SCROLL II - screen

Hi, you all out there! This is our little X-MAS intro. It´s made in very busy time and thats why it´s only SHIT !!! Here comes gredits:   All coding by me (Mr.T)  All GFX by Black Sky and this great tune by SYNTECH  ( Tune is called SNOW RAP!!) And very big thanks go to the DEVIL from ECA products.   Don´t stop reading because I have a message to everybody (including lamers) this intro is only begin. Now I´m working in our first DEMO and that´s gonna be something what you can´t even dream.  Greetings come later in here, but the list is not big and if you want your name to that then contact us. Our address is              Black Lords             PT          18150  HEINOLA                FINLAND          I´m ending my bullshit, but read the next bullshit texts. . . . . . . . .                 .............Very big fanfares, Rapapapapapapaa! Now, it´s Black Skys turn to say something. Sorry, if there is some errors in my text. Making this #!?#@ scrolltext is very difficult. Okey, I´m gonna tell you finnish winter. Now we got a lot of snow on a ground, near 40cm and temperature is now -25°c, HrRrRrRrRrRr! Okey, I´m gonna stop this text soon. And before Syntech say something to you. My little Greeting-list (e to x), it comes now: ECA products, Genesis, O.M.T, and X-MEN ........... and little messages to my good friends: Ana & Arto(You fucking lamers go away from my door), Kimmo(Thanks for disks), Marko(Lopeta toi saatanan salakuuntelu) and SpS(Can you be normal sometimes and don´t fuck you dog). I wish Merry Christmas to you all and remember be bad when santa comes. .......................            YO GUYS!!!...   SYNTECH here. Still reading this fucking boring scrolltext??? Are you trying to meke somekind of worldrecord? The person who does read three months of scrollshit! Thats OK, I wrote this. I´m not so satisfied to this intro than I could. But no reason to worry about. In future we´re gonna release some cool demos and specially an amazing MUSIC COLLECTIONS!!!(of course including my pure tunes)!!! The music(?)you´re listening is composed by me. It´s called........................S.N.O.W.RAP....................................... Not very good. I have done betters!??! I LIVE FOR THE MUSIC!!! NOW... some messages! First one goes to THE DEVIL of ECA products: YOOOOOO MAN, very fucking BIG thanks for the stuff I get from you. It´s always so fucking hot shit(not warm like ours)!!!!!!!! I´m waiting for your intro or was it demo? Who cares! I hope there is really something for the AC/DC fans like me!!! KEEP COOL, SEE YA SOON and don´t forget to greet me!!!!!! NOW... another message to: THE WORLDf.a.m.o.u.s.  P.I.S(Pure Idiot Soft) HI GAYS(Baby A, Mr.Spock, Snoopy and rest of your family. BABY.A WHERE A FUCK IS YOUR NEW MUSIC STUFF???!!! I´m still waiting! Like you´re waiting your disks back! But don't worry I´m gonna give them back someday!??!??!??!!?!?!?!????????! ...NO MORE MESSAGES! Enough dogshit already! Time to end this shit. See you soon under the better star routines I hope!?...  PS...(PureShit)...SAVOLAINEN move your feet to the ryhtm of the beat! FUCKWARE live long and die fast! Jack to the sound of the underground!!!!!!!! MESSAGES ENDS?...WE.HAVE.A.RADAR.CONTACT...TARGET: ALIEN SPACE SHIP!!!...RAISE.OUR.SHIELDS...OK.CAPTAIN...SHIELDDS.UP.........WE´RE.LOSTING.OUR.POWER......FIVE.SECONDS.TO.IMPACT...........5............4...........3...........2..........1.............I´M.HUNGRY.............. . . . . . . . . . .  .   .    .   . AH I ALMOST FORGOT TO WISH YOU MERRY X-MAS and HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR 90!!! signed:SYNTECH : : : : : : : : :::::::at last this is the end, really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!??????????? just a joke meditation..shit..gonna write this again!!!!!!!! Another joke:::::::::::hey guys what are you doing? HANDS OFF!!! DON´T PRESS THOSE THREE BUTTONS DAMNED....aaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhH........