Entertainment   (114p)
  5. #03 Martian by KvAzAr/Euthanasia                (107p)
  6. #07 Mantis by BlaisE/SavagE Group               (070p)
  7. #06 Tears by Lazur/Pulse                        (043p)
  8. #15 Black!Ice by xTRO/Fauve                     (040p)
  9. #08 Alex                                        (034p)
 10. #12 Pose by Rack/Majic 12                       (033p)
 11. #01 17" by Kyle/Autopsy                         (032p)
 12. #02 Orgaz                                       (029p)
 13. #04 Mgfreak                                     (021p)
 14. #11 Roam on the Road by Neutron/Unique PC       (014p)
 15. #14 Mduval by Wolverine/Fresh!                  (011p)

Trace Compo:

  1. #03 Shrine by Triton/Exceed                     (260p)
  2. #08 Birds by True/Shock!                        (188p)
  3. #05 The Library by Dan/BreeZe                   (137p)
  4. #07 Base by Narn/Enlightenment                  (115p)
  5. #09 Clash by Scorpik & Lester/Pulse             (103p)
  6. #10 Prison Island by BlaisE/SavagE Group        (095p)
  7. #12 Blacksmith by Mado                          (088p)
  8. #02 My little car by AirSmith/Faculty           (078p)
  9. #01 Fly by Emeric SH                            (075p)
 10. #04 Intruder by Nemeth Zsolt                    (045p)
 11. #11 Terminator VS. Genestealer by Coolhand/Axi  (016p)
 12. #06 House by REM/Procreation                    (014p)
 13. #13 Untitled by Tauszig Pál                     (010p)

C64 Graphics Compo:
  1. #03 Tame Dragon by Tyrant/Therapy               (232p)
  2. #15 Jacko by Poison/Singular                    (144p)
  3. #02 Termol by Sebaloz                           (091p)
  4. #01 Comic Strip by Wile Coyote/Angry & Wow      (088p)
  5. #05 Compopic by Izzy                            (067p)
  6. #04 Compopic by Hodory/Therapy                  (060p)
  7. #13 Hellraiser by Splash/Resource               (055p)
  8. #11 Compopic by ?                               (036p)
  9. #10 Hus do Piva by Sam                          (026p)
 10. #14 Skull by Grass                              (022p)
 11. #07 Frog by Havran                              (018p)
 12. #06 Private Eye by MC Valach/React              (014p)
 13. #08 First One by Creamd                         (011p)
 14. #09 Amorphiod by Reekol/React                   (006p)
 15. #16 Warhammer by ?                              (005p)
 16. #12 Manga by Scot/IES                           (004p)

4 Channel Music Compo:

  1. #10 Ovulum ][ by ATX & Deansdale/Shock!         (271p)
  2. #09 Rambunctious Blues by Sly Spy/United Force  (247p)
  3. #11 Holiday Surfing by Paco/Dinasty             (144p)
  4. #02 Elmebaj by DJ Vuk/Breeze                    (096p)
  5. #03 Krihaj by Vector/Systron                    (094p)
  6. #14 [K]osmic [B]aby by HP/Micropyle             (075p)
  7. #05 Secret Island by Mr.Pixel/Impulse           (071p)
  8. #01 Knock by Pozitron/Biohazard                 (066p)
  9. #08 Ice Cream by Johnko/Mist                    (065p)
 10. #04 Enigmatic by Nemtom/Innerspace Research     (060p)
 11. #06 Furious Scopes 2 by ?                       (048p)
     #12 Whaler by Deelite/Ballance                  (048p)
 13. #07 July by Shade/Dilemma                       (039p)
 14. #13 Rhythmik Spring by Anorganic                (037p)

Multichannel Music Compo:

