ROOK'S QUAKE2 CONFIGURATION SCRIPTS by Riccardo "Rook" Rocchi e-mail These are my configs for Quake2 DM, Threewave CTF and Loki's Minion Tournament Edition. To use it simply unzip in C:\ if your copy of Quake2 is in the c:\quake2 folder. After this you can type on the console exec rook.cfg to exec the script, or you can make an autoexec.cfg file that you can put in your baseq2 folder to launch the script automatically. If you don't have a Voodoo2 card, remember to delete the "Voodoo2 Settings Section". The setup is in the popular "esdf" format where "e" is for forward, "s" is for strafe left etc. The weapons go from "1" to "5" as default and from "q" to "t" for the heavy weapons except the bfg that is on the key "a". From "z" to "v" there are some quick shortcut. The "shift" is for the zoom and "backspace", "enter" and "Ctrl" are for say team, say and togglechat. Wave keys are from "INS" to Page Down. "i" and "o" are for record and stop a demo. For CTF and LMCTF there are some special keys like communication bind and grapple alias. The communication shortcut are on the numeric pad. To use it in LMCTF press Keypad enter and a menu for the radio bindings will appear on the screen, now you can press the number to launch the radio message. Press Keypad plus and it will appear the voice menu, press a number to launch the voice message. Now press Keypad minus and a say team menu will appear, chose the number and the say team will be launched. In Threewave CTF radio commands are say team. To use the grapple in Threewave CTF keep press the Mouse3, fire and, when done, release Mouse3 to switch to your best weapon. These configs are provided "as is", so backup your config first. Any question or comments will be appreciate. Have fun!