Sorry   Sorry   Sorry   Sorry   Sorry           In my last pack I said that MEXX won the competition, but it seems that that was not true !!!     I found out that U.D.O. became first !!!          Also sorry for this late release, but I had some troubles with the MegaFile......               This edition has a songtext in it !!!     You can read it after the credits.......ACUTE did the coding and the designing of this pack     -     STRIKER is the one who made the logo     -     MSW is the guy who did the music     -     SPEEDBOY / SANCTUARY is the one who made the loader (MegaFile)     -     RADAVI is the one who collected all the things on this pack, typed all the texts and spread the whole thing               Thanks to all the people who send me the things that are on this pack !                   And now a little song text......the song is called : 'YOU SUCK' and is performed by: CONSOLIDATED      I know your really proud cause you think you're well hung, but I think its time you learn how to use your tongue. You say you want things to be even and you want things to be fair, but your afraid to get your teeth caught in my pubic hair. If you're lying there expecting me to suck your dick, you're going to have to give me more than just a token lick. Well you may not like it but you better learn how, CAUSE ITS YOUR TURN NOW, and YOU SUCK suck it hard go down baby, YOU SUCK lick it hard and move your tongue around. If your worried about babies you can lower your risk, by giving me that special cunnilingus kiss. Its on your face that I'm gonna sit, you can wiggle you can jiggle your tongue on my clit. Don't worry about making me have an orgasm, just take your time and do it with enthusiasm. I can tell it's making you scared just thinking of it, but you better learn to love it. Now YOU SUCK, suck it hard go down baby, YOU SUCK lick it hard and move your tongue around. Now YOU SUCK, suck it hard go down baby, YOU SUCK lick it hard and move your tongue around. When you hear safe sex you snicker under your breath, we got to take cover we're flirting with death. AIDS is our problem we've got to talk, break out your dental dam and your latex sock. I'm your latex lover wrapped like a gift, got my microwave plastic wrap heating up my clit. Dinners on get busy with my booty, got a couple of flavors sweet licorice and fruity. I know your sad luscious pussy with a cover, I'm aching too we can't taste each other. There's no slacking off with an unprotected stroke, THIS AIN'T NO JOKE've got the power use it !     Woman: You brought a condom right?     Man: HUH?     Woman: I'm unprotected     Man: Ain't you on the pill?     Woman: Oh, that was great and everything but you know I think it's your turn to go down on me     Man: I'm tired, I'm tired     Woman: What do you mean your tired? come on baby come on     Man: no, no that's awful...that taste terrible     Woman: you asshole you shit     well I know you think its a real drag, to suck my cunt when I'm on the rag. Quit making up stories yeah give me a break, cause I really don't believe that you got a headache. You tell me its gross to suck my yeast infection, how do you think I feel when I gag on your erection. Uuh your wasting your tongue with lame excuses and lies, get your face between my thighs     Now YOU SUCK, suck it hard go down baby, YOU SUCK lick it hard and move your tongue around. Now YOU SUCK, suck it hard go down baby, YOU SUCK lick it hard and move your tongue around.           