PSYCHOBOT VER.2 An mdl Skin replacement for use with Steven Polge's REAPER BOTs. Turns player.mdl into an Angry, rusting Cyborg. Turns h_player.mdl into exposed cyberbrain. Turns gib1-2 into psychobot leavin's. Changes since last release; GIB1, GIB2, H_PLAYER have been included. Some minor touch ups. To use; Create directory \progs in your \rpbot directory, then put ZIP contents in to it. Run QUAKE [quake -game rpbot] Type P in the game to enable skins. Type B, and then show the PSYCHOBOT what a Monster Truck **skicking is! PSYCHOBOT was made by Kenneth Scott Feedback always welcome. Other files by author include; NEWFACE.wad for DOOM2 REMORSE.wad """""""""""" Beta tested by; Steve (Omnedon) Logan and CHAR/