***** Area: UTILDISK ***** Floppy disk copy and format utils, caches, RAM disks, backup programs 0cd.zip 0cd - CD-Rom Emulator v7.1 100xcd27.exe 100xCD Cache v2.7 - CD/ROM Speed Booster for WinXP/2000 22dsk144.zip 22Disk v1.44 - CP/M Diskette Formats Driver for DOS by SYDEX 2m30.zip 2M v3.0 - High capacity HD floppy disk driver 2mgui19.zip 2M GUI v1.9 2mrep-uk.zip Program to repair 2M disks damaged by Win'95 2mutls1b.zip 2MFShell v1.2 and 2M GUI Shell v1.0 32psda.zip Disk Analyzer v1.10 for Win95/98/NT - Disk usage analyser 35sec141.zip 35 seconds package v1.41 - Floppy-disk caching program 35secw41.zip Windows version of 35 seconds package v1.41 4dcat10.zip 4dcat.btm - Floppy cataloguer 765deb50.zip 765DEBUG v5.0 - Update of 2M v3.0 utility 800ii180.zip 800 II v1.80 - Driver for various FD formats 9xclone.zip 9xClone v1.3 - Menu-driven batch program to backup and restore the full contants of C: drive 9xramdrv.zip 9x RamDrive v1.3 - Menu-driven frontend for Franck Uberto's XMSDSK v1.9i by Frank Rizzo aaf4-0.zip Autorun Action Flash - Graphical Autorun Program aam3-1.zip Autorun Action Menu - Graphical Menu Program aback20.zip ABACK v2.0 - Little backup program abe.zip Active Backup Expert v1.30 for Win9x/NT/2000 - Backup util which creates backup archives in ZIP format acce2m11.zip ACCESO 2M v1.1 - Utility for reading 2M diskettes under Win95 acd233.zip Another Change Directory v2.33 - Quick Directory Changer acd95_11.zip AcceleratedCD v1.10 - CD ROM Accelerator for Win95 adc151.zip Advanced Disk Catalog v1.51 - Removable Drive Catalogizer adcplug.zip ADC Plugin for FAR v1.47 add107.zip A-Disk Duplicator v1.0 - Floppy disk duplicator adjustcd.zip AdjustCD - CD ROM Drive Access Filter adqv101.zip ADQ (ATA Drive Query) - Hard disk info utility aefdsk22.zip AEFDISK v2.2 - Command line driven disk partitioning utility aefsdr.zip Advanced EFS Data Recovery v4.30 - Decrypt files from Windows NTFS partitions aforg170.exe Advanced File Organizer v1.70 - Disk cataloging tool for Win32 ag4-0.zip Autooption Graphic - Autorun Program aif10.zip CD Autorun Inf Editor v1.0 alcoh120.exe Alcohol 120% v2.1.0 - CD/DVD Emulator/Burner for WinXP-10 alcohl41.rar Alcoholer v4.1 - Tool to combine ClonyXXL and Alcohol 120% anad207.zip Anadisk v2.07 - Something like NDD anyburn.exe AnyBurn v5.2 (32-bit) - CD/DVD/Blu-ray burner anyburnx.exe AnyBurn v5.2 (64-bit) - CD/DVD/Blu-ray burner anyburn.zip AnyBurn v5.2 (portable 32-bit&64-bit) - CD/DVD/Blu-ray burner anyreadr.exe AnyReader v3.18 - Tool to read corrupt disk media, damaged flash disks and unreliable LAN/Wi-Fi network anytoiso.exe AnyToISO v3.9.6 - Extract/Convert to ISO Any Disk Image and Create ISO from CD/DVD/Blu-ray Disks and Folders ap1-0.zip Autopage - Animated CD Menu System arcpro14.zip ArchivePro 2000 v1.4 for Win9x/NT - Backup Application arfd01.zip Analyzer for Recover Fixed / Floppy Disk v0.1 asbnch07.zip ASBench v0.7 - ASPI Disk Benchmark ascoun21.zip Allocated Space Counter v2.1 - Verbose info on HD space allocation aspiid15.zip ASPI-ID v1.5 - A SCSCI HD Utility astrt121.zip EduceStart v1.21 - Common backup programs automatic starter atacd203.zip ATAPI CD-ROM Drive Identification Program v2.03 atahd20.zip ATA/IDE Ports Detector ataprb10.zip ATAprobe v1.0 - Display info on (E)IDE disks, ATAPI CD-ROMs and tapes aucdtect.zip AUCDtect v0.8 - CD authenticity detector auto311.zip Auto v3.11 - CD AutoPlay function emulator for Win3.x autoarch.exe AutoArchiver v2.0 - Backup util for Win32 from Hungary autodisk.zip Autodisk v2.0 - Automatically run disks by inserting them and clicking an icon autoej12.zip AutoEject v1.22 for Win95/NT - ZIP Drive Ejector autop3-0.zip Autoption - Autorun Program autordcd.zip Autorun - Creates descriptive README.TXT file that describe CD autorn12.zip AUTORUN v1.2 - OS/2 util that realize CD autorun function autov2-0.zip Autoview - An Universal CD Viewer ay_cyl.zip "Track 0 Bad" diskette formatter by A.Yanovsky b4a460.exe Backup4all Professional v4.6 - ZIP format based backup utility b4a55.exe Backup4all Professional v5.5 - Backup utility for Windows b4a63.exe Backup4all v6.3 build 277 - Backup utility for Windows b4a71.exe Backup4all v7.1 build 297 - Backup utility for Windows b4a82.exe Backup4all v8.2 build 214 - Backup utility for Windows b4a88.exe Backup4all v8.8 build 335 - Backup utility for Windows backupd2.zip MS Backup for Win95 Update badcdrep.zip Bad CD Repair v1.0 - Tool to copy files from corrupted CD or HDD badcop99.zip BadCopy99 - Disk data rescue tool for Win95/98/NT badcopy3.zip BadCopy Pro v3.81 - Data recovery tool for diskette, CD-ROM and digital media bakcfg14.zip BAKCFG v1.4 - PkZip based back-up application for Win95 bbakup59.zip BlackBoard Backup v5.9 for Windows bcd1_386.zip BCD v1.386 - The CD faker bct500.zip BootCTL v5.00 - Always boot from HD bdformat.zip The Better Disk Formatter v1.0 - FD formatter bdse15.zip BigDisk v1.50 - Disk utility that allows the PC to read all it's hard drives bexe.zip Program to prepare FD to boot a computer and run a program bhe201.zip Bus Hound v2.01 for Win95/98/NT/2000 - Low level i/o to be viewed from HD, floppy, CD ROM, DVD etc. bkpfly20.zip Backups-on-the-fly - Backup utility bkpwiz31.zip Backup Wizard - DOS/Win Backup Utility bootchng.zip Boot Changer - Changes the boot sector of the drive to boot from drive C bootmodi.zip Bootstrap Loader Modifier v1.0beta bootpa26.zip BootPart v2.6 - Boot Partition for Windows NT bootsec.zip BOOTSEC - Reads/writes Floppy Boot Sector from/to File bootsv19.zip Bootsave, Bootrest and Bootchk v1.9 - Boot backup utils bpabt214.zip BootPart v2.14 beta - Boot Partition for Windows NT bpc-sh55.zip Sleep HDD v5.5 - HDD saver for IDE hard drives (DOS) brdsc.zip Bill Reid's DriveSpace Chek v3.0 for Win95 brspcchk.zip Bill Reid's DriveSpace Chek v1.0 for Windows bsys12.zip System Backup Utils v1.2 for Win95/98 bttb290.exe Burn To The Brim v2.90 - Util for optimization of CD ROM filling bu4d150.zip Backup Fugue for DOS v1.5 - HD Backup Tool bu4wv102.zip Backup Fugue for Windows v1.02 - HD Backup Tool burnwar9.exe BurnAware Free v9.7 - CD/DVD burning tool for Windows burnwr10.exe BurnAware Free v10.9 - CD/DVD burning tool for Windows burnwr11.exe BurnAware Free v11.9 - CD/DVD burning tool for Windows burnwr12.exe BurnAware Free v12.9 - CD/DVD burning tool for Windows burnwr13.exe BurnAware Free v13.9 - CD/DVD burning tool for Windows burnware.exe BurnAware Free v14.1 - CD/DVD burning tool for Windows burnwarc.exe BurnAware Free v14.1 without optional offers - CD/DVD burning tool for Windows