- cHIPs -     
     Back again    
    Da Journey     
   I'll let U go   
   Out Run remix   
   Power of love   
     Tom Dooley    
     Back again    
    Da Journey     
   I'll let U go   
   Out Run remix   
   Power of love   
     Tom Dooley    
               -[ Welcome! ]-
               -[ Credits! ]-
               -[ ChipInfo ]-
               -[ Adverts! ]-
               -[ Messages ]-

                    ______      _____           
 ___________________\     \____/    /_______    
 \___________ \_   __\     \__     ________/    
  /  _______/  /   \________\/    /      \     
    ___                              ___
     `---[ Digital Chips issue 28 ]---'
             ___            ___
              `---[ Menu ]---'
               -[ Welcome! ]-
               -[ Credits! ]-
               -[ ChipInfo ]-
               -[ Adverts! ]-
               -[ Messages ]-

                    ______      _____           
 ___________________\     \____/    /_______    
 \___________ \_   __\     \__     ________/    
  /  _______/  /   \________\/    /      \     
           ___                ___
            `---[ Presents ]---'
    ___                              ___
     `---[ Digital Chips issue 28 ]---'
       with music, as always, done by
     ___  ___     ____    _____ _______
   _:\  \/  /_____\_ /____\_  /_\  ___/_:_
   _|  _  /  /   __/  /   ___/ /  __/   |_
   \_   \/   \_   \   \_   \   \_  \    _/

                _     _  _  _ _  _
          |   ||_7|  | '| 7| 7 7|_7
          l_|_ll_.l_.l_.l_l| | ll_.

**** 1

               So much waiting,

    but 11 new tunes have arrived to you

           by the one and only MAZE

         what was that again U wonder,

                ofcourse, it's:

          d - i - g - I - T - a - l 

              c - h - I - p - S

                   issue 28     (YEAH!)

			***** Ikke med; Side 2

Well well well.. It's been a while since last
time now, but I'm back with another  issue of
Digital Chips.... Yep,  there're  many months
since the last release DC goes c64 1998. But,
now it's here, just for YOUR pleasure!

        This issue of DC is called:

     - Digital Chips - The Comeback -
                            (The best ever??)
So, why this huge delay? Well, one reason  is
that I've bought a PC and don't make  so much
music on the Amiga anymore. But, Strife asked
me: "Can't you  start  making DC again?",  so
why not? Here it is.. :)

			***** Ikke med; Side 3

The other reason for beeing so lazy, must  be
that I found a new girl, and much of my spare
time I spent with  her. (I  dumped her a half
a year ago though!).

So, I've  made  another  issue  of  this  FAB
musicdisk! And, that's great  right? I  hope!
From now on, I'll try to make an issue of  DC
each month, or  atleast every  second, but  I
can't promise you anything though. Time  will
show, right? :)

If there are  someone out in  the wide world,
which still want to swap with me, don't  mind
dropping a letter to this address: ->

			***** Ikke med; Side 4
     ___  ___     ____    _____ _______
   _:\  \/  /_____\_ /____\_  /_\  ___/_:_
   _|  _  /  /   __/  /   ___/ /  __/   |_
   \_   \/   \_   \   \_   \   \_  \    _/

                mAZE / aPATHY
              sTIAN gUDBRANDSEN
                 sAUHÅGÅN 12
                  2850 lENA

This is the addy you can write to if you want
   to swap with me, or get newest the DC!

			***** Ikke med; Side 5

If  there's  someone  with  internet  access,
email  me  at   this  address:  Maze@c2i.net.
and I'll answer all the mails I get.

I  can also  make some  chip-tunes on request
from you  guys. You  want a module  for  your
game or demo, I'll gladly make a tune for you
as well, but  it'll contain  more then  4ch..

If you like my music,  and want more,  please
visit  my  new  homepage   at  this  address:
          > www.a-MAZE-ing.org <
Most of the music I've done on the Amiga  and
PC are  here. Don't  hesitate to order  my CD
single called "tWISTED". It's a great  trance

			***** Ikke med; Side 6

tune, mixed together in three different ways.
Check it out right away....... :) It's  under
the "Order"-menu at  my HP!.. The  whole  cd,
which I've  planned  calling "a-MAZE-ing"  or
something,  will  get released sometime  this
year. Drop me a mail and order it now.

Ok, enough of that shit. Right  now  I  don't
have  much more  to say, therefore I'll  stop
boring you with this welcome text, and let  U
go   listening  to   the  great  music.  And, 
read the messages and news.