  1. #05 Waiting for Summer by ATX/Shock!            (336p)
  2. #11 Mindfuck by Brian/Axioma                    (214p)
  3. #07 Fudge by Scorpik/Pulse & Noiseless          (196p)
  4. #06 Tales from my heart by Illegal/Contract     (165p)
  5. #02 Angel Tears by Elijah/Majic 12              (098p)
  6. #14 X-tended Sounds 2 by Deansdale/Shock!       (087p)
  7. #10 Gold of the Rebel by Digital Pain/Dinasty   (086p)
     #13 Hotroad by DJ Vuk/BreeZe                    (086p)
  9. #09 My World by Bere/Ori0n Design               (062p)
 10. #01 Trance School by Hyperspeed/SoundKillerS    (056p)
 11. #15 Eastern Rituality by ERN0polo               (051p)
 12. #04 Jazz Music by Citerra                       (043p)
 13. #08 Excess by Seaky                             (041p)
 14. #03 1X MEG! by Slowhand                         (038p)
 15. #12 Multichanel Tune by Tradd/Exact             (015p)

C64 Music Compo:

  1. Purple by Da Blondie/Wish!                 (138p)
  2. Virus by Eclipse/Xymox                     (129p)
  3. Break Free by Creamd                       (117p)
  4. Enclosed by Con/Leader & Xymox             (095p)
  5. Compomusic by Flash/Leader                 (081p)
  6. Falu Mix by Nop/Fract                      (076p)
  7. Let's rock by Scene(?)                     (068p)
  8. Compomuzax by Carlos/Breeze                (067p)
  9. Strike by Roy/Replay & Resource            (065p)
 10. Life-Sun by Orcan/React                    (061p)
 11. Lemon Tree by Gregfrrl/Lepdi Design        (051p)
 12. Spring by Tomace                           (035p)
 13. Dawnfield by Freakis/Coma                  (022p)
 14. Ill Messagero by QBhead/<C> & OXP          (019p)
 15. Compomusic-1 by Mephisto of Ebola          (013p)
 16. Compomusic-2 by Mephisto of Ebola          (011p)
 17. Compozak by Technoplyn/Greatrix            (007p)
 18. Aufidazin' Monty by Cover/Greatrix         (001p)

Lamer Demo Compo:

  1. #01 seX-FILES by Renegades                      (578p)
  2. #02 Éljen Shock-ká Tomcat2! by Tafundekli Des.  (271p)
  3. #06 TV2 by Hooligans Crew                       (138p)
  4. #04 Erekció by Firg                             (112p)
  5. #11 Anyám moegoett by Coorva                    (080p)

Wild Compo:

  1. #02 Brutal Movie by United Force (Amiga HDD)    (253p)
  2. #01 The Movie by Loop! (PC HDD)                 (251p)
  3. #04 Szomszédok (VHS)                            (088p)
  4. #03 Mega Lama Demo by Nihil (Linux)             (071p)
  5. #05 ÅVH (VHS)                                   (055p)

Role Playing Game Compo:

  Winner: Fat Poison's Team

Quake Compo:

  Winner: Toth Arpad

Fun Compo:

  Winner: Taliga Team

Slamtilt Compo:

  Winner: Louise/AmigaOnly

             1050 ppl at the place (girls inside:))

        Organizers thank to Edhellon/Resource for helps :)

                       1997. april 4-5-6.


                      S C E n e S T ' 9 7

X'97 Takeover

            Official results of X'97 Takeover
        held 4-6 April 1997 in Eindhoven, Holland

PC Demo Compo

  Place      Name            Group              Points

    1        303             Acme                209
    2        Stasis          Analogue            179
    3        Saturday        Spirit NS           147
    4        Orion           Green               115
    5        Addicted        Quad                102
    6        Red Sky         Jello                93
    7        Desire          KFMF                 78
    8        Torus           Blue Torus Crew      77
    9        Excellent       Excalibur            56
   10        Spit            The Dombo Cruwl      46
   11        Fly             EFC                  36
   12        Loltro          Trybit               35
   13        NVCD            Thaumaturge          34