bzipbk52.zip Blackboard Zip BackUp - Util for Iomega Zip and Jazz drives backup c4fish19.zip CATFISH v1.9 - Disk catalog browser cachebst.zip Systweak CacheBoost 4 - WinNT/2000/XP cache optimizer cachem41.zip Cacheman v4.1 - GUI based tool to optimize the cache settings cachm550.exe Cacheman v5.50 - GUI based tool to optimize the cache settings cmxp170.zip CachemanXP v1.7.0 - GUI based tool to optimize the cache settings with RAM recovery function and many others cmxp230.exe CachemanXP v2.30 - Cache/RAM optimizer for WinXP/2000/2003 cachm791.exe Cacheman v7.9.1 - Cache/RAM optimizer for WinXP/Vista/7/8 cach1070.exe Cacheman v10.70.x - Cache/RAM optimizer for WinXP+ calclu20.zip Calclus v2.0 for Win3/95 - Calculates lost disk space using different cluster sizes cbkup250.zip CatDisk Back Up v2.50 - Backup of CatDisk Catalogs ccache11.zip DOS Concurrent Disk Cache v1.10 - FD/HD Cache cd113.zip OPEN/CLOSE CD v1.13 - Joke program for Win95/98/NT cd2cd31.zip Freeware programs for popular CDROM recorders cda_220.zip CD ROM Analyzer v2.2.0 - CD ROM Benchmarking Program cda11.zip CDAcrobat v1.1 - CD Drive Controller for Win32 cdac202.zip CD Autostart Creator v2.0 - Autostart feature equipped CD creator for Win32 cdarc.zip CD Autorun Creator v4.6 - Tool to build CD/DVD autorun programs cdb107.zip CDB v1.07 - Benchmark Analizer for CD-ROM Drives cdc.zip Util for opening/closing CD tray cdc11.zip CDC v1.1 - Hard Disk and CD comparator cdc760.zip CD Catalog Expert v7.60 - CD media catalogizer for Win95-XP cdcheck.zip CD Check v3.1.13 for Win9x-XP - CD-ROM integrity checker cdchk115.zip CD Checker v1.15 - Win32 tool to check the presence of media in CD drive before shutdown cdct11s.zip CD-ROM Cheating Tools v1.1 - Contains also CD-ROM Cheater cdctl32.zip CD Control32 v1.612 - CD-ROM drive door controller cddtl23.zip CD Drive Tool v2.3 - Tool to control CD-ROM drive cde111en.zip CD-ROM Explorer v1.11 cdeject.zip CD-Eject v2.58 - Management of CD-ROM drive for Win32 cdejct16.zip CDEject v1.6 - Util for opening/closing CD doors by mouse clicking cdejec23.zip CD Eject v2.3 - CD Drive Ejector cdfe21.zip CDFE v2.1 - CD ROM Front End - Autoruns when CD is inserted cdgply10.zip CDGPLAY v1.0 - Displays graphics on CD+G Audio CD's cdhelp10.zip CD-Helper v1.0 - CD-ROM Organizer cdi8112.exe CrystalDiskInfo v8.11.2 - HDD health monitoring utility on base of S.M.A.R.T. values and disk temperature cdi8112.zip CrystalDiskInfo v8.11.2 - HDD health monitoring utility on base of S.M.A.R.T. values and disk temperature (portable) cdimage.zip CiC - CD Image Converter v1.10 for Win32 cdimgcvt.zip CD-ROM Image Converter v1.1 - Convert CD-ROM track images between any format cdindex.zip CD Indexer v1.0 for Win95/NT - Disk index maker cdinf12.zip CDROMINF v1.2 - CD Tester cdinfo.zip CDInfo v1.13 - Read ISO descriptors from your CD-ROM drives cdm801.exe CrystalDiskMark v8.0.1 - HD Benchmarking tool cdm801.zip CrystalDiskMark v8.0.1 - HD Benchmarking Tool cdngo.zip CD'n'Go v2.0 - MP3 suite incl. Digital Audio Extractor, Audio Compressor and File Tagger cdoct.zip CD Open Close Tray v1.00 - DOS/Win95 util for opening/closing CD tray cdoct32.zip CD Open Close Tray 2001 - Util to open/close CD tray for Win9x/NT/2000/Me cdps2102.zip CD Protection Scout v2.1.0.2 - Utility to detect what kind of CD protection is being used on certain CD cdpv324.zip CD Portal v3.24 - CD-ROM Autorun Maker cdq95v32.zip CD-Quick Cache for Win'95 v3.21 cdqck130.zip CD-Quick Cache v1.30 - CD-ROM Cache cdr40g-a.exe CDRWIN v4.0G - CD-ROM Recording Tools for Win9x-Vista cdrdaown.zip Cdrdao v1.1.7 for Win32 - Tool to write audio/data CD-Rs in disk-at-once mode cdrl1170.exe CDRoller v11.70.x for WinXP-10 - CD/DVD/BRD data recovery toolkit cdvddiag.exe CD/DVD Diagnostic v2.1.x - CD/DVD data inspector/recovery tool cdrecv10.zip CD-Recovery v1.0 - CDROM Recovery Utility cdrid163.zip CDR Identifier v1.63 - Util for identification of CDROM manufacturer cdromcmd.zip CD-ROM Commands v1.1 - Command line CDROM tools cdromwtc.zip CD-ROM Watcher v1.0 - CD-ROM drive usage controller cdsk920.zip Disk Catalog System / CATDISK v9.20 (DOS) cdskw111.zip Disk Catalog System / CATDISK for Win 3.10+ & 95 v1.11 cdspd11d.zip CDSPEED v1.1 for DOS - CD-ROM drive spindle speed and inactivity time controller cdspd11w.zip CDSPEED v1.1 for Win - CD-ROM drive spindle speed and inactivity time controller cdspin.zip CD Spin v1.01 - CDROM drive spin-up time remover cdt115.zip CD-TOOLS v1.15 - A Utility for ROM and Audio CD's cdtest.zip A collection of test progs for various CD drives cdtest33.zip Fast CD-Test v3.02a - CD Tester cdtxtman.exe CD-Text Manager v1.6 - CD-Text info extraction tool cduke.exe CDuke - CD burning application for Win32 cdutl10e.zip CD utilities v1.0e beta by Falk Huth cdview2.zip Image compilation CD's front-end cdxs300.zip CDXcess - Util for ejecting/closing CDROM drive's tray cfgback.zip Win'95 Configuration Backup cgreen21.zip SeaGREEN Power Management Utility for Seagate ATA (IDE) HD's chckdisk.zip CheckDisk v1.6 - Tool for Win32 to repair the disk errors chckdskx.zip CheckDisk v1.6 - Tool for Win64 to repair the disk errors chdisk10.zip Change Disk v1.0 - Program that waits until the disk in drive A: is changed checkcd.zip CheckCD - Win9x checker of CDROM media for physical errors checkout.zip BOOTID & CHECKOUT - Diskette Identifier and Checker chkcd101.zip CheckCD - CD ROM drive tester for Windows chkhd99c.zip CheckHD v0.99 beta - HD Checker clasfree.zip North Beach Labs Disk Duplicator Classic v1.2 Freeware cleanfre.zip CleanFree - Win95/98/2000 util that writes binary zeros to the remaining free space on a selected drive cleanup.zip Disk Clean Up 2000 v4.9 - Clean up deleted files clendriv.zip CleanDrive v1.2 - Disk wiping util clf500.zip CleanFL v5.00 - FD cleaning utility clfv3.zip Cheesy Little Formatter v3.0 - Win95 diskette formatting util clg44.zip Configuration LifeGuard v4.4 - Win9x-XP backup utility clonyxxl.zip Clony XXL v2.01.5 - CD Scanner for checking type of copy protection cm219.zip Clone Master v2.19 - Duplicate Files Finder cmflop17.zip CMFLOPPY v1.7 - Floppy diskette util combi118.zip COMBI-Disk v1.18 - RAM disk & disk cache contig.zip Contig v1.52 - Windows NT Disk Defragmenter copyall.zip CopyAll - Win32 program for making backups/installing of HD's copyq324.zip CopyQM v3.24 - Powerful FD Copier by Sydex core303.zip COREtest - Disk Performance Test Program v3.03 cpdsk195.zip CPDISK v1.95 - Disk utility cptfmt.zip Copy Protected Diskette Track Formatter crhdt351.zip CORE Fixed Disk Test and Exerciser