DRAGON by Animators (1995)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Animators' > DRAGON <
There has been an allocation error.
The demo might crash...
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 welcome ladies and gentlemen !

   you are about to experience a new
	demo made by animators in 1995.

			   enjoy it...

	twinkle, twinkle little star...

	yoo ! that were 4096 points !!!

		 well, you do remember
		  the title-picture...

			how do you like
		what i have done to it ?!


	  this really ought to get the
			   thumbs up !

	  but now on to the next part...

			   allright !

	how about some vortex-plasma ?!

	coming up: an adress for all you
		  swappers out there.

		  write him or die !!

		here is a routine that i  

	 discovered under the ruins of

			 my old diskbox...

			lovely or what ?!

 now for two old yet nice and effective
			  effects !!!

	  first a groovy interference...
	...and then some rgb-plasma !!!

	  well, that is all for now !

	 hope you all enjoyed the show.

	 see you... somewhere in time !

ProRunner v2.0 by Cosmos of Sanity (1992)

DRAGON by Animators (1995, Public Domain) 

Author:	Jan Engehausen, Am Schloonberg 3, 29690 Schwarmstedt, Germany

Please note: This demo is not in (Amiga)DOS format; if you want to copy it,
	     copy tracks 0 up to 79...
	     The demo was programmed on A500/2000 KS1.2/1.3 (!!!), which
	     means it may not run on A600/1200/4000 !

just a few words from the coder !                                     animators have been a bit      inactive lately for different   reasons...   tazz, ex-nightmare  has restarted swapping. i will  go on coding for quite some time,because i have to put study first                                 anyway, wait until the risc amiga  is out - i`ll bet we will see     some stunnig demos on it !                                      right now i will `enjoy` my pc, maybe there will be an animators       pc-demo, who knows...