PC 64kb Intro Compo

  Place     Name                        Group        Points

    1       Brighten the Corners        Valhalla       158
    2       Neural Wave                 TBL            145
    3       Monolife                    Hatha          116
    4       Delirious                   Image!         115
    5       Warning                     Fuse            93
    6       Thrust                      Outlaw/Triad    79
    7       Cut                         TBE             68
    8       Tunnels Gravende Mollen     TSD             55
    9       Vision                      Project-X       43

PC 4kb Intro Compo

  Place     Name           Artist        Group       Points

    1       The Dream      Hugo          Spirit NS     148
    2       APNI           Fyr           Image!        135
    3       No Effect      The Watcher   Tuhb           86
    4       Vingerplant    Deadline      EFC            70

House Compo

  Place   Name                  Artist     Group     Points

    1     Relax Your Mind       C.Stammen  -             77
    2     Serious Club          Bert       KFMF          70
    3     Dark and Long         MCA        Analogue      68
    4     My Spirit             Dynamix    Destiny       54
    5     Magic Melody          M.Melody   -             44
    6     Follow Me             Neotraxx   RBI           31
    7     Vibes of the Future   DYZ        COT           29
    8     Radio Russia          Fanaty     Lucid Minds   27
    9     Exaggerate            Neophite   RBI           26
   10     Alto Hamster          Dark       Metabolic     25
   11     Fog Cough             Heretic    Destiny       22
   12     Xtreme Dignity        Rythem     RBI           20
          Diffusions of Xymnic  Hymnic     -             20
   14     The Vulture           Sonic      Destiny       19
          Dust                  Morphine   RBI           19
   16     Deck-5                4-Ice      Trancefusion  17

Music Compo

  Place    Name                          Artist      Points

    1      Organic                       Arzamas       131
    2      2 Homies from Arden           Drax          100
    3      Shortcut                      Ryo-Ohki       84
    4      Cityspel                      Zam Diesel     78
    5      Paralysis                     Alvak          76
    6      Mod 25                        Mateus         75
    7      Hypocritical 'innit?          Pozor          56
           Glitterdust                   Vendetta       56
    9      Ya'r Mine                     Dranxceed      41
   10      Harmony-dig Out of the Grave  Bassie         30
   11      Beyond Minos                  Metal          29
   12      The Somberlain                Godhead        27
           Jebo Son of the Summer        Vincent Voois  27
   14      Remember                      Tragic Melody  23
   15      Vague Colors                  Blowbrain      22
   16      Pura Laurissa                 Yomic          19
   17      Trouble                       Youth & Yavin  17
   18      Big Mag Menu                  GG & ijscoman   0

Graphics Compo

  Place     Name                   Artist       Points

    1       Awaken                 Benji          93
    2       Animal Reign           Made           88
    3       Lust - The 7th Sin     Lowlife        82
    4       ?                      Hein           81
    5       Babe                   NF             80
    6       Stacey 482             Facade         77
            Bobablast              Acryl          77
    8       Heaven                 Henk           76
    9       Whiped Cream           Mirage         75
   10       Sam Burke PD           Cyclops        68
   11       Lady in Black          TFM            55
   12       Wolverin               Count Dracula  53
   13       Anger                  MSW            48
   14       The Cloak of Darkness  Fatal Vision   47
            High in the Sky        Radical        47
   16       Fuck It                The Axe        30
   17       Beach                  Skylla         24

Raytrace Compo

  Place     Name            Artist          Points

    1       Angels          Necronomicon      63
    2       Deep            Skylla            54
    3       Diner           Big L             51
    4       Shinobi Logo    Shinobi           49
    5       Escape          Cali              48
    6       Deck-5          4-Ice/TF          47
    7       Guitar          ?                 45
            The 4 Rays      ?                 45
    9       Dino            ?                 40
            Cyber Warrior   Excalibur         40
   11       Looney          Deep              39
   12       Raging Sun      Cyclops           34
   13       Peer            ?                 30
   14       Robot           ?                 26
   15       Bridge 2        ?                 26
   16       Buck Shag       ?                 24

