           memberlist intro@
    spread around in late december 1991@
 read the next pages for some important@
 info about our  contact  addys and our@
 memberlist. if you are a contact of us@
 you should read it to!@
amonia members are:@
     $dff180               gfx, code@
     blaze                   swapper@
     bozo                    swapper@
     gandalf                     gfx@
     ghost              swapper, gfx@
     girton                     code@
     kado       system friendly code@
     poseidon                    gfx@
     retaliator                 code@
     rubberduck     music, gfx, code@
     shogun                      gfx@
     slimeball                 music@
     spiracle                    gfx@
     tom                   gfx, code@
     tough one   code, swapper, org.@
     underlord (ex. blade)     music@
                     no more, no less...@
credits for this intro:@
music:           underlord@
logo:             $dff180@
code:            tough one@
 to contact us write to our hq:@
             poste restante@
             5071 loddefjord@
   swapping, joining and everything else                     that you desire....@
now some info about bozo:@
 he has now dropped most of his contacts and he only have  a few left. hopefully will all his contacts be given to other swappers. but  n-o-t  write to his addy anymore. if you do that you are certain of not getting an answear. write to one of the other addys instead.@
if you want to contact amonia you can@
write to our hq or to blaze:@
            sandbrekkev. 63a@
             5050 nesstun@
 tough one sends some hellos to these:@
 mic dair, t-bone, rob, audiomonster,@
 der hm, magic mushroom, bootlegger,@
 pinny, ecs, rocket, the gnn, circulator flush, flash, kermit and a special one@
  to the ones that i do not remember now@
 a big apology to all my contacts for@
 my big delay, but i have had it so busy the latest months, so i have not had@
 the time to send out. sorry..@
 the next page will contain some greets@
amonia send some greets to these groups:@
 silents, skid row, cryptoburners, coma@
 anarchy, complex, the special brothers@
 vision factory, shining, razor 1911@
 new wave, andromeda, motion, rebels@
 aurora, fraxion, pure metal coders@
 cytax, frantic sf, frantic gr, agile@
 dual crew, scoopex, extreme, crusaders@
 live act, majic 12, anthrox, spirit@
 acme, hardline, mean machine, defcon 1@
 iris, amaze, noxious, rednex, digital@
 static bytes, byte busters, addonic@
 equinox, wizzcat, utopia, sanctuary@
 decept, spaceballs, dazzle, blitz@
 omega, trsi, vanish, analog, offworld@
 bastards, playboys, titanbytes,@
       and all the rest of our friends..