Program v3.51 crusr140.zip CRUISER v1.40 - 32-bit Disk Browser Utility for Win'95 cspc132.zip CSPACE v1.32 - Show Free Space (HD & Network drives) ctdisk13.zip CT Disk Copy v1.3 - Program for creating duplicate disks for Windows cvt16-32.zip CVT - FAT16 to FAT32 Converter cyldir39.zip Cyldir v3.9 - Lists dirs found in FAT d2d-98.zip D2D/98 - Free program to copy floppy disks da33.zip DiskArella v3.3 - Disk Space Recovery Util for Win9x dao39h16.zip Freeware programs for popular CDROM recorders v3.9H (DOS16) dao40g32.zip Freeware programs for popular CDROM recorders v4.0G (DOS32) data_rec.zip TIRAMISU v4.03 - Sophisticated Data Recovery Software davory.zip Davory v2.0 - Data recovery tool supporting FAT12, FAT 16, FAT 21 and NTFS db_help.zip DiskBase v5.11 Manual in DOC format db16_511.zip DiskBase v5.11 for Win3.1x - Disk Cataloging Program db22.exe Drive Bar v2.2 - Additional bar with list of available drives db32_517.zip DiskBase v5.17 for Win9x-XP - Disk Cataloging Program db32c517.zip DiskBase v5.17 for Win9x-XP - Disk Cataloging Program (Czech Edition) dcf53.zip DCF v5.3 - Disk Copy Fast dcfr004.zip DCFR v0.0.4 - DCF disk image files manipulator dcopy.zip DCOPY v0.99 - A Basic Hard Disk Copier dcopy42.zip DiskCopy v4.2 - 32-bit disk duplicator ddcdes.zip DDCDes v1.1.1.0 - Open/close CDROM drive ddconv.zip DiskDupe Conversion Utility v1.0 R4 dddll801.zip DiskDupe DLL Interface v8.01 ddfordos.zip dd(1) for DOS - UNIX-like util for read/write data by blocks ddi240.zip DiskDupe Image Shell v2.40 ddi2hdd.zip DDI images to HDD directories converter v0.07 ddset341.zip DISKdata v3.4.1 - Win95/98/NT/2000 disk space utilization analyzer ddt5140.zip DiskDupe Trial v5.1 for DOS - Diskette duplicator ddutil.zip DiskDupe Util by MSD ddwt5139.zip DiskDupe Trial for Windows v5.1 - Diskette duplicator de_30.zip DE v3.0 - Disk Editor for DOS de-v092.zip Disk-Ease v0.9.2 - Floppy disk indexer defrag.zip Defrag - Program for demonstration the use of NT 4.0 FAT and NTFS cluster movement File System Control functions defrg222.exe Defraggler v2.22 - Defragmentation tool for Windows defsht09.zip Defrag_to_shutdown v0.9 for Win9x - Util for disk defragmenting delpart.zip DelPart - Microsoft Partition Deleter v1.0 delutil.zip Deleted File Analysis Utility v1.0.67 dep370cz.exe Diskexplorer Professional v3.70 - Czech removable media catalogizer for Win32 (Czech Edition) dep370en.exe DiskExplorer Professional v3.70 - Czech removable media catalogizer for Win32 (English Edition) diskexpl.zip DiskExplorer for FAT v4.32 - Disk Editor for Win9x+ dlmanip.zip DLMANIP - Drive Letter Manipulator for DOS - Utility that assigns any letter to any DOS drive (effective under Win9x-ME) dln370sk.exe Slovak Language Module for DiskExplorer Pro v3.70 doscdrb2.zip IDE/ATAPI CD Writer Software Collection for DOS (Beta-2) doscdrb3.zip IDE/ATAPI CD Writer Software Collection for DOS (Beta-3) dp11.exe Defragmenter Pro v1.1 - Efficient ScanDisk and disk defrat utility drivmast.zip CD-DVD Drives Master v1.2 - CD/DVD drives manipulation tool dskchk33.zip Disk Checker v3.3 - Disk checking/repairing tool dskcheck.zip Emsa Disk Check v1.0 - Tool to disk checking/benchmarking dskchk43.zip DiskCheck v4.3 - Tool to check IDE/SCSI controllers and harddisks dskfix20.zip Floppy Disk Fix ver2.0 dskspy20..zip DiskSpy v2.0 - Disk editor dvd_iden.zip DVD Identifier v5.0 for Win32 dvdfab.exe DVDFab v8.0.9.0 - DVD/BR copying/burning software dvdrepar.zip DVD Drive Repair v2.2.2.1125 Setup version - Tool to restore DVD drive dvdrepar.exe DVD Drive Repair v2.2.2.1125 Portable version - Tool to restore DVD drive dvdshrnk.zip DVD Shrink v2.0 - DVD backup tool dvw360cz.exe DiskExplorer Pro Viewer v3.60 - Free viewer of file database created by DiskExplorer Pro for Win32 (Czech Edition) dvw360cz.zip DiskExplorer Pro Viewer v3.60 - Free viewer of file database created by DiskExplorer Pro for Win32 (Czech Edition) dvw360en.exe DiskExplorer Pro Viewer v3.60 - Free viewer of file database created by DiskExplorer Pro for Win32 (English Edition) dvw360en.zip DiskExplorer Pro Viewer v3.60 - Free viewer of file database created by DiskExplorer Pro for Win32 (English Edition) dvw360sk.exe DiskExplorer Pro Viewer v3.60 - Free viewer of file database created by DiskExplorer Pro for Win32 (Slovak Edition) dvw360sk.zip DiskExplorer Pro Viewer v3.60 - Free Viewer of file database created by DiskExplorer Pro for Win32 (Slovak Edition) df32210.zip Disk Factory 32 v2.10 - Disk Copy Program for Win95 dfree_12.zip DiskFree v1.2 for Windows - Util for free disk space info dfree1_1.rar DFREE v1.1 - Free disk space showing utility dfree131.zip DiskFree v1.31 for Win95/98/NT - Free disk space informer dfree36a.zip FREE v3.6a - Free disk space displaying utility dfsee104.zip Display File System v10.4 - File system analysis util for DOS, OS/2, Windows, Mac and Linux dhack102.zip DISKHACK v1.02 - Disk Editor di.zip Drive Info v1.1.02 - Disk usage explorer dimage.zip DiskImage for DOS v1.00 beta - Russian disk image creator dimage23.zip DiskImage v2.30 - Disk utilization info utility dirf25.zip Direct Floppy v2.5 - Tool for floppy image creation discat12.zip DISKCAT v1.2 - Floppy Disk Catalogue Util for Win3.1 discat44.zip DISKCAT v4.4 - Floppy Disk Catalogue Util for Win95 disfac11.zip Disk Factory v1.11 for Windows 3.1 - Disk Copy Program disk_img.zip Active@ Disk Image - DOS-based backup tool disk_mon.zip Disk Monitor for Windows disk13.zip DISK-INFO v1.3 - German Boot-Sector Analyser diskbk12.zip Diskback v1.2 - HD Backup Program diskcat.zip DiskCat v2.0 - Removable media catalogizer diskdb20.zip DiskDB v2.0 for Win95/98/NT/2000 - Catalog for removable media diske291.zip DISKED v2.9.1 - Low-level Disk Editor diskfr22.zip Mihov DiskFree v2.2 - Free disk space display diskfree.zip DiskFree v1.31 for Win95/NT - Free Disk Space Monitor diskimg.zip Roadkil's Disk Image v1.01 - Copies an image of a disk to/from a file diskmon.zip Disk Space Monitor v1.0b4 for Win95/NT diskr153.zip Diskers v1.53 - Disk/File Duplicator for Win95 diskrest.zip Diskette Restorer v2.2 - Russian util for damaged floppies treatment disksav2.zip FAT and BOOTSAVE v2.3 Maint.Rel. diskuse.zip DiskUsage99 v2.01 for Win9x/NT - Free space monitor diskutil.zip DiskUtil Disk Editor v1.00 for Win95 diskwr09.zip DiskWriter v0.9 for Win9x/NT/2000 - Util to write disk image files to a floppy disk diu.zip DIU - Diskette Image Unpacker dk002.zip Directory Killer v0.02 dkcare40.zip DiskCare v4.0 - HD maintenance program shell dki191.zip DKI v1.91 - Disk Analyser dkopie30.zip