Hey whats that       what a shitty scroll                          ya wanna sinus         ok,here ya got it                                      breeze               is proud to present their               first intro             it takes place in the democompetition of the          action party             in hopsten-halverde              thiz is the man behind the keys            black zombi               first of all lets give the creds so that we can talk some shit later                code and gfx by                  navy                      cool tune by               manhunter of panic and now lets go into the text                 i wanna tell ya the story of breeze   it was founded by two cool guyz and one lamer        so this subject was kicked out after only one week again           no names           after breeze was celebrated with many bottles of beer we soon started searching for new members         and we succeeded         after a week a cool musician and a coder joint our forces                so breeze actually has four members               2 swappers                  1 musician                 1 coder      and      believe it or not     we are still searching for new ones      so if ya like this intro and wanna join a real cool group contact the hq          addresses later so         stay tuned          ok guyz i think thiz is enough from me at the moment   black zombi signes off for now                        yohoooo dudels             this is             dr death            destroying the board of black zombis compi it is now 7 pm  and the party goes on       on the right hand side there are sitting some guyz of exess and on the left hand side the panic elite has placed its mashines             oh yes        and behind me is sitting pauly of treacl with a bottle of beer in his hand        i hope the party will be a big fun     1 conti and a bottle of barcadi of our groop should be enough     one guy is playing tetris on tetra copy    hahaha        by the way what do ya think of this little cute sinus intro       we had lots of problems with it      the last unsolved was the muzak      but we managed to get not to ripp a cool tune from panic      thanx a lot guys       i dont have to tell anything special anymore so im switching over to black zombi again who will send the greets and show you the contact addresses            best regards from          dr death     ok here is         black zombi       again  sending out the greez   our golden regards fly to     al capone   who is already drunken    warhead   flagg   manhunter  foxx   lynxx   dr headcrash  and all other members of panic    pauly of treacl   guru  koto  and  navy of mindkillers     phobos of midnightsun   zodiac of sidon    trooper of whiplash    hawk of perseus     scs    scampy of adept    sorry for no more greez coz i left my greetlist at home    and dr death doesnt remember any contacts  if ya wanna contact our hq write to   black zombi            plk 004141 d          w 4950 minden 2      or contact dr death at        plk 008363 b          w 4950 minden 2         both addresses in germany       please send only legal stuff                  this is the end of a breeze production in 1990