Sorry for the terrible english........ BTW ->

			**** Ikke med; Side 7

If you want to make an intro-picture for the
next issue of Digital Chips, please tell me.
I'll promise you that I'll use it!! (If the
quality is good enough, though! Hehe)

You  can also send  me Adverts, messages  and
information   about  anything/something,  and
I'll  try to include it  in the next issue of
          d I g I t a L   c h I p S

			***** Ikke med; Side 8
          . _ .    _       _ |_ . _  _
        _||| 7||_ `_7|    | '| 7|| 7(_'
       (_||l_l|l_.(_l|_.  l_.| ||l_l._)
           ._l  Releases so far  |
     Issue Nr.  date:        Design

       01     ??.??.95     1st Design
       02     05.04.95     1st Design
       03     19.04.95     1st Design
       04     03.05.95     1st Design
       05     19.05.95     1st Design
       06     10.06.95     1st Design
       07     29.06.95     1st Design
       08     05.08.95     2nd Design
       09     19.08.95     2nd Design
       10     10.09.95     2nd Design (Coll)
       11     10.09.95     2nd Design (Coll)
***** 9
       12     25.09.95     2nd Design
       13     20.10.95     2nd Design
       14     15.11.95     2nd Design
       15     30.11.95     2nd Design
       16     24.12.95     3rd Design
       17     30.01.96     3rd Design
       18     01.03.96     3rd Design
       19     15.04.96     3rd Design
       20     01.06.96     3rd Design
       21     TG 97        4th Design
       22     KG 97        4th Design
       23     20.09.97     4th Design
       24     10.12.97     4th Design
       25     01.03.98     4th Design
       26     01.10.98     4th Design
       27     Early'99     4th Design
       28     This one!    4th Design
***** 9.5

As  you  notice under the 'chipinfo'  section
all the tunes in this issue are done in 2000.
So, this  time it's  a tune  for all! This DC
got  Happiness,  sadness, back to  da  roots,
techno   for   your   ears. Music  for   your
pleasure all the way!! That's why  this issue
maybe is  the best one  ever??  Anyway, enjoy
this  issue... Enjoy, enjoy  enjoy!!!!! YEAH!

'Power of love' was done in 1998. I   haven't
done any techno chippies  in 2000, so  then I
had to 'borrow' a tune from 1998. Hehe.

'Out Run remix'  was  done  in  1999. It's  a
sentimental one, bcoz it's the last from '99?

***** 10

Ok, so it's soon a new  year, again, I  wrote
that last time as well.. Boring ehh...

A final greetings to all the friends I've had
over  the  whole  wide  world. Thx  for  some
REALLY  great time. And, please try  write me
again. I really  want to get  in  touch  with
some of you again. Not for bigtime  swapping,
but nice letters. (Some  great  stuff and  so
on.... :))

***** 11

Well, at the  moment  I've no more to say, so
I'll  stop writing more on this 'neverending'
welcome  text. Read on, and try to enjoy  the
        modules as much as possible. 

      See you in the next dIgItal chIps
      released sometime early in 2001..

Maze left the building without anyone heard
    it.. Again? It can't be.... BOOOOOOO!

***** 12

                    ______      _____           
 ___________________\     \____/    /_______    
 \___________ \_   __\     \__     ________/    
  /  _______/  /   \________\/    /      \     
               _  _  _    .    _
          The | '7 '|_7 _|||_ (_'
              l_.l  l_.(_l|l_.._) Section

           Great codework..... sTRIFE

           gfx........ pIX & tENTACLE

           Kicking Chippies..... mAZE

           Packing..... mAZE & sTRIFE

            ****; Ikke med på side 1!

A special thx to Tentacle  who  has  made  a
wonderful   intropicture  for  this  issue of 

         d i g i t a l   c h i p s

                    b y :
              _____ __________ _____.
       ______\_  /_\  _     /      |_
       \    __/   /   \____/       _/
       /____\|____\______\ ________|

             iGNORANCE iS bLISS

            *****; Ikke med på side 2!

          _ |_ . _    . _   _  _
         | '| 7|| 7 - || 7 |_'| 7
         l_.| ||l_l   || | |  l_l
                | Section

**** 0,5

           .- [ Astrological ] -.

         Real chip numb:        418
         Playing Lenght:      02.25
         Composing date: 09.05.2000
         Chippy size...:      43686
         Patterns......:         29

            .- [ Back again ] -.