DKOPIE v3.0 - Discopy program with 2M and FDformat disks support dksqv1_1.zip Graham System Disk Sqeezer Utils - HD Tracks Compressor for DOS dls330.zip Disk Label System v3.30 - DOS labeling program (CATDISK util) dm40.zip Joba's Disk Max v4.0 - German high capacity diskette formatter dman133.zip DRIV_MAN v1.33 - Single Screen Disk Drive Data Display dmfiles.zip DriveMeter v2.0 - Graphically display capacity/free space of HD drives dmlcl40.zip DefragMentor Lite CL v4.0 for WinNT/2K - Command line util for defragmenting files on FAT and NTFS volumes dmlite10.zip DefragMentor Lite v1.0 for WinNT/2K - GUI util for defragm. fileson FAT and NTFS volumes dnf500.zip DISKINFO v5.00 - Displays info about disks dog316.zip Disk OrGanizer v3.16 - Disk defragmenter dolly.zip DOLLY v1.00 - Hard Drive Cloning And Imaging Utility doslnk10.zip DOSLink v1.0 - Symbolic linker in DOS dqcl11.zip QCLab v1.1 - Diskette testing utility drive301.zip Drive v3.01 - Pop-up drive browser and virtual drive creator driveinf.zip CCCs Software Drive Info v1.0 - Displays low-level drive info drives01.zip Drives v0.01 - BAT util for drives identification drivstar.zip Drive Imager DriveStar v2.39 - Partition manipulator for DOS and Win32 drivtype.zip Drive Type Recognizer for Windows drsp-310.zip DRSP - Drive Speed v3.10 - Write/Read Drive Speed Identifier drvalm49.zip Drive Alarm v4.0 - Free disk space monitor drvinq10.zip Visual Basic 5 source to get statistics on HDD's drvman14.zip Drive Man v1.4 - 32-bit Win'95 application for accesing storage devices drvslack.zip DriveSlack v1.00 - Show how much HD space is wasted because of large clusters ds2v504.zip Disk Spool II v5.04 ds3recvr.zip Drivespace 3 Disaster Recovery Kit ds95503.zip Directory Snoop v5.03 - View raw dir entries dsafe17.zip Hack Systems Data Safe v1.7 - Backup and replication program for Win32 dsafet35.zip DoubleSafety v3.5 - Tool to automatic creation of backups using ZIP compression format dskcpy20.zip DiskCopy v2.0 - Duplicate disks creator for Win32 dskim102.zip Disk Imager v1.0 - HD Imager for DOS dskimg11.zip Disk Imager v1.0 - Floppy image manipulation util dskinv13.zip Disk Investigator v1.3 - Raw disk sectors reader for Win95-XP with NTFS support dskit13.zip DSKCASE v1.03 - Menu-driven disk manager dsklck10.zip DiskLock for Win95 v1.0 - Removable media locker dskpie23.zip Disk Piecharter for Win95/NT v2.3 - Graphical Disk Explorer dskspeed.zip Roadkil's DiskSpeed v1.0 - Tests the speed of disk drives dsksvr10.zip Disk Saver v1.0 for Win95/98 - Data from trashed disk recovering utility dsktest.zip DiskTester for Win95/98/NT - Tests CDs, Floppies and Hard Disks dskwas22.zip DSKWASTE v2.2 - Disk Waste Evaluator for DOS dspac66a.zip SMEM v6.6a and DSPACE v6.6 - Free memory / HD space displayer dspaceo.zip DSpace v1 - Free Disk Space Checker dspeed.zip D-Speed - Speed of a disk transfer checker dsktap11.zip Tandy Colour Computer Disk-To-Tape Transfer Utility v1.1 dskstate.zip DiskState v3.70 for Win32 - Program that reports current state of disk (free space, swap space etc.) dtool0p1.zip Disk Tools v0.1 - Disk Sector Manipulation Utility dtpro12.zip Disktest PRO v1.2 - Win32 floppy disk analyzing/repairing tool dtw10.zip Drive Test for Windows v1.0 dugide21.zip DUG-IDE - Low-level info of the IDE hard disk checker dupchk13.zip Dupcheck Upload Processor v1.30 dupe_n28.zip Dupe Nukem v2.8 - Duplicate file remover dupe151.zip Duplication Factory v1.51 - Diskette Duplicator for Win95/NT duw121.zip DUW v1.21 - Disk Usage Indicator for Win95/NT dvdcopy.zip DVD Copy v1.0b - DVD Video/AC3 Audio Extractor for Winx9/NT/2K dvdgn410.exe DVD Genie v4.10 - DVD Region Code Changer dvdidle.exe DVD Idle v5.x - DVD-ROM drive life extender for Win32 dvdidpr.exe DVD Idle v5.x Pro - DVD-ROM drive life extender for Win32 dvdregfr.exe DVD Region Free v5.x - Tool for setting DVD region dw110.zip DiskWaste v1.10 - DOS util for showing disk space wasted by small files dware.zip DWARE - Disk based archival software for DOS dxp234.zip Disk Express v2.34 - Diskette Images Creator e0x.zip E0X 2002 - Emulation of floppy drive easbk110.zip Easy Backup v1.10 - Backup tool for Win32 easbrdvd.zip Easy Burning v2.03 - CD/DVD Burning Tool for Win32 easbrn20.zip Easy Burning v1.90 - CD Burning Tool for Win32 easyback.zip EASY BACKUP v1.0 for Win32 by Dirk Paehl easyiso.zip EASY ISO(CD) Creator for Win32 by Dirk Paehl eb558.exe Easy Backup v5.58 - Backup tool for Win32 ebak73.zip Easy Backup v7.3 - Backup Software eboostr.exe eBoostr v1.0 - Performance boosting (ReadyBoost-like) technology for Windows XP using flash drive eddy8h.zip Eddy ver.8h - File/Disk/Directory Editor eidete24.zip EIDETEST v2.4 - Flawed EIDE Controller Detection Utility encopy3.rar Encopy v3.73 - Utility to copy data from damaged disk media encopy4.zip Encopy v4.71 - Utility to copy data from damaged disks epart28.zip Editpart v2.8 - Partition contents editor eraser32.exe Eraser v5.86 for Win32 - Safe data deleting program eraser62.exe Eraser v6.2. - A security tool to remove sensitive data from Windows hard drive erdcmndr.zip ERD Commander v1.0 (Read-only) - Allows to boot Windows NT system from floppy disk drive ersp.zip ERS - Emergency Recovery System v1.23 for Win'95 etfloppy.zip Extra Terrestrial Floppy Magic v1.00 - Special 40k area on 1.44M diskette creator etiq300.zip ETIQ v3.0 - Diskette Serial Number Numerator exprburn.exe Express Burn v10.0 - Disc Burning Software for Windows extrac21.zip Disk images extractor for Windows eyedrv40.zip EyeDrives v4.0 - Tool for visualization free disk space ezbu13.zip Easy Backup v1.3 for DOS ezcat261.zip EZCat v2.61 - Removable media catalogizer ezcpypro.zip EZ-DiskCopy PRO v3.30c - Diskette duplicator fakecd13.zip Simulates CD-ROM drive with a directory of HD fakedisk.zip Fakedisk v0.99beta - Disk image file emulator fat-map6.zip FAT16 and FAT32 hard disk information graphic interpreter fat32.exe FAT32 for WniNT v1.01 Read - FAT32 disks reading enabling tool for Windows NT fat32fmt.exe fat32format v1.01 - Windows tool to format USB drives that are larger than 32 GB to FAT32 fat32101.zip Fat32Free - Program for showing size and free space of FAT32 drives under Win95(OSR1) or Win98 fat32rec.zip TIRAMISU for FAT32 v3.03 - Sophisticated Data Recovery ftmn311a.zip FATMon v3.1.01a - FAT monitor for Win95/98/NT fbios13.zip FBIOS v1.3 - Floppy Disk Tester fbrake.zip Floppy Drive Brake by A.Yanovsky fbsd10.zip FindBSD v1.0 - Searches for BSD disklabels fc102.zip File Collection v1.02 - Removable media catalogizer for Win32 fda61.rar Floppy