That was a great songtext.....                If want your production on this pack, send it to:     RADAVI     -     P.O.BOX 7143     -     NIEUWEGEIN     -     HOLLAND          and you will get your disk back with my latest pack on it.                          Look on this disk for some advertisements and new which you can put in your magazines, pack-boxen, or things like that !!!                   Remember to press your right mousebutton and read the messages or the advertisements.    We greet : ABSOLUTE! (BEN+RACKLER) - ABYSS (KYLE+SKINDIVER) - ACROPOLE (TRIDENT) - ADDICTS (MORGUE) - AGNOSTIC FRONT (FUNKY+HOWIE) - AGOA (EAZY M.) - ALCATRAZ (CYBERSONIK+MOP) - AMNESIA (MR.NEUTRON) - ANALOG (DYNAMITE+MR.KING) - ANARCHY (DANNY) - APOCALYPSE (CRYTON) - APPLAUSE (PHANTOM) - ATOMIC (AGENT) - AXCESSORY - BACKLASH (SKYBIRD) - BLACK LABEL - BRONX (BLOODY+DOT+GART+HOOLIGAN+SWAT) - CADAVER (DR.BACKUP+TYRANT) - CENTURA (KICKMAN+POISON+SERVAL+WIZARD) - CHROME (TORNADO) - COBRA - CRUX (BLIZZARD) - CRYPTOBURNERS (IT) - CYANIDE (ELESSAR) - D-29 (D-LITE) - DAMAGE (DESECRATOR) - DEADLINE (TATU) - DEAMON - DELIRIUM - DESERT (HIGHLANDER) - DESIRE (DAZE) - DR.JOHN - DRIFTERS (EXTERMINATOR) - DUAL CREW (THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR) - DYNAMIC (CRUSADER X) - ECLIPSE (P.G.) - ELYSION (CONVEY+CREATOR) - EMPHASIS (NOMAD) - EMPIRE (BYTE-DEVIL) - ENERGY (COON-O) - EQUINOX (DARKY) - EREMATION (ELDORADO+SKULL) - ESKIMOS (CYCLON) - FACH (ZEN) - FACULTY (SHARK) - FIRECREW (WARLORD) - FLATLINERS (RAINMAN) - FROGS (CESIUM) - FUNKY BUDDHAS (MERLIN) - FUSION (HALFAST) - GIANT - GRACE (VIRUS) - HEMOROIDS (STRANGER) - IMPULSE (RENEGADE) - INTENSE (FELIX+SUGAR RAY) - INTERACTIVE (DODGER+WEIRDOZ) - INTERPOL (KILLRAVEN) - LAMERCREW (RATFACE) - LASERDANCE (AGONY+CRIONIC+DEATHLORD) - LEGEND (PINHEAD) - LEMON. (KR'33) - LIBERTY (INTERROGATOR) - LITANY (OMNISCIENE) - LUNATICS (MIXER) - MANITOU (MOSQUITO) - MARAUDER - MIDWAY (SPUTNIK) - NEWLOOK (FLASH KNIGHT) - NOMAD PRODUCTIONS (FAKE) - OPTICAL (SLAM) - PANIC (DUX) - PARASITE (SPEEDY) - PIXEL - PIZZABOY - PLEASURE (FASHION DESIGN+GEMENI) - POLARIS (TIPO) - PRESTIGE (GENIUS) - PROFECY (MERY) - QUARTZ (NEUTRALIZER+SPEEDY) - RAM JAM (GURGLE) - REBELS (KRIS) - REFLEX (ACHE) - SALAMANDER (MADHATTER) - SANCTUARY (DEATHROW+DOH+HAWK+SPEEDBOY+TMA+ZOLTAR) - SCOOPEX (PSYCHO DEMON) - SCORPIO (CUBE) - SKINNY - SNATCH - SONIC - SPUTNIK - STELLAR (SHADOW) - TALENT (OGIER LE PETIT) - THE ARMY - THE CULT (MAX) - THE DARK DEMON (DESTROYER) - THE ELECTRONIC KNIGHTS (MICHAEL+RED KNIGHT) - THE FLAME ARROWS (INKEY) - THE MAGIC GUILD (MERLYN) - THE SPECIAL BROTHERS (BROSS) - THE STOLEN DATA EDITING TEAM (BOB) - THEXDER - TRANCE INC. (BASSHEAD+CUBIK+TERMINATOR) - TRC - TRISTAR & RED SECTOR (CONE) - TROOP - U-DAZ - UNION (AMIGAMAN) - VANISH/MINISTRY (CETERUS) - VICIOUS (CLOUD9+FILLA+RAVEDOWN) - WACKO DOM - WISDOM (ENORM+F.X.) - WONDERBOY - X-TRADE (DUFFY+SLAM) - ZENON (GODFATHER+JH-PRO+TOHE) - ZITE (DEATH ANGEL)           There can be three reasons why you are not in the list...the first reason is that we do not know you.....the second reason is that the list is not updated.....and the third reason can be that you are just not worth mentioning............                                                               

