
Badoobiewoobie in full effect.... Axis present, for the Digital Party
in 1995, Chip-Squared.. > (en-trance-d.) < Code by Nik, Graphics by
Giz/Lysergicthingy, and all music by Hollywood. Additional graphics
help by that lovely Lowlife character. woop woop woop..... here we are 
again, another scene production, another few hours spent typing, another
few days spent composing, another few bytes go out on the worldwide
network. Hope everyone appreciates this follow-up to Chip, the original
originally named chip-pack. this one doesn't sound as chippy,
and has some stranger, less mainstream tunes on it. Don't let that put
you off, though, the songs are still there somewhere..... By the way, Axis
commandeered this menu after it was coded for a Balance chip-pack a
couple of years ago, and never used. So I got Giz to redo some of the
graphics, and we just slotted my tunes in. Maybe it's a bit old-school,
but it'll probably be back in fashion in a couple of months. Thanks to
Giz for redoing the logos, anyhow, and to Lowlife for fixing the squared
sign and the Axis logo when he was in London for the ECTS. Hmm. Well,
this is Hollywood here, btw, and I'm kinda at a loss as to what to say.
I hope everyone appreciated Time N Emotion... I was pleased to get it
finally released, and get rid of my old tunes. And the couple of new
ones I was happier with, of course. Well, I wasn't unhappy with any of
them, you know what I mean..... oh, by the way, the bonus-track on this
chip-pack is Bloodrunrat, which was composed as part of the 20 Meenuhtz
Chip-compo on the Internet.. basically, every Friday at midnight CET
there's a competition in which a set of chip-samples are given out on
Internet Relay Chat, and the competitors have precisely 20 minutes to
compose a tune using them. My tune is the one for the 13/14th October,
and I don't yet know how well I did (there were 20 competitors and
votes are still being collected.) Anyhow, it's a really great idea,
and excellent fun (Aquafresh was the only other British musician 
competing last week, but he got his tune disqualified, awwwwwwww.) There
are some really good competitors, too (a lot of PC musicians, like
Zodiak/Complex+Cascada and Floss/Kosmic.. if any of you have a chance
to try it, the competition is held on IRC at channel #chipcompo.)
Actually, talking of the Internet (blah, aren't you fed up with me
talking about the Internet?), you can get in contact with me (up to
June 1996) via email at s.m.carless(at)dur.ac.uk... and my new WWW
homepage is at http://www.dur.ac.uk/~d3fbcw, so go check it out if
you possibly can. :) 
...greets, as always, go out to all my friends, everywhere. If I don't
mention you specifically, I won't get blasted for missing you out. :)
Well, we were hoping to get a 60k intro released for this party, but
it looks like things messed up, with Nik being too busy with the game
we're doing, and us not having enough time to design it properly. We'll
probably do something for The Party 5 involving it. Perhaps we should
just mention the forthcoming Axis releases.. we have (tadaa!) the much
much much delayed first in a series of music-discs from Subi, called
"Uplift War Vol.1", which'll be regular releases. And we'll have Lowlife's
slideshow, "Fairy Tale", coming out towards Christmas. And in addition,
a bunch of stuff for The Party 5. You just wait and see, we r00l. :)
As for me, I'll carry on meandering about, doing a tune here, a tune
there. Being aimless is an art. And I think it's time for me to 
go and vary my aim somewhere else, so I'll leave you now. But I'll find
something interesting to put in the scrolltext, some kind of fun
text file. hang on....     ...

Well, just so you don't get bored... most people know about the alien
autopsy from Roswell which has had a lot of publicity recently? Well,
let's face it, it's a tiny bit unlikely... and the following text file
proves, to my mind, that aliens never crashlanded at Roswell.
The following are verbatim transcripts of material posted on 
America Online claiming a new explanation to the Roswell 
incident. Let the discussion begin on the validity of this new 

Maurice Volaski

Subj:  Re: ROSWELL SOLVED                    94-06-19 10:54:10 
From:  JoelC23358

The Roswell case may finally be solved...and the evidence 
hinges on women's garments, not extraterrestrial superalloys! 
Researchers have contacted the senior surviving member of the 
New York University Balloon Group, a special organization 
involved in the secret construction and launching of nuclear 
detection balloons from White Sands, New Mexico in June-July 
1947. This secret operation was called "Project Mogul." The
Mogul balloons were launched as clusters- a long cable with 
about ten large neoprene balloons attached. (explains the large 
quantity of debris). Hanging below was a large balsa and 
aluminum-foil radar reflector called a "Rawin target," much
like a box-kite in construction. (Used to track the balloon in 
flight). The Mogul balloons carried classified barometric 
sensors to detect the atmospheric shock waves produced by
possible Soviet nuclear detonations. Thus the project was very 
sensitive (possibly "Q"-nuclear classified stuff, outside the 
normal Air Force balloon project lists). The NYU balloon expert
was given a detailed description of what Jesse Marcel, the 
Roswell base intelligence officer, recalled about the debris he 
found on the Brazel ranch near Corona, NM. When the balloon 
expert heard the part about the tape covered with flower
patterns and writing, he immediately said, "yes, that's our 
balloon." He knew for a fact that this was the case because the 
Rawin radar targets were fabricated in the New York garment 
district during WWII using the same kind of flowered clothing 
tape used in women's garments! A positive ID. The balloon was 
launched in mid to early JUNE - up to three WEEKS before 
Brazel reported the debris to authorities- probably explaining
why Marcel couldn't burn the balsa or parchment-like 
substance. (damp from rainstorms). The NYU balloon expert 
was flying from NM to NYC on the day the Roswell story broke, 
so he never heard about it at the time, and never had a chance
to identify the debris as his - until now. I don't expect that this 
explanation will satisfy balievers, but to me it closes the case.
The balloon expert is one of the most noted experts in the field
- in fact he made a one of the most famous UFO sightings of the 
1940s at White Sands! More when it becomes available.

(from E-mail)
I am not the originator of this information- full disclosure from
those people will come with time. All I know is I talked to CB
Moore, the guy who launched the secret Mogul balloon, and he
told me that his balloon had tape with pink and purple markings
on it- one of the most unique "signatures" of the Brazel ranch

(subsequent post)
2. The Mogul device was NOT, repeat, NOT A WEATHER
BALOON. It was a huge, complex "train" of several, possibly
TEN, connected balloons, possibly three to five hundred feet tall
and carrying a very large box-kite-like radar reflector made of 
wood and aluminum foil or metal-coated plastic.
3. Why is it so strange that nobody talked about a MINOR 
project like Mogul for fifty years? Well, why didn't all these 
hundreds of people who were involved in the retrieval operation 
surface until the pro-Roswell writers went looking for them?
Surely one of the people involved in the most important event in
history (man's first encounter with ET technology) would have 
talked prior to that?
4. The accounts of the crashed saucer and bodies are 
contradictory - which one do you choose to believe?