Disk Analyzer v6.1 (dox in Russian) fdf_v35.zip FDF v3.5 - Shell for FDFORMAT Utilities fdform18.zip FDFORMAT v1.8 - FD Format Utils fdfrg12.zip Disk-Organize v1.2 - Useful Screen-Saver for Windows :-) fdir14.zip Finddir v1.4 - Util for searching subdirs on a disk fdisk131.zip FDISK v1.3.1 - HD Partition management util fdr_230.zip Floppy Disk Reanimator v2.30 fdsf110.zip FDSF v1.10 - Floppy Drive Shift Factor Utility fdsh166.zip FDShell v1.66 - German Floppy Disk Format Shell ferio168.exe Feurio v1.68 - CD Writer for Win32 ffrm231a.zip FreeForm v2.31a - FD formatter ff298b_p.zip FFormat v2.98B ff299b.zip FDS - Easy Change Floppy Drive Parameters ffat122.zip FindFAT v1.22 - Util for searching FATs on a disk fi233.exe Floppy Image v2.33 - Floppy image creation tool filler.zip Filler v1.00 - Russian util for optimalised filling up of diskette when copying files from HD filwiz11.zip FileWiz v1.10 - Disk Cataloguer finaldat.zip Final Data Enterprise v1.0 - Deleted files recovering tool for Win9x/Me finds100.zip Find Sector v1.0 - Sector level data viewer fips20.zip FIPS v2.0 - First Nondestructive Interactive Partition Splitting Program firm.zip FIRM - DOS Floppy image reader/maker fixflop.zip FixFlop - Flppy utility by MSD floima13.zip FLOIMA v13.0 - 1.4M floppy image creator/manipulator flopimg.zip FlopyImg v2.01 - Freeware Floppy Image Maker/Recoverer flopoff.zip Floppy on/off util floppy.zip Floppy v2.2 - Util for floppy media wiping floptool.zip Disk Tools v1.0 - Batch file for copying/deleting all diskette flopv1.zip Floppy v1.1 - Backup on floppy disks flopyc22.zip Floppycat v2.2 - Floppy Cataloger for Windows flpimg20.zip FlopImager v2.0 - Floppy Disk Image File Creation Tool flpimg22.zip Floppy Image Creator v2.2.5 for Win32 flpkit11.zip Floppy Kit v1.1 - Set of FD utils fm2-0.zip Fastmenu - Simple menu program fm56.zip Format Master v5.6 fmt14.zip FMT v1.4 - Floppy format program for DOS/Win3/Win95/WinNT fmw13.zip Format Master for Windows v1.3 forag200.zip ForAge v2.00 - Backup Program forma091.zip Format v0.91 - Util that prepares a disk with a file system formq201.zip Format QM v2.01 - FD Formatter fpart391.zip Findpart v3.91 - Util for searching the lost partitions fr1_00.zip FR v1.00 - Formats "Track 0 Bad" Floppies freee500.zip FreeE-Space v5.0 - Shows Free Disk Space fs17.zip HSI Free Space v1.7 - Disk Space Analyzer fsave11.zip FSAVE v1.1 - Back-up program fsdext2.zip FSDEXT2 v0.16 - Linux 2nd Extended File System for Win95 fsp131.zip Free Space v1.31 - DOS Multiple HD Space Utilization Util fu_rd19i.zip EMS/XMS RAMDISK v1.9i fuldsk53.zip Full Disk v5.3 - HD Tree Viewer for Win9x/NT/2000 fword12.zip Findword v1.2 - Word (4 KB blocks) finder on disk gburn50.exe gBurner v5.0 32-bit - CD/DVD burning tool gburn50x.exe gBurner v5.0 64-bit - CD/DVD burning tool ghost.zip Ghost - Disk Formatting/Copying Utility gide11.zip Noise reducer for IDE drives for Windows grbakp75.exe GR Back Pro v7.5.x for WinXP-7 - Backup Utility grbakp80.exe GR Back Pro v8.0.x for WinXP-8 - Backup Utility grbakp84.exe GR Back Pro v8.4.x for WinXP-10 - Backup Util (32bit) grbakx84.exe GR Back Pro v8.4.x for WinXP-10 - Backup Util (64bit) grbakp90.exe GR Back Pro v9.0.x for WinXP-10 - Backup Util (32bit) grbakx90.exe GR Back Pro v9.0.x for WinXP-10 - Backup Util (64bit) grduw410.zip GR Disk Utility for Win9x/Me v4.1 - Floppy Disk Utils gsect15.zip Getsect v1.5 - Write sector contents to file gusdrv2.zip GUS Drive II - DOS-compatible RAM-disc using GUS' DRAM gusdrvpt.zip GUS Drive II Patch hakaut10.zip Hyper v1.0 - User interface for HyperDisk program has108.zip Heatsoft Automatic Syncrhonizer v1.08 - Tool to synchronize, backup or mirror disk media for Win2000-Vista hb694.exe Handy Backup v6.9.4 - Backup program for Win9x-7 hb794.exe Handy Backup v7.9.4 - Backup program for Windows hb822.exe Handy Backup v8.2.2 - Backup program for Windows hcf13.zip High-Capacity FD Formatter hd_speed.zip HD_Speed v1.5 - Tool to measure data transfer rates of HD hd98copy.zip HD98COPY v4.1 - HD partitions backup program hdacc170.zip The HardDisk Accomplice v1.70 - HD utility hdat2_53.exe HDAT2 v5.3 - program for diagnostics of ATA/ATAPI/SATA, SSD and SCSI/USB devices hdcheck.zip HD Checker - Win32 tool to monitor right functionality of HD hdclon32.zip HD Clone v3.2 - Disk cloning utility hdcp31.zip Hard Disk Copy v3.1 - Hard disk sector copy/backup utility hdcp20ae.zip HD-Copy v2.0a hdd_vhd.zip hdd_vhd - Harddisk Image Converter hddacman.zip Abacus HDD Acoustic Manager v1.2 - Allows to manipulate hard disk drive noise hddchk20.zip HDDCHECK v2.00 - HD Structure Checker hddinsp.exe Hard Drive Inspector v4.35 - HD checker based on S.M.A.R.T. technology hddperf.zip HDD Perf v0.53 - HD Usage Monitor for Win2000/XP hddscn40.zip HDDScan for Windows v4.0 - Tool to diagnose problems with HD drives hddspd21.zip HDD Speed v2.1 - HDD Benchmarking Program from Russia hddstat.zip HDDSTAT - Util that display the free disk space in Win95/NT taskbar hddtemp.exe HDD Temperature 1.4 - Tool for measuring temperature of hard disks hddtscsi.exe HDD Temperature SCSI Edition v1.0 - Tool for measuring temperature of SCSI hard diskss hddtherm.exe HDD Thermometer v1.0 - Tool to measure temperature of HD hddut23r.exe HDD UTILity v2.3 - Russian HDD utils (freeware) hdgraph.zip HDGraph v1.5.1 - Tool to visualize folder structure hdi.zip Hard Disk Indicator v1.3 - Tool to indicate HD activity in system tray hdid102.zip Hard Drive ID v1.02 - Test the info of your HD hdl11ns.zip HardDisk LED v1.1 - HDD LED Simulator hdm506.zip Hard Disk Menu v5.06 by MicroFox hdslp155.zip Hard Disk Sleeper for Win'95 v1.55 hdsnif26.zip HDSniff v2.6 - Displays current low level formatting params hdtach30.exe HD Tach 3.0.x - Low level benchmark for storage devices hdtun255.exe HD Tune v2.55 - Hard disk tester for Windows hdtpr570.exe HD Tune Pro v5.70 - HD/SSD utility with many functions headp11.zip Head Parker v1.1 hfs.rar HFS v1.96 - Disk analyser for loses in clusters (in Russian) hp15s211.zip HP 150 Diskette Driver by Sydex hpfs4dos.zip HPFS 4 DOS - Util for HPFS partitions access from DOS hxcflopy.zip HxCFloppyEmulator for Windows hyperdsk.zip HyperWin - Windows Interface for Hyperdisk Utility iace10.zip IMPEL ACE v1.0 - CD drive opener by mouse for Win32 icach121.zip ICACHE v1.21 - XMS disk and CD-ROM caching system ida146.zip Instant Drive Access v1.46 for Win95/NT ide_tols.zip IDE HDD Basic Utils ideata26.zip IDE-ATA Drive Identification Program v2.60 ideinfo.zip IDE Drives Info v1.00beta ihpfs129.zip iHPFS v1.29 - An