         Real chip numb:        417
         Playing Lenght:      00.15
         Composing date: 08.05.2000
         Chippy size...:      13412
         Patterns......:          5
            ****; Ikke med side 1!

               .- [ Candy ] -.

         Real chip numb:        423
         Playing Lenght:      00.34
         Composing date: 25.11.2000
         Chippy size...:      11508
         Patterns......:          9

            .- [ Da Journey ] -.

         Real chip numb:        426
         Playing Lenght:      03.38
         Composing date: 28.11.2000
         Chippy size...:      18274
         Patterns......:         35
<-                                         ->
            ****;Ikke med side2!

          .- [ I'll let U go ] -.

         Real chip numb:        420
         Playing Lenght:      00.45
         Composing date: 23.11.2000
         Chippy size...:      49098
         Patterns......:         13

               .- [ Lano ] -.

         Real chip numb:        419
         Playing Lenght:      00.13
         Composing date: 23.11.2000
         Chippy size...:       9376
         Patterns......:          3
<-                                         ->
            ****;Ikke med side3!

            .- [ Obsession ] -.

         Real chip numb:        422
         Playing Lenght:      00.52
         Composing date: 24.11.2000
         Chippy size...:      40614
         Patterns......:         11

          .- [ Out Run remix ] -.

         Real chip numb:        416
         Playing Lenght:      00.24
         Composing date: 09.04.1999
         Chippy size...:      46718
         Patterns......:          9
<-                                         ->
            ****;Ikke med side5!

           .- [ Power of love ] -.

         Real chip numb:        404
         Playing Lenght:      02.57
         Composing date: 30.09.1998
         Chippy size...:      45742
         Patterns......:         30

             .- [ Payback ] -.

         Real chip numb:        425
         Playing Lenght:      01.01
         Composing date: 27.11.2000
         Chippy size...:      14116
         Patterns......:         17
<-                                         ->
            ****;Ikke med side5!

            .- [ Tom Dooley ] -.

         Real chip numb:        424
         Playing Lenght:      00.20
         Composing date: 25.11.2000
         Chippy size...:      16600
         Patterns......:          5

       All modules are composed by me
                  in 2000...

        Except 'Power of love' and
    'Out Run remix' done in '98 and '99

  uSE foR fRee, jUst cReDIT mE! (to > Puh)
            *****; Ikke med på side 6!

            _        _  _     _
           `_7 _|| /|_77 '|_ (_'
           (_l(_ll/ l_.l  l_.._)

             [ done by strife ]

   If you want to have your advert printed
     in Digital Chips, just send us your
  advert, and we'll include it in the next

**** 0,5
            _   _   _      |_     
       .:  `_7 | 7 `_7 |_  | 7 | 7  :.
     .:::  (_l l_l (_l l_. | | l_|  :::.
               |               ._l

  We are searching for some good and active
                > mUSICIANs <

        Send examples of your work to

             .- Strife/Apathy -.
                 Klemsgate 8
               3613  Kongsberg
                .- n0rWAY -.

          [ strifeapt@hotmail.com ]
 _____                        _____
 \    \  __/\________________|    /
 _\____\_\_    ________  \   |   /
/   _____/   |_ \|  __/ _/     _/
\   \    \  __/  \  \    \_  |   \  A G E
 \_______/___|    \__\    /__|    \
.---hAWKW!Nd|_____/---\  /---|_____\-------.
|                      \/                  !
|           PUNiSHER OF DARKAGE            |
|              JONAS O'BRiEN               |
|             HEGRENESVEIEN 6A             |
|              N-5035 BERGEN               |
|                  NORWAY                  |
|                                          |
`-- -  - ----------------------------------'

               Adonis of IRIS
               Henrik  Kyster
               Poste Restante
               Jomfrustien 29
               6100 Haderslev


        ¡  .===================.  ¯|
        | -=R.E.D   V.I.S.I.O.N=-  |
        |  `==================='   |
        |    swapping & joining    |
        |                          |
        |         melfis           |
        |     BjÖrN JoHaNSsOn      |
        |     RInGGåRDsVÄgEn 5     |
        |.   S-28139 HäSsLeHoLm    |
        !:.       sWeDeN         .:|


...The first time around you didn't quite 
......understand what I was talking about,
......maybe a second opninion could change
.................................your mind.

.............Get some hardcore results at :

.........................Dikke turfstraat 5
........................7876 HT Valthermond
............................The Netherlands

.................No bull, no shit, no sense.
................Just plain old swapping fun.


