New Environmet Map for Quake 2 --------------------------------------------------------- ARCHIVE NAME AUTHOR ghost CONTACT NOTES Provide Map Designers with a different Sky for their custom maps. DESCRIPTION Used the six sides of the Lament Configuration for the sky FTP You should be able to obtain this archive from : INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------- OPEN GL IMAGES No(this makes it smaller. Convert to .tga for gl) SOFTWARE IMAGES Yes PROGRAMS USED Photoshop 3.01 Paint Shop Pro INSTRUCTIONS/USAGE --------------------------------------------------------- Unzip ALL the .PCX files to the : /QUAKE2/BASEQ2/ENV/ directory. Start Quake 2. Start a New Single Player or Multi Player game. At the console type : sky box Then have a look around at the windows and outdoor areas. You should see the Q2 Skies replaced with the new ones. CONDITIONS/PERMISSIONS --------------------------------------------------------- I did this because it seemed like a neat idea. It belongs to the Hellraiser people,Clive Barker and id software so don't use it for commercial purposes.