Title:          Neighborhood Brawl
File:           neighbor.bsp
Author:         HS Xsniper (Michael Rogers)
Email Address:  itsjunks@hotmail.com
Icq:            1784145
URL:            http://members.tripod.com/~Junks/
Description:    This is my very first quake map.It is a little neighborhood with 3 houses and a computer building.There are some traps so watch out!

How to install: put the neighbor.bsp in your id1\maps directory

Play Information

Single Player           Yes!
Cooperative:            Sure!
Deathmatch:             Definitely


Editor:         DeathMatch Maker
Know Bugs:      You can see some of the monsters from outside the buildings.
Build Time:     3 days

In the future i hope to make a whole episode for quake using the same idea.

Tell me what you think of my first map.
Thanks to DeathMatch Maker,and ID Software for making Quake.

Anyone can edit this map,or use any part of it,just give me some credit for the design.This map cannot be put on any cds or be sold,it is public domain and u may distribute it freely.