Name of skin : Lara Croft Skins, skin for Sydney plug in player model Date : May 6, 1998 Author : Dion Isgro / Rage [DL] E-mail : Files included ----------- Lara2.pcx Lara2_i.pcx Wet.pcx wet_i.pcx Jacket.pcx Jacket_i.pcx About skin ------ Well sydney had been about about a week and I was waiting for a decent lara skin when I saw the first one..I almost wanted to spit on my screen. Since I am getting a little burned out on quake2, I did not want to spend all day doing a skin so I copyed parts of lara from previous female model skins of lara and fit them in to the skin. I hope the original authors dont get pissed that I used there art work..but I belive this is the Most true to Tomb Raider skin of lara croft so far. Wet skin is lara wearing her wetsuit from tombraider 2. Jacket is lara wearing the bomber jacket from tombraider 2. INSTALLATION ------------ Winzip or Pkunzip into your c:\quake2\baseq2\players\sydney Dir. Rember U must have the sydney model for this to work!! NOTES ----- Please distrubute this skin throught the web.. Feel free to use skin as a base for others.