d-tect         Wtrained cobra cracked by the company.  credits coming up !! trainer done by panther while hearing predator 2 soundtrack !  menu coded by ace !!! special greetings to all d-tect members !! vor allen dingen zu charly ! weil er immer so hart arbeiten muss ! heheh ! balkon streichen etc. !  special antigreetings to andreas tuemmler the author of the article the new computer mafia !!! yep we all have a 38er magnum and with them we will kill you hehehe . fuck off man !!! ! don't miss to call our boards >> traders heaven , cyborg command , elegant machinery and poison data !! ask the elite for the numbers !    cu soon in another production from

       d-tect trained cobra      
 unlimited lives           : off 
 unlimited energy          : off 
 percentage won't get down : off 
 ingame f1 to kill enemy   : off 
 f2&f3 to in-decrease time : off 
 ingame f4 to get all fishs: off 
          * start game *