         Aztec of Sector 7 & Absurd

        Try this address for reliable
       swapping throughout the coming

              Per Reidar Verlo
            Dronningens Gate 19A
                3510 Hønefoss
        100% reply in any case. Also
          write for ascii requests!


      ___,___,___,___, ___,___,___,__, 
      T¯_)T7 )T¯o)T__) T¯_)To )T¯o)T¯)_
      [__][__|[_7] []  [__][__][__][__]

      contact me for some lazy swapping

              frank e. larsen,
             roersvej 17b, st.,
               5ooo odense c.,

            T¯o)To_)T o)T__)T' )
            [_/ |__)|_]  [] [|_]

          _       __            _          
       __//___  _// __ ___ ___ /// // _DaF¯
   // // ///-/  //¯// //- //-///¯\         
      ¯¯¯ ¯     ¯  ¯  ¯¯¯ ¯   ¯            
    .      martin rebentisch       G       A
    .      wiesenstrasse 6a       F       S
   .O.     08294 loessnitz       X       C 
 ..o*O..   germany _/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\  I  
  o.O.            // friendship rulez \I   
 o  .            / \   1oo% answer!   /     
o.  .            \  \________________/      
.                 \________________/ vTX&rNO       
   _)                                   (_
   |    . V .   . O .   . I .   . D .    |
   ¯______         ______ ____    _____  ¯ 
   _\    /_________\_   /_\__/____\_  /___
   \dKS!/|    _     /    _    _    /     /
   |                                     |
   |DrHirudo / Void                      |
   |Ventzislav Tzvetkov                  |
   |Druzba 2 Bl. 419 Wh. A Ap. 29        |
   |1582 Sofia                           |
   |Bulgaria                             |
   |                                     |
   |For 100% swap with 100% friendship   |
          ______       ______   ...
          |     |      |    |  :  :
          |  |__|______| |__|__|  |
          |   _|   |   |  __T_ |  |
          |  |_| | | | | |   | |  |
          |  | | |_| __| | | |_  _|
          |  | | | | L | | | |    |_
          |  | | | |___| |___|  |___|
          !  :.| |     !     |  |
          .    :       .     :  .
              FireFox of AXiCon
               Volker Breining
             Rudolf-König-Str. 5
                58453  Witten
    ...for fast and reliable Snailswap...
**** 2

              -------          reason
         ----|--     |%sW----------- 
        :       : --- --|--         :
        :    ---           :        :
        :   | ------   !   :  |     :
         -|-               :-- ----- 
          -----------------   LAHVE  

        friendly       RADEK HRDLICKA
        non-stop       KRALUPSKA 1713
        and fast    25001 BRANDYS N/L
        swapping       CZECH REPUBLIC

        .:                         :.   
        | Malmis/Apathy+Reason+Void |   
        | .... Mikael Malmsten .... |  
        |  : ..    Box 69     .:.   |   
        |  :..: 545o2 Algaras  .:   |   
        |__ _  _   Sweden!   _  _ __|

                .           .
        _ ______|:GREETINGS:|_______.
                ·           ·         

   _)                                   (_
   |    . V .   . O .   . I .   . D .    |
   ¯______         ______ ____    _____  ¯ 
   _\    /_________\_   /_\__/____\_  /___
   \dKS!/|    _     /    _    _    /     /
   |.     [÷] POWERSLAVE / VOID [÷]     .|
  _| o  ·         NICK HALL         ·  o |_                                   
 /\_\_\/_/\__ 37 HAYFELL AVENUE __/\_\/_/_/\
 \/_/ /\ Oo /    HERON  HILL    \ oO /\ \_\/
   | · /· - \  KENDAL, CUMBRIA  / - ·\ · | 
 _ |_  ¯¯\/¯¯      LA9 7JH      ¯¯\/¯¯  _| _
 \\\/              ENGLAND              \///
   |                                     |

       _________       ____
    .__\__      \-----'    \----.
    |   ____.    \          \   |.    !_
    |___    |___\     .___\     | 2000 .
    |                                  |
    |   Mice/Zenon                     |
    |   Mikko Ahola                    |
    |   Keskuspuistok. 4a47            |
    |   94100 Kemi                     |
    |   Finland                        |
    |                                  |
    | ... For friendly swapping...     |
    |_                                _|


      __________ __________ _____.____
     .\_  __  _/.\_  _____/.\    |   /.
     |    /     |    \|    |     .    |
 .-- `---/______|-----|____|-----|____| --.
    all kinds of mailtrading available!

          punisher of nah-kolor
             jonas o'brien
           hegrenesveien 6A
              5035 bergen
              n o r w a y

      also for supporting devotion..


