SIMITAR plug-ins #1 featuring invisible feinds and shapeshifting blobs AUTHOR: Seth "The Serpent Lord" Galbraith of Simitar ARCHIVE: CONTENTS: simitar.bat simitar\progs.dat simitar\simitar.txt simitar\src\demon.qc simitar\src\tarbaby.qc TYPE OF MOD: Quake C only INSTALLATION: Unzip recursively into the Quake directory. Enter the following line "quake -game simitar +map e4m6" or just run the simitar.bat DOS batch file. DESCRIPTION: Shapeshifters and invisible monsters. These are two of the most commonly requested Quake monsters. Blobs in this patch look like armor, weapons, keys, power-ups, or health and ammo boxes until they get hit and return to their normal blob form. Only the eyes of the feinds (actually player eyes) are visible until they get hit. These two .QC modules should be very easy to combine with other Quake modifications. The modified sections of code are marked "by SRG of Simitar" I may have made two very cool monsters a little cooler, or I may have made two very annoying monsters a lot more annoying. Either way, I have succeeded. ALSO BY SIMITAR: Squawk TC and CyberDawn TC Visit our web page ( to find out where to get alpha tests of these TCs and check out our Squawk Role-Playing-Game while you're there. PERMISSION: We reserve all rights that we don't explicitly give up. You can copy all or part of this mod, and you can modify and play it any way you want for no profit. You must give credit to Simitar and give the address of our WWW home page if you redistribute the mod or include it in a compilation. You must have our permission to charge any money for this mod or a derivative of it, beyond the cost of distributing it. SOME IDEAS ABOUT HOW THE MOD COULD BE IMPROVED: Ultimate Blobs - Blobs should be able to split in two when they have 2 potential targets. and blobs with very low health should automatically fuse with other blobs when they touch. You could also make 2 sizes of blobs and have big blobs split into smaller smaller ones. the smaller blobs would cause less damage when they exploded, which is a good reason to have them fuse together when they take damage. A shapeshifting monster that looks like a player and mimics your skin and colormap might also be cool. Multiple animated models for blobs (such as a blob that becomes humanoid and moves like a human) would be slightly tricky, but not extremely difficult. Invisible Anything - You could use an unused feild to indicate that a monster (of any class) should be invisible. The walkmonster_start and similar functions in monsters.qc could be modified to make such monsters invisible (eyes.mdl) and the T_Damage function in combat.qc could be modified to make them visible when hit or killed.