OrangeModules 3.6.1                                  10 october, 1997

This is a patch for a quake server ( not QuakeWorld ).  It contains
the following upgrades:

  admin           - remote administration:
                    allows level changes, kicking players, environment
		    changes, etc ...
  burn            - burning:
                    sets people on fire if hurt a lot.
  ctf             - capture the flag:
                    a cut down version of threewave's ctf, plays
		    ctf on normal levels, and ctf levels.
		    impulse 23 - status of ctf game
  drone           - drones ( a sort of homing missile ):
                    on the grenade ( twice ), a homing missile, using
		    the vore missile model, can and will lock onto
		    player.  when missile has lock the gold key is lit
		    up in the player console.
  exitrules       - exit ( a level ) rules:
                    stops people from exiting levels, unless criterion
		    have been met.  sends a 50,000 blow to exiters!

  holo            - holoquake ( aka holoduke ):
                    remember the holoduke, here's one for quake.  stands
		    firing, uses 10 energy cells, only one allowed.
		    impulse 99 - create holoquake

  hook            - grapple hook:
		    much better version than that silly mace on ctf.
		    the impulses for this are 'stuffed' to players so
		    all they have to do is bind a key to +hook.
		    impulse 98 - fire hook
		    impulse 97 - release hook

  init            - initialization:
                    useful for when skins are used, this stuffs 'init'
		    to players, which they can use to change their skin
		    to what ever they prefer.
  kicksuicider    - kick suicider:
                    ( temporarily removed )
		    doesn't work properly, but supposed to kick players
		    who suicide more than twice in two minutes.
  levelselect     - level selector: 
                    very handy module which can define how the levels are
		    played.  the levels played can be different for ctf.
		    some examples are provided, includes random levels.
  lightning       - lightning:
                    ( temporarily removed )
		    makes lightning gun less powerful under water, and
		    improves sound.
  messages        - messages:
                    removes those silly messages, like you have picked
		    up a rocket launcher.
  motd            - message of the day:
                    the login screen of the server, now features changing
		    messages.  unfortunately almost never read.
  observer        - observer:
                    handy module, when players first join game they are
		    in an observer mode in which they can observe the 
		    action without taking part.  uses jump to get into
		    the action ( can be replaced with fire ).
  protect         - protection:
                    those yellow dots, new players are invulnerable for
		    5 seconds, unless they pick up a weapon or fire.
  rank            - ranking:
                    produces a nice little table displaying frags / deaths
		    suicides and rank.  type rank in the console while alive.
  random          - random objects:
                    randomizes placings of objects, there are object groups
		    and each object in that group is randomly placed.  its
		    there to stop campers, and to help people who don't know
		    the level too well.
  runes           - runes ( new module ):
                    all those lovely runes from ctf haved popped into this
		    patch.  double damage, 1/2 received damage, double firing
		    speed, and regeneration.  also rune box shows which runes
                    are currently available.
  serverconsole   - server console:
                    a less verbose version of console output to the servers
		    console.  plus here logging commands have been added, this
		    can be changed to taste.
  serverhelp      - server help:
                    details about server environment, like gravity, sv_aim,
		    max_speed.  can be changed to users preference.

  shells          - ejected shells:
                    ( temporarily removed )
  shrapnel        - shrapnel ( from rocket ):
                    a sort of phosphor rocket launcher, press your rocket
		    button twice.  when activated silver key is shown on
		    player console.

  skin            - player skins:
                    allows client-side skin patches to be used.  
		    impulse 200 - next skin
		    impulse 201 - previous skin

  vote            - voting rules:
                    if people are bored of the level, then just vote-exit.
		    allows players some choice in levels, and exit-rules.
  weldgun         - weldgun ( or that gun which fires firery things ):
                    on the nailgun once, once selected silver key is shown
     		    in console.  hit someone enough and they burst into fire.
                    select nailgun twice for the normal nailgun ( like why? ).

added to this code are the DropRing and DropQuad functions as implemented in
the new QuakeWorld progs.dat file.


. modulary nature of patch is kikh as there are too many functions, having
  to make more inline to cope.

. the server patch came to the functional limit of QuakeC, and hence the
  ejected shells ( very useless ), kicksuicider, and lightning modules
  have been removed.  the monsters have already been removed.
. kicksuicider was disabled as on ctf players were being kicked for no
  reason at all, the reason the kicksuicider module was playing up.

. the ctf login has been improved as the display disappeared after a time,
  but can still not appear after a level change.

. you can't tell which flag ( or if ) you are carrying as the keys are being
  used by the weldgun, shrapnel, and drones modules.



3.6.1   - <released> upgrade from Neuromancer
	. upgrades from server modules ...12
	. a few typos
3.6	- <released>
	. added DropQuad and DropRing from qw
	. doubled up the speed of the grappling hook
3.5.1	- <released>


  Jet @ Club.Louise, member of Clan Scion - me,      

  Neuromancer -

  Johannes Plass - author ServerModules,

  Bort - author of holoquake
  Zoid - author of capture the flag
  authors of qranking / qwrap / qnick - check out Urdsgjallar
  authors of QkrMods - bits of the runes module

and finally:

  more documentation can be found in docs directory.