HPFS Driver for DOS ihpfsiom.arj IHPFSIOM - Access to Iomega ZIP-100 with HPFS formatted media in DOS with IHPFS image.zip Image for DOS v3.10 - DOS based disk partition backup/restore tool imagetr.zip Image - Floppy disk image maker imagewc.exe Image for Windows Backup and Restore v3.32 - Disk image creation tool (CUI) imagewg.exe Image for Windows Backup and Restore v3.32 - Disk image creation tool (GUI) imageusb.zip ImageUSB v1.5 Build 1003 - Tool that lets you create an exact image of all the content on your USB flash drive. imdisk2.exe ImDisk Virtual Disk Driver v2.0.10 - Tool for creation virtual HD or CD/DVD drive using image file or RAM img.arj IMG - Copy program from/to drives and disk image files img2_0e.zip IMG v2.00e - Diskette images manipulator imgbrn25.exe ImgBurn v2.5.8 - Tool to create/burn CD/DVD images imgtls14.zip IMGREP v1.4 & IMGCHECK v1.4a - Tols for Automating the Imaging of Hard Disks inc43111.exe InCD - UDF Packet writing solution for Win32 iopat12.zip IOPATCH v1.2 - IO.SYS patch for Win95 OSR2 and Win98 bootable floppy for use as a boot image on bootable CD-ROM isdbl13.zip IsDBL v1.3 - Is the specified drive a virtual DBLSPACE isoburn2.zip ISO Burner v2.0 - Simple ISO creator with bootable image support isoburn2.exe ISOburn v2.0.0 2017 - Free ISO Image CD/DVD Burner isobus47.exe IsoBuster v4.7 - CD ROM's File System Explorer for Windows isotool7.exe ISO Toolkit v7.1 - Freeware ISO manipulation tool isotousb.exe ISO to USB v1.6 - Simple app that can burn ISO's to any USB drive isowrk10.exe ISO Workshop v10.1 - Tool to extract/convert/burn ISO images isstac13.zip IsStac v1.3 - Is the specified drive a virtual STACKER jam125sw.zip Jam v1.25 - Ukrainian Stacker/DoubleSpace... like program jcfg100.zip JCFG v1.0 - Assigns dummy drive letters - swaps drive letters js_udf15.zip Jet Storage UDF v1.56 - UDF implementation for Win32 kill-a.zip Utility for A-drive hiding killdisk.zip Active @ KILLDISK for DOS - Utility for unrecoverable data destruction kutil14.zip K-Tools v1.4 - A set of disk and file utils laund30.zip Launder v3.0 - Fast diskette eraser lba48chk.zip LBA48Chk - The 48-bit LBA test program for DOS lfloppy.zip Lock Floppy v0.91beta - Floppy drive locker lgdh.zip LGDH v1.10 - Disketes catalogizer (in Russian) linkln11.zip Link v1.1 - Link to exe and com files creator llfclr13.zip LLFCLR v1.3 - Clears HD of earlier LLF attempts lofmt222.zip LOFMT v2.22 - Diskette formatter using Int13 losses32.zip FAT16 Losses Calculator for Win95 lowfmt.zip LowFmt v2.4 - A low level formatter ltool612.zip LTOOLS (formerly LREAD) v6.12 - Program to read LINUX Ext.2 Filesystems on PCs from withing DOS/Win/UNIX lsd100.zip LSD v1.00 - Lucifer's Speed Deleter - Floppy disk deleter macsee50.zip MacSEE v5.0 - Read/Write Mac Disks On PC (for DOS) manrun10.zip ManRun v1.0 - AutoRun a CD whenever you want to maxi19.zip MAXIForm v1.9 - Floppy Disk Expander mbrinfo.zip MBRINFO v2.11 by ROSE - Displays the contents of the partition table mbrs111.zip MBRSCAN v1.11 - Partition table analyzer for DOS mbrt21.zip MBRtool v2.1.100- MBR manipulation tool for DOS mbrwiz15.zip MBRWiz v1.5 - Tool to modify MBR data mbsb10.exe Malwarebytes Secure Backup v1.0 - Tool for automatic backup cooperating with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware tool mchecker.zip Media Checker v2.02 - Disk media checker for Win32 mdb.zip Michael's Disk Benchmark v1.11 for Win95 mdisk42.zip MAXIDisk v4.20 - Floppy Disk Expander for Windows mdr.zip Monir's Data Retriever v1.06 - FAT16 disk recovery util medchkr.zip Mediachecker v2.01 - Search for corrupted files on any media mosqito.zip mosQito v1.0 - Disk Cataloger System msoft17f.zip MSOFT17F - Microsoft 1.7M Floppy Formater mud5-0.exe Maxtor Utilities Disk v5.0 - Set of HD maintenance utils mxformat.zip Alkonsoft MaxFormat v3.60 - Diskette formatting util mydefrag.exe MyDefrag v4.2.9 - Disk defragmenter and optimizer for Windows 2000 and above nas.zip RAIDs in a RAID-0 or RAID-5 - Tool to Recover XFS- or EXT-formatted NAS devices ndfsv10.zip NetDrive for OS/2 v1.0 - Util to mount FTP site, local directory or a network resource as a drive letter nero6615.exe Nero Burning ROM v6.6.1.5a - Win95-XP CD/DVD Burning Tool ner71010.exe Nero 7 Premium v7.10.1.0 - Win95-XP CD/DVD Burning Tool nr551056.exe Nero Burning ROM v5.5.10.56 - Win95-XP util for writing data and CD Audio to CD-R and CD-RW discs nerocdvd.zip Nero CD/DVD Speed v4.7.7 - CD/DVD drive speed identifier neroinfo.zip Nero Info Tool v1.00 - Drive configuration analyser nk13.zip Noise Killer Disk Utility v1.3 nrx14031.exe NeroMIX - Multimedia CD Creation tool for Win32 nnbackup.exe nnBackup v2.28 - Backup utility for Win95-XP norem010.zip NoRemove - Removable to hard drives convertor for Win95/NT norm_fat.arj NORM_FAT - Repairs corrupted entries in FAT filesystems nov_rec.zip TIRAMISU for Novell v3.03 - Sophisticated Data Recovery nsb20b.zip Nonstop Backup v2.0b - Backup to secondary HD nt_rec.zip TIRAMISU for NTFS v2.03 - Sophisticated Data Recovery nt4fat32.zip FAT32 driver for WinNT4 ntcopy.zip NTCopy v1.1 - Utility for copying NTFS volumes ntexpl.zip DiskExplorer for NTFS v4.32 - Disk Editor for Win9x+ ntfs.zip NTFS - Tol to change password of NT user and to access NT file ntfs_003.zip NTFS-OS2 v0.03 - NTFS driver for OS/2 ntfs30r.zip NTFS File System Driver for DOS/Windows v3.02R+ (read-only) ntfs98ro.exe NTFS Driver for Win95/98 v2.0 Read Only ntfsflp.zip NTFS Floppy v1.0 - Enable NTFS on a floppy ntfsinfo.zip NTFSInfo v1.0 - Tool to show info about installed NTFS disks ntfspror.exe NTFSDOS Professional v4.01 Read Only - Tool enabling to read NTFS disks from plain DOS ntfsread.zip NTFS Reader v1.0 for Win95/98/Me oodefrag.exe O&O Defrag 2000 for WinNT/2000 free v3.5 - Disk defragmenter optidriv.exe Opti Drive Control v1.47 - Test and benchmark utility for optical drives os2hdd.zip OS/2 Distributive Disks Extractor os2fat32.zip FAT32 IFS driver v0.91 for OS/2 pagedfrg.zip PageDefrag for WinNT/2000 - Defragmenter of files opened for exclusive access parbakup.zip Parity Backup v1.0.0 - Free Backup Tool park.zip PARK v1.1.0 - HD heads parking utility park13.zip PARK v1.3 - Safe HD Parker parkdale.zip Parkdale v3.03 - Disk speed benchamrk tool parteaid.zip PARTAID v1.0 - Simple DOS partition copy tool partinfo.zip PartInfo v1.01 - Util to show all partitions of the hard disk partitio.zip Display Partition Table partitv1.zip Partit - The Partition Cluster Analyzer partitz.zip PARTIT - Program to delete partition table entries, restore IPL of erase