welcome{   \to  the  latest     demo  from       those
 fabulous furry freaks in                crusaders   \  this tech}sin scroll 
was coded by~   dr|claw    \   the music by~  dr|awesome  \  fonts by~ digital
 life     guess who is typing this scroller|||||||||||   nah|||    you wount 
guess it anyway    let me introduce myself     my name is   lazerbrain  \     
      *  i am the main swapper of crusaders now because ecs has cut down on 
his contacts     if you want to contact us then you will have to look for the 
address later in this  scroll      i will also blow off some very personal 
greets to my coolest contacts later on      enough bullshit             * 
recently many guys in norway have been busted       this is because of the 
sodding jerks in norways biggest software import firm for the amiga      bj   
   \       electronics  \    they have been very active when it comes to 
busting lamers        i think it is    4   guys busted until now  here in 
norway  but the coolest guys seems to have gotten off pretty well     just 
remember  }norwegians}  do not buy anything  from these scum suckers          
ok enough of that       this demo is really quite old      about five months i
 think         it was also supposed to be in our megademo   and it will be the
 last release of old demos       from now on we will release them as fast as 
they come           this text was typed during our meeting at dr.awesomes 
place 25th } 27th of may   and the official releasedate is 1st of june        
    and now the contact address   to contact crusaders then write to   }}}no}
name}}}    po|box 45   \         1474 n}hagen \         norway     \        * 
       if you decide to contact us then do not forget to include your votes 
for the eurochart            the time has come to  blow off some greets to my 
personal contacts              *first of all i would like to thank     kid 
icarus of  alcatraz  for sending his cool mag|   bad   to me      keep it up 
mate          hi dooley of paradox        thanks for allways writing such cool
 letters          i think  news on tour   has improved since the last issue   
      keep up the great work           hi avalon of avoid   i am looking 
forward to your  vector demo   i am sure it is going to be a great one        
  also the best of luck with your   }reline}   project             hello 
stinger of cave          i really thought i had lost you because of your delay
         keep your sendings coming          also the best of luck with your 
megademo 2               hi  mole of anarchy           thanks for all the 
groovy releases          send the latest issue of    stolen data    when it is
 ready           hi  big al  of  ecstasy          try to send more often      
   dr| awesome  was  r e a l l y  thrilled about the midi prog| you sendt     
    hello   morbid of cinefex     try to keep the cops out of distance      
things does not look good at the moment          hi espen of cryptoburners    
    send your megademo as soon as it is released              hi savatage    
howzit hanging            send some groovy  american  stuff               hi 
guardian of united forces     thanks for   noisetracker   v1|2   it was really
 great           i will send some hints and tips about what  dr| awesome  
thinks should be added              *some normal greetz goes to my contacts in
              cascade     complex     gate    share and enjoy    abandon     
abyss     accession     axis    bloodsuckers     brainstorm          byterapers
     cyborg power systems     d}mob     exodus     extreme     inner city    
kefrens     pegasus     prism}illusion     prologic     rebels     s|o|s|     
sbc     savage     scoopex     securitate     setrox     silents     system 5  
   exterminators     travellers     vision                  note that this is 
only my personal greetz and not the crusaders complete list    also if i forgot
 someone   please let me know     in that case  i am      v e r y    s o r r y 
                  ok   i  think that includes everything i want to say in this 
demo    see you all  in another production                text restarts        