You hopefully now have SpctrRA2.bsp and an arena.cfg with my recommended settings. This is a Rocket Arena 2 for Quake2 level, if you try to use it as a regular DM level it will be all messed up (so don't ;) ). Clients: just put it in your baseq2/maps folder and it should work Servers: you know what to do :) Author: Specter (currently of clan *DI*), I'm new at this so if you see me online don't bitch at me about how much you hate my level please. I made this level with Death Match Maker2, a relatively annoying program so there may be few minor visual oddities related to the fact that it doesn't give you much control over how it makes the walls for rooms and such. It is good for learning though so if you want to try level editing but don't know where to start you might want to look into it. Compile times: Qbsp3 32sec Qvis3 33min 8sec Qrad3 -extra 2hours 52min 9sec on a pII 233mHz with 64megs ram Build time: God knows, weeks, months?!?, hehe Harlequin Death is the First level I ever made (really, for anything) and it is stuck in here as an arena (hey I like it :p ) so maybe build time should be over a year (about how long I've been at this editing thang). Notes: This is the first level I have released, it took me a good while to make but I am happy with the result. I feel that it is every bit as much fun to play as any other RA2 level out there, even more so than some. So don't complain about it not being pretty enough or something, my focus is and always will be gameplay. One of my pet peeves is fancy schmancy level designers who put cute little frames on their doors so you can't strafe into them along the wall and you get blown away (ooooooh I hate that)! None of that here, run, shoot, navigate backwards, have fun, :) . I am not aware of any bugs in this map (hope hope hope). My email address at the moment is, I will probably transfer after the 98/99 school year though. Encouragement is always appreciated. umm.. I think that is all you need to know. OH, and don't sell, or mess with, or do stuff like that to this level without my permission!