MBR on HD partstar.zip Partition Star v2.01 - Harddisk Partitioner for Win32 patch137.zip High Capacity Disk Patch Program for Win98/98SE/ME pfd_11a.zip Floppy Disk Protector v1.1 alpha - Russian FD util phcd3.zip PHCD v3.0 - Phantom CD Finder phdx.zip Hard Disk Transfer from PC to PC via Parallel Ports pn_cdb21.zip CD-Bench v2.1 - Benchmark for CD-ROM drives poweriso.exe PowerISO v7.8 - CD/DVD image file processing tool (32-bit) powrxiso.exe PowerISO v7.8 - CD/DVD image file processing tool (64-bit) presz134.zip Partition Resizer v1.34 - Nondestructive Partition Manipulator prtit.zip PartIt v2.03 - Util to partition large files across multiple diskettes pseucd02.zip PseudoCD Package - CD ROM Emulator pu170050.zip PU_1700 Beta v5.0 - Set of powerful Russian floppy utils (high density drivers,copy,format...) psect13.zip Putsect v1.3 - Write file to sector pwk4009.zip Path Walker v4.00 - Windows File Lister qbench.zip QBench v1.3 - HD Benchmark by Quantum qcop51.zip QCopy v5.1 - Floppy disk duplication and format util qdimark.zip QDI - HD Benchmark qdrv12.zip Quickdrive v1.2 - Tool for quick access to drives qf01.zip Quick Format v0.1 raid.zip RAID Reconstructor v4.40 - Tool to help to recover data from broken RAID Level 0/5 Array raind121.zip RainDOS v1.21 - DEC's Rainbow DOS diskette driver by Sydex rambodsk.zip RamboDisk v2.07 by MSD ramdisc.zip Ramdisk v1.3 for Win95/98/Me/2000 ramdrive.zip RAMDRIVE v2.10 by NVA ramsave.zip RamDisk Saver v1.1 - Copy RAM Disk to HD when rebooting raread02.zip RAREAD v0.2 - Program for writing images that can be written back to a floppy disk with RAWRITE ratooll.zip Ratool v1.4 (Removable Access tool) - Control of external storage devices such as USB flash drives, CD/DVD drives etc. rawdsk14.zip RAWDISK.SYS v1.4 - For accessing parts of disk like a file rawnt10.rar Raw Write for WinNT v1.0 rddmon.zip RDD Monitor v3.05 - Real Disk Drive Monitoring System ramdnt15.zip RamDisk'NT v1.5 - Windows NT RAM Disk Software ramdxp19.zip RamDisk'XP v1.9 - Windows XP RAM Disk Software rbmon.zip ReadyBoost Monitor v1.0.6 - Tool for monitoring activity of ReadyBoost cache for Windows Vista rd9xme15.zip RamDisk'9x/Me v1.5 - Windows 9x/Me RAM Disk Software rdfind22.zip RAMDFIND v2.2 - RAM Disk Locator recffd.zip Recover Fixed/Floppy Disk v1.2a - Sector Level Data Recovery from Hard Disk Drives and Floppy Disks recv301.zip Reclaim It! v3.0.1 - Disk Deduplicator remi114e.zip REMI v1.14 - Command Eject/Open/Close of removable media remo02.zip Removable v0.02 - Removable media presence checker rep128.zip Replicator for DOS v1.28 - Disk Image Catalog Utility repoman.zip RepoMan v1.01 - Hard Disk Real-Time Analyzer repw203.zip Replicator for Windows v2.03 - Disk Image Catalog Util rescue64.exe WinRescue95 v10.x - Backs up, cleans up and restores Win95 rescue81.exe WinRescue98 v5.x - Backs up, cleans up and restores Win98 rest2514.exe Restoration - File Undelete/Wiping Tool for Win95-XP recovr98.zip Recover98 v3.1 - Undelete and disk/file repair program for W9x recovrnt.zip RecoverNT v3.1 - Undelete and disk/file repair program for Win95/98/NT revive.zip Revive v1.0 - A floppy disk recovery util rfd14.zip Recover Fixed/Floppy Disk v1.4 for DOS/Win rmap20.zip RMAP v2.0 - DLL for mapping Netware drives rmd500.zip RAMDRIVE v5.00 - Ramdisk program rsrepair.zip Repair Utility for Rockwell Software Master Disks v1.0 rufus313.exe Rufus v3.13 - Tool that helps format and create bootable USB flash drives sabdu292.zip SAB Diskette Utility v2.92 for Windows safekb11.zip SafeKeeper Backup v1.1 (32-bit) - Backup utility for Win95 safpak21.zip SAFEPACK v2.1 - Disk Defragmenter savepart.zip Partition Saving v2.91 - Save and restore HD partitions sc20.zip Super Copy v2.0 - Backup Tool for Win98-XP sc2000.zip Second Copy 2000 v6.2.0.37 - Backup tool for Win9x/NT scancd32.zip ScanCD v2.03 - CD-ROM disk tester for Win32 scat27.zip SCAT v2.7 - Fixes Damaged Diskettes scn2_3.zip Scanner v2.3 - HD usage visualization util scncd102.zip ScanCD v1.02+ - CD Tester scrub16.zip SCRUB v1.6 - Diskette driver heads cleaning util scsit103.zip SCSI TOOL - Util to test common SCSI devices for DOS/Win95 sdformat.exe SD Card Formatter v5.0.1 for Windows by Tuxera Inc. sdk301.zip Safety Disk v3.01 - Back up program by Hyperware sdm11.zip ScanDisk Manager v1.1 for Win95 sec-acc7.zip Sector Access v1.7 - Copy/save, replace or view any disk sector sectedit.zip Roadkil's Sector Editor v1.21 - Allows to edit/search/copy disk sectors sector10.zip Sector v1.0 - Disk sector viewer secttest.exe Sector Tester v1.1 - Media tester for Win32 seedee13.zip SeeDee v1.3 - CD disk tester sel372.zip SizeExplorer Lite v3.7 - Disk space manager sep385.zip SizeExplorer Pro v3.85 - Disk space manager ser37.zip SizeExplorer Report Generator v3.7 serino_2.zip Serino - Floppy/HD Serial Number Changer sf41.exe SpeeDefrag v4.1 - Tool to defragment HD and restart sfmt20.zip SFORMAT v2.0 - Diskette formater sftynt36.zip Safety Net v3.6 - Backup Utility for Windows sgatfmt4.zip Seagate Format Drive Utility v4.0 shado201.zip Shadow v2.01 - Win95/98 Backup/Synchronization Utility showf251.zip SHOWFAT v2.51 - FAT Analyser shwmn512.zip ShowMan v5.1.2 - Win95/NT program to help recover disk space sibejon.zip SiBejon v1.20 - Floppy disk cleaner for Win95/98/NT sided102.zip SIDED v1.02 - Small IDE Diagnostics sigl16.exe S.M.A.R.T. IDE Guardian Lite v1.6 - HD health monitor sig17.exe S.M.A.R.T. IDE Guardian v1.7 - Hard disk health monitor sk475s.zip HyperDisk SpeedKit v4.75 from HyperWare slack410.zip SLACK v4.1 - Wasted disk space calculator for DOS/Win95 slack50b.zip SLACK v5.0beta - Wasted disk space calculator for Win95 slate10.zip CLEAN SLATE v1.0 - Resets HD to un-partioned form sleep12.zip Sleep v1.2 - HD Sleeper space267.zip SPACE v2.67 - DiskSpace Checker for Win32 by ROSE spacem36.zip SpaceManager v3.60 - Disk deduplicator smartm10.zip SMARTMEM v1.0 - SmartDrive 4.0-5.0 cache memory resizer smartmon.exe S.M.A.R.T. Monitoring Tools v7.1 - Disk Inspection and Monitoring Tool for Windows smartudm.zip SMARTUDM v2.00 - HDD S.M.A.R.T. Viewer smax4.zip SMAX v4.0b - Driver for MAXI Style Disks smrtdfg3.exe SmartDefrag 3.0 - Tool to defragment harddisk in background smsync.exe SmartSync v1.6 - Folders synchronization util for Win32 smtcat19.zip SmartCat Plus v1.9 - Windows Disk Cataloger snpro64.zip Safety Net Pro v6.4 - Backup Utility for Win32 spcman31.zip SPACEMAN99 v3.1 - Disk space manager for Win95-XP spindn12.zip SPINDOWN v1.2 - IDE disk sleeper spinup.zip SPINUP v1.0 - SCSI CDROM "stay-awake" utility