Light Fixture Package - by Mark 'DR_Destructor' Rohrer, "QuakeLab Technician" The QuakeLab: TEXTURES: None in particular, but the WizMet* textures work well. ENTITIES: (a complete list of light entities is available in the Lighting section of The QuakeLab.) WHAT TO DO: This is a sample of light fixture components that you can extract from the MAP and put into a level. Select/multiselect collections of brushes as necessary and paste them into your own levels. OPTIONS/COMMENTS: I also hope that this can give you ideas on making your own light fixtures, because they can really add a lot of 'atmosphere' to a level. The skylight is a simple yet effective example of what designs in a skylight can do to light up an entire room. (It's actually what most of the ID designers do, if you look carefully.) Most of the light fixtures in this MAP are more suited towards medieval levels. However, there is a military fluorescent fixture made up of several brushes embedded into the ceiling, which still maintains a clear distinction between ceiling and fixture.