Surprise Coding Compo

  Place     Artist          Group          Bytes

    1       Quasar          Green           79
            Cypher          Image!          79
            Twain Pain      -               79
    4       Slater          MTB             80
    5       Lord Cyrix      BNS             81
    6       Scid            CoT             82
    7       Derange         Impulse         84
    8       Hardey          Twist           87
    9       Senjin          Shinobi         89
   10       Omega           dimX           828

Surprise Music Compo

  Place   Name                        Artist         Points

    1     Peyote                      Dionysus & Phaze   10
    2     Surprise                    Yanic & Youth       9
    3     Rubber Gloves on Dope ...   Metabolic           8
    4     Crap                        Longhair / Cot      6
          Sweet Sip of Wine           Morphine / RBI      6
          Pok - Pok                   Feroc / Trepaan     6
    7     Cheezy as a Wormhole        Zaigamor            5
    8     -                           Hymnic              4
          Funky Mr. Freakandel        CBR                 4
   10     Fijn!                       Taco / Twist        3

Surprise Graphics Compo

  Place   Name                    Artist             Points

    1     The Being of Lightness  Sick Sjaak / Trepaan   10
    2     Desert                  Hydron / Metabolic      9
    3     Kuthaan                 Sick & Jace             8
    4     Blow                    Yicusur / Green         7
    5     Blow                    Ulia / Untold Legends   5
    6     Huppelend Beertje       Feroc / Trepaan         4
          Final Impact            Stony / Hornet          4
          Shit                    NF / Fuel               4
    9     V....g                  Radical / Fade          3
   10     Don't be stupid         Sonic / Destiny         0

C64 Demo Compo

  Place     Name                Group       Points

    1       Holy Refuge         NoName        19
    2       Fierce Creations    Xenon         17
    3       Howl From Beyond    Animals       12

C64 Music Compo

  Place     Name          Artist                     Points

    1       A Trapdoor    Zyron / Oxsid                  23
    2       Dott          Glenn Rune Gallefoss / Shape   18
    3       Doe Het       Mac2 / Amnesia                 16
    4       Compozak      Rayden / AFL'70                13
    5       Party Jam     G+E                             9
    6       Sunshine      Wisdom                          6
    7       Druk Bezig    HHC / Tuig                      4
    8       Compu-Tune    Ream                            1

C64 Graphics Compo

 Place     Name            Artist       Group    Points

   1    Taz                 Bundy        WOW         18
   2    Desirable Vamp      Rayden       AFL'70      15
   3    Past 'n' Present    Sliver       Triad       11
   4    Warrior's Face      Bud          WOW          8
   5    Hothead             ALG & Marc   AFL'70       4
   6    Compopic            Adolf        Censor       3
   7    The Symbol          Zeldin       Cascade      1

               copyright and distribution


copyright (c) 1995-1997 by Kai Hoepner
(big-rat / aBYSs & eTHIc) ; all rights reserved.

the x-files are freeware, so they can be copied by everyone
as long as the contents are unchanged.

if you want to sell it, don't do it without our persmisson,
because the sale of the x-files without our written
permission is ILLEGAL !! we will report any violation
against this to the police.

so if you want to sell the x-files, contact us and we will
see what we can do.

ok, here are the most important functions you need to know:

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    cursor right - next menu
    cursor up    - previous textpage
    cursor down  - next textpage

    right mousebutton  -  index

    i - index
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    esc - leave the x-files
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<++K++>    <:+L+:>    <;+M+;>    <:+N+:>    <:+O+:>

<:+P+:>    <;+Q+;>    <:+R+:>    <:+S+:>    <:+T+:>

<;+U+;>    <;+V+;>    <;+W+;>    <;+X+;>    <++Y++>

<++Z++>    <;+#+;>

      <:+E+:>   <+means+new+information.+>
      <;+E+;>   <+means+unchanged+information.+>
      <++E++>   <+means+no+information.+>



























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