Reconstruction of the Military Base Doors from E1M1 of Quake ------------------------------------------------------------ I reconstructed the doors you find at the beginning of the level and the one past the bridge after you go down the lift. I made this so I could copy the door data into future levels I plan to create. Now you can add these doors to your own levels. DOORORIG.MAP = Original door construction (no door housings) before it was modified into MBDOOR and MBDOOR2. MBDOOR.MAP = First construction which corrected a visible line on the door. MBDOOR2.MAP = Second construction to show the doors could be built differently. Technical Information: ---------------------- MBDOOR Illustration: ----------------------------------- | / | | / | | (1) / (4) | | / | | / | |-----------------------------------| | / / | | (2) / (5) / | | / / | |---------------- / | | / | | / (6) | | / | | (3) / | | / | | / | ----------------------------------- MBDOOR.MAP doors are constructed very similar to the ones in E1M1 (like illustration above). I made a couple of polyhedron subtractions to door piece 6 by using door piece 5 first, then door piece 3. This gave door piece 6 one more side than the others. It solved the problem of a visible line you could see after building the map and running it in quake. I prefer this door construction. MBDOOR2 Illustration: ----------------------------------- | / | | / | | (1) / (4) | | / | | / | |-----------------------------------| | / | | (2) / (5) | | / | |-----------------------------------| | / | | / | | / | | (3) / (6) | | / | | / | ----------------------------------- The above illustration shows how I slightly modified the construction of the doors in MBDOOR.MAP. This returned door piece 6 to six sides and shrunk it slightly. Seemed a good alternate way to build it. More Info: ---------- Only change the thickness of the doors from the front sides. The other dimensions should remain the same. Align the door textures after you finish placing the doors. When you move the doors the textures scroll. In MBDOOR and MBDOOR2 the doors are setup as entrances to a small room. Added the room to enhance the look of the doors. If you can't copy the doors from these map files to your map file with a level editor, you can use the Dos COPY command to add them. To do this pick either MBDOOR.MAP or MBDOOR2.MAP, copy it to DOOR1.DAT and DOOR2.DAT, remove the unwanted data from each one and copy the door to your map file like this: Examples: COPY /A YOURMAP.MAP+DOOR1.DAT NEWMAP.MAP or COPY /A YOURMAP.MAP+DOOR2.DAT NEWMAP.MAP The included DOOR1.DAT and DOOR2.DAT files were taken from MBDOOR.MAP. Each .DAT file should have only one complete door in it. One set of doors open at angles 90 and 270. The others open at angles of 0 and 180. After copying the files together, your map will have an EOF (end of file) character. Some editors will remove it, and others will give an error message when loading the map. To fix the error load the MAP file into a text editor, go to the last character in the file, (should be a "}" ), go one space to the right of it, and hold the delete key for a couple seconds. Save the file and load it into the editor. The problem should be fixed. Closing: -------- If you copy any of these doors into a level, I would like to read about it. Please make a comment in a text file with your Quake level telling me you used the door data from one of the included map files and which door you preferred. As I download levels, I should find the messages. The feedback is appreciated. Please pass this file around so other level authors may benefit. I made my first Quake level. It's a deathmatch level called "Eminent Death". It's a simple level designed for quick frags. You can find it on as EDEATH.ZIP. Until next time, Jeff Tunink