  proudly presents  
  - megahot stuff - 
  number one group! 

 O    yeeaahh  !!!!    LP just a quick message  this is just another great hack by ??? intro was coded on          10R8R89     L  greets to defjam  L final frontiers    L     thrust       L   alcatraz        L night features    Lworld of wonders   L      tlc          L    doctor x       L  and to all those   in ozzz  ----   including wickie     L   contraband     L    falconsoft     L   the alliance    L  smurf busters    L  parasoft  acu    L     warren        L      ian          L  fire starters    L if you want to swap     megahot stuff then .... contact us at pRoR box 867, palm beach, 4221,       australia      L                            

    ii      aces members are now ....       doctor soft (leader,organizer) R humanoid (swapper) R seca (cracker) R np (coder,cracker) R illusion (coders) R tron (coder) R triton (coder,graphist,musician) R leto ii (graphist) R angel (original supplier) R and that's all at the mo !!                	  we won't answer to provocations from dirty lamers just keep one thing in your mind ......      aces is alive !!  LL           to all liars .....       fuck and die !   LL                 well i think it's time to go now !             O   R c u l8r ! R    L