RealGlass - from The QuakeLab The QuakeLab - TEXTURES: NONE - The Windex company would be proud. :) ENTITIES: TRIGGER_ONCE or TRIGGER_MULTIPLE - it probably doesn't matter, the only difference between the two is that TRIGGER_ONCE is a TRIGGER_MULTIPLE with a fixed 'WAIT' value of '-1'. You also should have a 'dummy' entity for this trigger to target. (All triggers should have a target; otherwise QBSP will give you a WARNING...oooo, scary...) Use a LIGHT for the 'dummy' target. WHAT TO DO: Make a brush - any brush - or any joined combinations of brushes. This is to be the window. Designate the brush(es) to be TRIGGER_YOURCHOICE (you choose which one...:)) Give this window a 'HEALTH' of '9999999999999....etc." so that there is no way it will vanish - you'd use up a lot of ammo before destroying the window - unless you want the window to vanish after X number of hits. That's all there is to it. Read the Options below for extra pointers. OPTIONS: You can make a weapons-fire penetrable window (what the hell kind of window is that, anyway?) by making a brush and texturing it with the CLIP texture. You won't be able to walk through it though. RealGlass can neither be walked through nor shot through - it behaves like a transparent brush. However, a word of caution: Rockets/Grenades have splash damage - their effects will propagate through the window to the extent of their blast radii. You can offset this by making an extremely thick window, but it would have to be very thick (the window in the ZIP file is already quite thick, in my opinion. Gibs will go flying through the window, but they vanish in about ten seconds - don't worry about them. After all, this whole RealGlass thing was a serendipitous discovery made while I was designing explodable walls - I had previously given up after the CLIP texture business had gotten my hopes up.