spndwn12.zip SPINDOWN v1.2 - CDROM drives spindown / timeout values setter spydir30.zip SpyDir v3.0 - Disk Statistics Program srdsk208.zip ReSizable RAMDisk v2.08 ssdtweak.zip SSD Tweaker v4.0.1 - Tool to optimize SSD settings for Windows stacpswd.zip Stacker Password Decipherer v1.02 startest.zip Startest v1.0 - MBR/Boot tracker stbfp20.zip STBFP v2.0 - Save the BOOT, FAT and PARTITION syncer.zip Syncer! v1.0 - Win95 Directories Synchronization Utility tbncd.zip TBNCD v1.7 - A CD-ROM Simulator for HDD tcpy203c.zip TurboCopy v2.03c tdisk10.zip TestDisk v1.0 - Bad Sector HD Tester tdsk23.zip TURBODSK v2.3 - Freeware Resizable RAM Disk tdsk23sr.zip TURBODSK v2.3 - Source code teled212.zip TeleDisk v2.12 - FD copier and FD image archiver testdir.zip TestDir - CD-ROM disk tester for Win95/NT tm33_16.zip TransMac v3.3 (16-bit) - Windows util for accessing MAC disk drives tmac142.zip TransMac v14.2 - Windows utility for accessing MAC disks tmap102.zip TMAP v1.02 - Disk Fragmentation Map track0.zip Track0 v3.0 - TSR for using track-0-defective floppies track0re.zip Track 0 Rectifier Floppy Diskette Util v5.0 trans203.zip Transfer v2.03 - Hard disk subsystem benchmark transx95.zip Transfer95 - Win95 Backup Utility treesize.exe TreeSize v4.42 - Utility for visualization of folders size tdsk72d.zip TestDisk v7.2-WIP for DOS/Win9x - Partition/boot sector checker tdsk72w.zip TestDisk v7.2-WIP for Windows 32-bit - Partition/boot sector checker tdsk72wx.zip TestDisk v7.2-WIP for Windows 64-bit - Partition/boot sector checker trubrn72.exe True Burner v7.2 - CD/DVD/BD burner for Windows tweak16.zip TWEAK v1.6 - Diskette Drives Accelerator uata66.zip UATA66 v2.5 - Utility to enable/disable Ultra ATA/66 support by Seagate ui2.zip UNIMAGE v2.0 - HD-Copy & DiskDupe image files manipulator uiso9_pe.exe UltraISO v9.7.5 - Tool for CD/DVD image file creation, editing and conversion tool ultradef.exe UltraDefrag v4.4 - Freeware disk defragmenting tool ultradef.zip UltraDefrag v4.4 - Portable version of the defragmenting tool udefg714.exe UltraDefrag v7.1.4 - 32-bit version of disk defragmenting tool udefg714.zip UltraDefrag v7.1.4 - Portable 32-bit version of disk defragmenting tool udfgx714.exe UltraDefrag v7.1.4 - 64-bit version of disk defragmenting tool udfgx714.zip UltraDefrag v7.1.4 - Portable 64-bit version of disk defragmenting tool umtlv10.zip Urthman's Maintenance Tool v1.00 - Run Scandisk and Defrag in Controlled Sequence unddi104.zip Unpack DiskDupe DDI and other disk images for DOS/Linux/OS2 (incl. source code) undsk12.zip Undisker v1.2 - Powerful disk image creator/manager for Win32 uneraser.zip Active @ UNERASER for DOS v2.0 - NTFS/FAT partition restorer unmnt10.zip MNT/UNMOUNT - Windows NT utils for drives removing from system unsnag14.zip Unjam a Colorado Tape after a Crash unxmat08.zip Unformat v0.8 - Unformats quick-formatted hard disks updat207.zip Update v2.07 - Workstation HD Mirroring Software for W95 upg222.zip Hard Drive Upgrader - HD duplicator with FAT16/FAT32 conversion usbit.zip USB Image Tool v1.81 - Tool that can create images of USB flash drives and MP3 players vcd14.zip Virtual CD Manager v1.4 - Virtual Disk Driver/GUI vcdx38.zip Virtual CDROM Extension v3.8 - Virtual CD-ROM file handler for Win95-XP vcpdsk20.zip VCP-to-DISK v2.0 - VGA-Copy support utility vcr352-3.zip Victoria for DOS v3.52 - HDD information and diagnostic tool vcr43win.rar Victoria for Windows v4.3 - HDD information and diagnostic tool victoria.zip Victoria v5.36 - Tool for HDD/SDD testing and discovering by Sergei Kazanski - hdd.by vdc.zip Virtual Drive Creator v2.0.1 - DOS SUBST command like util for Win32 vec130.zip VEC v1.30 - Disk/diskette volume label edit and copy util verdsk11.zip VerDisk v1.1 - Win3.1 Floppy Checker vfat_005.zip VFAT-OS2.IFS - File system driver vgacp625.zip VGA-Copy/386 v6.25 - Floppy Disk Duplication Software (now freeware!) vgadp202.zip VGA-Dupe v2.02 - HD Copying Utility (in German) virdrvmr.zip Virtual Drive - Allow to set an unused drive letter to specific directory virtlcd.zip VirtualCD - 32-bit SUBST v1.4 - Virtual drive for any folder creation util vobspl11.zip VobSplitter v1.1 - DOS program to extract a part of .vob file from DVD disc vol500.zip VOLLABEL v5.00 - Improved LABEL command volman.arj VolMan v1.03 - Volume Label and Serial Number Disk Manager vram110t.zip VRAMDIR v1.10 - 32bit virtual RAM file system driver for Win95 w0byte10.zip W0BYTE v1.0 - Util to create CD-rips wasp.zip WasteOfSpace - Identifies wasted space on HD wastdv20.zip WASTED v2.0 - Utility for checking cluster size wasted20.zip Wasted v2.0 - Cluster size checker wd222.zip WinDupe v2.22 - Windows Diskette Duplicator wd_clear.zip WD HD Cleaner wima1630.zip Winimage v3.00 - 16bit Windows disk imager winbak13.zip Blackboard Backup Interface for WinNT v1.3 winima81.zip Winimage v8.10 - 32bit Windows disk imager winiso53.exe WinISO v5.3 - Util to convert CD/ROM image file format(s) and extract/edit image files directly winiso64.exe WinISO 6.4.1 - Converts BIN to ISO and more winraid.zip RAID Recovery for Windows V4.00 - Recovery tool for RAIDs in a RAID-0 or RAID-5 winsd98.zip WinSafe98 v2.0 - Win95/98 Bootup Files Backup wintohdd.exe WinToHDD v5.0 - Install, Reinstall, Clone Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista & Windows Server without CD/DVD/USB Drive wipe12.zip WIPE v1.2 pro - Polish FD Wiper wnrsq2kz.exe WinRescue 2000 v2.x - Backs up, cleans up and restores Win 2000 wnrsqmez.exe WinRescue ME v1.x - Backs up, cleans up and restores Win ME wnrsqntz.exe WinRescue NT v2.x - Backs up, cleans up and restores Win NT x2file15.zip X2File v0.15 - DDI and DCF files extraction utility xbkp1900.zip XPRESSBACKUP v1.9.0.0 - Backup and restore util for Win32 xclone13.zip XCLONE v1.3 - Disk/dir copy tool xd.zip .DDI and .DCF images extraction utility xddi181.zip XDDI v1.81 - DDI Shell Utility (in Russian) xmat062.zip FORMAT v0.6 Pre 2 - Prepares a disk with a file system xmpc100.zip XMS Mass Production v1.00 - Diskcopy replacement xpburn.zip XPBURN for WinXP and EASY ISO CREATOR for Win95-XP v1.1 zarsfx.zip Zero Assumption Recovery v6.1.0 - Extract data from damaged drive to another medium zback160.zip Zback v1.60 - Portable backup tool zdu221.zip Zdu v2.2.1 - Disk usage/info utility zip_rec.zip TIRAMISU for ZIP drives v1.01 - Sophisticated Data Recovery zipproj.zip ZipProjects v1.00 - Backup program zpbck10.zip Zip Backup to CD v1.0 - Backup Utility for Win32 zprt111.zip ZPart v1.11 - Utility to compress/decompress entire disk partitions (DOS 32-bit)