º  Title : Portal Gun º

Filename  : PORTAL10.zip
Version   : 1.00

Date      : 4/1/97

Author    : Howard Roy

Other mods: Killer Quake Pack 1.0
          : Air Strike 1.0
            Disc 1.35
            Mini Cannon 2.0
            4 Barrelled Shotgun 1.0

Email     : Howard@mortimer.com

Web Page  : http://www.mpog.com/kqp/

Credits   : ID Software <- well, no ID, no Quake. Simple.

º  Type of Mod  º

Quake C  : yes          <- Yep, I did the code,
Sound    : yes          <- and the sound effects
MDL      : yes          <- AND the model with skin - all by myself. |8^)

º  Format of Quake C  º

unified diff  : no
context diff  : no
.qc files     : no
progs.dat     : yes

º  Description of the Modification  º

The Portal gun is a weapon that once fired upon any solid surface, will
open a portal that allow one to WALK THROUGH.

This "weapon", or should I say equipment, gathers warp energy from its
surrounding, and when enough warp power has been charged, it'll fire
a beam of warp energy upon the solid surface you're facing.

If the surface you're firing at is not solid, (e.g. a door, or a openable
wall, other movable objects, etc), the warp energy cannot focus and
it will fail to open up a portal.

Otherwise, you'll see the warp energy focused on a spot, and in a short
moment, depends on the thickness of the wall you've fired the Portal Gun
upon, it'll open up a portal on it.

However, If the wall/surface is too thick or there is no exit on the
other side of the wall/surface, the warp energy will not be strong
enough to penatrate the surface and thus failed to open up a portal.
The warp energy will focus for 5 seconds beforing failing to open the

Once a portal has been opened, you may be able to pass through it, yet
it the exit of the portal is blocked by some other solid object (e.g
another surfact at an angle), you still cannot get through. An opened
portal can last for 10 seconds.

Once you've fired the portal gun, you'll need to wait for it to recharge
its warp power before you can use it again. Moreover, you cannot open
more than one portal at a time.

Lastly, since the portal gun is a shotgun type weapon, even though it
doesn't require any shells to fire, you'll need at least one shell
before you could switch to the Portal Gun.

If you want to get the source of Portal Gun, please contact me at


º  Brief summary of features  º

New weapons  Ammo Scale*   Description     (* 1 is least powerful, 5 is most)
(Ammo cost : S = shells, N = nails, R = rockets, C = cells)

Portal Gun     0S - (3) It can open a portal on walls to let you get through.

º  How to use Modification  º

Press 2 (or impulse 2) twice to switch to the Portal Gun, or enter
Impulse 100 to switch to the weapon directly.

º  How to Install the Modification  º

goto Quake dir
make a sub dir named something like PORTAL
unzip everything with -d into that sub dir
run quake with the -game option


C:\>cd quake

C:\Quake>md PORTAL

C:\Quake>cd PORTAL

C:\Quake\PORTAL>unzip -d PORTAL10.ZIP

... unzip files ...

C:\Quake\PORTAL>cd ..

C:\Quake>Quake -game PORTAL

If you're running under Windows 95, and have more than 8 MB of ram,
try to run Quake with this command :

C:\Quake>Quake -game PORTAL -winmem 12

(If you have more than 16 MB of ram, replace 12 with something bigger)

That's it.

º  IMPULSE Commands  º

Brief IMPULSE commands summary :
(please refer to the text files mentioned above for full info)

Impulse 100  Switch to Portal Gun instantly.

** Use the BIND command to make your life easier, example :

BIND A "impulse 100"

º  Technical Details  º

Known Bugs:

þ None so far ...

þ * The change weapon bug in previous versions has been fixed.

º  Future Enhancements  º

þ Can't think of any right now, let me know if you've any.

Please email me at howard@mortimer.com with any suggestions for

º  Revision History  º

Version 1.0

þ Initial release

º  Contacting Author  º

As mentioned above, my email address is :


I also have a personal web site located at :


º  Copyright and Distribution Permissions  º

þ Authors MAY use these modifications as a basis for other
publically available work.  Please send me any modifications
you make!

þ If you have used part of this patch (code, model or sound) in
your own patch, please give credits to the authors who have made
them - including myself. Thank you.

þ If you ever need to use any single frame of the player model
included in this patch, please first contact me and get my permission,
cuz I've spend many hours of hard work to re-model those 3D player
models, thanx.

þ You may distribute this Quake modification in any electronic
format as long as this description file remains intact and unmodified
and is retained along with all of the files in the archive.

þ This patch can NOT be distribute on ANY product PRODUCED or even
RELATED to a lame company called Actura.