            PREVAIL PACK 74              
  Meetings Intro.................TEK   01                  @
  Vaginal Massacre............U.D.O.   02                  @
     (no.1 of the cebit'93 party)                          @
  Last Minute News 1.....THE VIKINGS   03                  @
   press your right mouse button for                       @
      messages and advertisements                          

         released on 04-04-1993         
     If you want your production on     
    this pack (I will send your disk    
    back if you want me to...) or if    
     you just want to swap with me,     
     write to the following address     
            RADAVI / EFFECT             
             P.O.BOX 7143               
         3430 JC   NIEUWEGEIN           
        ...also for joining...          
And now there will be some messages to  
the following people:                   
And remember, after the messages there  
are some advertisements.....            
    Message to SPEEDBOY / SANCTUARY     
Hiho Matthijs, nog bedankt voor die     
update van de MegeFileKreator !!!       
Ik heb er al weer een paar voor je......
       Message to DUFFY / X-TRADE       
Yo man, are you too busy with coding or 
is there an other reason for your delay?
Why don't you send back very soon !?!?  
     Message to EKSEC / COMEDY INC.     
Thanks for the support for my pack by   
sending your pack to me.   It will be on
volume #9.......I sent you volume #7    
        Message to KR'33 / LEMON.       
Yo Ardy.....Nog steeds lekker aan het   
nix doen ?!       Wanneer ga je weer    
eens wat doen, coden ofzo ?!?           
     Message to CUBIK / TRANCE INC.     
Yo Andre, wat is er nu mis ?     Ik heb 
al een tijd lang nix van je gehoord !!! 
Stuur maar gauw weer eens wat op !!!    
        Message to CESIUM / FROGS       
It was good that you contacted me, I    
wrote back to you, but since then I have
not heard from you again !   Write now !
    Message to DEATHLORD / LASERDANCE   
Yoyoyo, good luck in your new group !!! 
Always nice to get your packages, I am  
waiting for your next sending !         
           Message to DELIRIUM          
Yo Belgmans !!!      Jullie zijn geloof 
ik niet zo snel daar, ofwel ???         
Stuur eens een keer wat terug !         
     Message to CLOUD 9 / VICIOUS       
Yo Maarten !    Wat is dit voor gezeik ?
Ik dacht dat je snel zou terugsturen ivm
die twee intros ?   Wanneer krijg ik ze?
       Message to DOXZ / EFFECT         
Hohoho Maarten, wanneer kan ik weer eens
wat van jouw verwachten ?!?    Jij bent 
ook niet een van de snelste he ??!!     
   Message to PSYCHO DEMON / SCOOPEX    
Yoho, are you too busy with organizing ?
Or is there an other reason for this    
delay ???       Write back soon anyhow !
       Message to HAWK / SANCTUARY      
Hallo Mark, nog bedankt voor dat muziek 
module ding iets !!!     Ik denk dat we 
het gebruiken voor Nix Miz Mee #4 !!!   
      Message to STRIKER / EFFECT       
Yo Teunboy, nog steeds bezig met dat    
Arline figuur ?!?     Als je TV gemaakt 
is, ga je dan weer tekenen ?!?!         
       Message to NATIVE / EFFECT       
Jawel Erwan, je hebt gelijk, ook die    
blauwe (no.1) is toch ook wel goed !!! suck, suck it hard...      
 that were all messages for this issue. 
        now some advertisements.        
    For elite mailtrading, try this:    
          CRIONIC / LASERDANCE          
             4060 Viersen 1             
    For 5.25 and 3.5 swap, write to:    
               P.O.BOX 35               
             2800 Mechelen 2            
          Contact 4 da latezt:          
           Kastanjesingel 197           
           3053 HL  Rotterdam           
               for swappen              
            CUBIK/TRANCE INC.           
               P.O.BOX 64               
             8090 AB  WEZEP             
                           _    /_      
  /\  contact DODGER of I/\|=R/\\|i\/=  
 ///\4 funny elite swapping: ~         ~
///  \ Daniel Koschera, Wilh.Buschstr.20
~ ~~~~ W-4047 Dormagen-Zons, GERMANY !!!
         for swapping or joining        
            RADAVI / EFFECT             
             P.O.BOX 7143               
         3430 JC   NIEUWEGEIN           
Module and sample swappers must write to
           MAVERICK / EFFECT            
            Lichtegaarde 33             
          3436 ZS  Nieuwegein           
If you like to have your advertisement  
on this pack, send it to me.            
The sizes are 40 characters by 5 lines. 
They are free ofcourse...               
         ...EFFECT memberlist...        
ACUTE          (Coding, graphics, music)
DOXZ                (Swapping, graphics)
KIWI                            (Coding)
MAVERICK                         (Music)
MSW          (Music, graphics, swapping)
NATIVE     (Trainermaking, gameswapping)
RADAVI            (Swapping, packmaking)
STRANGER                      (Swapping)
STRIKER                       (Graphics)

 	 	 	 	  P.O.BOX 7143
 	 	 	      3430 JC	NIEUWEGEIN

 	 	DOZ	 	 	 	 	STRANGER
 	   WATERMANSWEG	3	 	 	       P.O.BOX 48
 	4891 SZ	  RIJSBERGEN	 	 	     8090 AA  WEZEP
 	     (swapping)	 	     RADAVI	       (swapping)
 	 	 	 	 PAUWOOGWEIDE 53
 	 	 	       3437 VW	NIEUWEGEIN
 	     MAVERICK	 	   (swapping)	 	     MSW
 	  LICHTEGAARDE 33	 	 	 	 P.O.BOX 399
 	3436 ZS	 NIEUWEGEIN	 	 	     3430 AJ  NIEUWEGEIN
 	(modules & samples)	 	 	 	 (swapping)

 	      ...oO Look on disk for news and advertisements Oo...