      ### For Swapping Amiga Warez ###
      ####    -  Rumrunner  -     ####
      #### Eivind Nicolay Evensen ####
      ####   Vesterøyveien 70     ####
      ####    3222 Sandefjord     ####
      ####         Norway         ####


                 Thanks God!
          I didn't think there were
         any friendly swappers left
             But there's one...
      Maybe he's waiting for my letter?

               Maciej Nowicki
              Slonecznikowa 5/7
              15-669 Bialystok


         you can try to join us by 
          writing to this address:

             ·darkhawk / iris· 
             christian hviid    
                læssøegade 20
                5230 odense m


                 _     _ . _  _
                (_'|_ 7 '||_'|_7
                ._)l_.l  ||  l_.
       f o r  s l o w  s w a p p i n g  !
              ..strife of apathy..
                torgeir amundsen
                  klemsgate  8
                 3613 kongsberg
                  n o r w a y. 

             _   _   _      |_     
            `_7 | 7 `_7 |_  | 7 | 7
            (_l l_l (_l l_. | | l_|
                |               ._l

**** Not with 2,8 ...
              |_   _   __  _     
              | 7 `_7 `_/ |_7
          ..: | | (_l /_, l_. :..

        -[norways fastest swapper]-  

             ..haze of apathy..      
                 sletta  41
                 1800 askim
                n o r w a y.

           _   _   _      |_     
          `_7 | 7 `_7 |_  | 7 | 7
          (_l l_l (_l l_. | | l_|
              |               ._l
**** 13
             _   _   _      |_     
            `_7 | 7 `_7 |_  | 7 | 7
            (_l l_l (_l l_. | | l_|
                |               ._l

              fOR tHE nEWEST dC:

                 mAZE / aPATHY
               sTIAN gUDBRANSEN
                 sAUHÅGÅN 12
                  2850 lENA

           aLSO fOR mODS aND oTHER
            gREETS tO mY fRIENDS!

**** 18

            _ _  _  _  _  _  _  _ 
           | 7 7|_7(_'(_'`_7| 7|_7
           | | ll_.._)._)(_ll_|l_.
                   Section  ._l

   This time there are some messages from:

             -[ Strife'Apathy ]-

            ****; Ikke med på Side 1!

Strife'apathy is surfing the keyboard.  Hello
my  scenefriends!  Must say I am very pleased
to  see  digital  chips released again, as it
has been one of our most serious productions.

Must  also  mention  that  I was very pleased
with  theparty2000,  some  great  productions
released   there,  even  though  most  danish
sceners   boycotted   it.   Megademo2000  was
probably  one  of  the  best  demos  released
during the year 2000.

I am really looking forward to mekka2001, and
guess  it  will be the best party during this
year.  See you all there I guess, just hope I
won't get sick this year as well.  :)
              < point/apathy >

heisann!  nå må du ikke bli for hekta på 
nettet da, hvor blir det av disse små fete
introene du skulle lage?  ;)

        < punisher/darkage^nahkolor >

Can hardly wait to get our swapping up and
running again, nice to see you face2face 
during xmas. Keep them great sends comin' !   
yehh!  friendship!

               < haze/apathy >

Håper du ikke savner kabelen din alt for mye
heh heh.   Nice time at kg2k-1!
              < hawk/giants >

Where are you? abandoned the amiga scene eh?

             < powerslave/void >

Nice to see that void still is alive and 
kicking!  hel you're more alive now than ever
before!  great!  :)

             < skinner/eltech >

How's life up in the north?  i'm sure you're
enjoying yourself. feel free to contact me
again mate!

              < malmis/apathy >

Hope your new job won't take too much of your
time.    See   you   at   some  other  party?

               < maze/apathy >

Keep on partying like it's 1999!  Great that
the dc-project is up and running again! 

             < tentacle/apathy >

             < zeeball/apathy >
Hello my polish friend!  How is life? Send
coming up!
            < angeldust/apathy >

Hello  my  crazy  german  friend!  I hope you
will  show up at mekka this year, although it
probably  won't  be  as  good  as 2000 as our
contact  was  much better then.  But maybe we
can get our reguar swap up and running again!

               < all others >

Greets to all my other scenefriends as well,
but i'm getting too old to remember you all.
Or maybe I haven't got that many friends any
longer, heh heh..  :)
